Energy and climate bingo cards

Page 1

Insulate the roof and walls

Switch to using GreenPower!

Seal any draughts

Use natural light where ever possible

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Check your fridge is 4°C

Insulate external hot water pipes

Turn down your house thermostat to 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Use a microwave to cook


Buy energy efficient appliances

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Double glaze your windows

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Consider installing solar hot water

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip. Install energy efficient light globes

Fit a water saving showerhead

Insulate the roof and walls

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Insulate external hot water pipes

Install energy efficient light globes

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Check your fridge is 4°C

Fit a water saving showerhead

Buy energy efficient appliances

Consider installing solar hot water

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Double glaze your windows

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Use a microwave to cook

Switch to using GreenPower! Seal any draughts Use natural light where ever possible Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Install energy efficient light globes

Insulate the roof and walls

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.


Use a microwave to cook

Seal any draughts

Buy energy efficient appliances

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Insulate external hot water pipes

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Use natural light where ever possible

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Fit a water saving showerhead

Check your fridge is 4°C

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack Double glaze your windows Only heat or cool the space you are in Switch to using GreenPower!

Switch to using GreenPower!

Double glaze your windows

Seal any draughts

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Consider installing solar hot water

Check your fridge is 4°C

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Use a microwave to cook

Install energy efficient light globes

Insulate external hot water pipes

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Insulate the roof and walls

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Buy energy efficient appliances

Fit a water saving showerhead

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

FREE BINGO SPACE! Only heat or cool the space you are in Install heavy curtains and blinds Use natural light where ever possible

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Use a microwave to cook

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Fit a water saving showerhead

Insulate external hot water pipes

Check your fridge is 4°C

Switch to using GreenPower!

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Insulate the roof and walls

Double glaze your windows

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Use natural light where ever possible


Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use Consider installing solar hot water Install energy efficient light globes Buy energy efficient appliances

Seal any draughts

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Check your fridge is 4°C

Buy energy efficient appliances

Seal any draughts

Use natural light where ever possible

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Double glaze your windows

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Insulate the roof and walls

Switch to using GreenPower!

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Install heavy curtains and blinds


Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Fit a water saving showerhead

Install energy efficient light globes

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Consider installing solar hot water

Insulate external hot water pipes Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use Use a microwave to cook When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero


Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Use a microwave to cook

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Buy energy efficient appliances

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Insulate the roof and walls

Switch to using GreenPower!

Fit a water saving showerhead

Double glaze your windows

Check your fridge is 4°C

Insulate external hot water pipes

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Use natural light where ever possible

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Install energy efficient light globes Consider installing solar hot water Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use Seal any draughts

Buy energy efficient appliances Seal any draughts Insulate the roof and walls

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Install energy efficient light globes

Double glaze your windows

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.


Use a microwave to cook

Switch to using GreenPower!

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Check your fridge is 4°C

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Use natural light where ever possible

Fit a water saving showerhead

Consider installing solar hot water

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Install heavy curtains and blinds Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Use a microwave to cook


Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Seal any draughts

Insulate external hot water pipes

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Install energy efficient light globes

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Buy energy efficient appliances

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Insulate the roof and walls

Check your fridge is 4°C

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Use natural light where ever possible

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Fit a water saving showerhead

Double glaze your windows Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack Consider installing solar hot water Switch to using GreenPower!

Use natural light where ever possible

Insulate the roof and walls

Use a microwave to cook

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Switch to using GreenPower!

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐27°C in summer.

Install energy efficient light globes

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Check your fridge is 4°C

Fit a water saving showerhead

Double glaze your windows

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack


Install heavy curtains and blinds

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Buy energy efficient appliances Consider installing solar hot water Seal any draughts Insulate external hot water pipes


Insulate the roof and walls

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Use a microwave to cook

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Seal any draughts

Use natural light where ever possible

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Double glaze your windows

Fit a water saving showerhead

Buy energy efficient appliances

Install energy efficient light globes

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Insulate external hot water pipes

Only heat or cool the space you are in

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Switch to using GreenPower!

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Check your fridge is 4°C Check your freezer is 15°C below zero Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Turn down your hot water Ensure the seals on your thermostat to 60°C oven are in good condition

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Buy energy efficient appliances

Seal any draughts

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Use a microwave to cook

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Consider installing solar hot water

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Double glaze your windows

Fit a water saving showerhead

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Check your fridge is 4°C

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Insulate the roof and walls

Insulate external hot water pipes

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C


Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Switch to using GreenPower!

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer. Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition Use natural light where ever possible

Switch to using GreenPower!

Use natural light where ever possible

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Insulate the roof and walls

Double glaze your windows

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Insulate external hot water pipes

Install energy efficient light globes

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Seal any draughts

Buy energy efficient appliances

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Check your fridge is 4°C

Fit a water saving showerhead

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

FREE BINGO SPACE! Use a microwave to cook Only heat the water that you actually intend to use Consider installing solar hot water

Use natural light where ever possible

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Check your fridge is 4°C

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Consider installing solar hot water

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Install energy efficient light globes

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Install heavy curtains and blinds

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Insulate the roof and walls

Seal any draughts

Insulate external hot water pipes

Switch to using GreenPower!

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Use a microwave to cook Double glaze your windows FREE BINGO SPACE! Buy energy efficient appliances

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Install energy efficient light globes

Seal any draughts

Consider installing solar hot water

Check your fridge is 4°C

Fit a water saving showerhead

Double glaze your windows

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Switch to using GreenPower!

Use natural light where ever possible

Use a microwave to cook

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Insulate the roof and walls

Insulate external hot water pipes

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use


Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Buy energy efficient appliances

Install heavy curtains and blinds When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip. Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Check your fridge is 4°C

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Switch to using GreenPower!

Install energy efficient light globes

Use a microwave to cook

Insulate external hot water pipes

Insulate the roof and walls

Buy energy efficient appliances


Only heat or cool the space you are in

Seal any draughts

Use natural light where ever possible

Fit a water saving showerhead

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Double glaze your windows Consider installing solar hot water Ensure the seals on your Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C oven are in good condition Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Only heat the water that you actually intend to use Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Double glaze your windows

Buy energy efficient appliances

Insulate external hot water pipes

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Fit a water saving showerhead

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero


Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Switch to using GreenPower!

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Seal any draughts

Install energy efficient light globes

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Use a microwave to cook

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Only heat or cool the space you are in

Check your fridge is 4°C

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip. Insulate the roof and walls Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition Use natural light where ever possible

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Seal any draughts

Insulate external hot water pipes

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.


Buy energy efficient appliances

Switch to using GreenPower!

Use natural light where ever possible

Consider installing solar hot water

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Check your fridge is 4°C

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Install energy efficient light globes

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Double glaze your windows

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Use a microwave to cook

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Insulate the roof and walls

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C Fit a water saving showerhead Only heat the water that you actually intend to use Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Use a microwave to cook

Seal any draughts

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Only heat or cool the space you are in


Insulate external hot water pipes

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Buy energy efficient appliances

Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C

Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Switch to using GreenPower!

Install energy efficient light globes

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Double glaze your windows

Use natural light where ever possible

Insulate the roof and walls

Consider installing solar hot water

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Check your fridge is 4°C Fit a water saving showerhead Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use Only heat the water that you actually intend to use

Check your freezer is 15°C below zero

Switch off appliances at the wall when not in use

Fit a water saving showerhead

Turn off your heater or cooling system when not in use

Double glaze your windows

Consider installing solar hot water

Use a microwave to cook


Ensure that the seals on your fridge are in good condition

Switch to using GreenPower!

Buy energy efficient appliances

Only heat the water that Turn down your hot water thermostat to 60°C you actually intend to use Turn down your house thermostat 19‐21°C in winter and 24‐24°C in summer.

Dry your clothes using a washing line or clothes rack

Use natural light where ever possible

Install energy efficient light globes

Insulate external hot water pipes

Check your fridge is 4°C

When driving, plan trips so that you complete a number of tasks in just one trip.

Insulate the roof and walls

Install heavy curtains and blinds

Ensure the seals on your oven are in good condition

Where ever possible, walk or take public transport

Only heat or cool the space you are in

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