Unit 10: Introducing the Personal Eco‐Challenge
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 10: Introducing the Personal Eco‐Challenge
Outline Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Summary of what has been learnt • Brainstorm ideas for personal actions • Committing to the challenge • Record keeping VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 & 2 • Personal Development Intermediate (see matrix) • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Literacy: Oracy Foundation & Intermediate • Numeracy Foundation and & Intermediate
Overview of Learning Activities .....................................................................................2 Session Plan....................................................................................................................3 Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................5 Resource Requirements.................................................................................................6 Main Learning Objectives ..............................................................................................6 Further Resources......................................................................................................... 7
Overview of Learning Activities This unit starts with an energising activity to bring the students back after the break and then an overview of the term ahead. It then recaps some of what the students learnt in the previous term. The “Others who are making changes” activity consists of a video about a village in England which is going carbon neutral, which aims to inspire the students with examples of what others have done. Students then start concrete planning for the personal challenge through the “What can we do?” activity, where they decide on which actions (e.g. shorter showers) they will take on. They then discuss the pros and cons of action in the “Committing to the challenge” activity. Finally, time is spent explaining the record keeping required by the challenge. Students then spend the week between this class and the next gathering baseline data. The following three to five weeks (four if you followed the suggested YEC timetable) are spent undertaking the actions and recording their results on the log sheet. At the end they calculate how much water, energy, etc. they have saved.
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Session Plan
Unit 10: Introducing the Personal Eco‐Challenge Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Summary of what has been learnt • Brainstorm ideas for personal actions • Committing to the challenge • Record keeping SS = slide show WS = student worksheet AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Time Topic Learning Outcomes Activity brief description (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 45 minutes 1. Group reuniting • Develop connections while Energising games to bring the group back together after the energiser game working together as a group holidays, e.g. stories from the break – one good thing that happened was… 5 minutes 2. Overview of the Explain the eco‐challenge and other activities coming up in • Understand what they will term ahead the term be doing this term 10 minute 3. Reviewing key Overview of key learnings on why we should save water and • Summarise the key issues learnings on why there is a energy and reduce waste need to reduce usage of energy, water and waste Sustainable choices •
20 minutes
20 minutes 20 minutes
break 5. Others who are making changes
Summarise the key learnings on the how’s of reducing energy, water and waste
Feel an increased sense of personal power to make changes
Students are broken into groups and given a poster of sustainable actions. Each group has to identify as many sustainable actions as they can.
‘Going Carbon Neutral The Ashton Hayes Example’: Short documentary on how & why a small English village of 1000 are going carbon neutral
Team games book or internet resource AG: Reviewing key issues SS: Reviewing key issues AG: Spot the sustainable choices WS: Spot the sustainable choices poster AG: Others who are making changes YouTube video (details
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• 15 minutes
What can we do?
15 minutes
30 minutes
Committing to the challenge Record keeping
Have examples of where others are making changes List activities that they can do to make a difference Commit to trying the challenge Understand requirements for record keeping during challenge
Students develop a personal or group list of actions that they will take during the personal eco‐challenge Discussion on pros & cons of action Discuss why records need to be kept. Show students how to record things.
in AG) AG: What can we do? WS: Logsheet AG: Committing to the challenge AG: Record keeping WS: Log sheet
3:00 hours
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Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal development Foundation unit 1 outcome 2, RW = Reading and Writing, O= Oracy, N = Numeracy Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this (foundation level listed only – for intermediate see the unit, students should learning outcomes matrix) be able to…) 1. Group PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills • Develop reuniting connections energiser while working game together as a group 2. Overview of • Understand the term what they will be ahead doing this term 3. Reviewing PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Summarise the key issues key learnings on goal. O2: Oracy for knowledge the whys of RW2: Writing for practical purposes energy, water and waste 4. Sustainable PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Summarise the choices key learnings on goal O3: Oracy for practical purposes. the how’s RW3: Writing for knowledge reducing of energy, water and waste 5. Others who PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Feel an are making increased sense goal. changes O2: Oracy for knowledge of personal power to make changes • Have examples of where others are making changes 6. What I can do • List activities PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community service that they can do activity RW2: Writing for practical purposes to make a O1: Oracy for self expression difference O2: Oracy for knowledge 7. Committing • Commit to trying PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community service to the activity the challenge challenge 8. Record PD F1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an established goal. • Understand keeping requirements for RW2: Writing for practical purposes N2: Numeracy for practical purposes – measurement record keeping during challenge
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Resource Requirements
Facilities and Equipment Computer and data projector Internet access for the You Tube video “Ashton Hayes” Note: If you are going to include shorter showers in the personal eco‐challenge, you will need to give out shower timers in this class (or start collecting baseline data a week later). Water retail companies are usually willing to supply these free of charge, and hardware stores may also be willing. Alternatively they can be bought for several dollars each. If you can not source shower timers on time, you may need to get students to estimate their shower time using a watch. Unit Materials 1. Team games handbook. See ‘further resources’ below for suggestions. 3. Slideshow: Reviewing key issues Activity Guide: Reviewing key issues 4. Activity Guide: Spot the sustainable choices Worksheet: Spot the sustainable choices poster (for group work: one per 3‐5 students) 5. Activity Guide: Others who are making changes YouTube video: Ashton Hayes, “Our footprint our journey” www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9jPKLyGa_w (16 minutes, 40 seconds)
6. Activity Guide: What can we do? Worksheet: What can we do? 7. Activity Guide: Committing to the challenge 8. Activity Guide: Record keeping Worksheet: Log sheet
Main Learning Objectives • • • • • •
To review four key areas of sustainability: energy water, and waste To encourage students to undertake take their own personal action To share stories of others who have taken steps to address the environmental issues as a community. To determine what actions to take as part of the personal eco‐challenge. To overcome the barriers to personal change To develop a system of record keeping
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Further Resources Team games books: • Funn ‘n Games • Silver Bullets • Quicksilver • No props • Cowstails and Cobras II • The Bottomless Bag Revival Team games internet resources:
http://wilderdom.com/games/InitiativeGames.html www.group‐games.com/ www.businessballs.com/teambuildinggames.htm
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