Unit 11: Project Design and Management
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 11: Project Design and Management
Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Project planning in general • Learning about stakeholders • Choosing a sustainability project • Planning for the sustainability project VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 • Personal Development Intermediate 1 & 2 • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Literacy: Oracy Foundation & Intermediate
Overview of Learning Activities .......................................... 2 Session Plan......................................................................... 4 Learning Outcomes ............................................................. 5 Resource Requirements...................................................... 5 Main Learning Objectives ................................................... 6 Further Resources.................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overview of Learning Activities We now begin the student‐led project stage. In this unit, students learn about project planning, a model of project development and what stakeholders are, how they fit together and how they can benefit the project. Students then narrow down what their project will be, and start concrete project planning, taking into account what they are trying to achieve, how they will achieve it, which stakeholders they need to engage, and what resources they will need. Students’ project management skills will be further developed in the following units. However, these activities will only take up a small portion of the units, with the remainder of the time available for students to work on and implement their project. “What is a project?” enables students to understand the value of doing a project by brainstorming the skills they will gain and then moving on to considering the type of project they would like to undertake. “Project visualisation” then helps students imagine what they might achieve and what they will need to do to complete it. Page 2 of 6
Following this, students are introduced to a “Model of project development” which breaks the project into five steps. Students also need to understand how others might be involved in the project. The “Stakeholder spider web” activity offers a practical exercise where students are assisted in thinking about who else in the community might be affected by their project or could help with it. They join in groups and can visually see who is connected to who. By now they will have sufficient information to begin planning their own project. “Project planning” begins with the decision on what project they would like to complete, and then asks them to answer 13 questions about the project, to clarify what is going to occur. Finally, students finish by “Planning resources”, which looks at stakeholders to involve and equipment and actions to take. (Note: Tasks are allocated to various students in the unit 12 activity “Who’s doing what when?”).
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Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Project planning in general • Learning about stakeholders • Choosing a sustainability project • Planning for the sustainability project SS = slide show WS = student worksheet AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Topic Learning Outcomes Activity brief description Time (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 20 minutes 1. What is a project? • Understand what a sustainability Students brainstorm some of the possible projects they could do, and what they will get out of managing a project (e.g. project is, and some of the learning new skills). possibilities for their project 15 minutes 2. Project Students go through a visualisation activity to make the ideas • Develop visual images of visualisation and possibilities of running a project seem more real. themselves undertaking a sustainability project 15 minutes 3. Model of project Discussion of the five stages of project development (scoping, • Understand the five stages of development planning, promotion, delivery, evaluation). project development that constitute a sustainability project 20 minutes Break 20 minutes 4. Stakeholder spider • Understand the concept of a Students learn about stakeholders and the connections between web them, and form a web with streamers to represent these stakeholder • Identify the networked connections connections. between stakeholder groups and individuals 60 minutes 6. Project planning Decision on what the project will be. Project planning by working • Articulate what their sustainability through a worksheet of factors to consider. project will be and how they’ll go about it • Understand the process of project planning, through applying it to their own project 30 minutes 7. Planning resources Identify potential stakeholders, identify resources required, then • Identify the support role of community stakeholders in terms of try to match up stakeholders and resources, where stakeholders the provision of financial resources, might be able to help with resources. in kind support and equipment. 3:00 hours
Unit 11: Project Design and Management
Session Plan
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AG: Planning Resources
AG/WS: Project Planning
AG: Stakeholder Spider Web Paper streamers Stakeholder name tags (included in AG)
AG: Model of Project Development
AG: Project Visualisation
AG: ‘What is a Project?’
Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 2 RW3 = Reading and Writing Outcome 3; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, (foundation level listed only – for intermediate students should be able to…) see the learning outcomes matrix) 1. What is a PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member. • Understand what a project? O4: Oracy for exploring issues and problem sustainability project is, solving and some of the possibilities for their project 2. Project • Develop visual images of RW2: Writing for practical purposes visualisation themselves undertaking a O4: Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving sustainability project 3. Model of O4: Oracy for exploring issues and problem • Understand the five project solving stages of project development development that constitute a sustainability project 4. Stakeholder • Understand the concept PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills spider web PD F2‐4: Work effectively in a group of a stakeholder • Identify the networked connections between stakeholder groups and individuals 5. Project planning • Articulate what their PD F1‐1: Plan and organise a simple activity sustainability project will PD F1‐2: Solve problems specific to an established goal be and how they’ll go PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills about it PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community • Understand the process service goal/activity of project planning, PD F2‐2: Clarify the rights and responsibilities of through applying it to all participants in a group/team activity their own project PD F2‐4: Work effectively in a group PD F2‐5: Communicate effectively to resolve conflict and/or for a self advocacy purpose N3: Numeracy for self‐organisation – money and time PD F1‐2: Solve problems specific to an established 6. Planning • Identify the support role goal resources of community PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills stakeholders in terms of the provision of financial PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community resources, in kind support service goal/activity PD F2‐4: Work effectively in a group and equipment.
Resource Requirements Facilities and Equipment Computer Data Projector White board Textas
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Unit Materials 1. Activity Guide: What is a project? 2. Activity Guide: Project visualisation 3. Activity Guide: Model of project development
4. 5. 6.
Activity Guide: Stakeholder spider web Paper streamers Stakeholder name tags (included in the activity guide) Activity Guide: Project planning Worksheet: Project planning Activity Guide: Planning resources
Main Learning Objectives • • • • • • • •
Learn about project planning Learn what they can get out of project management Visualise carrying out a project Learn a model of project development Scope a hypothetical project Learn about stakeholders Choose a project to carry out Scope and plan the project
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