Unit 3: Energy Production and Use
Energy production activity guide & worksheet
Developed by
This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 3: Energy Production and Use
Energy production activity guide and worksheet
Estimated duration: 25 minutes
Aim •
To develop and clarify student understanding of energy production, fossil fuel consumption and household energy use.
Outcome By the end of this session students will be able to: • Explain the links between the sun, fossil fuels and energy production • Describe the process of coal burning as a source of electricity • Understand the contribution of stationary energy to our total energy consumption • Identify the major sources of household energy consumption • Understand the impacts of electricity generation on climate change
Resources • • • •
Data projector Computer Energy production slideshow Energy production worksheet (included below)
Activity Description Ask the students to attempt the questions in the worksheet BEFORE the presentation. They could do this verbally or in groups, or get them to complete the worksheet individually. Show the energy production slideshow, using the notes in the PowerPoint file to guide discussion of the major points. Review the questions on completing and allow the students to change their answers if they are incorrect.
Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others
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Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Present slideshow Provide encouragement Introduce tasks and activities Provide assistance when requested. Teach or reinforce statistical or graphical skills and understanding
Assessment To use these learning activities as assessment tasks, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Copies of student materials and worksheets
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Unit 3: Energy Production and Use
Energy production student worksheet
A. Answer the following questions as true or false: 1. Most energy on earth comes from the sun. 2. Oil, coal and gas are types of fossil fuels. 3. Burning fossil fuels releases the stored energy in dinosaur remains. 4. Burning fossil fuels releases the chemical energy stored in these carbon compounds as heat. 5. Burning fossil fuels releases huge quantities of methane into the air. 6. Most of Victoria’s electricity comes from Hazelwood hydroelectric scheme. 7. Gas is a more efficient means of capturing the energy in fossil fuels. 8. Victoria’s total greenhouse emissions are decreasing because of wind farms. 9. Stationary energy is used when cars stand still in traffic jams. 10. Watching a feature movie on TV releases about 1kg of greenhouse gas. B. What are the biggest energy users in the household? Write 1 for the largest and 6 for the smallest. Also guess what percentage of household energy they use. Area of energy use Heaters and air conditioners Lighting Fridges and freezers Cooking appliances Other appliances – vacuum cleaners, computers, TVs, etc. Hot water
Rank (1 – 6)
Approx. %
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