Unit 13: Leadership skills
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 13: Leadership Skills
Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Understanding leadership skills • Understanding leadership styles • Learning about evaluating projects • Project work VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 • Personal Development Intermediate 1 & 2 • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Literacy: Oracy Foundation & Intermediate
Overview of Learning Activities .......................................... 2 Session Plan......................................................................... 4 Learning Outcomes ............................................................. 5 Resource Requirements...................................................... 5 Main Learning Objectives ................................................... 6
Overview of Learning Activities The first activity, “Role of a Leader”, helps students identify leaders that they know about. These leaders are then evaluated on if they are considered good or bad leaders and the reasons students think they fit into these categories. A discussion on the two key roles of leadership results and relationships is then undertaken. “Styles of leadership” is a group discussion based on three types of leadership: authoritarian, participative and delegation. Students are asked to give examples and tasks allocated for their project are reviewed and thought about in terms of the three styles. This is followed by the “designing an evaluation” activity, to help them think about what they would like to know when they have completed their activity. It will help them develop a list of questions they can ask themselves or others at the end of the project to get feedback on what they have achieved. The rest of class is allocated to students working directly on their project tasks.
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Optional activity A great way to lean about leadership is via simulations or games. There are a lot of great books and internet resources that provide games that help students learn about leadership. Some examples of these are: http://www.experiential‐learning‐games.com/leadershipvision.html http://www.businessballs.com/teambuildinggames.htm#leadership%20managemen t%20exercise%20for%20teams (games include ‘stranded’, ‘newspaper towers’ and ‘newspaper bridge’) The following team games books might also be useful: • Funn ‘n Games • Silver Bullets • Quicksilver • No props • Cowstails and Cobras II • The Bottomless Bag Revival
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Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Understanding leadership skills • Understanding leadership styles • Learning about evaluating projects • Project work SS = slide show WS = student worksheet AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Activity brief description Time Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) Students identify leaders in society and whether they are good 20 minutes 1. Role of a leader • Identify key skills that are or bad leaders, and discuss why. They then discuss how good used by leaders leaders need to balance getting results and maintaining • Identify that leaders need to consider both results and relationships, and some of the skills required. relationships 20 minutes 2. Leadership styles • Identify the situations Students discuss the three leadership styles defined in the where one leadership style handout, giving examples of the different types of leaders. They is more appropriate than then discuss where different leadership styles would be appropriate in their project. another. 30 minutes 3. Designing an Discussion of what evaluation data the students would like to • Determine what needs to evaluation collect, wording, and how this data could be collected. be evaluated in their project • Develop a series of questions to ask to help evaluate the project • Design a feedback questionnaire (if needed) 20 minutes Break 90 minutes 4. Project work 3:00 hours
Unit 13: Leadership Skills
Session Plan
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AG: Designing an Evaluation
AG/HO: Leadership Styles
AG: Role of a Leader
Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 2 RW3 = Reading and Writing Outcome 3; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy (Note that project work outcomes will depend on the nature of the project. Possible outcomes have been listed here.) Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, (foundation level listed only – for intermediate students should be able to…) see the learning outcomes matrix) 1. Role of a • Identify key skills that are PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an leader established goal used by leaders • Identify that leaders need 02: Oracy for knowledge to consider both results and relationships PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an 2. Leadership • Identify the situations established goal styles where one leadership style is more appropriate RW7: Reading for knowledge 02: Oracy for knowledge than another. 04: Oracy for issues and problem solving 3. Designing • Determine what needs to PD F1‐1: Plan and organise a simple activity PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills an be evaluated in their PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member evaluation project O3: Oracy for practical purposes • Develop a series of 04: Oracy for issues and problem solving questions to ask to help evaluate the project • Design a feedback questionnaire (if needed) 4. Project PD F1‐1: Plan and organise a simple activity work PD F1‐2: Solve problems specific to an established goal PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal PD F1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an established goal PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community service activity PD F2‐2: Clarify the rights and responsibilities of all participants in a group/team activity PD F2‐3: Communicate information about health issues and/or community services PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member PD F2‐5: Communicate effectively to resolve conflict and/or for a self advocacy purpose O1: Oracy for self expression O2: Oracy for knowledge O4: Oracy for issues and problem solving N3: Numeracy for personal organisation – money and time
Resource Requirements Facilities and Equipment Computer Data Projector
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White board Textas Unit Materials 1. Activity Guide: Role of a Leader 2. Activity Guide: Leadership Styles Handout: Leadership Styles 4. Activity Guide: Designing an Evaluation
Main Learning Objectives • • • •
Learning about what makes a good leader Learning about leadership skills Understanding leadership styles, and which is most appropriate when Working out which evaluation questions to ask, and how to word them
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