Unit 14: Publicity and communication skills
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 14: Publicity and Communication Skills
Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Increasing awareness of how they communicate and better ways of doing it • Preparing for public speaking • Working out key messages for the project VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 • Personal Development Intermediate 1 & 2 • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Literacy: Oracy Foundation & Intermediate
Overview of Learning Activities .......................................... 2 Session Plan......................................................................... 3 Learning Outcomes ............................................................. 4 Resource Requirements...................................................... 5 Main Learning Objectives ................................................... 5
Overview of Learning Activities In the “Architect and builder” game, students must try to communicate complicated information to each other without using visual queues. This gets them thinking about how they communicate, and better ways of doing it. “Sending and receiving messages” is a discussion about how we communicate, conveying the idea that communication is two‐way, covering verbal and non‐verbal communication, looking at passive, aggressive and assertive communication, and getting students thinking about the ways people block listening. “Public speaking” is a worksheet and discussion about how to prepare well for public speaking. As an extension activity, students could prepare and practice public speaking, and possibly video it, so they can see how they come across to others. “Key points and media” helps students clarify what they are trying to get across about their project when they talk to family, peers or the media. As the student project could be interesting to local newspapers and community radio, two extension activities have been included for students who would like to learn how to write a press release, and how to take part in a media interview. Finally, an optional activity is included on “I messages”, which could be used in the place of one of the activities in the session plan. The “I messages” activity encourages students to express how they feel, instead of blaming their feelings on others or putting others down. Page 2 of 5
Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Key themes: • Increasing awareness of how they communicate and better ways of doing it • Preparing for public speaking • Working out key messages for the project AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Time Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 20 minutes 1. Architect & • Enhance the way they communicate to builder game achieve a task • Develop a heightened awareness about the language they use to communicate or instruct • Develop an understanding that communication is not one‐way but also relies on a range of responses 20 minutes 2. Sending and • Describe the difference between non‐ receiving verbal and verbal communication messages • Identify blocks to listening • Define passive, aggressive & assertive communication styles • Describe how words, tone and body language contribute to communicating messages 20 minutes Break 15 minutes 3. Public • Prepare well for public speaking speaking 25 minutes 4. Key points and • Succinctly describe their project to different media audiences • Write a press release (extension activity) • Take part in a media interview (extension activity) 80 minutes 5. Working on project 3:00 hours
Unit 14: Publicity and Communication Skills
Session Plan Time allowance: 3.00hrs
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Worksheet and discussion on preparation for public AG/WS: Public Speaking speaking Activity to get students drafting the key points to AG: Key Points and Media communicate about the project for different audiences. Extension activities are also included, on writing media releases and speaking to the media.
AG: Architect and Builder Architect blue prints and builder’s kits (included in AG) Envelopes to hold builders’ kits Rigid objects to lean on, e.g. folders Discussion of how we send and receive messages, some AG/HO: Sending blocks to listening what others say, three types of and Receiving Messages communication (passive, aggressive and assertive) and A balloon of body language and tone of voice.
Communication game: the “architect” must explain to the “builder” how to build a house out of pieces of papers, without being able to see what the other is doing and without using any visual cues.
Activity brief description
Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 2 RW3 = Reading and Writing Outcome 3; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy (Note that project work outcomes will depend on the nature of the project. Possible outcomes have been listed here.) VCAL Learning Outcomes Session/ Learning Outcomes Activity (As a result of this unit, students should be (foundation level listed only – for able to…) intermediate see the learning outcomes matrix) 1. Architect • Enhance the way they communicate to PD F1‐2: Solve problems specific to an and established goal achieve a task builder PD F1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an • Develop a heightened awareness game established goal about the language they use to PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills communicate or instruct PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member • Develop an understanding that communication is not one‐way but also O3: Oracy for practical purposes O4: Oracy for issues and problem solving relies on a range of responses 2. Sending PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to • Describe the difference between non‐ and an established goal verbal and verbal communication receiving • Identify blocks to listening O2: Oracy for knowledge 04: Oracy for issues and problem solving messages • Define passive, aggressive & assertive communication styles • Describe how words, tone and body language contribute to communicating messages 3. Key PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to • Succinctly describe their project to points an established goal different audiences and • Write a press release (extension activity) PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills media PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or • Take part in a media interview community service goal/activity (extension activity) PD F2‐3: Communicate information about health issues and/or community services PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member 04: Oracy for issues and problem solving 4. Project PD F1‐1: Plan and organise a simple activity work PD F1‐2: Solve probs. specific to an est. goal PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal PD F1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an established goal PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills PD F2‐1: Plan and organise a health or community service activity PD F2‐2: Clarify the rights and responsibilities of all participants in a group/team activity PD F2‐3: Communicate information about health issues and/or community services PD F2‐4: Work effectively as a group member PD F2‐5: Communicate effectively to resolve conflict and/or for a self advocacy purpose O1: Oracy for self expression O2: Oracy for knowledge O4: Oracy for issues and problem solving N3: Numeracy for personal organisation – money and time
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Resource Requirements Facilities and Equipment Computer Data Projector White board Textas
Unit Materials 1. Activity Guide: Architect and builder Architect blue prints and builders’ kits (included in activity guide) Envelopes to hold builders’ kits Rigid objects to lean on, e.g. folders 2. Activity Guide: Sending and receiving messages Handout: Sending and receiving messages A balloon 3. Activity Guide: Public speaking Worksheet: Public speaking 4. Activity Guide: Key points and media
Main Learning Objectives • • • •
How we communicate Strategies for better communication Preparing for public speaking Working out key messages for the project
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