Unit 15: Calculating Results
‘If all Victorians…’ activity guide
Developed by
This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 15: Calculating Results
‘If all Victorians…’ activity guide
Estimated duration: 15 minutes
Aim • •
Use the group results to extrapolate the total savings possible for Victoria Identify how numerous small actions can transform into large community outcomes
Outcome By the end of the activity students will be able to: • Use measurement and the metric system to calculate units of mass and volume. • Interpret the measurements in terms of personal experience and the local context.
Resources • •
The group’s total savings per day, as calculated in the ‘calculating results’ activity Teacher resource for calculations (included below)
Activity Description The idea behind this is to place what the group has done in context of the whole state of Victoria. That is to say, if everyone in the state did what they have done what would the impact be on the environment and the savings that could be made? It provides a good demonstration of how personal action aggregates into large group action. In addition, it is possible to use the figures calculated here in the project section (e.g. in media releases) to encourage others to do more. A teacher resource for calculations is provided below which has the relevant state statistics and formula by which you can make these calculations. You will need to have all the savings by the students totalled up and averaged. Use the board to work through the calculations required and to estimate what the state reduction would be (i.e. group water saving was 200 litres a day per person which equates to x litres per person in the state per day). As this activity requires calculations involving large numbers, converting between kilograms and tonnes and multiplying by millions, we recommend doing it as a group rather than getting students to do it individually. However if you have students who are ready to try these kinds of calculations, you could use the teacher resource as a worksheet and get them to work on their own, using their personal savings as a starting point.
Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Seek teacher assistance and support when needed
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Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Introduce tasks and activities Provide encouragement and assistance when requested Teach or reinforce numerical skills and understanding
Assessment To use this learning activity as an assessment task, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Teacher checklist for class discussions
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‘If all Victorians…’ activity – teacher resource/extension worksheet for calculations Greenhouse gas savings 1. The group saved _________ kg of greenhouse gases per day. Multiply this by 365 to get the amount the group would save if they did the challenge all year. Write your answer here: ______________kg of greenhouse gases saved per year. 3. Divide this by the number of people in the group to get the average amount each person in the group would save if they did the challenge all year. Write your answer here: _______________ kg of greenhouse gases saved per person per year. 4. In 2006 there were 5.1 million Victorians. Multiply your answer above by 5.1 to work out how much the whole state would save if everyone saved as much as the class did: __________________ million kg of greenhouse gases would be saved. 5. 1000kg = 1 tonne. Divide the answer above by 1000 to convert this to tonnes:__________ million tonnes of greenhouse gases would be saved. 5. In 2006, Victoria emitted 124.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gases. Divide the answer above by 124.5 million tonnes:_______________ fraction Victoria would reduce its emissions by. 6. Times answer above by 100 to convert this to a percentage: ______% Victoria would reduce its emissions by. Water savings 1. The group saved _________ litres of water per day. Multiply this by 365 to get the amount the group would save if they did the challenge every day for a year. Write your answer here: ______________ litres of water saved per year. 3. Divide this by the number of people in the group to get the average amount each person in the group would save if they did the challenge all year. Write your answer here: _______________ litres of water saved per person per year. 4. In 2006 there were 5.1 million Victorians. Multiply your answer above by 5.1 to work out how much the whole state would save if everyone saved as much as the class did: __________________ million litres of water would be saved. 5. From 2006 to 2007, Victorian households together consumed 359,370 million litres of water. Divide the answer above by 359,370 million litres: _______________ fraction Victorian households would reduce their water consumption by. 6. Times answer above by 100 to convert this to a percentage: ______% Victorian households would reduce their water consumption.
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