Unit 10: Introducing the Personal Eco‐Challenge
Reviewing key issues activity guide
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 10: Introducing the Personal Eco‐Challenge
Reviewing key issues activity guide
Estimated duration: 10‐20 minutes Aim •
To review the three key areas of sustainability
Objective By the end of the activity students will be able to: • Identify energy, water and waste as key areas of sustainability • Identify why personal action is required to address our energy, water and waste issues.
Resources •
Reviewing key issues slideshow
Activity Description This activity might best be conducted as an interactive review of what the students have learnt during the core themes component. The main aim is to draw out learning on why personal action should be taken. Brainstorming some of the activities that where completed in the first term can be used to consolidate previous learning and motivate students toward action. The reviewing key issues slideshow or a list of what they completed last term on the board might help students remember and review what they have covered. Ask the group to come up with issues and reasons why everyone should care about the amount of water, energy and waste we use and produce. Collate the ideas on butcher’s paper or the whiteboard Depending on the group this might work as a small group exercise with each group either working on all or one of the areas (water, energy or waste) and then reporting back to the whole group. It is important that the discussion be as broad as possible so that personal action that is discussed later is connected to the “big picture” issues of environmental sustainability. Students who might have missed key points earlier will, therefore, have another opportunity to gain a solid understanding of the key ideas.
Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks
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Contribute to class discussions Work cooperatively with others Seek teacher assistance and support when needed
Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Introduce tasks and activities Provide encouragement Provide assistance when requested Provide examples of mind maps to assist brainstorming
Assessment To use this learning activity as an assessment task, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist for class discussions
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