VCAL: unit 2 outline

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Unit 2: Interact with the environment


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Unit 2: Interact with the Environment

Outline Time allowance: Approximately 5 hours Key themes: • Group and personal development • See and interact with local environment • Develop an appreciation for some environmental issues and how they are managed VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 • Literacy (Oral Communication Skills)

Overview of Learning Activities........................................... 2 Session Plan – option A ....................................................... 4 Session Plan – option B ....................................................... 5 Learning Outcomes.............................................................. 6 Resource Requirements ...................................................... 7 Main Learning Objectives.................................................... 7 Further Resources ............................................................... 7

Overview of Learning Activities The activities in this unit have been organised in the form of a whole day excursion. This includes a series of immersion activities where students experience environmental issues and solutions first hand. Two different session plans have been included, to give examples of different ways of running the excursion and different venues that could be used. The examples in the sample session plans are based on an experience of the natural environment and associated management issues: a visit to a local park and interview with a ranger would be a typical example. If it is possible to visit one or two engineered environmental service facilities in the local area, it will also help students develop greater awareness of the issues associated with consumption of natural resources. For example, a visit to the local water reservoir and/or a renewable energy facility would provide an excellent basis for future discussions on issues regarding sustainability. One objective of the excursion is for students to make contact with other professionals and community members who work in environmental management fields. Giving students the opportunity to meet local farmers, town planners or property developers will provide students with some experience of different pressures on land use as well as exposing students to different fields of work. These activities could be organised as separate excursions or as part of a whole day program depending on transport and time availability. Page 2 of 8

One important aspect of the excursion is the personal and group development theme, which is addressed as part of the excursion experience. It is an important aspect of the eco‐challenge as it is both integral to VCAL and the issue of building sustainable communities for the future. Teachers can include a variety of structured and unstructured group activities to enable students to develop a sense of group cohesion. An activity is also included for analysing group process, Tuckman’s stages of group development. This will help consolidate student understanding of the issues involved in collaborative group work in any group or organisation. Examples of possible excursions: Scenic lookouts Nearby parks with bushland Picnic areas Nearby rivers, creeks or streams National parks Dams or reservoirs Forests Botanical gardens Farmland Landcare revegetation areas Mines or quarries Walking trails Lists of possible presenters: Park rangers Water authority representatives Local council rangers, environment staff or planners WaterWatch (an organisation which engages communities with local river health, see for more information) Landcare members Department of Sustainability and Environment staff Environment Protection Authority Local farmers Local environment groups Note: that unit 5 offers a change to include another excursion and/or guest speaker and provides more idea’s which broaden the scope of what could be helpful in the students learning.

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15 min

20 min


10 min

1.45pm return home 5:00 hours

Team building game Unstructured team development Evaluation

Community web game

Understanding water Lunch break 4. Stages of Group Development


Leave by 11.15 Arrive by 12.00pm 10 min

Reflect on and summarise key learning of Facilitated group discussion: “What did you enjoy most today? What did you learn today?” the day Leave by 1.45 to ensure back by 2.00pm

(note: you will need to check that there is enough space at the site to do this – hacky sack could be a small space alternative)

Unstructured games – e.g. footy, cricket, soccer

Any team building game

Game with a ball of string to facilitate a discussion of interconnectedness in the community

BBQ @ Lauriston reservoir Discussion about how groups form, work together, change and disband, based on Tuckmans’ Stages of Development

Have fun as a group Get to know each other better Have fun as a group Get to know each other better

Understand connection and inter‐ relationships in nature

Feel comfortable within the team Contribute to problem solving

Understand the stages of group formation

Understand where water comes from Understand impacts on the environment

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Team games book or internet resources Football, cricket set, soccer ball

BBQ stuff AG/HO: Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development AG: Community Web Ball of string

AG: Excursion checklist Transport/bus Map Local environment managers/guest speakers Transport/bus Guest speaker

Bus trip Mt Macedon Short walk to lookout Using what we can see, discuss different types of environment & impacts Bus trip to Lauriston Reservoir ‐ leave to arrive by 12pm 15 minute talk by Lauriston Reservoir keeper


Activity brief description

Time allowance: 5.00hrs

• • • •

• • •

• • •

Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 2.00pm Key themes: • Group and personal development • See and interact with the local environment • Learn about local environmental issues AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Time Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) Leave 1. Seeing the local • Be more aware of environment in their 9.00am environment area • Interact with their environment 10 min 2. Impacts we can • Identify different types of environment see • Identify different impacts

Unit 2: Interact with the Environment

Session Plan – Example A

Time allowance: 5.30hrs

See that sustainable energy is available locally See the impacts on environment

Reflect on and summarise key learning of the day

11. Evaluation

1.45pm return home 5:30 hours

• • • •

• •

20 min

Optional 5‐10min? plus travel time Optional drive by plus travel time 5 min

7. Community web game

8. Team building game 9. Tullaroop Reservoir and/or Talbot Reservoir 10. Waubra wind farm

Have fun as a group Get to know each other better Understand teams Understand the stages of group formation

Be more aware of the environment in their area Interact with their environment Understand local environmental issues Understand how Parks Victoria manages these issues Identify different types of environment Identify different impacts

Feel more comfortable within the team Contribute to problem solving Understand connection and inter‐relationships in nature Have fun as a group Get to know each other better Visual connection to low water availability Understand where water comes from

• • • • • • • • • •

• • •

4. Lunch break 5. Unstructured team development 6. Stages of Group Development

1. Seeing the local environment 2. Management issues 3. Other impacts

15 min

10 min

Leave 9.00am 10.30am Meet ranger 10 min 12.00pm Optional

Facilitated group discussion: “What did you enjoy most today? What did you learn today?” Leave by 1.45 to ensure return by 2.30‐2.45pm

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Wind farm facts (e.g. from

Visit reservoir(s) on the way there or way back

Drive past or brief stop at wind farm site. Able to demonstrate local availability of other options

Team games book

Ball of string

AG/HO: Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development AG: Community Web

Lunch stuff football cricket set soccer ball

Transport/bus/Map Guest speaker

AG: Excursion checklist


Any team building game

Discussion about how groups form, work together, change and disband, based on Tuckmans’ Stages of Development Game with a ball of string to facilitate a discussion of interconnectedness in the community

Discussion of types of environment & impacts, based on what students can see around them Unstructured games – e.g footy, cricket, soccer (note: you will need to check that there is enough space at the site to do this – hacky sack could be a small space alternative)

Bus trip Mt Beckworth Walk to lookout Talk by local ranger Rob Browers

AG = teacher’s activity guide HO = student handout Time Activity brief description Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…)

Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 2.30pm Key themes: • Group and personal development • See and interact with the local environment • Develop an appreciation for some environmental issues and how they are managed • Learn about local environmental issues

Unit 2: Interact with the Environment

Session Plan – Example B

Learning Outcomes The learning outcomes will depend on where the students are taken, who speaks to them, etc. However the following is an example of possible learning outcomes based on the example session plans.

PD F1‐3 = Personal Development ‐ Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 3 O1 = Oracy outcome 1

Session/Activity Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) Seeing the local environment

• •

Management issues

• •

Other impacts

• •

Lunch break Team building

Stages of Group Development

Community web game

• • • •

• • •

Water reservoir

• •

Wind farm

• •


Be more aware of the environment in their area Interact with their environment Understand local environmental issues Understand how Parks Victoria manages these issues Identify different types of environment Identify different impacts

Have fun as a group Get to know each other better Understanding teams Understand stages of group formation

Feel more comfortable within the team Contribute to problem solving Understand connection and inter‐relationships in nature Visual connection to low water availability Understand where water comes from See sustainable energy is available locally See the impacts on environment Reflect on and summarise key learning of the day

VCAL Learning Outcomes (foundation level listed only – for intermediate see the learning outcomes matrix PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal.

O1. Oracy for self expression O2. Oracy for knowledge PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal. O2. Oracy for knowledge O4. Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal. O2. Oracy for knowledge O4. Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving PD F1‐5. Demonstrate teamwork skills PD F2‐4 Work effectively in groups PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal. O1. Oracy for self expression O2. Oracy for knowledge PD F1‐5. Demonstrate teamwork skills O1. Oracy for self expression O4. Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving

PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal. O2. Oracy for knowledge O4. Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving PD F1‐3. Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal. O2. Oracy for knowledge O4. Oracy for exploring issues and problem solving O1. Oracy for self expression

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Resource Requirements Facilities and Equipment Transport and map (don’t forget that transport could include walking to nearby venues such as parks) Lunch stuff/BBQ equipment

Unit Materials Activity Guide: Excursion Checklist Activity Guide and Handout: Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development Activity Guide: Community web Ball of string Football, cricket set, soccer ball or hacky sack Team games book (If visiting a wind farm) Wind farm facts, e.g. Other Guest speaker

Main Learning Objectives • • • •

Have a tangible interaction with natural environment See first hand some local environmental issues Meet and talk with managers with responsibility for managing environmental services Continue team building

Further Resources Team games books: • Funn ‘n Games • Silver Bullets • Quicksilver • No props • Cowstails and Cobras II • The Bottomless Bag Revival

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Check what your guest presenter can offer in the way of presentations and materials. Internet resources for team games:‐

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