Envisage Bloom 2

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e Envisage Bloom December 2010

Dear Readers, Envisage Bloom has been growing on me and I’m in love with creating it. I hope you all enjoyed the first issue, now here is the second. Again, thank you for all your support. My staff and I are still bettering this magazine for all of you. Keep your heads up and keep art in your hearts forever.


Envisage Bloom

Meet Envisage Bloom Jenny Woods Kayla Trail Madeline Irene

Editorials (in order)

Rosie Woods Kirstin Dale Cooper (cover) Liz Barnes Jeff Edmanson Kelsey Curtis

We are in the process of looking for Co-Editor’s and Staff Photographers. Please e-mail Envisage Bloom with your resume. Explain your experience and give reasonings as to why we should pick you to join our Magazine.

All Submissions should be e-mailed to envisagebloom@ymail.com











Winter Wonderland ; December









Elizabeth Brooke

Sandy Honig


James Henthorn

Shelby Tanner

Kirsten Gargan

Lauren W.


Maria Sardari


“I feel that it is always there. If I’m unhappy, delighted, or in between, I can always use photography to illustrate my ideas and thoughts. I may spend hours coming up with a concept or seconds, just shooting, I always know that something I didn’t expect will come out of it. It can be sunny, dark, or just lovely, it comes in all forms and that’s what’s so intriguing about it. It’s the only thing that stuck around long enough for me to fall in love with. I tried everything from dancing to playing piano but mere weeks later those interests evaporated. I now know that art will stay with me forever.”


k c o Sh

Soft By Rosie Woods








Interview with Mariam Sitchinava

Envisage Bloom: What is it about nude photography, or the naked body in general, that intrigues you enough to photograph it?

Mariam: I shoot women nude. For me, a beautiful body of woman is

a masterpiece and I always have had desires to show off all the beautiful parts of woman’s body.

Envisage Bloom: Do you ever get paranoid about how someone will react to you posting these kinds of photos online for the world to see?

Mariam: Yes, it happens. Envisage Bloom: How do you choose models to take photos of? Especially ones who would be willing to bare all in a photo?

Mariam: In general, I don’t have plans to shoot nudes, I only have ideas how I want to shoot and when I see a girl who will perfectly express my ideas and feelings than I choose her.



“Do what you love and be positive."


“I always have had desires to show off all the beautiful parts of a woman’s body." Envisage Bloom: How/where do you find inspiration for your

that’s why I have chosen these places.

Mariam: Inspiration can be everything, even a cold sculpture.

Envisage Bloom: What advice would you give to amateurs who


Envisage Bloom: What kind of camera(s) do you shoot with? Mariam: I shoot with Zenit 122.

want to get into photography as a profession?

Mariam: Love your work. Envisage Bloom: What do you feel is the most challenging thing

Envisage Bloom: What initially got you into photography? Mariam: I should replace “what” with “who”. Envisage Bloom: How would you describe your photography, and you as a photographer?

Mariam: I don’t like talking about myself. It’s all about how others

about photography and why?

Mariam: Because it concerns nude bodies. Envisage Bloom: Have you taught yourself when it comes to your photography?

Mariam: Yes

perceive my work.

Envisage Bloom: Best piece of advice that was ever given to you Envisage Bloom: How do you decide where to take your photos at? They’re so peaceful and beautiful!

Mariam: As you mentioned locations are peaceful and beautiful,


with photography, or anything in general, that defines who you are as a person and photographer?

Mariam: Do what you love and be positive.



George Downing

“I love photography because I’ve always been a creative person. I always had pictures in my head of things that I wanted to make but with other mediums I could never do what I wanted to do. It wasn’t until I pIcked up a camera that I was fInally able to create these things, or anything that was in my head. I love it because it allows you to capture real life things such as people but in beautiful and imaginative landscapes, and it gives you a sense of fiction. It allows me to open my eyes and appreciate beauty in everything.”




g o T

r e h et

When I was little I believed with all of my heart that I would be able to discover anything about a person by the way they tied their shoes. It really does seem silly now but when I was six years old it meant the world to me. I even had this cheat sheet for shoe lacing observations. If the laces were criss-crossed it meant a person had a normal life, family and work, the usual. If the ties were parallel it meant that person was happy and very lucky. If there were knots in the laces it meant the worst thing my six year old heart knew, sadness and loneliness. My brother Sam had different ideas about the world but he never disagreed with mine. Although Sam was nearly ten years older than me he often accompanied me while I observed the shoes. For five months straight I walked around our dirty street outside of Manhattan with my head down and my eyes trained on any passing laces. When Sam was there I held onto his hand tight, our fingers intertwined like the ties of our second-hand sneakers. He followed me during those five months, offering small words to spark a conversation or quietly relaying the messages that he found in a stranger’s Chuck Taylors. He was quiet and bright but he didn’t do well in school. Often I saw him in his room reading Shakespeare and drawing the faces of rare coins he found in his History books. He claimed that he was content but the way his fingers shook while tying his sneakers told me something wasn’t right. Something inside of him changed during the time we shared, and I knew he was trying to protect me by not sharing this knowledge. I respected his choice and enjoyed his silent company. Once, during my obsession, I snuck into our mud closet to study my family’s shoes. Mine were placed neatly beside Sam’s, our Sketchers both criss-crossed and topped with a bow. My mother’s scuffed Ked’s, worn out from long late night Hospital shifts, were also tied the same. My father’s old work boots were thrown carelessly into the corner farther away from the family’s shoes. Caked with mud but laced the same as mine, there was only one difference with my father’s laces. All along the ties were small, discolored knots. Some were so tight, not even my small fingers could untie them. I was only six, but with the laces I knew everything; what Sam was hiding and what that meant for my family. After I discovered the knots tied in my father’s laces I kept a careful eye


on his actions. Slowly everything started to make sense, the edges creeping together while I stood still and watched. My father began sliding his yellowed Hanes into his boots, never bothering to tie them. In the evenings my mother would slowly slip her stocking feet into her Ked’s and loosely attach them to her petite frame. It made me angry. Something was happening and it scared me. Sometimes I wanted to yell at my parents for them to tell me what was wrong, what I had done and, why they weren’t speaking. I didn’t of course; I just silently continued to watch the shoes. It was the only thing that made me comfortable anymore. At about five months’ time my father stopped returning home after work. My mother began making smaller portions for dinner, and she cried all of the time. My seventh birthday was in one week and she asked me what I wanted. I told her that I wanted Daddy to come back. Her face grew small as she ran out of the room before I could see her tears. I missed my father’s worn boots in the mud closet. I wanted to know why my daddy had run out on us. I felt more alone than I ever had in my life. I hated this emptiness that wouldn’t go away, not even with the laces. The morning of my birthday, my mother came into my room with red eyes and a small pink package. She set the gift on the foot of my bed, squeezed my hand and left my room. I slowly reached for the lid and lifted it off of the shoe box. Inside was a pair of shiny white sketcher’s, my only gift that had sacrificed a month worth of groceries. I slid the shoes onto the floor. I cried and screamed for Sam. When he came running into my room he held me and softly whispered that he loved me. After I was done with my hysterics we talked about everything that had happened. He apologized for our father leaving us, although it was never his fault. He told me about the discussions he heard between our mother and father about a divorce. When he spoke the new word my small heart constricted on itself and I started to cry once more. My mother never once interrupted our conversations, and ever since she has remained distant. For a long period of time I refused to look at the ground where the shoes waited to be re-discovered. When I was nine I rarely let the thought cross my mind. I was older; I had been living with my mother alone for more than two years after Sam had moved out. I thought about my father, but I never spoke of him. One day Sam had come home and we walked our normal route around our street. Suddenly he grew quiet for quite some time. When he spoke he mumbled something about the laces we used to watch. I told him he was being silly, that we were no longer kids. He silently fell into step beside me again as I glanced towards the ground. I saw the dirty laces; knotted and tied in so many ways. Finally after so many years I felt complete, tied together once more.


Zach Burden


Hey love, Why did I let you do this to me? Why am I sitting here crying over something that happened a year ago? Emotional, you would call me, If you knew about this. But there is a reason for every tear that I cry, and for the first time in a long time, it’s you. Again. I may, or may not have went back and read our old conversations. Only a few. I must have saved them for a reason. In the first one you told me you loved me, for the very first time. Your exact words were, “ You are the reason I don’t hate everything.” I’m sure you don’t remember that, but I do. I even remember the song I listened to that night, I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. I remember how excited I got, a few months later when you told me that was my favorite song. Why was I so excited? You remembered, so what. I remember everything about you, everything you’ve ever told me. I remember the feeling you gave me, that night you said you loved me, and how I went to bed smiling, replaying the conversation in my head. When I read it today, I smiled again. I was in love, again. But then I went on. I wish I hadn’t. I must have saved the next one intentionally. In this one you didn’t love me, you never had. You only told me you did to make me happy, to get what you wanted. Did you get what you wanted? Is this what you wanted? That’s not the end though. There’s one more. The last one I found. The one where you tell all. The one where I tried to leave you. Suddenly, you loved me again, you couldn’t live without me. Exact words. “There’s always a way out Baby, I could be dead.” No, no you couldn’t. I love you. Why would you threaten me like that? When you ended up leaving me anyway. So yeah, emotional is what you would call me. What can I call you? Emotionless? No, there’s a better term for this, Emotionally abusive. It’s harsh, but its true. Why did I let you do this to me? Is this what you wanted?

By Jasmine Linseman




Elise Neilson


s o F i ne

Jacquel “Photography captures all aspects and beauty in life. Just by a simple click of a button you’re saving memories that can be kept forever like a time capsule. That’s why I love photography.”



e t r n e i W on W a d d e r n l a n i g n i Walk By Kirstin Dale Cooper






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captures o no wh sta l r i lgic g a nd a

Envisage Bloom sat down with Gaby Jeter ...

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es thro i r ugh o m a lens.� e


Envisage Bloom: The inevitable, cliche question, what originally got you into photography? What made you want to get into it?

Gaby: I don’t feel like I chose to get into photography, it’s just some-

thing that runs in my blood. The ability to capture a moment in time and have it saved forever fascinates me.

Envisage Bloom: Looking through your stream, it seems like you have a lot of subtle, soft toned photos. Is that just how you like your photos in general, or do you like that look in any photo?

Gaby: Oh yes, most of all my photos are shot with natural light and

I try to portray that light with dreamy & soft colors. But then I have moods where I feel like nothing but nostalgic so I edit my photos by adding warm, vintage tones. I’m very indecisive.

Envisage Bloom: Where do you get inspiration for photos? A lot of your photos have very interesting, and varied approaches to them. The variety in your photos is very refreshing, and creative!

Gaby: Thank you! I must say I get most of my inspiration from flickr,

Urban Outfitters & Anthropologie catalogs. I can sit & flip through them for hours.


Envisage Bloom: Your photos are very varied when it comes to location too. Do you travel a lot to go to specific places? Or just drive until you find a hot spot?

Gaby: I usually just ride my bicycle or drive 15 minutes north from

where I live and have the open desert & mountains all to myself; it’s quite nice actually.

Envisage Bloom: What programs do you use to edit your photos? Gaby: Photoshop of course! Envisage Bloom: I am absolutely in love with this photo:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/hellogaby/4977595929/in/photostream/ what caused the inspiration here? Just a random drive by, or was it intended to become this shot?

Gaby: Thank you! It’s actually a funny story. I got into a fight with my

boyfriend at the time, decided to go out for a drive to clear my mind and I ended up at a dead end. So I got out of my car and the Airplanes song by B.O.B & Hayley Williams was on repeat on my iPod and I just decided to play around and take pictures. Completely got over the fight right after!



“I want my photos to tell a story and give the feel of magic.”

Envisage Bloom: How would you describe yourself as a photographer, and your photography in general? Gaby: This is always difficult for me to answer but I feel like I’m just a girl who captures nostalgic and dreamy memories through a lens. My photographs vary from simplicity to adventurous from a perspective that lets life shine through. I want my photos to tell a story and give the feel of magic whether it’s a person, an area of unexplored land of which I’ve traveled through or an object that gets a hold of my attention.

Envisage Bloom: What’s your favorite thing to photograph? Models? Scenic places? Gaby: I love taking pictures of boys & girls out in the middle of nowhere which is usually in the desert or in the mountains somewhere.

Envisage Bloom: How do you choose your models? Gaby: They’re all my friends or people I’ve met through facebook or model mayhem. Sometimes though, I’m my own model. I should probably stop taking pictures of myself but when I come to a place that I like, or come up with an idea I’m the only one who happens to be available, haha!

Envisage Bloom: Your son is absolutely darling. Does he behave well when his talented mother comes towards him with the camera? Or does he shy away from it? The photos you have of him, are just too cute for words!

Gaby: Awww, thank you so much! Caden will never sit still when it comes to taking his pictures! I would

almost always have to distract him by putting Justin Bieber videos on (he loves him!) or bribe him with sweets. Once he sees me bring out my cameras, he says “no mom, no pikchurz.” It’s so funny but frustrating at the same time haha!


o g i r a M Gloria “I would not be able to live without photography. It’s part of me, my energy. My form of communication and is the dream that you stop and resume shooting. It’s all for me. What’s my dream? To become a photographer for vogue or the new Tim Walker.”



s r a e Y n e d l o G The By Liz Barnes







Our chat with the sweet Christina Hachatryan!

Envisage Bloom: What inspired you to get into photography? Christina: I once had a friend who was very into it. I still take our meeting as a very special gift. Being somewhat suggestible, I used to idolize that person a bit, which naturally led me to some kind of imitation. So I started photography. Fortunately, I didn’t turn out a copy.

Envisage Bloom: What kind of camera(s) do you use? Christina: Lately I’ve been working (or should I call it “playing”, still not

serious enough) with a soviet medium format Salut-S; I also have a digital one, Nikon D80, plus various lenses, and a 35mm SLR Zenit 122.

Envisage Bloom: How would you describe your photography, and you as a photographer?

Christina: Immature, immature!

Okay, let me think. My pictures resemble dreams in some way, which, however, doesn’t mean they’re always about happiness, unicorns and stuff. Maybe eerie (I like that word), maybe hazy, frequently glittery… yes, different kinds of dreams. I, as a photographer, am a wishful learner.

Envisage Bloom: How do you decide who to take pictures of? (How do you choose your models, in what photos you take of them?)

Christina: One condition, which sometimes becomes an obstacle — if one’s

look meets my tastes, I come to them and ask if they want “a pic or two”. Talking about obstacles I mean working for money. Money can’t buy my love, haha, you know. If the person doesn’t seem attractive to me, I would most probably say no. Well, unless they offer a great deal, I’m the greedy one. There are no exact features like, well, you’re thin, you’re green-eyed, be mine! It’s always something more subtle. Speaking of the idea, when I think of the so-called concept, I have an image of the person in mind, but it’s more like an outline. The process is always flexible; unpredictable. That is what I like the most.




Envisage Bloom: What photo is your favorite out of your stream, and why?

Christina: A hard choice to make, since my likings are transient, maybe, too transient, especially when it’s about my own creations. It has to be the girl in the paper crown. I can’t tell why, but it seems so magical to me, there sure is a story about that shot, just look at her. See, I talk like I have nothing to do with that picture, it’s always like that, and not in a happy way. Envisage Bloom: Do you dress your models? Or do they dress themselves?

“If you’re satisfied with what you’re doing for more than half an hour, that is a road to hell. You can do better.” Christina: I portray the character, and then we choose the clothes to-

gether. It turned out that my idea of simple things like “flesh-colored” or “feminine” often differs from the model’s, so it’s always better to control the process rather than let some misunderstanding ruin everything.

Envisage Bloom: Which do you prefer with your photographs: black and white, or color? Why?

Christina: In general I sincerely love both, but my photographs look better in color simply because I use it as a tool. Black and white is too uncompromising for them.

Envisage Bloom: What advice would you give an amateur who was just starting out in photography?

Christina: Practice. Don’t copy before you learn to interpret. Never

copy if you’re not sure you can surpass the original. The whole thing is about the light. If you’re satisfied with what you’re doing for more than half an hour, that is a road to hell. You can do better. You can do better. You can do better, are you kidding me?

Envisage Bloom: What’s something you think most people forget about, when it comes to photography?

Christina: People often forget either about the photographer or the model — depends on whom they are praising at the moment. A joke, maybe, but truthful.

Envisage Bloom: Have you had any professional help with photography? Or did you teach yourself?

Envisage Bloom: What was your thought process behind your bunny mask series?

Christina: Would you be disappointed if I say there was no thought

process at all? We did it for fun. The only rational thought I can remember was “one mask is boring, let’s add ten more”. Why bunnies? I don’t know, it could have been elephants or pandas. Maybe it would be if we had a choice, but the truth is even those masks were hard to find.

Envisage Bloom: You have a very select few of artistic nude shots; do you plan on working with the naked, human body in any future shots?

Christina: To find a person who will agree to get naked is not the

point. If it was, I would probably be the raw version of Helmut Newton. The whole thing is about either trust or tense. That special kind of contact between you and the model that makes the nude shot live and speak. Personally, I think all the worthy nudes involve sex, one way or another, and I’m talking specifically about model-photographer relationship. I’m not exactly planning anything, but I surely won’t miss a chance. Those nudes you’ve seen consider them warm-ups.

Christina: No professional help, no manuals read, no courses completed. Not that I’m proud of it, I still have to learn a lot, but until now I preferred to do it selectively by myself.

Envisage Bloom: Do you draw too, along with photography? Christina: Yes, I’ve been drawing quite a lot lately, which unexpected-

ly led me to a complete style change. There is one on my stream that’s my favorite. It is especially dear to me because I’ve always thought there’s no way I could draw a recognizable portrait. It proved that I just needed a little practice; a couple of try outs. That’s one of the most inspiring things I can remember in my life.

Envisage Bloom: Do you plan on going further with photography? Or are you content with where you at?

Christina: Not content at all, and I can’t even imagine I would be content with what I’m doing some day in the future. Enough room for perfection, too much, actually.



Conserved / Exposed By Jeff Edmanson








Alexandra Sophie


Envisage Bloom: What kind of camera(s) / programs do you use when it comes to taking photos and editing them?

Alexandra: I recently bought a Canon 5D mark II, I’ve

been dreaming of it for more than a year, and finally got to order it, but there is only a very few photos taken with it yet, all other were taken with my beloved little Canon EOS 400D and a 50mm f/1.8 that I use all the time! I edit my photos with Photoshop CS3, but not so much!

Envisage Bloom: How do you decide what locations to

shoot at? Do you plan ahead, or just go out on a whim to find an interesting location?

Alexandra: About locations, I’m very lucky because even

though I live in a city since a few months, there is still nice places very “nature”, where we can go freely. Most of the time, the models and myself simply choose what is the easiest for us, and it’s almost the same place every time. Or, sometimes, they bring me to places I’ve never seen, and take photos directly here, as I discover the place. When we need something specific, a lake for example, we search together if we know a lake, but the biggest problem is always how to get there, since I don’t drive yet and most of the time, the models don’t either.

Envisage Bloom: Do you have any professional training

when it comes to photography? Have you taken any classes, or did you teach yourself?

Alexandra: I taught myself everything I know, by being

completely curious and obsessed. I love to know things and discover anything; all I know about photography came just like that by trying and experimenting a lot. But honestly, I don’t know so much about technical, I know how to use my camera with the “Manual Mode” for a long time, but the main rules of photography are still a mystery to me. But in some ways, I think it helps to keep the work more free and artsy, and do things that the people do using more “technical” things would not think to try out, and help to experiment more, to find your own style, and work with the instinct. Of course, technical is a good thing, since it helps you better to manage to realize the photo that you have in your mind.


Envisage Bloom: The couple shots you have, are simply adorable. Do you like taking single portraits more/less than couple shots?

Alexandra: In fact, I did only one photo shoot with a couple, but I

had previously two photo shoots with the same girl, she travelled all over France to get photos! And she wanted another photo shoot, but with her boyfriend this time. As she knew that I’m usually not very inspired by boys and not feeling very comfortable with them, she told me that she thought that I would have said no. But I said yes! They were very friendly and so in love! It was a good experience, I would love to do it again, but I mostly take picture of single persons, and I love this too!

Envisage Bloom: Where do you find inspiration for your photographs?

Alexandra: As I stopped school very early and had no friends, I have been looking at everyone growing up and moving, building their lives and forgetting important stuff as love and innocence. My life slowed down suddenly at the same time I had to stop school, I still feel like I am inside the cage of my childhood, a golden cage, sure, I feel like I am in another world, and am looking at Earth from there. I have been sitting on that bench, looking at the people running so they don’t miss the bus, I’ve been standing against that wall and watching teenagers going out from school, and laughing at each other. Then I realized that it doesn’t fit at all with what we used to tell in the fairy tales, and as I am still inside the childhood, I felt sad and nostalgic to see everyone ready to kill to get a job and I gave to myself the mission to prove to everyone that softness, love, innocence, dream-time are still there. A harmonic world between us and nature: where everyone cares about each other and feels free to love.

Envisage Bloom: What first got you into photography, and how long have you been taking photos?

Alexandra: I started randomly while using the disposable cameras

my parents give me when I go to trips with school. I took photos of everything, a huge collection of lift buttons, rest rooms, doors... Time was going and money too, because I took too many photos and it coasted a lot to develop! When I was 8, I asked my own camera but used all the 10 rolls film in one day! Digital cameras were not famous yet, it was very expensive and not good quality at all... I got my first digital camera at the age of 14, 2 millions pixels only, but I was really happy! It got broken very fast, and I took a break away from photography, then I started again to take pictures with a very cheap video camera, as I was saving for my reflex. Even if now, many people have one and that it’s not so unique anymore, before, photography was not that popular and I really felt so happy, like dancing on the clouds in heaven, I even sleep with my camera right next to me in bed.

Envisage Bloom: It seems like you’re the kind of photographer who goes to great lengths to get a good shot, meaning, you probably go above and beyond to get a different point of view when it comes to taking photos. True? If so, why do you go beyond the “simple straight on” shot?

Alexandra: Before a photo shoot, I honestly rarely have an idea. The models and myself bring clothes and meet in random places, that’s all that is decided about the photo shoot. Sometimes, they make me discover new places, and we take photos there! When I am in a photo shoot, I’m really “inside” it. Even if a plane crash few meters next to,


I won’t even realize it since I’m only concentrated about our photos! I would do anything to take a pretty photo, sometimes, I lie down in the mud, stand in the river, climb up the trees or jump in cave... There is even some photos taken when I’m standing on my fiancé’s shoulders; I love adventure and each and every one of my photo shoots feel like a new one.

Envisage Bloom: Out of your stream, what’s your personal favorite photo, and why?

Alexandra: This photo, the photo of the girl asleep in water, is my

favorite of my own photos! I’m particularly proud because this photo came out on the pixels exactly as I saw it in my mind. The model was very brave too, because the water was incredibly cold, simply putting my finger in water made my body frozen while the other hours of the photo shoot! She just lied down in water while a few seconds, for me to take the photo, and she said “I will do anything you want, because I deeply trust you and I know it will make a good photo!”, It really made me happy, that photo shoot is a very good memory too!

Envisage Bloom: When it comes to your photography, what’s your biggest accomplishment? What do you take pride in the most with your photography?

Alexandra: I never used to trust myself, but photography really

helped me. Because of it, I met a wonderful boy from another continent, who is now my fiancé. I was always the girl that everybody laugh at and make fun of, at school and in the street, people use (even sometimes now!) To stop me and explain me how ugly I am. But because of my photographs, and all the amazing persons I met through it, I really feel so much more comfortable and I definitely became stronger! When persons that I don’t even know are bad with me, I think : “hey, but me, even if I’m ugly, I had my face and photos on the cover of magazines in several countries, I even was on TV, and this person will never have anything of it!”. Your friends always say that you should think like this when people insult you, but it really take a long work on yourself to actually be able to think it and to not care too much of what people may say. I’m not sure if I can realize yet all happened to me, everything came so fast... I started to take photos of models and... 3 months later I was in the first newspaper, and then everything came just like dominos. As strange as it may sound, now, very often when I walk in the street, people come and ask me “Are you Alexandra Sophie?! I love your photos!”, or when I come online and read my e-mails, I see e-mails: “I saw you today in the shop, I felt shy to come to talk to you!”, they all know me by facebook ... It’s really crazy how my life changed in such a little time! I’m proud now, to be able to show my publications to all these persons who were laughing at me, and to get messages from them “ohh ... I’m really proud of you and what you achieved”, maybe they forgot what they did to me, but me I don’t! Same for my dad... A few days ago only, he told my little sister that “it’s probably my mom who buys my new camera” and that “anyway I will never manage to live with my photography, it’s not even a real job”. I’m working hard and my ultimate goal would be that one day, totally randomly, he open a magazine about anything, and see one day a photo of mine, and realize that he was wrong. I bought my camera with the money I earned and saved, and soon my exhibition will be there in France, in my small city and in Paris! My dreams come true one by one, and recently, a book came in Holland with my photo as cover, probably my biggest dream!

Envisage Bloom: Do you like shooting nude photography? I see a


“I feel like I am in another world, and am looking at Earth from there."


few on your stream, and adore your approach on them.

Alexandra: I really love shooting nude photography! For now, I only

got to do it one time. It was really a nice moment with the model who herself requested me for this kind of photos, but I wanted to do it for a long time already. I usually rarely look at nude photography, and when I took those photos, I didn’t want especially to show the fact that she is naked or topless, I wanted the photos as soft and innocent as my other ones, but make the model topless just like if it was normal, something not provocative at all, and even the opposite ; pure.

online where she sells clothes, mostly dresses: http://www.lylybells. fr. And, sometimes, she let me take the dresses I like for photo shoots, that’s how I manage to have dresses in several times! And most of the times the models bring their own clothes too, but we rarely spend a lot of time thinking about the style, even though I would love to focus more about it and get commissions for something more fashion! They simply choose dresses from my Mary Poppins bag and let’s go shooting! If you look at the dresses on my photographs, you will see very fast that as big as my Mary Poppins bag is, we always end by choosing the same dresses!

Envisage Bloom: Last question!

still sell your editing presets for people to buy? What made you want to start selling your presets for editing?

When it comes to your photos that you chose to upload, what do you look for specifically in your photos to decipher which ones get uploaded?

Alexandra: Yes, I do still sell my photoshop actions! They are the

Alexandra: Choosing the photos to upload is always very hard! I

Envisage Bloom: I see that you sell actions on photoshop. Do you

one I really use on my photography, many persons asked me to show and maybe sell them, but it took me ages to answer this request, because I honestly thought that no one would ever be really interested or buy them. But I tried, and people seem to like them, so I continue! Most of my previous customers buy my new ones every time I put new ones on sale!

Envisage Bloom: With your models, do you style them yourself? Alexandra: I’m a really lucky girl because my mum has a website

have tons on my computer that I would love to show, but I’m always worried to bother everyone on flickr, so I just created a blog, but it’s not available yet, I still didn’t even write my first article. But I post a lot of photos on flickr, I’m always worried if it’s too much. When I come home from a photo shoot, done for anyone, I always feel excited; I edit the photos in a rush of excitement and passion, and can’t wait to post them. I don’t even have the time to calm down about them that I post them on flickr, many of the same series, without even choosing the better ones. Sometimes, I delete later a few photos that don’t please me anymore. Or sometimes I add new photos of old series that I never posted before.


80’s Flashback By Kelsey Curtis









Madeline Irene's

The life in you My heart swells at the thought of you The breath disappears from my lungs My head feels heavy, it wants to rest in your arms Every being of me screams to touch your flawless skin My eyes seek feedback, seek an invitation to climb over your wall I will be your saving angel Slaying all the demons and putting an end to the torture My fingers itch to feel your hands to read the stories they’ll tell me I am exposed, naked, bare to you Our souls are one I fell in love with what I saw when I looked into your windows When you opened up your door for me That is the person I am head over heals for My lips part to tell you words that dont give justice to what I feel.







The deciding place My world spilling into your hands My words vomiting all over your thoughts My sanity drowning yours Your sinking Slowly Deeper into the depth you sink The things your seeing you can’t comprehend Clearly I remember how it feels in the unknown How could one not? Not remember Its sticks to you It makes you weary It makes you alive For once you can feel For once your ready to decide Where will you go? Go to decide Your sense of direction is all out of proportion Air filling up your lungs; choking any hoping of turning back It hurts doesn’t it? Don’t collapse under all these hands that are tearing you apart. Don’t become so damaged your destined to become scum under somebody else’s shoe All because the decision it to hard That defeats the whole entire point The point of being able to decide It wants you. What will you do to survive?





B Y K AY L A T R A I L 85

Mumford & Sons Sigh No More

Within a few months of releasing their debut album, Sigh No More, the band Mumford & Sons became well known amongst the indie-folk genre of music. With the band selling over 750,000 copies within months, I’d say they’re pretty successful for being new to the business. “We don’t try to be too strategic. We do what we love, and try not to think too hard about it.” Says one of the members, in an interview they did involving their secret to success so quickly. And with their debut video of their first single, Little Lion Man, their video has over 13 million views. Not to mention, the video is also played in the mornings on VH1’s show, “Nocturnal State.” Songs like “Little Lion Man,” “White Blank Page,” and “Awake My Soul,” all of their songs have a different, unique feel to them. With their melodic rifts, catchy choruses, and his unique powerful, soulful voice, Mumford & Sons’ Sigh No More, is a must have.


“With their melodic rifts, catchy choruses, and his unique powerful, soulful voice, Mumford & Sons’ Sigh No More, is a must have.”

Rihanna Loud


fifth album, Loud, was released on November 16th. And with it not even being on the market for a month yet, Rihanna already has two hit singles playing on the radio, and being broadcasted on TV. “What’s My Name” featuring Drake, and “Only Girl” are well known hits, that people are singing left and right. Rihanna is usually known for her daring

performances, her outspoken fashion trends, and her pure, innocent voice that always gets raw in her albums. This album is supposed to be more targeted to the pop, and dance genres. She even said in an interview that this album, is all her. Every song it tailored to her, specifically. Loud is a very pop influenced album, that is intended on making everyone want to dance and sing along with. It’s a very well written, and well produced album, and with catchy hits, why not buy it?


Ke$hae R

W o h W R e W

“I know I’m the new bitch on the block.”

Ke$ha states in “Crazy Beautiful Life,” a new track on her sophomore album, Cannibal. “Guess it worked out, got here by running my mouth.” The loud, outspoken, rebellious, young adult pop star is causing a scene in the music business with her newest album. Animal was her debut album, and with her catchy hit, “Tik Tok” she instantly had fans raved up about waking up and feeling like P. Diddy. With her new album, she just wants to stress that you shouldn’t care what people think, and you shouldn’t let someone control you. “I wanted to inspire people, to be themselves. It’s a celebration of any sort of quirks or eccentricities.” Ke$ha gushes on her new album. Another song on her newest album is called “Grow A Pear.” The song is about falling in love with someone, then realizing he’s a total girl, who complains and needs to grow a ‘pear.’ Her released hits so far, are “We R Who We R,” and “Sleazy.”



Adventures of Bobby Ray

Within just a year, rapper-song writer B.O.B has taken the world by storm, with his debut album Adventures of Bobby Ray. The album was released in April of 2010, and since April, he’s had four very catchy hits released. With collaborations by Bruno Mars, Hayley Williams, and River Cuomo, Bruno’s released tracks have been pretty popular. He’s most certainly trying to portray the “Magic” his album contains. With his most recent track release, “Don’t Let Me Fall,” B.O.B slows it down, and explains his success as an artist. A lot of artists don’t stay in the industry as long as they’d like, so B.O.B doesn’t want to fall, from where he’s at. I think we have yet to experience the full potential of B.O.B, and that there’s plenty to come from the rapper.


A Day to Remember What Separates Me from You

Four albums into the music business, I’d say ADTR successfully has a full grasp on the industry. With their fourth album release, What Separates Me from You, the boys of ADTR have finally set the bar for alternative bands out there. In their webisodes they do, they claimed that ‘fans’ complain that they’re too poppy, or they’re too heavy. ADTR decided when they began recording this album that they wanted to incorporate their two favorite genres, of being heavy, yet poppy in the same album. So if you’re anti-ADTR, you’re probably not after this album. Between dropping the “F bomb” in every other song, and speaking truthfully, straight from their hearts, this album is nothing more than a basic check point in where they are in life right now. With their two released hits, “2nd Sucks,” and “All I Want.” Both tracks vary from the other. “All I Want” is more along the lines of their “poppy” side coming out, whereas “2nd Sucks” shows off their heavy side. What Separates Me from You expresses who the boys of ADTR are, and how far they’ve came. This album is straight up the alley of honesty, and being blunt. A very successful, excellent album.


“Music is what feelings sound like.”


Until we meet again ...

Elizabeth Brooke

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