VCAL: unit 1 what is sustainability activity guide

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Unit 1: Introduction to Sustainability

‘What is sustainability?’ activity guide

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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

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Unit 1: Introduction to sustainability

‘What is sustainability?’ activity guide

Estimated duration: 20 minutes

Aim •

To develop a group definition of sustainability based on students’ existing knowledge

Outcome By the end of this session, students will be able to: • Describe what is meant by “environmental sustainability” • Collaborate in a team

Resources • •

Whiteboard Textas

Activity Description Woodchipper brainstorm Teacher asks: • How many people here are familiar with the term ‘sustainability’? • How many people know what sustainability means? Ask students to form small groups of 4‐5. • I am going to allocate you four minutes to work in your groups to develop a definition of what you think sustainability is. If you don’t know then make a definition of what you feel it might be – your gut instinct…. After time is up, invite participants to return to the main group with their definition. Teacher explains the wood chipper approach (as used in ‘what is ecology?’ activity): • I am going to work like a wood chipper. I’m going to collect your definition and put it in the chipper. It will then be broken down into key words or terms that are pitched upon the board. Page 2 of 3

Teacher collates the key words on the board, while reinforcing students’ individual and shared insight into the concept of sustainability. • While some of us might be coming to this class with little understanding about environmental concepts or theories, it is interesting to observe how much knowledge we can offer each other. Draw out main themes which should include: • Economy – providing basic needs (water, food, shelter) and work, jobs • Equity – ensuring everyone gets a fair share, that future generations are looked after • Environment – biodiversity is maintained, healthy, not over used, not made toxic, will meet our future needs

Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others Seek teacher assistance and support when needed

Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Provide encouragement Provide assistance when requested.

Assessment To use these learning activities as assessment tasks, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Student research notes and report Copies of student materials and worksheets Student notes

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