Welcome participants
15 minutes
5 minutes
15 minutes
25 minutes (Optional)
15 minutes
Activity: How long does rubbish last?
The Story of Stuff
Background to issues
Set up workshop
30 minutes
Provide an overview of the workshop.
Presentation: • Why waste matters • The issues with landfill sites • Waste and climate change • Benefits of minimising waste • Show an awesome 20 minute film on how and why we throw out so much. Show this instead of presenting the background to issues to keep your total workshop time with optional activities to two hours. • Divide participants into groups of 3 or 4 • Get them to guess how long each of the items on the slide last
Understand how long rubbish lasts
• Understand how and why we throw out so much
Connect our generation of waste to harm • to the environment Understand why we need to reduce our resource use
• Understand what the workshop will involve
www.storyofstuff. org – can be downloaded or shown online PowerPoint presentation – list of items is on slide 12, answers are on slide 13 Prizes
Cups, plates Raffle tickets (if using) Handouts from previous sessions PowerPoint presentation – slide 3 PowerPoint presentation – slides 3 ‐ 11
• • •
Refreshments Pens
• •
• • • • • • Set up all tables in a ‘U’ shape facing the front Place all the pens on the tables. Set up refreshments – ensure the urn is switched on. Start with tea/coffee/biscuits Give out tickets if holding a raffle Check for new participants and give them handouts from previous sessions
As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: • Participate in group discussion • Be motivated to return for later workshops! • Feel welcome • Be up to speed with what is happening in the workshops
Time allowance: 1.5 ‐ 2 hours
Learning Outcomes ‐‐
Brief description of activity
Date: Time start: Time finish: Key themes: • Waste issues overview – going beyond recycling • Smart shopping and avoiding waste • How to complete the Smart Shopping and Waste checklist
Workshop Plan – Smart Shopping and Waste ECO‐WISE ACTION WORKSHOPS
Smart Shopping and Reducing Waste
Workshop pack up
20 minutes
15 minutes (Optional)
5 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes (Optional)
30 min
• • • •
Remind participants about the next workshop Run a raffle for prizes or provide all participants with some treats for attending (e.g. draft stopper) Explain how to use and where to buy each item Pack up all materials Tidy room Wash, dry and put away all dishes
Participants describe something they learned at the session today Participants fill out evaluation form (if used)
• • •
Participants complete the pledge forms in booklet and on a separate copies (if compiling pledge data)
• •
Reflect on what they have learnt • Provide feedback on how experience was for them • Leave the workshop feeling good •
Identify actions that they would like to take
Complete the checklist at home after the workshop
PowerPoint presentation – slides 30‐32 PowerPoint presentation – slide 33 Copies of pledge forms (if you plan to track pledges) PowerPoint presentation – slide 34 Evaluation forms Flyer for next workshop Door prize or treats
Time to assimilate information and ask presenter specific questions
PowerPoint presentation – slides 14‐29
Presentation: • The waste hierarchy • Avoiding waste (sustainable eating, green cleaning) • Reusing, recycling, composting • Hazardous household waste • Participants have time to chat with each other and the presenter • Pick up any free information that is available • Explain how to complete the checklist in the booklet
Learning Outcomes ‐‐ As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: • Understand how to reduce their • environmental impact from shopping and waste
Brief description of activity
Preparation for the Smart Shopping and Waste Workshop If possible, update the presentation and information booklet with local recycling information. You can get this information from your local council, or from www.recyclingnearyou.com.au. You may also want to include local information on how much waste is generated and recycled in your area on slides 11 and 12, for example from the Victorian Local Government Annual Survey. It is also worth adding local information on where to dispose of hazardous materials for slide 30, from www.resourcesmart.vic.gov.au/for_households/dropoff_points_2826.html.
1.5 hours excluding set up, pack up and optional activities
Thank you
Pledge Forms
Home checklist
This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence, with the exception of logos, which are protected by copyright. Eco‐Wise Action was funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment
Disclaimer Environment Victoria provides the Eco‐Wise Action workshop package as a guide. However, it cannot take responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred as a result of the use of any of the information within this workshop package. We recommend that you obtain appropriate professional advice and assistance where necessary.
Materials Needed • PowerPoint presentation – on memory stick and in hard copy as a back up • Laptop computer with PowerPoint software installed, projector and screen (or light coloured wall) • Extension cord and power board or double adaptor • White board and markers • Camera and media consent forms (if you would like to take pictures of the workshop) • Tea/herbal tea/coffee/milk/sugar/biscuits • Raffle tickets and tub (if holding a raffle) • Three prizes (e.g. microfibre cleaning clothes) – one prize for activity and two prizes for raffle • (Optional but recommended) Props such as a re‐usable mug, microfibre cleaning clothes, 100% recycled paper, toilet paper made from recycled content, rechargeable batteries and charger, worm farm, bokashi bin and a pot of herbs. Also samles of plastics, foam etc. that people often are unsure about recycling. • Handouts from previous sessions for any new participants Specific Items – allocate 1 per person • Pens • Smart Shopping and Waste booklets, printed on recycled paper • Smart Shopping and Waste pledge sheets – these are in the booklets, but you may want to get participants to also record their pledges on a handout, so you can compile them • Anything you have to give away, for example “no junk mail” stickers and packets of easy to grow seeds • Flyers promoting the next workshop Other resources • Hard copies of fact sheets from www.environmentvictoria.org.au (e.g. compost, worm farm and bokashi fact sheet) • Print outs of The Victorian Green Renters’ Guide, available from www.environmentvictoria.org.au/rentersguide