Unit 12: Organising Events
Organising events activity guide and handout
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 12: Organising Events
Organising events activity guide and handout
Estimated duration: 20 minutes Aim •
To provide event management skills
Outcome By the end of this class, students will be able to: • List some of the many factors that need to be considered in event management
Resources •
Handout: Event organising (included below)
Activity Description Many of the student‐led projects will involve organising events, and some of them will also involve holding presentations at events/seminars. This activity will give students the skills they need to organise their own event and/or presentation. Lead the students in a brainstorm about the kinds of things which need to be taken into account when organising events. The handout can be used by the teacher to guide the discussion, and/or given to the students after the discussion to consolidate what they have learnt.
Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others Seek teacher assistance and support when needed
Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Provide encouragement Introduce tasks and activities Provide assistance when requested
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Provide examples of mind maps to assist brainstorming
Assessment To use these learning activities as assessment tasks, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Copies of student materials and worksheets Student notes Teacher checklist for class discussions Student documentation of planning and organising the seminar
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Unit 12: Organising Events
Organising events handout There are a lot of things to think about when organising an event. Here are some suggestions.
Audiences You need to decide who you want to come to your event. Here are some ideas to start with: • Parents or the school environmental team • the local primary school students • students, families and friends at school, community organisations • the local council, government officials • senior citizens organisations • Probus, Rotary or Apex clubs • Local media‐newspapers, radio stations
Locations There are many places in a local community where you could hold your event. They include the following: local library shopping centre council offices science expo local Park or garden student film festival website school fete parent‐teacher night local market supermarket school foyer school assembly corner shop community notice board
Preparation You will need to prepare a timeline in the lead up to your event. There will be a number of tasks you will need to attend to initially. It is important to delegate these tasks among the group. They will include: • Approval to run the event • Booking the venue • Liaising with the venue manager • Liaising with the school and VCAL administrators as required • Organising the speakers and facilitator • Organising the equipment • Organising catering (if appropriate) • Developing a feedback questionnaire to be given to participants (students, parents, community members) to determine their satisfaction with the event.
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Presentation Style Consider what style would best suit your event. Visuals are always an advantage. Try to include display boards, PowerPoints and video recordings as part of a general display. You will need to consider the following things: • What is the layout of the venue? • Will there be seating, tables, display boards, projectors or projector screens? • Will equipment be available for showing videos or PowerPoint presentations? • Will you supply tea, coffee or food? Decide whether you invite guest speakers to contribute to be part of your event as well. If so, then you will need to write to the speakers and possibly ring them as well.
Promotion and Communication You’ll learn about promoting your project and working with the media in unit 14.
Managing the Event on the Day Make sure everyone is clear about what tasks will need to be done on the day and who is responsible for each task. Write a list of roles and responsibilities and nominate people for each. They might include: • Setting up the venue • Managing catering • Welcoming participants • Distributing materials and information • Handing out and collecting a feedback questionnaire • Acting as the Master of Ceremony (MC) • Managing the speakers and activities • Ensuring that the program runs on time • Thanking the participants and speakers for attending • Cleaning up afterwards
Evaluating your event You’ll learn about this in unit 13
Content Consider what you are trying to achieve through the event and what you are going to communicate. Keep your target audience in mind. The content of your event would differ between a parent group and a primary school, so make sure you consider that from the start.
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