Unit 4: Reducing energy use
Energy calculator part 2 activity guide
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This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 4: Reducing energy use
Energy calculator part 2 activity guide
Estimated duration: 50 minutes
Aim •
To conduct a virtual energy audit using computer technology
Outcome By the end of this session, students will be able to: • understand the energy auditing process • have an overview of the energy used in their own homes
Resources •
CD Rom Origin Energy Home Energy project (available from Origin) Or
• •
Click on the energy efficiency calculator at www.originenergy.com.au/2103/Residential‐Efficiency Energy calculator part 1 worksheet (from unit 3) Computers (with internet access)
Activity Description Students complete an audit of their own home energy consumption using the calculator. Students will have found out about what they use in the home (e.g. how their water is heated) before this class via the worksheet provided to them in unit 3. However, it will be possible to complete a rough estimate of this and most other areas if they have not completed one. During this activity they enter their results into the calculator, to find out where they use energy, and how much. Students may have to estimate the amount of time some items are utilised to complete the calculations, for example, how long the stove is used for cooking. If on average the family cooks 6 out of 7 nights and it takes 45 minutes to cook the meal, then have them record 6 x 45 min = 270 minutes per week. There will also be some questions they don’t know the answers for. For example, they might not know how many loads of washing are done in the house per week, or what energy star rating their fridge has. In these cases, just get them to guess. As part of the next activity students will analyse their results. Page 2 of 3
Optional extension activity There are a number of different calculators available on the internet to calculate energy use. Another one is listed below. They all do a similar job, however you need to be mindful that they use different assumptions and techniques which will give different results. This is a good opportunity to discuss these types of issues with students, and how sometimes there are no definitive answers. The key of course is to ensure they understand that these calculators can be used as guides to help decision making or identifying where they could make the most energy savings. As an extension activity, you could get students to also calculate their results on the Environment Protection Authority calculator, available on the internet at www.epa.vic.gov.au/GreenhouseCalculator/calculator/default.asp and on CD Rom.
Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others Identify other sources of information Seek teacher assistance and support when needed Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Organise materials and equipment Provide encouragement Introduce tasks and activities Provide assistance when requested Teach or reinforce statistical or graphical skills and understanding Advise on how to identify sources of information
Assessment To use this learning activity as an assessment task, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Student research notes and report Copies of student materials and worksheets
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