5. Training Presentation

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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment

for Community Care Service Workers

Sustainability Home Audit Training

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Please refer to the guide for additional information. Some information will need updating, such as grants available, which change fairly regularly. Some information needs to be added, such as litres per person per day and waste per person in your area. Refer to the notes, which offer advise on where to source this information. We also suggest that if the audit form is going to be used to arrange further assistance for specific items e.g. maintenance staff to install retrofits, or showerheads to be arranged through the water retailers, that you add a slide about this just before the energy solutions slide. Due to copyright limitations many of the great photos that could be used to illustrate points cannot be included in this presentation. However, you might have access to suitable photos and we encourage you to include these into your presentations. A photo that illustrates a point is better than lots of words. Where we lack a suitable photo we have simply added a few words to illustrate the point, or to be a place holder for your photo or diagram. You will also note that we have tried to keep each slide to a separate topic. Bullet point lists such as this slide are boring and contain far to much information for a presentation. If you develop a slide like this one then the temptation is to read it word for word and the audience will have done that in the time you have said your first sentence and will know what your going to say for the rest of it Participants want to hear what you have to say not read lots off stuff off a slide. A handout is a better way to give detailed information. The information booklet and audit sheet form the handouts for this presentation. Delete this slide before giving your presentation! Good luck and have fun. If your having fun, then the participants are more likely too as well.

Notes to presenter

identifying possible solutions

home audits


background information

energy issues


Photo: NASA

Greenhouse Gases

Photo:Â Longhorndave

rising energy prices

efficient use does not mean going without

water issues Photo: Spiralz

166 litres per person per day




m r a t e e t r i a a ls w energy

Photo: Samuel Mann

of waste per person per year


underground water

contaminates soil

Stops land being used for other purposes leaching into groundwater

buried landfill

methane gas

Smart consumption

Home Audits

protect environment

maintain comfort

save clients $



Individual differences


The information booklet

This worksheet is for Community Service Care Workers, to use in the homes of their clients. It helps carers identify where and how energy and water are used and waste is produced in different parts of the home. The Audit outlines simple actions and home improvements to help clients live more comfortably, reduce energy and water use, save money on bills, and help the natural environment. Explanations of the recommendations in this document can be found in the Home Audit Information Booklet for Care Workers. The numbered sections correspond in the two documents for ease of reference. Each section covers a different part of the home where resources are used, e.g. In the Kitchen or Heating and Cooling. The majority of the suggested solutions or actions are no‐cost or low‐cost for the client. Larger possible retrofits or new appliances are in some cases listed in the Audit, for discussion when you think appropriate. There are also a number of selected home retrofits which are entirely free for the client, and which you can order for them on the Retrofit Job Order Form.

Care Worker Name: _______________________ Care Worker Phone No: ______________

Client Address: ________________________________________________________

Client Name: _______________________Client Phone No: _____________

Date: ________

Home Audit Worksheet



Yes Ö No – no action required


Is the hot water system set at a higher temperature than it needs to


How Water

temp at tap – should be no higher than 55°C.

Note: use thermometer to measure water

4.1.1 Set the hot water service to 60°C if it’s a storage hot water service (a large tank), or to 50°C or less if it is an instantaneous system (a small box on the wall).

Suggested Solution or Action

practise in your own home

after you complete a client’s home audit you…

1. Discuss with client 2. Send copy for data input 3. Copy form for clients file 4. Send copy to client’s family 5. Provide copy to client 6. Refer client to assistance coordinator

What are the top two areas of energy use in the home?

What are the top two areas of water use in the home?

Water heating 21%

Appliances 10%

Refrigerator 4%

Cooking 3%

Lighting 3%

Heating + Cooling 59%

Home energy use

and toilet



Home water use



Sustainability Solutions

1. GreenPower

2. Heating and cooling

2. Heating and cooling

2. Heating and cooling

o 24‐27 C in summer

o 19‐21 C in winter

2. Heating and cooling

What’s the best form of heating?

2. Heating and cooling


2. Heating and cooling

What’s the best form of cooling?

3. Insulation, draughts and windows


3. Insulation, draughts and windows

3. Insulation, draughts and windows

3. Insulation, draughts and windows

Stopping exhaust fan draughts

3. Insulation, draughts and windows


cold outside

air near window gets cooled and falls


cool air

warm air rises


cold outside

air near window gets cooled and falls


cool air


warm air rises

no pelmet allows air to slip behind curtain

3. Insulation, draughts and windows


3. Insulation, draughts and windows


cold outside



warm air rises

pelmet stops air slipping behind curtain

3. Insulation, draughts and windows

3. Insulation, draughts and windows

4. Hot water

Photo: eelke dekker

4. Hot water

4. Hot water

4. Hot water

Solar (gas boosted) 0.2 tonnes

Efficient gas instantaneous 0.7 tonnes

Efficient gas storage 0.9 tonnes

Heat pump storage 0.9 tonnes

Solar (electric boosted) 1.4 tonnes

Electric storage 3.4 tonnes

Greenhouse gas emissions from hot water systems

4. Hot water

5. Bathroom and toilet

5. Bathroom and toilet

5. Bathroom and toilet

5. Bathroom and toilet

5. Bathroom and toilet

Image: pjt56

6. In the laundry

6. In the laundry

6. In the laundry

7. In the kitchen

7. In the kitchen

7. In the kitchen

Photo: Alan Cleaver

7. In the kitchen

Photo: Nicole‐Koehler

7. In the kitchen

7. In the kitchen

7. In the kitchen

8. Standby energy and lights

8. Standby energy and lights

8. Standby energy and lights


Compact fluorescent

per light!



Source: Sustainability Victoria



Purchase and running costs for 8000 hours of use

9. Waste

9. Waste

Junk mail sticker

9. Waste

9. Waste

9. Waste

9. Waste

10. House cleaning

Appendix A: Grants and rebates

Any questions?

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