Unit 15: Calculating results
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 15: Calculating results
Outline Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Simple numeracy calculations • Measuring our actions • Determining what has been changed and how VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 & 2 • Personal Development Intermediate (see matrix) • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Oracy Foundation & Intermediate • Numeracy Foundation & Intermediate
Overview of Learning Activities .....................................................................................2 Session Plan....................................................................................................................3 Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................4 Resource requirements..................................................................................................4 Main Learning Objectives ..............................................................................................4
Overview of Learning Activities In the “Calculating Results” activity the log sheets used to record the personal challenge results are finalised and added up. The results are then compared with the baseline data to determine how much was changed and/or saved. This is then calculated into a group total and compared with what would occur if everyone in the state did the same. The “If all Victorians” activity is about using the results obtained by the group to estimate the impact if everyone in Victoria did the same. “How much is this stuff” is a simple activity using visual and/or local examples to help students understand the quantities that were calculated.
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Session Plan
Unit 15: Calculating results Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Measuring our actions • Determining what has been changed and how • Finalising the record keeping of the challenge AG = teacher’s activity guide WS= student worksheet Activity brief description Time Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 140 min 1. Calculating results • Determine the The record sheets are finalised and added up. The results are including a 15 environmental impact of the then compared with the baseline data to determine how minute break much was saved. This is then calculated into a group total. actions personally taken in the middle • Identify what they were able to change • Understand by how much their behaviour has changed 15 min Second break 15 min 2. If all Victorians… The group totals are compared with what would occur if • Identify how numerous small actions can transform everyone in the state did the same. into large community outcomes 10 min 3. How much is this • Being able to understand to Using visual &/or local examples to help students understand stuff? the quantities that were calculated quantities being used
AG/WS: Calculating results WS: Log sheet (completed) Support from numeracy teacher AG: If all Victorians
AG: How much is this stuff? Ruler Tape measure or string
3:00 hours
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Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 2 RW3 = Reading and Writing Outcome 3; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 1. Calculating • Determine the PDF1‐2: Solve problems specific to an established goal results environmental impact of the PDF 1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal actions personally taken • Identify what they were able PDF 1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an established goal RW2: Writing for practical purposes to change • Understand how much their O3: Oracy for practical purposes N2: Numeracy for practical purposes – measurement behaviour has changed O4: Oracy for exploring issues 2. If all N2: Numeracy for practical purposes – measurement • Identify how numerous Victorians… small actions can transform O4: Oracy for exploring issues into large community outcomes 3. How much • Being able to understand N2: Numeracy for practical purposes – measurement is this stuff? O4: Oracy for exploring issues quantities being used
Resource requirements Facilities and Equipment Ruler Tape measure (if you do not have a tape measure handy, use a piece of string with knots tied at lengths measured by the ruler) Unit Materials 1. Activity Guide: Calculating results Worksheet: Calculating results Worksheet: Log sheet (completed) from unit 10 2. Activity Guide: If all Victorians… 3. Activity Guide: How much is this stuff? Ruler and tape measure or string
Main Learning Objectives • • • • • •
Use measurement and the metric system to calculate units of time, length, mass and volume. Determine the environmental impact of the actions personally taken Identify what behaviours they were able to change Estimate their changed behaviours in numerical terms Describe savings measurements using everyday examples Interpret the measurements in terms of personal experience and the local context
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