Unit 3: Energy production and use
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 3: Energy Production and Use
Outline Time allowance: 3 hours Key themes: • Sources of energy production and use • Measuring appliance energy use • Introduction to energy auditing VCAL Unit Level: • Personal Development Foundation 1 • Personal Development Foundation 2 & Intermediate • Literacy: Reading and Writing Foundation & Intermediate • Oracy: Foundation & Intermediate • Numeracy: Foundation & Intermediate
Outline ...........................................................................................................................2 Overview of Learning Activities .....................................................................................2 Session Plan....................................................................................................................4 Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................5 Resource requirements..................................................................................................5 Main learning objectives................................................................................................6 Further Resources..........................................................................................................6
Overview of Learning Activities The Bean Game is a fun and engaging activity designed to challenge students to think about the current sources of electricity production and the concept of renewable and non‐renewable energy sources. Using corn and coloured beads to represent various energy reserves, this game provides and exciting introduction to theme. The introductory “Energy production” slideshow provides an overview of how we produce most of electricity using coal‐fired power stations and their current contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. The slideshow also introduces pie charts that display information about the distribution of household electricity consumed for various household functions.
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This is followed by an overview “climate change impacts” slideshow that discusses what global warming is and how it will change our climate. The introductory game “The power is right” is based on the TV show ‘The Price is Right’ and is used to orient the students to considering how much power different types of household items use and give them a sense of the power they use. The final activity, “Energy calculator part 1”, is an introduction to a personal energy audit of the student’s own home energy consumption. A brief demonstration showing how to use the Origin energy calculator (on their website or CD ROM) is helpful to clarify general questions. Asking one of the students to volunteer as a “guinea pig” will engage the class. This should be followed with hands‐on experience of the calculator itself in the next session. Students use a worksheet to gather answers to questions that will be used with the calculator in the next session.
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Session Plan
Unit 3: Energy Production and Use Date: Start time: 9.00am Finish time: 12.00pm Time allowance: 3.00hrs Key themes: • Sources of energy production and use • Measuring appliance energy use • Introduction to energy auditing SS = Slideshow AG = Teacher’s activity guide WS= Student worksheet Activity brief description Time Topic Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 5 minutes 1. Energy quiz A short quiz to start students thinking about the • Have fun energy requirements for modern living 45 minutes 2. Bead game Game to energise group while introducing the • Have fun concept of renewable and non‐renewable energy • Work together 20 minutes 3. Current energy Slideshow describing how electricity is generated, its • Understand where production impact & where it is used electricity comes from • Understand impacts of electricity generation on climate change 10 minutes 4. Effects of climate Slide show describing impact of climate change. The • Understand what climate change slides are self explanatory but additional notes are change is included in comments section of presentation. • Understand the consequences of climate change 20 minutes break 30 minutes 5. “The Power is • Understand the power use Team game to guess the amount of energy used by Right” team game different appliances. of different appliances • Work together • Have fun 35 minutes 6. Energy calculator Demonstration of how to use the Origin energy • Have an overview of the part 1 efficiency calculator using a volunteer. Students energy auditing process then take their worksheets home, to collect • Understand the types and information to use the calculator in unit 4. quantities of appliances in their home 15min 7. Team building • Have fun game • Work together 3:00 hours
AG: Energy Quiz AG/WS: Bead Game AG/WS: Energy Production SS: Energy Production Computer & data projector
SS: Climate Change Impacts Computer & data projector
AG/WS: The Power is Right
AG/WS: Energy calculator part 1 Computer, internet connection or CD Rom, & data projector
Team games book or internet resources
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Learning Outcomes PD F1‐3 =Personal Development Strand, Foundation Unit 1 Outcome 3 RW = Reading and Writing; O= Oracy; N = Numeracy Session/Activity Learning Outcomes VCAL Learning Outcomes (As a result of this unit, students should be able to…) 1. Energy quiz • Have fun 2. Bead game • Have fun PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal • Work together PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills 3. Current PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Understand energy where electricity goal production comes from • Understand impacts of electricity generation on climate change 4. Effects of PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Understand climate goal. what climate change change is • Understand the consequences of climate change 5. “The Power • Understand the PD F1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills is Right” N6: Numeracy for interpreting society – numerical power use of team game information different appliances • Work together • Have fun 6. Energy PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established • Have an calculator goal. overview of the part 1 energy auditing RW6: Reading for practical purposes N5: Numeracy for interpreting society ‐ data process • Understand the PD F1‐3: Demonstrate knowledge specific to an established goal types and PD F1‐4: Demonstrate skills specific to an established goal. quantities of PD F2‐3: Communicate information about a community appliances in service their home O1: Oracy for practical purposes: 7. team PD1‐5: Demonstrate teamwork skills • Have fun building • Work together game
Resource requirements Facilities and Equipment Coloured beads and corn Computer & data projector Internet access or the Origin energy efficiency calculator CD ROM
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Unit Material 1. Activity Guide: Energy Quiz 2. Activity Guide: Bead game Worksheet: Bead game 3. Activity Guide: Energy production Worksheet: Energy production Slideshow: Energy production 4. Slideshow: Climate change impacts 5. Activity Guide: The power is right Worksheet: The power is right 6. Activity Guide: Energy calculator part 1 Worksheet: Energy calculator part 1
Main learning objectives • • • • •
Introduce students to the different sources of electricity production Make the distinction between renewable and non‐renewable energy sources Develop and clarify student understanding of energy production, fossil fuel consumption and household energy use Introduce a sense of the amount of power being used by different appliances Introduce students to the Origin energy efficiency calculator as a tool for working out how much energy is used in a home.
Further Resources Team games books: • Funn ‘n Games • Silver Bullets • Quicksilver • No props • Cowstails and Cobras II • The Bottomless Bag Revival Team games internet resources:
http://wilderdom.com/games/InitiativeGames.html www.group‐games.com/ www.businessballs.com/teambuildinggames.htm
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