Unit 4: Reducing Energy Use
Reducing our power use activity guide & worksheet
Developed by
This project was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
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Unit 4: Reducing Energy Use
Reducing our power use activity guide and worksheet
Estimated duration: 20 minutes
Aim •
To generate a list of power saving measures at home, school and in the workplace.
Outcome By the end of this session, students will be able to: • List target behaviours that will enable them to reduce their energy consumption in the home • Identify actions that they personally can complete at home to reduce energy usage.
Resources • • •
Whiteboard, pens Reducing our power use worksheet (included below) Computers and internet access if also sourcing additional ideas for reducing energy use from the internet, for example from www.environmentvictoria.org.au/content/act/make‐changes‐at‐home (includes information on heating, transport including sustainable driving and greening your computer) and www.originenergy.com.au/2405/Your‐energy‐efficient‐ home under “Energy efficiency tips”.
Activity Description 1. Have the class discuss findings and brainstorm ways of reducing their energy consumption in different areas of the home. 2. Additional ideas can be obtained from the website resources listed above. 3. Have students then record their ideas on the ‘reducing our power use’ worksheet. They could then present their lists to others in small groups or to the whole class. 4. Expand discussion of energy reduction options to the classroom, school as a whole or in workplaces that students have visited or know something about (e.g. where parents work).
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Student Roles and Responsibilities Participate in agreed tasks Contribute to class discussions Complete activities and worksheets Work cooperatively with others Write or present a report Seek teacher assistance and support when needed
Level of Teacher Support Facilitate discussion Introduce tasks and activities Provide examples of mind maps to assist brainstorming Organise materials and equipment Provide encouragement and assistance when requested Advise on how to prepare a report or make a presentation Remind students about timelines and commitments
Assessment To use this learning activity as an assessment task, collect evidence such as: Teacher checklist and observation Student research notes and report Copies of student materials and worksheets Teacher checklist for oral presentation Teacher checklist for class discussions
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Unit 4: Reducing Energy Use
Reducing our power use worksheet
Household item/activity
What we can do to reduce electricity use
Computer use
Washing yourself‐ personal hygiene
Washing machine
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