VCAL: unit 1 outline

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Unit 1: Introduction to Sustainability


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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

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Unit 1: Introduction to Sustainability


Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Introduce course outline • Setting ground rules • Group & personal development • Understanding what environment & sustainability means VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Literacy: Oracy Foundation & Intermediate

Overview of Learning Activities .......................................... 2 Session Plan......................................................................... 4 Learning Outcomes ............................................................. 6 Resource Requirements...................................................... 7 Main Learning Objectives ................................................... 8 Further Resources............................................................... 8

Overview of Learning Activities This unit is an introduction to the course outline of the Youth Eco Challenge. It is designed to help students consider what sustainability means to them. It will also clarify what is meant by ‘ecology’ and ‘biodiversity’, as key concepts in a sustainable future. 1. Team building games and activities The introductory session to the unit is important for setting an engaging atmosphere where the overall structure of the course is introduced. The session is designed to establish group norms and encourage student activity and interaction using a range of personal development and team building games that are interspersed throughout the session. They will be extremely important if the unit is conducted in situations where students in the class do not know each other.

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2. Metacognitive/thinking skills The “Johari Window” and the “Learning styles game” are reflective activities where students develop their metacognitive skills. In other words, they learn about learning. In discussing the Johari Window, students have an opportunity to consider how learning in a group can be a powerful way of expanding their knowledge about themselves and the world. The Learning Styles game gives the students and the teacher direct information about the learning styles of each individual. It is a useful exercise in self‐reflection as well as an important source of information for the teacher.

3. General environmental knowledge Three of the activities are designed to assess students’ existing knowledge and attitudes toward the environment; “What is ecology?”, “What is sustainability?”, “What do you think about the environment?”. While there is some specific content, the session is largely designed to develop an understanding of what the students are interested in and to help orient them toward learning and being empowered to make a difference in their lives.

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Session Plan

Unit 1: Introduction to Sustainability Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Introduce what we will be doing • Setting ground rules • Group & personal development • Understanding what environment & sustainability means SS = slide show WS = student worksheet AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Time Topic Learning Outcomes Activity brief description (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 10 minutes 1. Introductions and Housekeeping & Introductions • Outline what we will do Overview of the YEC & its objectives overview over the 2 terms How it relates to VCAL • How it fits into VCAL • Know who the teacher is Purpose: To develop leadership opportunities for young people in sustainability practice To increase community awareness of sustainability issues 25 minutes 2. Icebreaker Everyone trace their hand on paper and record something about • Know more about each e.g. My hand themselves according to five topics – one for each digit. other and each others’ They then pair up and each pair introduce each other from what names they recorded. 10 minutes? 3. Group norms and • Work together within a set Group discussion about shared ground rules and appropriate ground rules group norms. of group norms defined by the group 5 minutes 4. Johari Window • Develop concept of how we Present Johari Window model on board can see ourselves & others Discussion on what it means to us individually 15 minutes

25 minutes

15 min


Team building game e.g. rope knots initiative 6. Presentation and discussion on ‘what is ecology?’ Break

• • • •

Feel more comfortable within the team Contribute to problem solving Understand the terms ecology, biodiversity Work in a small team

Rope has a knot tied every 60cm apart. Everyone grabs hold of rope near a knot and cannot let go. Object is to untie all the knots. Split into pairs and develop a definition of ecology. Bring together ideas to broaden everyone’s understanding PowerPoint to showcase diversity & provide explanation/summary


SS: Youth Eco‐Challenge Overview (note – this will need to be updated with information specific to when and how it is being run) Computer & data projector WS: Introduction to Sustainability

WS: Introduction to Sustainability AG and HO: Johari Window (HO is optional) Knotted rope

AG: What is ecology? SS: What is ecology? WS: Intro to Sustainability Computer & data projector Page 4 of 8

15 min


Learning styles game

• •

20 minutes


5 minutes


10 minutes

‘What is sustainability?’ discussion

Team building game e.g. name game 10. Team building game e.g. Chinese boxing

• • • • • •

Better understand how they learn best Appreciate others learn differently

Come to an agreed understanding of what sustainability is Work within larger group Know each others names Develop connections while working together as a group appreciate most obvious style does not work all the time, i.e. vary your strategy you can learn from watching others Know why people in the group care &/or don’t care about the environment.

15 minutes

11. What do people think about the environment

10 minutes

12. Summary and evaluation

Summarise main learning objectives and what was covered.

A series of questions is read out, students tick which answer best AG: Learning styles describes them. Scores are added and give indication of learning SS: Learning styles style preference. WS: Intro to Sustainability P,D,W,T signs (1 copy, included at the end of the AG) Break into groups of say 5. Come up with a definition of what group thinks sustainability is. Bring together all the ideas. In large circle throw balls to each other. Must say thanks and use • persons name of who you receive it from and call out name of person you are going to throw the ball at before you throw Opponents face each other and can only touch each others open • hands. Idea is to get opponent off balance by pushing & giving way. When feet move lose a point. Can hold competition round robin Group discussion on views regarding the environment. View 8 minute speech made by Severn Suzuki at a presentation to 1992 Rio Earth Summit.

Summary of what we have done Write down two things that you learnt or are looking forward to learning in YEC Student feedback as a group to the teacher

3‐4 tennis or soft balls

Cleared area

AG: What do you think about the environment? • Download Rio speech Severn Suzuki (details in AG)

3:00 hours

N.B. The team building games here are provided only as examples. There are many alternatives available on the internet and in numerous publications.

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Learning Outcomes PD F1‐2 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 2 RW3 = Reading and Writing Outcome 3; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, (foundation level listed only – for intermediate students should be able to…) see the learning outcomes matrix) 1. Introductions and • Outline what we will do overview over the 2 terms • How it fits into VCAL • Know who the teacher is PD F1‐5. Demonstrate teamwork skills 2. Teambuilding • know more about each PD F2‐4. Work effectively in a group other and each others’ RW1: Writing for self expression names 3. Group norms and • Work together within a PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills ground rules PD F2‐2: Clarifying rights and responsibilities set of group norms O1: Oracy for self expression defined by the class RW1: Writing for self expression 4. Johari Window PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an • Develop concept of how established goal. we can see ourselves & PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills others RW3: Writing for knowledge RW7: Reading for knowledge 5. Team building PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills • Feel more comfortable game, e.g. rope within the team knots initiative • Contribute to problem solving 6. Presentation and • Understand the terms PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an discussion on ‘what established goal. ecology, biodiversity is ecology?’ O2: Oracy for Knowledge • Work in a small team RW3: Writing for knowledge 7. Learning styles PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an • Better understand how game established goal. they learn best RW3: Writing for knowledge • Appreciate others learn O2: Oracy for Knowledge differently 8. ‘What is PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an • Come to an agreed sustainability?’ established goal. understanding of what discussion RW3: Writing for knowledge sustainability is • Work within larger group 9. Teambuilding • Know each others’ names PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills PD F2‐4: Work effectively in a group game • Develop connections while working together as a group 10. Teambuilding • appreciate most obvious PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills game PD F2‐4: Work effectively in a group style does not work all the time, i.e. vary your strategy • you can learn from watching others 11. What do people • Know why people in the O1: Oracy for self expression think about the class care &/or don’t care environment? about the environment. 12. Summary and O1: Oracy for self expression • Summarise main leaning evaluation objectives and what was covered. Page 6 of 8

Resource Requirements Facilities and Equipment Computer Data Projector White board Textas

Unit Materials 1. Slideshow: Youth Eco‐Challenge Overview (note that this will need to be updated with information specific to how and when the YEC is being run) 2. & 3. Worksheet: Introduction to Sustainability 4. Activity Guide: Johari Window Handout: Johari Window (optional) 5. Knotted rope 6. Activity Guide: What is ecology? Slideshow: What is ecology? 7. Activity Guide: Learning styles game P, D, W, T signs (1 copy) – included at the end of the activity guide Slideshow: Learning styles Worksheet: Introduction to Sustainability 8. Activity Guide: What is sustainability? Worksheet: Introduction to Sustainability 9. 3‐4 tennis or soft balls for name game 10. Only a cleared area 11. Activity Guide: What do you think about the environment? YouTube download:

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Main Learning Objectives • • • •

Introduce the YEC course outline Group development and team building Develop an understanding of different attitudes toward the environment Appreciate the importance of youth voice in helping to influence government decision making • Introduce the Johari concept as a model of group learning • Help student to identify their preferred learning styles according to the PART system • Develop a group definition of sustainability based on students’ existing knowledge Revise and evaluate what students have learnt about sustainability

Further Resources Team games books: • Funn ‘n Games • Silver Bullets • Quicksilver • No props • Cowstails and Cobras II • The Bottomless Bag Revival Johari window website:

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