VCAL: unit 11 planning resources

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Unit 11: Project Design and Management

Planning resources activity guide

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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

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Unit 11: Project Design and Management

Planning resources activity guide

Estimated duration: 30 minutes

Aim •

To encourage students to engage community stakeholders in their project

Outcome By the end of this class, students will be able to: • Identify the support role of community stakeholders in terms of the provision of financial resources, in kind support and equipment.

Resources • •

Paper and pens Butchers paper

Activity description Depending on the size of the class, you might want to run this activity in small groups or all together. Have students spend up to five minutes coming up with a list of stakeholders that they feel would be invested in their proposed project. (The stakeholder spider web activity earlier should help them complete this task.) Get them to list them down the left hand side of a piece of butchers paper. After five minutes, get them to start thinking about the equipment and resources they will need. Have them list these on the right hand side of the same sheet. When they have finished, explain that it is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of equipment and resources you might require to deliver a project. Identifying opportunities to source funding, equipment and resources is an important part of the scoping stage. Getting stakeholders involved adds value to the project and increases their investment in the project outcomes. Get students to think about the stakeholders they have identified and the resources they require. What connections can they make? Which stakeholders might be in a position to support the project? Have students spend 10 minutes to working together to link up the resource and stakeholder lists. Finally it is important that tasks are then allocated to various students according to their interests and abilities. This will be done in unit 12 activity Who is doing what when. It might be worth asking students to think about what they would like to do in the intervening time. Page 2 of 3

Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others Seek teacher assistance and support when needed

Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Provide encouragement Introduce tasks and activities Provide assistance when requested

Assessment To use these learning activities as assessment tasks, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Student notes Teacher checklist for class discussions

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