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Your Holistic Community Guide in SA Hypnotizing yourself a new life by richard Bach Healing of tHe Heart by Dianne McCann tHe BoDy eleCtriC by Dr grahams williams Having tHe Best of BotH sCienCe & spirituality by Dr andrew Horwood 3 MontH astrologiCal Moon CalenDar lift - out

Beyond Religion

The 14th dalai lama of Tibet Australian Visit in June 2013

FREE volume 24 - issue 4 publishing since 1988

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Welcome to the New Earth!

What is this deep mystery that pulses through this body … this that breathes through each breath … this that feels through every feeling? What is this vast and unimaginable force that brings life, consciousness and awareness to all that it courses through? What is this that our thoughts call “me”? And how could this vast, infinite and deeply impersonal presence even be hinted at as a “me”? What is this? Looking out, as far as the eye can see and as far as the inner eye can imagine … it’s all this same “one”. Looking in, as far back as we dare to look … it’s here … vast, unfathomable, infinite, eternal, breathtakingly incomprehensible. And we dare to call this “me”? This deep mystery that peers through these eyes limits itself into our thinking mind as a thought, an idea, an image of “me” and for most of us, this goes unchallenged until the day we die. What happens if this that flows through all form, including “me” and “you”, what happens if this is explored … unmasked? Where will it lead us? I don’t know. “I” will never know

the truth of this foreverness, this that sits at the heart of all of existence. In abandoning the search to know intellectually, we venture into new territory, into uncharted waters where perception shifts from thinking and feeling to formless sensing … the instantaneous awareness of what is before we begin to think about it. This takes place before time takes hold of it … it’s profoundly present yet ungraspable, unreachable, untouchable with our minds. But it can be “seen” … it can be “known” … In fact, it’s always already seeing, always already knowing … without any content. It’s a felt sense that feels before it’s felt, seen before it’s seen, known before it’s known … it’s “seen the moment you look, free the moment it’s seen…” every moment. So what is This? This deep, vast, great mystery of being at play here? What is it? It is our true nature, always forever here, always forever present … simply seeing, knowing and being in this totally unimaginable way. Come back to This … honour This … it’s what you really are, always have been and always will be. Release the “known” and allow this unimaginable unknown to be your constant “felt reality”. It’s always, forever now … welcome to the New Earth!

We exist in eternity Dreaming we are caught in time. We embody infinity Yet dream we are confined in space. What a trick … What a Master Illusion this is. We purposefully limit And confound ourselves So we may experience What is beyond experience. Love calls … We prick up our ears Our hearts open And we listen. If we open up enough It all turns upside down and outside in. And we “see” what can’t be seen And “hear” what can’t be heard. And feel what is beyond feeling’s grasp. Eternity breathes Infinity awakens And life is witnessed as Itself. Aware, awake and alive … Fully alive forever now. When the conundrum Of this Master Illusion Is seen through We are at risk of realising Truth. Ah … what a joyously empty surprise!

With love, Leo Drioli and Enza Vita

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Dalai Lama draws huge response from Australians

Within hours of tickets going on sale for the Dalai Lama’s 2013 Public Talks and Teachings in Australia, thousands of his fans and followers had snapped up their opportunity for premium seating on a buy now pay later basis. The response, akin to a rush on hot seats to see a global rock star, was 12 months ahead of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s arrival. But it was no surprise for Dalai Lama in Australia Ltd, the organisation managing the 2013 visit.

“People all over the world seem to know instinctively, that just a moment spent in his presence is a precious opportunity, often deemed life-changing. When the Dalai Lama visits, people from all walks of life want to see him,” said DLIA General Manager Lynn Bain. “In countries around the world people travel far and wide to hear the Dalai Lama speak, or just to catch a glimpse of His Holiness as he passes by. In Australia, there is a sincere response to his message

of love, compassion, tolerance and wisdom.” As the manager of the Dalai Lama’s last four Australian visits, Ms Bain well understands the massive logistics required to accommodate audiences of up to 10,000 who typically attend a two hour public talk, or the 5000 who in 2011 took up every seat in the house at a Teaching with the Dalai Lama held over a long weekend in Melbourne. “We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to His Holiness. Our

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

job, quite simply, is to make it possible for as many people who wish to see the Dalai Lama, to do so,” she said. On the Dalai Lama’s last Australian visit, a collective audience of 65,000 attended the public talks and teachings in four cities, with a fur ther 110,000 listening in or watching online. To accommodate even greater last minute public interest, DLIA erected large overflow screens in parks and public spaces such as Melbourne’s Federation

Square. The organisation expects the same level of interest when the much admired 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso touches down next June, for a 10 day whirlwind visit. Under the secular theme “Beyond Religion - the benefits of living ethically”, he will address large scale audiences in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and for the first time Darwin. Preparations for the visit are already underway in conjunction with the Sydney Entertainment Centre, Melbourne, Adelaide and Darwin Convention Centres. Revered around the world as a man of peace, the Dalai Lama will speak at six major DLIA events as well as the ‘Young Minds’ Conference in association with the St James Ethics Centre and Good Start Early Learning Centre in Sydney. He will also address the ‘Happiness & Its Causes’ Conference, being held for the first time in Melbourne. Over two and a half days in Sydney he will also give a rare teaching based on one of his personal favourite texts,”The Jewel Lamp”: A Praise of Bodhicitta” written by Khunu Rinpoche. Khunu Rinpoche is said to have been an extraordinary, realized saint, a living master of Dzogchen meditation, who even the Dalai Lama went to for instruction. He was revered by Tibetan Buddhists because his life embodied the spiritual practice of compassion. Among his many students, the Dalai Lama regards this Teaching as one of his favorite texts.

Next year, Australians will be able to hear it for themselves via a rare opportunity to be in the presence of His Holiness and to receive this amazing teaching directly from him. The Teaching will be conducted in five parts at the Sydney Entertainment Centre over the 14th-16th June weekend. “His Holiness has three main reasons for visiting Australia - promotion of positive human values, promotion of inter-religious harmony and the welfare worldwide of the people of Tibet, ” said Ms Bain. “To date over 25,000 Australians have participated in Teachings provided by His Holiness and many are likely to want to do so again. To be in his presence and learn directly from him, is a very powerful experience indeed.” His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama will be nearing 78 years old when he visits Australia next year. It will be his 9th visit by invitation since 1982. The Dalai Lama was this year awarded the world’s prestigious Templeton Prize at a ceremony in St Paul’s Cathedral in London. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2007.

To book tickets or for further information about the 2013 Australian visit, including times, dates and ticket prices go to


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


with Peter Fenner, PHD

THE ULTIMAT MEDICINE The Healing Power of Nondual Awareness

Ultimately all suffering results from a difference between “what we experience” and “what we want.” Whenever these differ we suffer. When the difference is dissolved we experience peace and freedom. The power of nondual awareness lies in the possibility of experiencing ourselves as a centerless field of awareness, where we are no longer the victim of our preferences. When we rest in awareness, we discover we have everything we could possibly want, because we need nothing. We see that we never need more than what we have. No matter who we are, what we have and don’t have, the present moment always takes care of itself. Here we are right now, for example, me writing this, you reading it. There is nothing we need to add to this, or take away from it. We can’t change the moment anyway. If you don’t have time to finish this, no problem, you move on. If you do, you continue in a relaxed and easy way. Hundreds of thousands of masters in Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism and other mystical traditions have shown us that what we all strive for—a state of real and lasting fulfillment—is achievable. Fur thermore, through their lives and teachings they provide a model for our own evolution.

The healing power of nondual awareness

The experience of the nondual awareness takes us outside the cycle of reactive responses and emotions by connecting us with the nature of our mind as pure,

unstructured awareness. When we rest in this experience, we are intimately connected with everything within and around us, yet beyond being disturbed in any way. We come home to ourselves in a totally natural and uncontrived way. In the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism this experience is called indestructibility. At the same time that we fully accept our finite and conditioned existence, the quality of our experience can’t be damaged or degraded by the presence of any thought, feeling, or sensation. In Buddhism the experience of nondual awareness is called the “ultimate medicine.” Other types of medicine—like therapy—have limitations. They work for some people, some of the time. The ultimate medicine is universally healing. Every mind touched by the experience of its unconditioned nature moves closer to the experience of real freedom and liberation. Sometimes the experience may gently encourage us to acknowledge our higher potential. In other instances it may produce a radical reorientation of our experience of reality. The more time we spend resting in our ultimate nature, the more familiar we become with “this.” When opportunities arise to let go of our preoccupations and daily concerns, we find ourselves moving effor tlessly and without resistance into a more open and expanded way of being.

Impossible to create “lack”

T he experience of nondual awareness heals us in two ways.

First, it relieves us of the need to “fix things up.” It offers us a profound experience of clarity and contentment—of being in total harmony with ourselves and the world. In Buddhism this is called “going beyond loss or gain.” In this state of consciousness everything is present exactly as it is, but we find it impossible to construe that anything is missing. We’ve moved beyond the familiar cycle of having problems and finding solutions. This experience is “priceless,” not because we’re attached to its value, but because nothing can increase or enhance our fulfilment.

Reconditioning our body-mind

The other way in which nondual awareness heals is by restructuring our thought-patterns so that we become increasingly open to the ultimate state of awareness. We become less reactive and defensive—and so better able to release our fears and insecurities. In this way, the effects of the experience percolate through the layers of our conditioning long after we’ve finished resting in the state itself. The Yoga Tr adition of Buddhism describes this process as the “transformation of the structural foundations of our being.” Through contact with an unstained stream of pure being, the energies and mechanisms that condition our present and future existence lose their power to distort our experience and cause suffering. Other nondual traditions describe how the experience of the unconditioned mind infuses the conditioned mind like a sweet perfume or a soothing breeze. It’s impossible to predict how this healing will unfold. It occurs at its own pace and rhythm, sometimes smooth and gentle, at other times rough or abrupt. The unconditioned mind doesn’t discriminate in terms of “how” healing occurs—it doesn’t generate a plan or strategy because it exists beyond such conceptual formulations. The healing that occurs can’t be controlled in a mechanical way. Each of us is infinitely complex and our path to full spiritual evolution is unique and often mysterious. Healing is a function of staying open and accepting reality with equanimity and trust. Peter Fenner, Ph.D. Peter is a leader in the Western adaptation of Buddhist wisdom. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 9 years. He has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism and has held teaching positions at Universities in Australia and USA. His recent books include: Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, Radiant Mind: Teaching and Practices to Aw akening Unconditioned Awareness (7CD set), The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path.

Peter is the creator the 10-month Nondual Teaching and Therapist Training ( and 9 month Radiant Mind Course ( The 9-month Radiant Mind Course will be offered in Melbourne in 2013 with 3 workshops at St. Hilda’s College, Parkville, March 9-11, July 26-28 and December 6-8. For Details contact Michael Anderson Tel: 0419 370 338 Email:

Peter Fenner, PHD, will be in Australia in 2013, offering the Radiant Mind Course® Experience the space where you are Awake and Totally Complete. Learn how to return to this space by yourself.

Peter Fenner, PHD, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path, and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at For more info visit and

what isEnlightenment? with Linda Clair

Beliefs are stored deep in the body Q: If enlightenment already exists, why do you say it takes time to become enlightened?

A: While we still believe that we exist as a separate self in the relative world, we also believe that time exists. Q: So why do we need to act from that belief in time, and accept that enlightenment takes time?

A: We need to disprove our beliefs. At the root of them is the belief in ‘I’ and that encompasses the belief in time. As long as we believe ‘I am the body’ we believe in time. As long as I believe ‘I’ exist, I believe in time. Q: The so-called obstructions to enlightenment are only illusions, aren’t they? If we say it takes time to get rid of them, aren’t we giving them power by believing in them?

A: No, because we’ve taken years to build up these habits and illusions. Q: And beliefs?

A: And beliefs. These habits go very, very deeply into us. They’re not going to change overnight. And by believing in all those things, we also believe in time. So we have to prove to ourselves, through our own experience, that all this is an illusion. No matter how many times we hear someone who’s enlightened saying, ‘it’s an illusion’, we still don’t believe them. It’s only when belief turns into trust, that we stop believing anything, and we realize that it’s an illusion. Q: And that has to take time?

A: It has to take time. And all these

illusions are stored in our bodies as beliefs, and our bodies are subject to relative time. We’ve built it up over the years and stored our emotions and beliefs in our bodies. And from my experience, the only way out of time is through the body. It’s like you’re going backwards in time through the body. It takes time to purify the body. When you’re enlightened, you don’t believe in anything. There’s nothing to believe in. Q: I think awakening is often understood as a mental phenomenon – as seeing differently. It is a different way of seeing, isn’t it?

A: Yes, but it’s seeing through the body, seeing with the eyes, hearing with the ears… It’s pure seeing, through the body, without the contamination of the mind. Your body becomes pure. The whole internal structure of the body, particularly the brain, changes. My

5 body movements are very different to how they used to be. I used to be very self-conscious about my body, and that would affect my movements. Our emotion affects the way we use our bodies, the way we move. When you are free from your mind, your body moves in a much more natural way. I used to be quitedefensive with my body, but now I’m hardly aware of it. Q: You’re hardly aware of it?

A: The body becomes a secondary thing. It’s handy to move around in, and I quite enjoy some aspects of the body, but I don’t feel bound by it any more. There’s no longer an inside or outside to the body, because really you know there’s no body. I’m not continually seeking satisfaction through my senses. This is an enormous relief. During the spiritual process you become more and more deeply aware of your body. This is an extremely important part of the process, but you eventually realise that it is the attachment to the body that is the source of all fear.

Upcoming 7 day Retreat with Linda & Roger December 8 - 14 2012 Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, and is also the author of the book ‘What do you Want?’ She teaches mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. For more information, please visit www.simplemeditation. net

When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected. Nisargadatta Maharaj

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Mind & Heart with Swami Dayananda

Releasing the Mind Have you ever had the experience of your mind caught in thinking about the same thing over and over? Like a mental chess game, the mind can so firmly grasp a situation that even when you beg your own mind to stop, it won’t. It might be an imaginary dialogue: “If he says that, then I’ll say this. . .” Or you might feel that someone is judging you or treating you unfairly. Maybe you’re right and simply want your say. Countless interactions can trigger the mind to act as though it’s an independent radio program in your head. And it doesn’t have to be about someone else. Your mind can get caught in a vortex while making a decision or anticipating the future. Like a roundabout with no exit, the mind can have a tendency to latch onto an issue, wanting a certain outcome. If it’s an issue in the past, of course, no amount of thinking will change it. And if it’s an issue in the future, obsessive thinking only depletes energy. Circular thinking can erode relationships, work situations and your own peace of mind.

Inquiry into Circular Thinking

Fortunately, most of the time, the mind releases itself fairly quickly with resolution or understanding. But sometimes old issues arise. Or new situations trigger a fresh round of circular thought. If you find yourself feeling as though your negative mind has more control than you do, there are techniques you can use. One approach is to get some distance. As though you are a witness, separate yourself from the circular thinking. Focus on your mind and inquire: What is my mind thinking? Go deeper and be more specific. What exactly is my mind saying? Listen carefully. You can ask yourself any number of fruitful questions. The basics are: Am I not getting what I want? Is something I don’t want being imposed on me? Other questions you can ask are: Do I want someone’s opinion or actions to change? Do I think I should do something differently? Have I been here before? What is my true underlying motivation? Has this thinking gotten me closer to my goal?

Emotional Fuel

Along with the mental grasp come the emotions, which can fire circular thinking. They can be low-burning frustration, worry, anxiety or regret. But given enough fuel, they can generate into intense and deep feelings of bitterness, rage or depression. If you find you’re holding onto unresolved feelings about a person or situation, ask yourself: What am I

feeling? See if you can go deeper and be more specific. What exactly am I feeling? Are these feelings uplifting or contracting? Expansive or stressful? Most importantly, do you want to continue to generate these feelings?

Antidotes to Circular Thinking

The first step towards release is to recognize the groove of circular thought. Have you heard the same phrases more than a few times? Take a moment to focus on your thinking itself. That alone may stop the momentum. Or, you can apply a number of methods to release its hold. • Stop yourself when you find yourself caught in circular thought. As soon as you catch yourself, recognize you’re on that roundabout and take the first exit. You can simply tell the mind to get off it—don’t continue on the roundabout. • Drop the story. There’s always a story behind circular thinking. How many times can you bear to hear your mind repeat it? It’s already a bad movie—why watch it over and over. • Go straight to what your goal is. What do you want in the situation? Be as honest as you can. • Take action if you need to. Have you been putting something off? Maybe the circular thinking is a symptom of a need to do something. • Notice when some thinking is fruitless. Have your realized you want someone else to change? Or maybe recognized you have again revisited an old, unhappy outcome? Forget it. • Use a mantra. Simply repeat om, which represents the universal sound. Or use English words that you find helpful. These might include: be gentle, stay in your heart, or let go.

Contemplation on internal strength

The most effective antidote to circular thinking is to feel your own power. One method is to stand up straight, aligning your body as best you can. The shoulders in line with the hips, in line with the feet. Feel as though you are a puppet with a string coming out the top of your head and gently tug on that string, allowing everything to fall into perfect alignment. Bring your awareness to your heart and focus on the breath. Connect to your awareness and your spiritual being. Draw strength from your own inner light.

Upcoming Retreats Lokananda Weekend: February 22-24; Self-Inquiry Workshop: March 22-24, 2013; Lokananda Weekend: May 17-19. The author of the ebook, Yoga Life: Understanding Your Thought and Emotions,Swami Dayananda/Nancy Jackson is the Director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga. She conducts programs of meditation, yoga, self-inquiry and the philosophies of spirituality in Semaphore and at the Lokananda Retreat Centre near Eudunda, north of the Barossa. For more information contact


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

in the flow with DR graham williams

The Body Electric “I sing the body electric” wrote Walt Whitman, the American poet, in his Leaves of Grass. This wonderful phrase fascinated me when I read it in my late teens and it had such an impact I never forgot it. But I had no idea what Whitman meant by it. It struck a chord deep inside me and was one of the influences guiding me to where I am today. For I was completely mind oriented, studying music and philosophy and working in a university. My body didn’t get a lot of attention – not until I met the meditation tradition. And, to my surprise, when I began to study the Buddhist tradition seriously I was directed to look at my body, instead of going where I assumed we were going to go, further into the mysteries of the mind,

Body and mind together

The Buddhist teachings were totally the opposite of what I expected. They showed that, if you wanted to understand the mind, you need to begin with the body. This is the way Buddhist mindfulness is taught. First, you become aware of your body, then the sensations you are experiencing in your body, then your emotions and then your thoughts. There are exercises for examining each in detail. One of the main purposes of these exercises is to see how our bodies, sensations, emotions and thoughts all affect each other. For example, how your posture affects your emotions, and how your thoughts affect your posture and what you feel. You discover how closely associated all of these aspects of your life are, and how inseparable they are. Whitman sang of the same discovery that the meditation tradition made thousands of years ago; that our minds and bodies are completely integrated, that they are not separate and cannot be separated. In his poem he puts it in his own language: “O I say these are not the parts and poems of the body only, but of the soul, O I say now these are the soul!”

Our natural mind and body

We miss this because we get so lost in our thoughts. Of course

thought is a very powerful tool, but the play of thought is so powerful and so seductive that we believe it is reality. And yet the only reality we have is the present, and the only place we experience this reality is in our own bodies. We tend to jump over this, not noticing the delicately vibrant stream of sensations continuously coursing through our bodies as they respond to the worlds around and within us. We can swing from the extremes of exuberance to exhaustion and self-pity never noticing those moments when we are calm – when our thoughts are still. We don’t notice these moments because it seems as though nothing is happening. This is because at these times we’re not seduced and lost in our thoughts and stories; from the point of view of our expectations, it does seem as though nothing is happening. Yet these are the moments when we are completely in touch with our senses and so in touch with our bodies and reality. This is the natural state of our minds and bodies, the state we lived in as a young child, before we learned to think. Because we identify so much with our thoughts we assume that we are only aware when we are thinking. And because of this it’s commonly believed that there is no time in our minds when we are not thinking – a belief which is also held in the academic and psychology worlds. However, the meditation tradition discovered that there are times in our minds when we are not thinking, and that when we are not thinking we are also aware.This awareness is the natural awareness of our senses, the awareness of our direct experience. It’s the time when we are completely in touch with our bodies and not lost in our thoughts. Seeing that your mind can be free from thought is the great discovery of meditation – as is seeing that your mind and body, your consciousness and your senses, are totally interdependent and cannot be separated.

Our minds and bodies are luminous

When you are calm and still you-

Pic to find can discover that your whole body is aware, from the top of your head to your toes, and that your mind is in your whole body, not just your head. In other words, your entire body is conscious. All of your senses are aware; your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and the whole of your skin. Your mind – your consciousness – permeates your entire body, and so your mind and body are completely connected and united. We human beings crave the feeling of being alive and look everywhere outside of ourselves to make it happen. From sport, parties, relationships, travel and so on, all of which are marvellous activities and ways of communicating, we ask far more than they are capable of delivering. So we miss that we are alive and that the one place we can experience this is in our own bodies. The infinite nature of our minds dwells in the finite nature of our bodies and the incredible bliss we are capable of feeling is the marriage between these two – the interface where the spacious openness of our awareness touches the finite form of our body. When you rest in your naturally balanced state, just being still, you can discover the luminous nature of your mind-body awareness. It’s not at all way-out – it is our simple, clear and natural state. In this state, as Walt Whitman says, it feels as though your mind is your body and your body is your mind. Your whole body is thrilling with the consciousness of everything that is happening. Your senses are alive and you are totally aware of them – they are vivid and immediate – and when you are in touch with them your whole body feels electric. You are filled with the light of consciousness and so both your mind and body feel luminous. This is our natural state. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. He has written two books, Insight and Love which is in its third edition and Life in Balance. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001 W

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The Essence of Self with PERSEPHONE MAYWALD

Healing Trauma, Finding Spirit At least once in our lives, most of us have come face to face with the imminent possibility of death. We have all been in accidents, or had medical emergencies, or been abused, neglected or abandoned, or witnessed others in life-threatening situations. Trauma occurs when we feel both terrified that we might die, and alone with our terror. We feel completely isolated while facing great danger. It seemsthat there’s no-one there to protect us, or to hold and soothe us, to bring us back to our connection with life, love and loved ones. We feel that we have been abandoned by all that is good, cast into a nightmare of terrible threat, excruciating emotions and total aloneness.

Our Inner Protectors

With trauma, these emotions are so strong that they actuallyoverwhelm our inner capacity to cope. But miraculously, there is an innate intelligence at the core of our being that immediately and automatically springs into action to protect us. It goes into overdrive to do two things - contain the overwhelming emotions, and give us strategies so that we can continue to function in the world. And these inner strategies are often very effective in numbing the pain, containing the terror, and allowing us to get on with our lives. When our inner defenses have to protect us against trauma, as distinct from the usual difficulties of life, multiple, interlocking layers of protection are formed to ensure that we are removed as far as possible from the overwhelming pain of the trauma. Often, our inner protectors push the trauma below the surface of consciousness, so that we literally forget the original event, or we remember the event but have lost touch with the emotions. This is why so many of us have experienced traumatic events, and yet are able to live relatively OK lives, at least on the surface.

Spirit gets Buried

Our inner protectors usually function reasonably well to remove us

from our painful feelings, but there’s a price to pay for the protection. The price is that these protectors also remove us from who we really are. They bury our impossible emotions, and they also bury our Spirit. This creates a very painful situation for those of us who feel deeply drawn to Spirit, and have also been traumatized. We cannot help the desire to know, experience and live as Spirit, and yet what’s in the way is layer upon layer of protectors whose job it is to prevent us from accessing the depths of our being. Often, the inability to access Spirit actually increases our desire to find Her. So we find ourselves in the difficult place of deeply longing for our true selves, and deeply blocked from getting there. We start to wonder what’s wrong with us. How come our ‘meditation’ consists of uncontrollable monkey mind, day after day? How come our friends experience states of grace that we have never known? Why do others make great progress in therapy, but we feel we are still mired in the same old issues, year after year? We get discouraged, and star t judging ourselves as somehow inferior. We feel like the slow learners of the ashram, the ones who will never make it. We look longingly at our teachers and gurus, and their realization seems completely out of reach. We may give up altogether, and just decide that we’ll never get there, so why keep trying. And always we feel so much pain about being separated from the thing we love and most want, our true spiritual nature.

Patience, Compassion and Healing

What we need to understand is that it’s not our fault that we are traumatized, and it’s not the fault of our inner protectors that they don’t want to give us access to our depths. They are simply doing the job they faithfully took on, which was to protect us from the overwhelm of the trauma. We need to bring great compassion both to ourselves and to these protectors.

Only as we approach these protectors with love and the desire to truly understand them will they start to relax. If we keep on judging and rejecting them, we will stay stuck and nothing will change. But as we start to understand the true role of these protectors, and acknowledge them for their total commitment to our wellbeing, they start to soften and transform. They start to trust that we are strong enough to face the trauma ourselves. As we repeat this process with each layer of protection, we eventually uncover our traumatized inner children, and can give them the love and healing they need. And as they are healed, we find that our hidden Spirit is finally free to permeate our consciousness in all its glorious multitude of forms. When we have been traumatized, this healing process will definitely take time, and we need to be very patient with ourselves. We need to understand that trauma can only be healed by taking things slowly, and we need to not overwhelm our system with more than it can bear. When it comes to healing trauma, slower is faster. If we go too fast, we risk retraumatizing ourselves. But it is absolutely possible to heal, and I would truly encourage those of you who have been struggling with your path to Spirit to not give up. Spirit is eternally patient, and will wait as long as it takes for you to find Her. Just listen to Her calling in the depths of your heart, and like Hansel and Gretel, follow the thread of your own inner process all the way back to your own true Home. Persephone Maywald M.A. is a transpersonal psychologist who offers IFS therapy, a revolutionary new method of personal transformation. IFS uses the power of Spirit to heal, allowing us to gently and rapidly transform our emotional issues. Persephone is also a meditator and has been a student of the spiritual teachings of A.H.Almaas since 1986. She offers counselling and therapy by Skype, or in person at her Adelaide Hills office. Contact Persephone at 0435 014 821 or persephone@ For more information, see ad this page or visit


When the mind is the master, you live in a hell.When you are the master

Art Therapy – Meaning and Healing

of your mind, you live in the land of the Buddhas.


BY glenda needs

As an Ar t Therapist, one of my most privileged experiences is in witnessing the journey of a client from the initial visual representations of darkness and despair, to the blossoming imagery of positive outcome, even when circumstances have not yet or cannot be changed. Creating this positive imagery frequently enhances the quality of life for the client. It is often easy to forget that anything we wish for, we must first imagine! Art Therapy enables a vivid imagining of a positive

outcome and often gives great hope for the future. The art can play many important roles. Tremendous value is found in the client’s mastery of, and sense of separation from, the problem as a result of externalising the internal story. Once the client creates the image, he or she can see it outside of themselves, maintaining the problem as something not intrinsically part of them, but existing as a separate entity. This alone can ease the psychic pressure, removing shame

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . from ‘my failing’ to a sense of valiant battle with the ‘something’ that has taken up temporary residence within him or her. Once on the page/ canvas/other medium, the therapist can further enhance this by referring to the objects, images and people as marks on a page, a colour, shape or emotion separate from the client. This provides enormous safety for the client where he or she does not need to talk about or reveal details of the issue, merely his or her relationship with and manipulation of the objects on the page. A client may be more inclined to explore deeper, or to look at other ways of being, without the fear of judgement by the therapist. Art Therapy also facilitates a window to the unconscious. In an Art Therapy client centred model, the therapist maintains the belief in the client as his or her own best healer that he or she has the capacity within them to find new ways of being or knowing about themselves and their world. In this model, it is important to create opportunities for healing to appear from within. Although occasional psycho-education can be valuable, it is preferable that the client seeks out and finds new pathways for healing from their own resources. This model may not be the best for a therapist who is seek-

ing repeat custom, but it is certainly the most empowering model for the individual client who will develop an awareness of their own capacity for self directed healing. Thus it is important to uncover new resources that the client possesses. Once the problem as it is known is fully expressed on the page, the Art Therapist can help make this story temporarily unknown. The therapist then assists the client to find new information from the stores of sensory material and knowledge to which the situation has not previously been directed. The unconscious can present material that may or may not be useful. This information can be interpreted by the client, tested and ‘tried on’ for a good fit. The new information can then be integrated into a new picture, until the insights achieved can be integrated and internalised. Art Therapy also allows expression and nuance of sensory expression that often cannot be achieved through words alone. Many grieving parents have told me what the pain is ‘like’. ‘I feel like I’ve been run over by a bus’, ‘I feel numb’, ‘I feel like there is a hole in my chest’. None of these statements actually have any substance in reality. Most people haven’t been run over by a bus to use this as a measure of pain. There

is no physical numbness in grief, nor an actual hole in the chest. These expressions are approximations of the extent of sensory and emotional pain - the only words that may come close to expressing the extent of these feelings. Art Therapy can enable a person to express this pain using colour, shape, images, distance, proximity, size, depth, and symbol to name a few, along with actions such as tearing, folding, burning and cutting that add further sensory depth to the expression of the emotion. A client can feel truly heard when the art expresses a much fuller picture of the situation, including those elements for which they have few or no words to describe. This is an excerpt from Glenda Needs’ new book, ‘Ar t Therapy: Foundation and Form.’ Contact the Ikon Institute of Australia if you would like to buy a copy. Glenda Needs is the Head of Art therapy at the Ikon Institute of Australia. If you would like to know more about the remarkably rewarding industry of Art Therapy, contact Ikon for a free information pack on our Advanced Diplomas in Transpersonal Ar t Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, and Diplomas in Counselling and Youth Work. Email or Call (08) 8350 9753

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


dreamSTATE with Damian Amamoo

Why Develop your Dreaming? If you missed the previous issue of Innerself, then you also missed our article that focused on some of the reasons why people can have bad dreams. We also talked to you about possible ways to adjust your lifestyle to improve your dreaming experience. Today we would like to talk to you about the value proposition or “why you should be interested in developing your dreaming?” Earlier this year, most of us at some time or another witnessed an athlete winning a gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics on TV. Maybe we turned around to our partners or friends watching with us and said the athlete had ‘achieved their dreams’. And we all feel quite natural to talk about dreaming in this context, as the thing that allows us to achieve the highest point of our human endeavours. But somehow, most of us would say this has little to do with what we experience every night while asleep, whether we remember our dreams or not. But, if the heritage of the highest point of our human endeavours is linked to the same word that describes what happens when we go to sleep then the real question we should be asking ourselves is why? Perhaps we tired of all the Olympic exer tion and switchedTV channels to a documentary about a society of people who still live in ‘the wild’. Perhaps there were no pictures of towering architectural wonders, or evidence of developed civilization in this jungle society. And without physical evidence of progress, we concluded that the society must have stagnated and never achieved anything of note. But those people living in the jungle are humans too. So what type of technology were they investing their time in developing when food and game were plentiful? Is it not possible in the neverending race for progress that we, as a species, could have dropped a few spiritual diamonds into the rough? Science has shown us that there are significant parts of our modern western brains that are not being fully utilised. Some of you may already sense this at an intuitive level as a feeling that you have a number of power points or abilities that aren’t fully plugged in. Howeverthis can lead to feelings of being unsettled as you wonder what these plugs could do if they were being used? I suggest we cast our minds back to our memories of living as a child and the occasional fears we experienced when dealing with the ‘the dark’ or unknown. At some point someone brought a small tool into our lives called a torch. We didn’t question how the torch operated. How it produced an electrical current or by what function it made that wonderful beam that sliced through the dark to give us peace of mind. We just flicked it on and marveled at its effect. Now we are going to let you in on a little secret. Each and every one

of us has been born with a ‘dream development torch’ that’s designed to help us through life. It was created to: • Help us make big decisions like: Should you marry that person? Should you buy that car or house? Should you apply for that job? • Shine into the future to potentially warn you of events that may, or may not, come into play should you decide to continue the path that you are on. • Communicate with others in a meaningful way and begin the process of organizing and manipulating things that you want to bring about in the real or physical world. But for most of us it is a torch that has been unplugged. So if we have a dream development device designed to help us reach the highest point of our potential? Why wouldn’t we switch it on and be done with it?


Before we can switch it on, many of us will need to go through a process of unblocking. A torch doesn’t work without batteries. Equally, your dream development device will not work unless you can unblock your thinking, so that your mind will allow the acceptance of a few basic principles: 1. Everyone has some degree of clairvoyance*, no matter how small 2. It is possible under some circumstances to become aware of something before it happens 3. During the dream state, under certain conditions, we can gain partial access to the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others 4. It is possible to leave your body safely when you dream and return to it 5. It should be possible to remember some of your dreams if you are willing to make the effort 6. Your future is not locked down. There are a number of different possibilities and probabilities that may or may not happen depending on the decisions you make in the present 7. Under certain conditions in the dream state, we can partially access information that relates to our possible or probable futures. *ability to receive feelings or sense impressions from other people or things that are outside of your normal sensory range. Some of you will have already unblocked yourselves prior to reading this article. Others may find some of the unblock principles in the previous paragraph difficult to process or accept. This can create a barrier to your dream development progress. In other words, unless you can instruct your rational consciousness to stretch and begin accepting alternative types of information relating to the unblock principles, then when the information does arise your rational consciousness will simply ignore and dismiss it. Making you feel vindicated, that you have never received any interesting information

whilst dreaming and all of this is just a flight of fantasy. But the real reason it may have never happened to you is that the information has been blocked by the knowledge system you have reinforced by your beliefs. Some of you might give this stretching of consciousness a try but then feel uncomfor table with randomness of information that begins to arrive. It can be difficult to try and make sense of it all and this can lead to feelings of stress. In this case, the feeling of discomfort is a useful indicator to leave it for a while and if you are still interested, perhaps try again at a later time, when you are feeling more comfortable. For those of you who are really keen to achieve the unblocking, the easiest way is to power up your intuitive skillset. Read the unblock principles again and see if they feel right as opposed to ‘think right’. If you can work with your intuition and get it to a stage where it does feel right, then you are making a large step forwards in your dream development. Love from your friends at One Third Dream Development. Damian is an educator in the area of Dream Development. Feel free to email us at *Disclaimer: Please note that this column is written with the aim of encouraging inner reflection and should not be taken to represent medical advice.

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Why Would You Want to Fine-tune to the Moon? BY Iris Detenhoff What is it about the art of timing?

We all have noticed how simple chores like cleaning windows, some days have better results than on other days. When it is no big deal, we just move on to the next window or thing to do. Whereas on other days, the harder we try the worse it gets. Same for fishing, sometimes the fish bite better. The successful and clued-in fisherman determines the best fishing times by the sun and moon rise and those guys who go out in a boat, prefer to do so with the outgoing tide, using less fuel or paddle power. Giving it time, they could do without either. Many gardeners and farmers use the moon phases for planting, watering and fertilizing. For herbalists and nutritionists the moon plays an interesting and important role in harvesting times, preserving and administering herbs and nutrients. When harvesting timber, you also can determine the best time of the year to harvest and dry your trees and produce durable and first grade building or furniture timber. Valuable instruments like violins have been built with wood, which has been harvested at the right time!

As the fishermen and gardeners say: It’s easy and it works! Once you get the idea, experimenting with the moon phases becomes fun and tuning in second nature. Effectively it means saving time, effort and resources.

How does it work?

While the moon is going around the earth, it has a gravitational pull on water (moisture and fluids). This means, it actually pulls on the oceans (tides), rivers and lakes. In humans it has a subtle influence on blood, lymphatic and cerebral fluids and in plants, the moon’s gravitation pulls on the sap. As the moon moves around the earth in roughly one month, 28.5 days, it makes nearly 13 rotations around the ear th per year. Each moon cycle starts at the new moon. At this moment, the moon is conjunct with the sun and for just one day, it rises and sets with the sun. Therefore we can’t see it at night or day. While the moon is waxing for two weeks until it is full moon, we from earth here, see it getting fuller. On a cellular level everything is in absorption mode in the two weeks

leading up to full moon. Gardeners and farmers obser ve seeds readily absorbing moisture from its surrounding until full moon, when they sprout. We humans too, tend to absorb and retain fluids, absorb more nutrients and put on pounds. If you breathe in deeply and count up to 14 (days of waxing until full moon) your internal pressure is getting very high. When you are ready to burst, you let go and exhale. Reducing the internal pressure – count again to 14 (days of waning moon until new moon) and you feel the vacuum that is being created before you are forced to breath in again, starting a new cycle. Absorbing and releasing energy, moisture, nutrients and information is the main mechanism behind the workings of the moon. This is how the moon influences our weather, atmosphere, waters, all growth and decay cycles and emotions. The moon position in the zodiac also helps you further fine tune many diverse activities. Once we realize this, we can tune into this natural and always reccurring cycle and lead a healthy life style in harmony with nature. Iris Detenhoff, the author and publisher of the Moontime Diary, started her working life as a gener al nurse in Munich before she migrated to Australia in 1987. Her love of nature, interest in health, astrology, building and anthroposophy lead Iris to compile and publish a yearly almanac whichthe Moontime Diary turns out to be. Currently Iris is translating the book: ‘Ich sah Dich wachsen” by Prof. Erwin Thoma, from German into English. In his book, Erwin brings forth his grandfather’s knowledge about managing forests, harvesting trees and building with timber by the moon. Erwin himself has tested and trialed those traditional ways and collected scientific data which is supporting his grandfather’s ways of doing things. Absolutely fascinating! Iris is available for organized talks. For inquiries please contact: info@ or call 02 6684 2770

6/13/2012 5:57:08 PM


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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

The Protection of Perfectionism Most of us like to do things well. Most people strive to do the best they can and usually take some measure of pride in their achievements. Wanting to do your best is a natural, healthy approach to life. Trying to be perfect, on the other hand, is a different matter. Humans are not perfect and in most cases, it is unreasonable to expect them to be perfect. Unfortunately, for many, a constant drive to be perfect rules much of their life, causing unhealthy amounts of stress and anxiety. Why is this so? It would be impossible to say what drives the need for perfectionism in any individual, but one thing we can be sure of: it

helps them feel safe and comfortable in some way. “If everything is perfect, I have nothing to worry about”. The problem is, they still worry. They constantly worry about getting things perfect! For these people, it is more than just wanting to do their best. It is a subconsciously driven need of emotional protection – a need to feel good when somewhere deep inside, they don’t feel good. It helps create a sense of being in control. Unfor tunately, of course, it is something over which they have very little control. This relentless quest for perfection is a common symptom for many

of my clients. Although they may not seek help specifically for it, it is often a part of many problems, for which they have no answers. Like anything that is generated by the subconscious, it can only be eliminated by the subconscious. Many people find ways to cope with their fears and tensions, and never really deal with the causes. This usually leads to a stressful life of physical illness and further emotional unrest. When the subconscious feelings that cause these problems are eliminated, the resulting symptoms are also eliminated. When the drive for perfection is no longer a part of their life, these clients are amazed to find they are not only free to make mistakes occasionally, they are also truly free to be relaxed, healthy and contented. Thankfully, with the desire to change and a little help, we have the means to release subconscious feelings that cause unhappiness and ill health.In the words of the old song “Do what you do, do well”. But if you have to be perfect, you will be stressed. Let your subconscious release you from this unhealthy need. With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) –

My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I h av e o v e r 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified P r i v a t e Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) t h e r a p i s t a nd also a Registered Nur se of 20 years standing. My q u a l i f i c a t i o n s i n P S H h a v e come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

yourNaturopath with Belle McCALEB Naturopath, Herbalist, Cancer Support & Women’s Health

Know your genetic potential to maximise your health! Do you want to improve your health? Are you dealing with a chronic or acute health condition such as cancer, ar thritis, cardiovascular disease? Are you wishing to be proactive and avoid a familial tendency toward ill health or disease such as cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, ar thritis or osteoporosis? Have you tried “everything” to lose weight and still struggling to lose or worse yet still gaining weight? Are you frustrated because the “usual fix” for your health issue hasn’t “fixed” it and you don’t know where to turn? The answer could lie in understanding your genetic predispositions and variations so you can “tailor make” a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle management program to suit YOU. Our genes can’t be changed but the GREAT news is our gene function can be influenced to better our health and well-being! Our genes can be “up-regulated” or “downregulated” and the relatively new science of Nutrigenomics focuses on how nutritional & lifestyle interventions can do just that to our

health benefit. These days technology allows us to easily identify genes we inherited from our parents that influence our health such as genes affecting inflammation and immunity, cell defence, cardiovascular health, fat metabolism, cholesterol regulation and bone health. These parameters can then be considered in light of existing or potential illnesses. In the case of recovering from or avoiding cancer for example, identifying your genetics in relation to inflammation, immunity and cell defence can help your health practitioner individually tailor a supportive cancer nutrition program. Another example is women’s health and the menopause. If you have a genetic predisposition to poor cholesterol management or poor bone health, for example, you may decide to take a proactive nutrition, exercise and lifestyle approach in the peri-menopause years. A third example is weight loss. If you have genes that predispose you to high levels of inflammation (which make weight/ fat loss more difficult) it could be that you are actually “over exercis-

ing” and that specifically tailoring your exercise routine to minimise inflammation and include adequate recovery time may make all the difference to successful weight/fat loss. A final example relates to the gene for satiety or “feeling full.” You may have the gene combination that does not trigger the feeling of satiety or “enough food”. If this is the case the old saying “just eat til you are full” does not work! One of my patients was so relieved to find out she had this genetic variation because it explained her inability to stop eating. She has since successfully lost weight because she understands she will not feel full so that is no longer her goal! I am r eally impr essed with the FITGENES™ testing and so have trained to be a cer tified FITGENES™ practitioner. At FITGENES™ they are very selective about only testing genes that can be positively influenced by diet, lifestyle and nutrition as supported by current scientific evidence. The test only requires a swab of the inner cheek and results are available in a

10 few weeks. Once the genetic makeup is identified specific interventions can be suggested to maximise health and well-being including diet, nutrient intervention and lifestyle approaches. The test only needs to be run once. Knowing your genetic predispositions and gene variations is a powerful tool to help you make more informed nutritional, exercise and lifestyle choices to maximise your potential for healthy living. If you are concerned about chronic illness, immune dysfunction, bone health, cardiovascular health including high cholesterol or blood pressure, inflammatory conditions or weight loss this testing may illuminate the most efficient path to good health. The future of individualised effective health care is here! Belle McCaleb, ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT is an Adelaide Naturopath, Herbalist, Counsellor, Registered Nurse and Yoga Instructor offering total wellness care and specialising in Cancer Support & Women’s Health She is the consultant Naturopath for Cancer Care Centre in Unley SA and has specialised in cancer suppor t since 2003. Belle has been a women’s health specialist and a registered nurse since 1986 with advanced qualifications in obstetrics, gynaecology, infertility and reproductive endocrinology. She is a cer tified FITGENES™ Practitioner. She is also a certified HEMAVIEW™ Live Blood Analysis and Bioimpedence Analysis practitioner; a Master’s Prepared Counsellor and Registered Yoga Teacher. For more info telephone (08) 8379 0220. Web:

yourChiropractor with Dr Rob Hutchings Chiropractic Doctor and Bachelor of Kinesiology.

Chiropractic Truths Chiropractic plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining optimal health, yet there are still many misconceptions about this health discipline. You may have chosen not to go to a chiropractor for these reasons or have questioned a family member or friend who does. Many of my clients say they wish they had discovered chiropractic earlier and if they had known these truths they would have done so. For this reason I wish to dispel these myths so you too can discover the health benefits of chiropractic for yourself. Question - Is chiropractic safe?

Some people have a misconception about the safety of chiropractic. However chiropractic has been rigorously investigated by many scientists, government commissions and interest groups. Without fail, these investigations have found chiropractic to be remarkably safe, and much safer than many medical interventions. The New Zealand Chiropractic Commission, which conducted the largest investigation to date into chiropractic, found chiropractic to be “exceptionally safe, based on sound

science” and found “chiropractors to be thoroughly trained to screen patients for contraindications.” The safety of chiropractic is reflected by an extremely low level of adverse reactions and by the comparatively low malpractice premiums that chiropractors pay compared to other health professionals. Question - Once I go to a chiropractor, do I have to keep going?

This question comes from the paradigm of symptom treatment rather than maintenance or wellness health care. Although we may experience symptoms of ill health or pain that may be ameliorated short term by a symptomatic chiropractor or medical treatment, to prevent future reoccurrences it is important to correct the underlying cause through corrective chiropractic. Not only this, our bodies and spine are constantly exposed to stressors every day such as prolonged sitting,

11 computer work, spor ting injuries, driving, emotional stress and toxic pollutants, all of which can damage the spine and nervous system. A well functioning spine and nervous system is a core aspect of health and people who recognise the benefits of chiropractic usually choose to maintain their spine once the problem is corrected. Question - How long does it take to get the spine corrected?

This question depends entirely on the individual, a wide range of factors influence the time corrective chiropractic takes. Some people have larger misalignment patterns than others and some have more degeneration, bone spurs and disc damage. For example, someone with a 20 degree angle in their spine complicated by degeneration is likely to take longer to correct than someone with a 7 degree angle with minor degeneration. Chiropractors who focus on spinal correction perform a meticulous examination of the spine and will determine the likely timeframe for correction and recommended frequency of adjustments. Some people tend to correct faster than others, and issues such as compliance with recommendations, stress, diet and exercise can affect the time required. Question - Why does chiropractic often help with conditions other than back pain?

For over a century, chiropractors and their patients have been observing remarkable health changes in a wide range of conditions. While

balked by many in the medical establishment as a placebo change only, there is no scientific or clinical doubt that people all over the world report benefits from conditions such as asthma, ear infections, menstrual pain, digestive issues, fatigue and many others. The reason for this is because a misaligned spine, which chiropractors term ‘subluxation’, causes compression of the nerves and spinal cord. This in turn causes ‘stress signals’ to travel both to and from the brain, initiating a ‘fight or flight response.’ The result is a myriad of stress responses in the body including higher pain perception, blood pressure, stress hormone release (such as adrenaline and cortisol), depressed immunity and other physiological responses. Corrective chiropractors do not treat the conditions or symptoms per se, but rather gently and precisely correct a subluxation. This in turn allows the body to return to a state of normal physiology. Studies of chiropractic on physiological responses have demonstrated positive changes in blood pressure, immune function, stress hormone reduction, oxidative stress and DNA repair. Question - What conditions respond well to chiropractic?

Chiropractors have consistently found that a wide range of conditions respond well to chiropractic care. However, it must be stressed that chiropractic is not a treatment for conditions, but rather a well-

Continued on page 12

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


with Maria harpas Naturopath, , Clinical Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist

What is Undermethylation? Obsessive-compulsive disorder, seasonal depression (SAD) or allergies, defiance, perfectionism…these are just some of the traits that can be related to undermethylation – which is a result of elevated histamine levels. While slightly elevated histamine levels can lead to strong motivation, attention to detail, or good organisational abilities, these tendencies are amplified with increased histamine levels and can present as obsessive compulsive behaviour, perfectionism, over-competitiveness or other behavioural problems. An adult who is an undermethylator, may accomplish high levels of success, but may also be an overachiever who struggles with or has an addictive trait such as gambling or chain-smoking, or other compulsive behaviours. Children may be self-motivated and goal-oriented, but may have problems with authority, socialising with peers, or develop an obsession for certain activities.

What causes undermethylation?

“Methylation” is a process where chemicals called “methyl groups”

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are added to various elements of DNA, proteins and other molecules to help keep them in good working condition. Histamine is one of the chemicals which requires methylation to be metabolised correctly. If the histamine is “undermethylated”, it can begin to build up in the system. When blood contains high levels of histamine (known as histadelia by the Pfeiffer treatment centre), the excess histamine is stored in the blood basophils (a type of white blood cell involved with inflammatory reactions in your body) and brain neurons. This in turn can result in low levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine – the chemicals responsible for making us feel good. Despite a high energy drive, those suffering from histadelia can often also show symptoms of depression due to low serotonin levels.

Treatment options

Undermethylation has a tendency toward low levels of calcium, magnesium, methionine and B6, and an excess of folic acid, so dietary changes and correct supplementa-

tion are the key to correcting undermethylation. Of course, before rushing out to stock up on vitamins and minerals, it is impor tant to correctly diagnose undermethylation which can be done with a diagnostic blood test available to identify histamine levels – one marker for the methylation process. The correct dosage and combination of nutrients can then be assessed based on your specific needs and what else is going on in your body, and progress can be monitored not only through symptoms, but also blood testing. Maria Harpas BHlthSc (ComplMed), Adv,Dip.Nut, Adv.Dip.Nat is a naturopath, clinical nutritionist and medical herbalist and the director of Natural Health Medicine

As a health centre, we’re a little different… Aristotle said, “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” At Integrative Health Therapies we take this idea to heart – but in even broader terms than what you might think. Yes, we have sixteen alternative medicine experts with a variety of specialties. But we also work closely with GPs and other biomedical practitioners. In short, Integrative Health Therapies works with those who will help you best.

So who is best to help you?

We can help choose the right practitioner for you. Expertise is vital, but so is approach. It’s important you feel comfortable with who you are working with to get you feeling great again. You can see just one practitioner – or have a team working together for you. It’s your choice.

We listen…and we plan

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(her own business which includes testing consultants) and is also the managing director of Integrated Health Therapies. As part of her naturopathic practice, Maria offers -hemaview analysis, interpretation and general screening test interpretations (clinic and exter nal labor ator y testing) based on nutritional/naturopathic perspectives. Her qualifications include Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine); Advanced Diploma in Functional Nutrition;Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy; Certificate in Metabolic Typing; Association Membership: ATMS & CMA For more information please contact Natural Health Medicine, 65 Edward St, Norwood SA 5067 Ph:08 83572553 or 0401399459

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . ness intervention that allows that body’s innate healing mechanisms to work to their full potential. Other factors in illness or a condition must also be investigated such as toxicity, poor diet and lack of exercise. Often, when the cause of a condition has several factors including a misaligned spine, and chiropractic is implemented without any other changes, patients repor t par tial improvement in their condition. When other lifestyle factors are adequately addressed, the conditions may clear completely. Children usually respond exceptionally well when suffering from ear infections, colic, sleeping difficulties, feeding problems, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, ADHD, asthma and skin conditions. Teenagers and adults generally respond well when suffering from spinal pain, tension headaches, migraine headaches, menstrual pain, digestive problems, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, chronic fatigue, just to name a few. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates instructor s, massage therapists and nutritionists. Sources: 1 Hasselberg PD. 1979. New Zealand Report. 2 Chestnut, J. 2011. The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm. 3. Manga, P. et al. 1993. A study to examine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of chiropractic management of low back pain.

TREATtheCAUSE with Andrea Fernandez INDULSKI Your Clinical Complementary Medicine Practitioner, Integrated Iridologist®, Sclerologist, Naturopathic Doctor and Herbalist Specialist. Human-Animal Medicine.

Gut flora - A brief overview Each and every single one of us has residents in our small and large intestines (gut) that aid in the maintenance of health and wellbeing. Their health and numbers are intrinsicaly related to our body’s homeostasis, presence or lack of disease, whether acute or chronic disease. These microorganisms perform a variety of necessary functions in our body. These functions range from fermenting food substrates, producing short chain fatty acids, recycling bile acids released by the gallbladder, producing vitamin K and helping at the later stages of vitamin D3 absorption. Last but not least, their action expands to the maintenance of a healthy immune system and in the prevention of auto-immune disease. In what the immune system concerns, we ought to remember that we find at least 80% of the core immune system in the gut, therefore an imbalance here will affect 80% of your capacity to fight disease back. Most of us identify gut flora as probiotics: Bifidobateria spp or Lactobaccilus spp. However these two gained popularity due to marketing strategies yet they are not the sole residents of our gut. As a matter of fact, one should only supplement

with these products if supervised by a healthcare practitioner. It has been my experience that patients who indiscriminatively supplement with probiotics can drastically alter for worse the ecosystem of their gut. In most cases, the gut flora will re-establish its levels within the body in time. Yet, this re-balancing either takes longer or won’t even occur when the person suffers from auto-immune conditions. Possibly this may further contribute to the prevalence of their auto-immunity and disease state. Fur thermore, other gut hosts forgotten by practitioners in first world countries and overlooked, if not denied, by most health care practitioners include parasites, worms, amoebas, flukes, bateroides and fungi. As a matter of fact, there is not a single place in our body that cannot be infected with the overgrowth of the pathogens listed above. They can become unknown tenants not just only of our gut but also of our brain, eyes, sinus cavities, mouth, skin, heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, bladder and reproductive organs. Once they become hosts outside the gut their diagnosis by current allopathic medicine is almost impossible to identify. Furthermore, the majority of prac-


titioners and patients alike do not realise that effective treatment is not achieved purely by the prescription of specific probiotic or prebiotic strains for those organisms that inhabit the gut. Unfor tunately, we cannot demand rent to these tenants but we can look instead for proper methods of assessment and treatment from a qualified practitioner who acknowledges their presence in every organ and tissue of the body.

How to identify these micro-organisms

In Australia, current pathology methods of stool analysis have not overcome key problems for the analysis of intestinal micro-organism that include sample transport and growth methods in the lab. To make matters more interesting and difficult to diagnose, by default your GP’s stool referall is only going to test for E.Coli, presence of White Blood Cells and, or presence of blood. A marker called fecal calprotectin may be analysed for diagnosis purposes only in cases of Irritable Bowel syndrome, Crohn’s or colorectal cancer. Yet, this marker does not explain the cause of such condition making its testing very little appealing to a pratitioner like myself who strives to look for the cause at all times. Provided the high number of living organisms that can attack our immune system at the gut level, current allopathic methods of stool analysis offer little reliability. What’s more, standard laboratories do not assess DNA levels of these organisms, only looking macroscopically for parasites and worms. In other words, if they are not seen (or their eggs), it is assumed they are not there. If found, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics that further damage the lining of the gut and compromise

the immune system. Such practice is not good enough in this day and age I believe.

How our body may tell us of this infection

Intestinal pathogenic infection can give rise to co-morbidities including: fibromyalgia, fatigue, migraine headaches, TMJ and, or teeth grinding, anxiety/depression, ar thritis/rheumatism, skin conditions (eczema/ psoriasis), allergies (environment and food), malnutrition or absorption problems; recurrent colds and flus, mouth infections and dental decay, auto-immune conditions, schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer, cancer, Systemic Lupus (SLE), diabetes type I, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, recurrent diarhoea, unformed stools, explosive diarrhoea, sinus problems, memory loss or dementia, brain fogginess, short- term memory loss, epilepsy, iron deficiency status, low plaquetes in the blood, insomnia, leaky gut amongst others. Once these organisms enter our body or overgrow in numbers they overcome the immune system’s defence mechanism creating antibodies that mimmics the body’s own antibodies. They can also change constantly for the host’s immune cells not to recognise them or pathology tests to give negative results. Some travel to the brain creating suicidal and mental symptoms in the host to complete their vital cycle. Others release acids such as acetaldehyde that affect the host’s nervous system giving symptoms of chronic brain fog. Furthermore, pathogens carry within them other infectious organisms that continue the cycle of poor health in the host. It is impor tant to mention that

these organisms have a preference for a par ticular organ or tissue in our body, more specifically when the tissue needs further nurturing or has been exposed to the ill effects of environmental toxins and consequently weakened. We have developped effective methods of assessment (where applicable we may seek the support of some advanced pathology laboratory assessment) and treatment for many of these organisms in our clinic that has helped our patients with the conditions listed previously. Do not be fooled into thinking that a mere probiotic supplement will give you all the answers. As a matter of fact rarely do I prescribe probiotics managing nonetheless to offer long lasting results for my patients. Contact us for further information. Andrea Fernandez Indulski NDHUMANKIND’S WELLBEING Andr ea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, Graduate Diploma Integrated Iridology®, Honours Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementar y Medicine), Naturopath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology). She has 5 year s experience consulting clinically ar ound Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or au. Also visit her online on www. or www.


Hormonehealth with Kasey Yates

Naturopath, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Hormonal Imbalances and Weight Loss

Cortisol; the hormone that can either help or hinder us! The most common complaint I see in my clinic on a daily basis is, without doubt, stress and fatigue. Most are often busy mums who incredibly juggle kids, house chores and working, but then there are also many people who lead very stressful lives, working over 40 hours a week, surviving on coffee and adrenaline. These people all have one thing in common – their struggling cortisol levels. Cortisol is an important hormone that is secreted by our adrenal glands. It has many actions in the body, including proper glucose me-

tabolism, regulation of blood pressure, insulin release for blood sugar maintenance, suppor ting healthy immune function and inflammatory responses, not to mention its most commonly known function – stress support. Cortisol is normally present in the body at higher levels in the morning. This is because it helps us to get up and going, to start the day with energy! Because cortisol is a hormone that helps to keep us alert, it is therefore normal for cortisol to lower at night time, which allows us

to calm down and relax, so as to let melatonin, the ‘sleeping hormone’ naturally increase. Although stress isn’t the only reason that cortisol is secreted into the bloodstream, it has been termed “the stress hormone” because its main role is to be secreted in higher levels during times of stress, when our body responds with the ‘fight or flight’ mechanisms. This instant increase in cortisol is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body, all of which are designed to help us survive, at least in acute stress. Some of the positive effects of small increases of cortisol include: • A quick burst of energy for survival reasons • Heightened memory functions • A burst of increased immunity • Lower sensitivity to pain • Helps maintain homeostasis in the body While cortisol can have some very good effects in the shor t term, it is very impor tant that the body’s relaxation responses are also activated once the stressful event is over so the body’s functions can return to normal. Unfortunately, in our current high-stress culture, the body’s stress response is activated so often and over such a long period of time that the body doesn’t always have a chance to return to normal, resulting in a state of chronic stress. When higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol have been in the bloodstream, such as in situations of chronic stress, cortisol can have negative effects on the body, such as: • Impaired cognitive performance • Suppressed thyroid function • Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia • Decreased bone density • Decrease in muscle tissue • Higher blood pressure • Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body • Decreased wound healing, and other health consequences • Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body, such as heart attacks, strokes, the development of metabolic syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can also then lead to further health problems! Long-term, elevated levels of cortisol can lead to adrenal exhaustion, which is unfortunately so common in today’s busy world. It is therefore very important to make sure that you are removed from situations that create chronic stress, or if you cannot remove yourself, then at least prepare yourself medicinally, nutritionally and emotionally to help you manage the situation without compromising your health. To keep cor tisol levels healthy and under control, the body’s re-

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . laxation response should be activated after the fight or flight response occurs. You can learn to relax your body with various stress management techniques, and you can make lifestyle changes in order to keep your body from reacting to stress in the first place. The following have been found by many to be very helpful in relaxing the body and mind, aiding the body in maintaining healthy cortisol levels: - Yoga - Listening to peaceful music - Guided imagery - Meditation - Exercise - Breathing exercises - Sex - Journaling, etc. Learn to listen to your body and switch off when you need to. Rest when you feel tired and exercise regularly. Most impor tantly, eat a healthy nutrient-dense diet, full of vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fish, organic meats and very importantly, superfoods! Nutrient-dense superfoods like Spirulina and Maca for example are not only very high in vitamins, minerals, and amino-acids, but they are also filled with beneficial phyto-chemicals that can support and nourish our endocrine glands, helping them to make the hormones that they need to keep us healthy. Kasey Yates – Naturopath, specialist in hormonal imbalances and weight loss, amongst other things. Nor th Adelaide Village, 71-79 O’Connell St, North Adelaide SA 5006, Ph: 8361 9150

LivingWisdom with Barbara Lloyd

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Issani Ayurvedic Therapies

AYURVEDIC SPRINGTIME Chirping birds, blossoming flowers and delightful sunny warmth herald the delights of Springtime, as the long cold wintery months subside. We can lighten up with less clothing and beautiful soft sunshine to enjoy. However, our bodies may need a little help to transition from Winter mode to Spring mode. During Winter we are naturally slower in our lifestyle, and heavier in our diet. These are qualities of Kapha, the water/earth dosha. The dark, cold, wet, damp Winter qualities, with more time spent indoors and a tendency to exercise less, can increase the constitutional quality of Kapha within us. This can manifest as heaviness, malaise, morning grogginess, weight gain, and even depression. We all have Vata, Pitta and Kapha in our make-up to varying degrees, and during the transition from Winter to Spring, the Kapha dosha in our bodies also “thaws”, and mobilises in our system. If it cannot find an outlet, it will create one, usually in the Kapha part of the body, which is the upper body and head. We can assist this natural transition by lightening our diet and increasing exercise. This will en-

able us to avoid some of the health problems associated with excess kapha which include feeling sluggish, dull or even depressed, mucous congestion and susceptibility colds and to allergies like hay fever. These may manifest as the body looks for a way to expel the extra water/earth element stored in the

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . body over Winter. Kapha can be reduced by minimising heavy foods like yoghur t, meat, cold and frozen foods, and sweet, sour and salty tastes generally. Detoxifying teas can be made with ginger, cloves, black pepper or cinnamon. These warming spices help the body to expel excess mucous. Cumin, fennel, coriander and cardamom seeds taken as a tea or with cooking will increase and balance the digestive fire. Half a teaspoon of turmeric in some boiling water each day can also help to prevent allergic reactions. Turmeric is an excellent blood cleanser with natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Cardamom added to milk will reduce its mucus forming quality. If you experience serious allergy problems, beginning a suitable Ayurvedic regime of diet, herbs and lifestyle is of great benefit. Introducing Ayur vedic therapies and lifestyle changes over the previous months prepares your body and its defences before the onslaught of the pollen or allergens. You may find that your body no longer reacts in the same way. The beginning of Spring is a great time for a gentle de-tox. A simple approach is to cease your intake of white flour, sugar, dairy and salt for a few days. These are all kapha increasing foods which can clog the system if eaten excessively and should be reduced in general during this time. Another simple approach is to wait until you are really hungry before eating. This is a natural way to increase your digestive fire or digestive juices. Skin brushing and body scrubs that remove dead skin, stimulate our senses, increase circulation and leave skin glowing and radiant are also great for energizing, detoxifying and decreasing accumulated Kapha from our systems. A simple Ayurvedic scrub can be home-made from chick pea flour, turmeric and fenugreek. Skin is our largest body organ and it plays an important role in balancing our doshas. Another technique for health and detoxification is tongue scraping. This daily ritual removes the “ama” or undigested food material which accumulates from the previous day. This simple action can help prevent disease over time, as it lessen sthe load of toxins that can block our body organs and channels and eventually cause disease. Spring reminds us that life renews itself in endless amazing cycles. We are par t of these cycles and resonate with them. More than ever we need to revere and integrate with these miraculous natural wonders, to better understand and respect the offerings of our Mother earth. Barbara Lloyd is an Ayur vedic Consultant who has been practicing Ayurveda personally and professionally for several years. Her teachers have included a traditional Indian Ayurvedic Vaidya, an Indian BAMS trained Dr of Ayurveda, and an Ayurvedic Practitioner with many years experience practicing in Europe. She specialises in empowering her clients with personalised Ayurvedic insights, dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance quality of life, health and longevity. Visit for more information. Barbara can be contacted on 0433 496 199 or at

YourIridologist with ynne Singlewood

Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine.


Recently I attended a fantastic interstate conference on Cancer and although I’ve been to a few over the years, this was the best. There were a variety of speakers from various countries and from a range of genres i.e. doctors, oncologists, scientists, naturopaths and more. In this column I’d like to talk about some of the ways you could improve your health and minimise your risks of getting cancer or if you have already had cancer help you minimise the risk of it returning. I’m going to write on a basic level, with the goal of giving you some simple but important tips about how you can help yourselves and the ones you love. Statistics indicate that one in two people by the age of eighty five will have had cancer? It is estimated by 2030 levels may rise by up to 70%. I’m sure most of us know someone who has or has had cancer at some point in their lives. So I think the time has come for us to take a bit more responsibility caring for our bodies, after all, your body belongs to you, so you need to take good care of it. You can make a difference just by making a few changes to your everyday life. Some of the areas that need nurturing are the immune system, hormone balance, inflammatory levels, insulin resistance/sugar balance, digestion, detoxification and stress levels. Let’s start with inflammation, I’ve talked about this in previous columns. When you think of inflammation there can be many causes, such as an injury, a poor diet, smoking, stress, alcohol, environmental toxins etc. On a very simplistic level we could describe cancer as an unhealed wound and normally when we have a wound, certain chemicals are pulled to the area, this inflammatory response brings blood and nutrients to the area to repair tissue, it decreases cell death and causes the cells to divide at a faster rate and creates more blood flow. We don’t want cancer cells to divide, increase in numbers, stay healthy and survive, so we need to decrease inflammatory levels in the body. What can we do to help reduce inflammatory levels? Well as I mentioned in one of my previous columns one of the major components to be aware of is the consumption of vegetable oils, which have crept into our diets over the last 40 years or so, these oils such as safflower oils, corn oils and soy oil etc. are a cheap form of calories and taste good, however, they are high in omega 6 which is inflammatory. We need to increase our consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, to ‘put out the fire’ so to speak, these are found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout and mackerel, cod liver oil is also good or there are omega 3 supplements. There are a multitude of beautiful herbs which dampen down inflammation in the body, my favourite is Turmeric, it is also a powerful antioxidant and Boswellia is also very

good. Anti-oxidants are very efficient at reducing chronic inflammation because oxidation and inflammation go hand in hand, they are also very impor tant in maintaining the immune system and are found in many fruits, berries and vegetables “think of colourful fruit and veg, they are full of nutritional compounds to help prevent cancer!” vitamin C, selenium, garlic, CoQ10, and herbs such as Grapeseed extract, Turmeric and St Marys Thistle can also help. Prolonged stress, can be caused from a multitude of avenues such as lack of nutrition, lack of rest, emotional stressors, alcohol, drugs abuse, infection, illness etc. and one of the effects stress can have on the body is an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, which is inflammatory, acidic and can lower immunity. How we manage stress is different for every individual, yoga, meditation, music, Chi Kung, walking in nature are all beneficial but if you need support find someone caring to help you to look at your life situation and find some strategies to manage it. There are also many lovely herbs to help nourish the ner vous system along with Bach flowers which I find extremely helpful. Laughter is also fantastic, my mum has a laughing bear that she turns on every day, his laugh is so infectious that you can’t help but laugh, or you could watch some funny movies etc. Hormonal balance is important and therefore sufficient sleep is a must. Chronically sleep deprived individuals over time develop elevated levels of stress hormones which increase anxiety and depression, cripples the immune function, harms our digestion and detoxification pathways, impedes memory, impairs blood sugar control, can raise blood pressure and delay wound healing. Lack of sleep may alter thyroid hormone levels, estrogen and testosterone secretion and many other hormones involved in regulation of cellular activity. If you are experiencing difficulties with sleep you should really seek help from a qualified practitioner because getting enough sleep is critical to you health. Sugar balance is important because all cells in the body rely on sugar to make energy. Cancer cells are very efficient at metabolizing sugar into energy for growth and proliferation, so it’s really important to reduce simple sugars such as desserts, lollies, pastries etc. you can still have fruit and vegetables they contain naturally occurring sugars and their beneficial compounds to fight cancer outweigh any harm from their sugar. Exercise has been stated as the number one prevention of cancer, it raises oxygen levels in the body and cancer cells don’t thrive in an oxygenated environment. The consensus is that we need at least 30 minutes of exercise six days a week


but even a little everyday is better than none and if you can do some deep breathing to oxygenate the tissues this is a huge help, most of us tend to be shallow breathers these days. Tips: Cut down your sugar levels, if you have a sweet tooth, because cancer cells love sugar, increase your fresh veggies to get your body

into a more alkaline state, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so chip away and make some gradual changes so you can sustain it. If you make massive radical changes people tend to find it too hard and drift back to their old ways. “Remember!” It’s your body, so you need to take charge and change your internal terrain.

Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology and Face and Body signs at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421618792 or email Web site:

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1 MC News travels quickly and it pays to be attentive. 2 3 M D An emotional connection with a person or matter dominates. 4 5 6 M E Humility will often achieve better results than arrogance. 7 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon E Time to resolve outstanding matters as the time will soon be right to move on to new projects. Make the time to do so as this will be a good test of your commitment to a new direction but also demonstrate a willingness to learn from what has occurred. 8 M F Taking a critical perspective can be productive as long as there are alternatives. 9 10 M G Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of personal objectives or opinions. 11 12 M H Beware of overreactions as emotions are heightened. 13 14 Solar Eclipse ] New Moon H M enters I The New Moon brings with it sensitivity and also frustrations as information seems to be confused and mixed messages abound. As the Moon moves into Sagittarius big plans beckon however bide your time before taking anything on as the lack of clarity will only make matters worse. This is a time of undertaking new responsibilities and if this is done with awareness and commitment the result is both joy and success. 15 16 M J A hands-on approach is called for as new start to unfold. 17 18 M K Be objective and think outside the square. 19 20 21 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon K M enters L The challenge now is to produce the first results of recent actions. The emphasis to maintain objectivity and focus on goals has to be tempered with intuition. Ensure there is some flexibility to plans in order to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. 22 Sun enters I Inspiring and energetic, Sagittarians love to see the ‘big picture’ 23 M A Take action and accept the challenges that are presented. 24 25 M B Be practical about what can and cannot be achieved. 26 27 28 M C Do not be tempted to rely on gossip or rumour. 29 … Full Moon C Lunar Eclipse The Full Moon highlights the importance of responsibilities and this may take the form of undertaking study or developing or accessing reliable sources of information. The commitment necessary to do this can bring about feelings of success and accomplishment. 30 A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent.

1 M D Take the time to gauge others’ feelings before taking action. 2 3 M E Acknowledgement is important especially for what has been realised. 4 5 M F Doing the right thing by yourself and all concerned is important now. 6 7 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon F The build-up has been intense and the expectations high, however outcomes may be either disappointing or minimal. A testing period where integrity will be pitted against results. For many the question will be, “does the end justify the means?” 8 M G Be prepared to stand up for what you believe regardless of others. 9 10 M H Be upfront in all dealings and avoid underhanded or secretive actions. 11 12 M I Enthusiasm and inspiration spur things along. 13 ] New Moon I The New Moon in Sagittarius promises much especially a new beginning for many. Keep an open mind and look beyond the obvious because the present moment will yield the unexpected and the unusual. There is also a very distinct sense that what occurs is meant to be. 14 M J Take control of matters at hand but avoid being autocratic. 15 16 M K Be prepared to take some risks and you may be surprised by the outcome. 17 18 M L Compassion and sensitivity can break down seemingly insurmountable barriers. 19 20 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon L M enters A Trust your intuition as new endeavours take shape and as the Moon changes sign later today, take the actions required. The challenges presented suggest that a mix of enterprise and know-how ensures success. 21 Sun enters J Pragmatic, responsible and authoritative are the hallmarks of Capricorn 22 23 M B Be flexible and increase options. 24 25 MC Be prepared to act on information as it is received. 26 27 28 M D … Full Moon D The promise of the past few weeks finds expression with the Full Moon and emotions run high. There may be those who take advantage of the situation and play on sensitivities. The challenge is to rise above them and pursue the goals in spite of the hardship or opposition which may be encountered. 29 30 M E Take pride in what has been achieved to date. 31

1 2 M F Process and order provide the structure for successful outcomes. 3 4 M G Cooperation can achieve much but maintain the integrity of intention. 5 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon G Time to assess what has been achieved especially as there may still a sense that not everything has been realised. There is still some time to finalise matters but do not leave it too long. Be prepared to discard what has not worked and capitalise on achievements. 6 M H The intensity of emotions may catch you off-guard. 7 8 M I A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent. 9 10 M J Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 11 12 ] New Moon J M enters K The first New Moon of the year brings with it a controlled optimism however do what is necessary to get things moving. The obstacles and challenges will continue but with increased experience these will be met as a matter of course. As the Moon changes sign later today, a greater objectivity can result. 13 14 M L As emotions are heightened, be careful to maintain boundaries. 15 16 17 M A Be prepared to defend your actions but do not let yourself be vulnerable. 18 19 M A ‡ 1st Quarter Menters B The challenges of the last few weeks may take its toll on some. Take steps to minimise both physical and emotional strains as these may impact on decisions which will need to be made soon. With the Moon moving into Taurus, be practical about these matters. 20 Sun enters K Objective, inquisitive and independent characterise the Aquarian. 21 22 M C Avoid rumour and innuendo as it will only be a distraction. 23 24 M D Emotional bonds with loved ones dominate now. 25 26 27 ME … Full Moon E The Full Moon highlights the need to maintain focus on the matters at hand. There may be persons or situations that undermine confidence or isolate you. Do not let these distract you but instead work your way around them. Let actions speak louder than words. 28 29 M F Make sure you look after the details as these ensure a good outcome. 30 31 M G Cooperation and compromise can achieve much.


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LunAr PhASeS And PerSonALiTy TyPeS Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily

discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.

A NEW MooN occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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yourRelationships with Diane McCann

HEALING OF THE HEART There are many types of relationships, those with friends that fill us with a warm glow, those with our kids that make our hear t smile, those with our significant other that can either drive us crazy and tear

us apart or move us closer depending on how much work we do…on ourselves! Given that we are all one and that everyone is connected, is it not feasible to actually believe now that

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what happens in our outer world is a reflection of what happens in our inner world? Therefore everything that drives you nuts about the other person is something in you that needs healing. In difficult times do you push them away, turn to another in the hope of filling a hole inside? Do you become snappy and short and withhold sex… or angry and resentful and withhold money? Whatever you want from your relationships, know it all starts inside your heart. Your heart is more remarkable than your brain. It has two sides (like the brain) and 4 chambers (like the brain). People can die of broken hear ts; hear ts actually “hurt” when broken. Negative emotions lead to increased heart rhythm disorders. The heart is a highly complex, self-organized information processing center with its own functional “brain” that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways, profoundly affecting brain function, most major organs, and ultimately determines the quality of life! The heart was reclassified as an endocrine/hormonal gland in 1983 when ANF hormone was isolated. Oxytocin, commonly known as the “love/bonding” hormone” is also involved in tolerance, complex sexual/maternal behaviors as well as learning social cues. Remarkably, concentrations of oxytocin in hearts are as high as those found in brains. Stress tolerance varies; individuals with higher tolerance curves perform at higher levels for longer periods without generating disorders. They’re ‘resilient’, with qualities of self-managing negative emotional reactions and enjoy the challenges of life. Those with lower curves are less resilient with less capacity for coping and adapting and a greater propensity to exhaustion and illness. Most of the adult population report experiencing personal or emotional problems over a year, 50% of these people say that “they’re unable to solve their problems” and1/3 state that “they’re unable to do anything to make their problems more bearable.” So how can we lessen stress, increase heart energy and feel better about ourselves and our loved ones? Have an attitude of gratitude. Now scientifically proven - people who come from gratitude, appreciation and love have more hear t energy - thus less stress. It brings us into balance. Work on Yourself: Keep learning, growing, healing and letting go of the past so the people in your life don’t trigger you and make you upset. Acknowledgements: Acknowledge yourself daily for 3 things you have achieved and then do it with your partner (and kids too love it).

Eating:Healthy, natural organic whole foods at least 80% of the time. Avoid sugar at all costs. Rest: 7-9 hours a night. Use essential oils on your pillow or the sole of your feet, sleep on a grounding sheet. EMFs: Protect yourself from Electro magnetic radiation which means DO NOT carry a phone in your pocket; use a Tesla phone shield or similar for protection. Do the same thing

with your computer. Turn off power when sleeping. Don’t sleep near anything electrical (electric blankets or clocks) Water: Drink lots of alkaline water. (Dehydration leads to illnesses) Love:“Your job is to love the unloveable!” (David Hawkins)Self-love is the most important key to living a life that works.How much you love yourself is the amount you will allow in from another. Service: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. (John Wesley 1703) Family:We choose our parents and our job is to heal our relationship with them in order to free ourselves from the lessons we came here to learn. Healing the familial relationship creates healing 7 generations backwards and forward. Friends:Gifts we manifest to be

with us through tough times and laugh during great times; to honour and accept each other for who we are. Courage: Stand up for what you believe in. Gentleness: For ourselves and others, we all do the best we can, with what we know. Money… Do what you love and the money will follow… absolutely! Find your passion and live it! Integrity: Is the essence of everything. Authenticity: Be who you are, regardless of what people think, being yourself is the greatest gift to yourself. Diane McCann facilitates The Goddess Within seminar for women and together with her husband Robert, facilitates Man’s Inner Journey for men and Tantra for couples. E: beyondtheordinary@internode.; www.beyondtheordinary. or by phone on 08 82481281

New Story for Humanity by Susan Altschwager

Family Constellations assisting you to walk to the new story

We are living in an amazing time, 2012 has had many predictions and prophecies around it. This time is not about doom and gloom it is about expansion. We are at the completion of the old story of humanity, and the birth of a new story. The winds of change are calling many, globally. Mother Earth has activated her electromagnetic force field pulling us back to her, we are aligning to a new grid, opening up to a higher truth. As we link back to Mother Earth, resonate with her and you will feel her communication. She will say ‘I have no voice in your Governments, Law systems, science or religion. Your own thoughts cannot hear me for I am not in them, we separated/disconnected eons ago.’ The activation is not a thought process. It is bigger... the DNAcodes of humanity are in a place of remembrance. This is all apart of humanity’s natural evolution. The entry to the new story is in the heart, as it is the heart that has the true power of connection to each other, Mother Earth and the divinity of self.To move forward from the old story - the old way of experiencing life - to the new story, a new way of life, the heart needs to let go of the old story, all the lies, illusions and pain that has been placed on it. Family Constellations places love back into its right order. It excludes no one and looks at the innocence of the ancestors’ line. Our ancestors lived in and built the old story. The human existence lived in separation. The love, light and darkness were always played out together, we have reached a time in our evolution were we have the ability to take back our truth and let go of the separation, seeing a bigger picture. Our ancestors have handed us the light through passing it on generation after generation. Yes, many times in our families it has felt that the light went out, the pain covered us up. But the light has come through the most darkest times in our history. Through wars, slavery and famines. Here we are today in 2012 being asked to ignite this light again. A birth for a vision for a new story for humanity where we are all innocent, for humanity has never understood who they truly are, that we are a people of love and light Family Constellations assists you in walking toward the new story by letting go of the old story of your family line in gratitude and peace. To take life in full, we need to look back, bow our head in respect and honour for the old story, this can be done as we expand our reality and heal our heart. Susan has a unique gift, her message is powerful, the vibration connection she has with Mother Earth can been felt as she speaks about the new story for humanity . Susan facilitates Family Constellations workshops and offersindividual sessions.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Angelic Divine Universal Healin Allow the love and light of God to shine Within

SINGLE in the suburbs

A-z Classifieds

with Jane Donovan

Art Classes

2012 and Love It seems not a moment goes by that I am not hearing of someone who is being challenged by 2012. And as I write this, I am inundated with people having relationship difficulties or struggling with change in their relationship desires. While this for many people can be a scary time, I encourage you to feel the fear and do it anyway. Understand that this is a time of great change which will ultimately result in knowing yourself better. Feeling more empowered, enjoying healthier boundaries, gaining greater clarity and understanding of who you are and what you desire. For single people who are desiring a loving relationship, this can be a time of great change as you find yourself possibly desiring something different to what you have felt you desired in the past. If this is you I encourage you to open your heart to these new discoveries. Perhaps you have always desired a person with a particular personality trait, physical appearance, career, lifestyle or friendship group and now find you are drawn to someone different. And so this new desire may be for someone who in the past had seemed incompatible. Is it possible that you could now be compatible with them? Yes. We are always growing and changing and as we do, who we attract and desire in our life changes too. It’s okay to let go

of the old and embrace something or someone new. Try to feel these new desires and go with it. The fear of the unknown can be paralysing and ensure that you don’t move forward to manifest a loving relationship. Instead recognise that to have what you have never had, you need to do what you had never done. Fear is simply an acronym for ‘False Emotion Appearing Real. The fear you are feeling is imagination working hard to challenge your new found desire. By facing the fear, recognising that life never comes with a guarantee and that each new experience will help you to achieve a new perspective on what you desire, will give you the confidence to step into the unknown. As you stand here with a new desire for tomorrow, you are given a valuable opportunity to try the different. By trying the different you are given yet another opportunity to birth a new desire. Do you want more of this or something different again? And so on you go, feeling the new desire, having a new experience, feeling a new desire, having a new experience. For people who are single and desiring love, this can be full of fear of being hurt. The fear of being hurt prevents you from moving forward and experiencing something new. By facing this fear anyway and experiencing the new, you now have a new point of at-

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traction, a new perspective to create a new desire. Even if the experience was not what you had hoped for, it gives you now a past experience to gauge a new experience from. By dating lots of different types of people, by trying to meet types of people different to you and who you have met in the past will without doubt have you one step closer to gaining greater clarity on who really is a good match for you in love. Be open to how this person may present. Leave judgement behind, try to not make fast assumptions as most are likely to be inaccurate and enjoy experiencing the new. Now is a great time to be trying new ways of doing things. Be proactive in seeking love, put the action into attraction. Open your heart to new experiences and you will find yourself matching a different type of person and experience. Be bold and open. And know you are experiencing that which you desire. Desire, experience, desire, experience, desire experience. Enjoy your new desire and experiences, this is living! Yours in love Jane

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

A New Year - A New You

It’s a brand new year, so why not make it a brand new you to match? We’ve got the retreats, the courses, the workshops, and the products and services to set up goals for the new year, reinvigorate old ones and to get you feeling fresh, clear, inspired and invigorated. 2013 Moon Diary tures in beautiful gold foil on the festivals, this handwritten and beau-

T he ser pent is a powerful symbol of r ene w al and t r a n s fo r m a tion as she sheds her skin to make her bejewelled new beginning. She fea-

cover of the 2013 Moon Diary. This diary is packed with all the tools you need to renew your connection to the cycles of nature and your inner life. Moon Diary Products celebrates it’s 20th year and the 2013 Moon Diary heralds the beginning of a new 19 year Lunar cycle for us. With Moon phases, transits and seasonal


BY Jaynie Morris

Being involved in the Direct Sales industry for over 25 years, both Corporately and as a Distributor, I have witnessed some amazing changes…for the better! Like most of us, my first introduction to the industry was in the ‘70’s with lots of ‘fluffy promises’. Many years later my next encounter was when I joined the Senior Management Team of a multi-national Direct Sales Company. (I hadn’t realized that my attending Tupperware, Bessemer and Nutrimetics parties previously were actual participation in the industry…how ignorant I was). Discovering the ‘power’ of the industry, the potential it offers for life enhancement and fur thering my experience in the USA was the most significant contribution to my business career. I can’t believe the ‘wasted’ years in mainstream business…working for others- trading time for money only…all for a mediocre pay cheque and no actual job security. The ideas and concepts we have all produced over the years for other people’s businesses to assist with THEIR growth and wealth… where is our royalty cheque?? However…today… ‘Do you see what I see???’…there is an overwhelming increase of people from the professional sector of the community, people who would not normally look at Direct Sales/Network Marketing as an opportunity, entering the industry! Years ago I believe it would be correct to state that most of the people involved in the industry were homemakers, women at home with children supplementing their husband’s income without compromising their family life by working at home (I wish I had seen the opportunity clearly, being a single mother with 2 sons who needed to go into daycare whilst I went to my J.O.B.) Only a few years ago there was an increase in the number of men becoming involved. Many were the husbands of the wives already involved who realized the benefit of supporting them and working with them in order to increase the income supplementation potential! And then it happened…the re-

sults were clear for all to see. People were actually achieving the goals Direct Sales/Network Marketing companies were stating they could if they worked with their systems. People were becoming more openly receptive to the opportunities presented to them as a real alternative to the ‘pressures’ and ‘stresses’ they were experiencing in their daily life which were rapidly mounting! The ‘Home Based Business’ Model had come of age Direct Sales/Network Marketing companies were fine tuning and improving their Business Compensation Plans and the information was getting into the Boardrooms of mainstream companies. Professional people quickly understood how these opportunities and their plans could ‘dovetail’ with what they were already doing! And then they came… The Doctors…The Lawyers… The Accountants…The Naturopaths…The Financial Analysts… The Executives, both male and female…University Students – yes they are excited to learn there is a better ‘life model’ for financial freedom available…and more! Because they saw it! They saw clearly that if they don’t attend patients; if they don’t represent in court; if they have to stop practicing their profession for whatever reason…they don’t eat! They also saw that they did not need to go back to College or University for another 5-7 years and invest an enor mous amount of tuition fees, in order to become a ‘specialist’ in Direct Sales/Network Marketing. They quickly identified that their choices in companies were outstanding, for they found that whatever their ‘passion’ in products, there would be a company supplying them with a marketing plan they could work with. That’s right, if for any reason they are unable to continue their profession they saw that there were many professional business publications, books, tapes and seminars which they could subscribe to and attend, in order to increase their knowledge and experience…they

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Vipassana Meditation

“Vipassana meditation is a practical technique which enables one to lead a more positive, balanced and were used to this professional suppor t and were delighted to find it available. And the most amazing change I have seen…the breaking down of the Corporate ‘Pyramid’…the power of Network Marketing is creating a new paradigm rapidly amongst us, one where everyone is benefiting from everyone’s efforts, day after day…week after week…regardless of where they are in the marketing plan or indeed when they joined their company! Network Marketing companies of today are embracing the rapidly advancing technological advances and utilizing them to benefit both the company and Distributors alike. The plethora of communication mediums available and their ease of use by all, has significantly placed the industry in a far more credible and accepted position in the marketplace as opposed to its perception in the ‘70’s. With each day, new ideas and suppor t systems are developed and it is great to sometimes see other industries duplicating them for themselves!!! Home-based businesses are on the rise…with 67% of Small Business actually being ‘home based’ which is exciting. Yes, this empowering industry has changed a lot since I first sat in someone’s living room in front of a ‘whiteboard’ in the ‘70’s Jaynie Morris has over 30 years experience in the health,wealth & happiness arena in Direct Sales She is an Entrepreneur, International K e y n o t e Speaker, author and moti v ational tr ainer. Empowering and educating others on the simple steps to achieving the awareness and ‘tools’ to create an amazing life is her passion.Jaynie can be heard on radio as part of ‘Mel Dee’s A TEAM PowerFM’ For further information contact Jaynie at jaynie@ Mobile 0400 880 274 and go to her Facebook Page and ‘like’ to receive regular updates andid!/ pages/Jaymor/8775357035

19 happy life. “This path of self-development through selfawareness is remarkable in its simplicity, its lack of dogma and above all its results.” “The basis of any healthy, harmonious society is always the healthy and harmonious individuals who populate it. Only if each individual has a pure, peaceful mind can we expect peace in society” - S N Goenka 10-day residential retreat at Victor Harbor in Dec 2012 Ph 8312 3105 or

IndoOz International Khur shid’s Nritya Kendr a is an institution dedicated to the teaching of Bharata Natyam to all ages and nationalities. It aims to make India’s ancient wisdom, art and culture directly appealing and accessible to an international audience,by using English narrations,innovative choreography and interesting visual effects. The enchanting goddesses of knowledge, wealth and creation dance with sparkling footwork and sprightly gestures, while the dancing nymphs, with their exotic steps, sculpturesque poses and sensuous glances create a passionate display. The climax is reached when Lord Shiva creates a storm while performing his powerful cosmic dance of the universe.

Tel: 8344 4482.

Stuart Rose and Mary Laslett; the magical mantra’s of Shanti Sound’s kirtan with Michelle & James Byrne; the sacred sounds for rebir th & renewal shared by Prue Blackmore A f e w ye a r s of Thrive by Design and ceremonial circle and medicine drumming one day ago,Aa chiropractor, made with Blessed Gaia’s Mini-seminar on events manager a s t a r t l i n g Petta KneeLah. Attendees can exped i s c o v e r y. rience a fusion of sacred ceremony, This led to an sound healing, mantra and chants integration of that support a return to humanity’s the body’s soft true nature of Innocence. Clarissa Pinkola Estes writes of tissue and the an old saying in her highly acclaimed skeleton. Learn neural tension tests and become like an electrician book Women Who Run With The diagnostic ofGreat the human bodyadvantages and test the nerve circuits of the sciatic, Wolves, “Ignorance is not knowing have come from this merger. Intemedian and other nerves for superior results. gration means that you are look- anything and being attracted to • Cost $110 - Venues at Sydney,the Newcastle, good. Innocence is knowing ing Brisbane at the bodyand withAdelaide different eyes. everything, and still being attracted Myopractic now uses the skeleton’s • Free 1 hour demonstration on Musculoskeletal position as aprior measurement of the to the good”. 2012 has been a big therapy to mini-seminar year, many people have been healsuccess or failure of the treatment. Myopractic training is provid- ing, transforming and preparing ed by the Academy of Integrated actively for many years to develop Therapies; The Advanced Diploma their “knowing” in preparation for this time. Here we are! 12/12/12 is of musculoskeletal therapyoffering courseintegrated The Academy training is nationally recognized, patterned a date to connect to the joy of life INTEGRATED TRAINING TO 2 OR andLEADS the precious oppor tunity of on the health industry’s training MORE AWARDS AT LOWER being hereCOSTS at this awesome time. It package. Ph (07)3359 8523 is a day of completion and celebraGREATER KNOWLEDGE au tion, a blessed day to realise our full potential for sharing, community EFFECTIVE SKILLED and abundance upon Ear th. HavTREATMENT DIAGNOSTICS ing awakened we can experience the true nature of humanity now Make your enquires today for our integrated unbound bycourse. fear. Innocent. Enrollments are going on now for 2013. Blessed Gaia was created as a Ph. 07 3359 8523 community framework for small BLESSED GAIA 12.12.12 businesses to have the opportunity to collaborate in events, retreats, Event in Adelaide “The Sound of Innocence sacred tours and festivals. It was … The LeMurian Heart” through the planning of a sacred Blessed Gaia launches her first of- tour to Hawaii in 2010 that it beficial event this December on the came clear that Blessed Gaia was auspicious 12/12/12 featuring the expanding to allow for specialists

Academy of Integrated Therapies - Become a practitioner with great diagnostic skills

amazing healing sounds of Harmonic Project with Heather Frahn,

Continued on page 31

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Give the Gift of InnerSelf this Christmas Be Enlightened at this year’s Enlighten Adelaide Festival!

South Australia’s second Enlighten Adelaide Festival is happening on Sunday 28 October 2012 from 10am-5pm at The Latvian Hall, 4 Clark Street, Wayville to celebrate the cleaner, greener, healthier and holistic side of life. There will be a broad range of healthcare practitioners including Massage, Reiki, Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing and Theta Healing Therapists showcasing their products and services in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, as well as Intuitive Card Readers, Hand-made Jewellery, Gifts and Natural Skincare products. A variety of entertainment is planned throughout the day with Live Music on stage featuring Deb Crkovnik and Kim Masters from Love n The Bliss Sisters, Trish Blythman singing songs from her new CD “Awakening the Heart”, Pina Di Ghionno sounding the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Soul Language Songs and Flutist/Musician Angela Harnett. There will also be a Kundalini Yoga Demonstration by The Rarest Gem and a Pilates Demonstration by Health Align. Come and Try Workshops will include Crystal Healings in the sacred Pyramid, a Guided Meditation, Sound Integration Meditation, Bowen Massage Demonstration, An Introduction to the Divine Teachers, Putting the Simple Back into Living, Work/Life Balance, Divine Source Enhancement Healing and a Children’s Drum Circle. The kids will be kept busy with Fairy Story-telling, Face Painting, Jumping Castle, Craft Workshops and a Magical Treasure Hunt. The Blissful Café will feature delicious home-made gluten free goodies for lunch, organic fair trade coffee, chai tea and herbal tea. So get your family and friends together for a fun day out, stay for lunch, a massage or holistic treatment, or attend one of the many workshops on offer. Event Director and founder of the Festival, Sue Shaw, owner of ESP Event Management is excited about this year’s event and says “We’ve had a great response from local businesses that have come together with ease and harmony to work in collaboration with each other to bring about a sense of community, unity and oneness.” “We encourage everyone to join us and celebrate the wonderful Practitioners we have on our doorstep and learn more about the alternative therapies available and how we can look after ourselves better and nourish ourselves more.” Admission is $8 per person if pre-paid online at www.enlightenadelaide. or $10 at the door. Children under 12 years of age are free. Every visitor receives a free copy of the Enlighten Adelaide Guide providing the contact details of all exhibitors, a Goodie bag filled with Festival specials, and a Program of Events for the day. Come and be relaxed and “enlightened” at this year’s Enlighten Adelaide Festival. For more information or to book your tickets online, visit www.enlightenadelaide. Follow us on Facebook at

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

THETAHEALING® A Personal Experience By Christa Metzer As a healer my job is to help people, but they need to want to help themselves. If they get their needs fulfilled through playing the victim, then they are going to keep repeating the same behaviour patterns. Some of the people I have met who are “victims” are timid, shy and try not to bother other people; the ones who may say “Sorry” all the time. They don’t seem to have much substance and will often be seen to be unimportant. They feel hard done by when their good work goes largely unnoticed or another takes the credit. They have little control. There is another type of “victim” who makes sure they are noticed, getting attention, pulling people into their world as they create the dramas of how hard done by they are. In this way they pull in the people who will feel sorry for them. In this case they seem to have all the control. A while back, I knew someone who had been “hard done by” in a

previous workplace and she lacked confidence in her ability to build up her own healing practice. I wanted to give her an opportunity to build up her business and so I hired her to assist me in the office for a few hours a day and she could build up a clientele at my clinic, she just needed to get indemnity insurance. I already had a highly efficient office helper coming in one day a week so this new person was directed to come in on the other days. She seemed very eager to help. Initially I was happy. However over time I noted that she frequently came in when my other helper was in and also remained for longer hours than required. I wondered why she didn’t want to go home. On several occasions when I spoke to her about this, various replies were “Oh, I just want to help and support you”, “I’m really glad to be doing something”. What was really strange was that she didn’t

seem to want to be paid at all! I insisted on her submitting invoices so that she could be paid, however they were not for thcoming initially for many months. I did not understand why she didn’t want to be paid. Over time she took more and more control, changing established procedures and making decisions that were not hers to make. If I queried something it was “but you told me...” “you okayed it”. As there were usually clients or other practitioners present it was difficult to communicate with her on these matters as she could become prickly. This person had little regard for my requirements and became increasingly patronising towards me. She went along on her own merry way and did what she wanted under the pretence of managing my business. And the invoices finally came, with amounts way in excess of what my business could sustain. I had become completely overwhelmed by her actions and I decided to shut the clinic for a month over the holiday season to work out why I was losing control of my own business. I still hadn’t discovered the full extent of what she was doing. She was not happy and started spreading a story that someone else had been given her job and how cruel I was to her. As I reviewed the times that she was claiming to have worked I discovered that she had included six to seven hour days when I was not present at the clinic for three weeks as well as for various single days throughout the year...she was only to come in and

21 check for phone messages. I found evidence of her “stretching” the hours. I became physically ill. It was a shock to realise that this person, who on the surface appeared kind, helpful and trustworthy, had taken the oppor tunity to set out to be manipulative and deceitful. This person left my business in a huge mess as proper procedures were not followed and I could not make sense of her computer entries. The things that I had asked for were not done. Not only that, she wanted to have more than the profit that my business made. Why did I attract such a person into my business? Was this some kind of lesson for me? I had never been in this situation before. What did I learn? To have discernment, to not be blindly trusting, to not give away control, look beyond words to see truth. I learnt that some people have a hunger that can never be fulfilled, the more that is given the more that they take. I realised that I was a “people pleaser” and needed to step back and not try to please everybody as that only leads to exhaustion. I realised that I had a fear of getting what I wanted. If I had what I wanted then I would be on my own. Being successful meant to have no one close. Love is the price to pay for success. That’s the program. I couldn’t have both love and success. I attracted this person to effectively “sabotage” my business (success) as I chose to have my husband’s love over success. Needless to say, I have now changed that program so that I can have both love and success, at the same time. A Natural Therapist since 1991, Christa is an accredited Naturopath, Bio-resonance Therapist (Bicom), Certified Instr uctor and Master of ThetaHealing®. She assists people to find the causes of their ailment and to create health instead. Classes in ThetaHealing® are run regularly. Contact details: phone Christa at Brighton Health Matters on 8377 3716

The Fire Element - Expressing Your True Inner Self By Lisa fabry Pause. Take a long, slow, deep breath. Bring your awareness to the area of your heart, to your divine spark, your true inner nature. What is your sense of your inner self: under the physical tightness, pleasure, pain and suffering; beyond the tides of emotions; hidden beneath the material construction you have created of yourself over the years of your life - the true essence of you? How would you describe it? If words do not spring to mind, maybe you have a feeling, a tone, a knowing of who you really are? In Oriental medicine, the heart is the resting place of the spirit, known as ‘shen’. This spirit, this quintessence of you, is buried under layers of conditioning and education, but you know it is there. You know if you are living a life in harmony with your true inner spirit. You know if it is stifled and repressed. Shen needs a calm place to rest, so the heart is protected by three other organs: the small intestine, heart protector (pericardium) and triple heater (which has no direct correspondence in Western medicine but has been likened to both the connective tissue and the autonomic nervous system). From the perspective of Chinese

medicine, we are influenced by the five elements of metal, water, wood, fire and ear th. The hear t and its protector organs are governed by the fire element. The fire element also corresponds to the season of summer, the colour red, the sound of laughter, the emotion of joy, the smell of burning, a bitter taste and the sense organ of the tongue. The fire element purifies, helping to burn away negative emotions, verbal patterns, mind-sets, worries, anxieties, physical aches and pains, etc. The fire element helps us to pare away self-delusion and ego defences, revealing the essence that lies beneath, our divine nature. Wu Tao is a series of dances based on the five elements. Each dance works on a different element; engaging the body, mind and heart in the process and bringing about a feeling of joy, peace and balance throughout the whole person. The Wu Tao fire dance is a celebration of all we find joyful in our lives and, at the same time, an opportunity to unburden ourselves of anything that is disturbing us. The dance stretches and activates the four energy channels, or meridians, that relate to the fire element; the two yin meridians of the heart and pericardium and the

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Come and experience the joy and freedom of Wu Tao (pronounced ‘woo dow’), a blend of music, dance, yoga and meditation. Five dances, based on the elements of Air, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, stretch and activate different energy channels in the body, harmonizing energy flow and bringing about a state of physical, mental and emotional balance. It doesn’t matter what age you are, or if you have never danced before. In Wu Tao the emphasis is on how you FEEL not how you look.

22 two yang meridians of the small intestine and triple heater. These energetic pathways run up the arms, and the dance involves a repeating pattern of arm movements which express joy, aspiration, self-love and humility. We visualise ourselves dancing around the fire, burning brightly and beautifully. Several times within the dance we are offered the chance to release our problems into the fire, purging away all unwanted things from our body, hear t and mind - allowing our truth to shine forth. At the end of the fire dance, we join hands palm to palm (which is the same, energetically, as heart to hear t) and look around at the faces of our fellow dancers. Invariably, every face is adorned with a huge smile!


• Laugh, play, sing and dance – often. • Celebrate your life. • Wear red. • List the things that you don’t want in your life and get rid of them! • Practise generosity and optimism. • Simplify your life. • Exercise. • Know that you are loving and loveable. • Eat foods that suppor t the fire element: lightly cooked foods and brightly coloured salads, particularly foods which are red in colour; foods that are bitter in taste (eg wholegrains, celery, lettuce, rye); mainly cooling foods (eg tofu, cucumbers, melons and apples), with a dash of fiery tastes such as chilli (which after initially heating the body will leave it cooler than before). Lisa Fabry is a W u Ta o d a n c e and yoga teacher, vegan chef, author and blogger. She teaches weekly Wu Tao and yoga classes in the Adelaide Hills and CBD, facilitates seasonal retreats and provides delicious, nutritious food for many occasions.

Having the best of both Science and Spirituality By Dr Andrew Horwood Have you ever had conversations in which a conflict seems to arise between science and spirituality? This was certainly part of my upbringing. My parents, both with university degrees, were suspicious of spirituality and told me that “religion was the opium of the masses”, as Karl Marx had proposed. Then I went into the science field of medicine, and yet found spirituality deeply enmeshed with science when it came to actually practising medicine. I asked “are these competitors or speaking truth in different languages?” At the recent Creative Field Conference in Colorado entitled “Bridging Science and Spirituality – The Power of Inner Peace” (http://, scientists Claude Swanson and Bob Whitehouse revealed the scientific support for what’s been described spiritually for millennia. For instance, is there science backing up spiritual claims for the influence of long distance prayer? Yes, indeed. Measurements made in the stratosphere using equipment called “random event generators” show that at times of strong emotion amongst people (eg Lady Dianna’s funeral), events become less random – human emotion affects the operation of a piece of equipment in space. On that basis, it’s easy to see how prayers can change the world, even if in small ways – and there’s plenty of evidence showing that (eg Dr Emoto’s work changing the crystalline structure of poor quality water after a group prayer). Science tells us that the basic unit of the Universe is the photon, a unit of Light. Rather than there being a “big bang”, there was an increase in Light at the start of the Universe. We humans are “frozen light” and we’ve come from the Source of all Light at the beginning. Photons, light energy, spin, sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left. As a result of this spinning,

a donut shape of energy is created called a “torus”. This is the basic shape of all creation, easily seen in a tomato or pumpkin and also present on a grand scale in the earths weather patterns and energy fields and even out to the shape of galaxies. And inventors have used this basic shape to create new power generators capable of supplying more energy than nuclear power plants ( watch?v=4vZRKVJQKUk) The science is available now to support spiritual knowing. We are beings of Light originating from the One Source of Light – made in the image and likeness. We are powerful beyond measure because embedded in our design is the torus. What we give our attention to, our intention to, par ticularly through our emotional/hear t response, is empowered, whether it be what we want or not. Isn’t it time we accepted ourselves as we are – powerful beings of Light with the ability to change our worlds and the world? We are creator-beings and our principle creative power is our intention/attention. Life has been creating for 13.7 billion years using the same creative principles we have been gifted. Learning how to be in attunement with Life’s design can lead you to a life experience of being “on track”. Isn’t it time you gave yourself that gift? Dr Andrew Horwood Program Director Riverdell Spiritual Centre & GP in Gawler Andrew co-creates with others at Riverdell Spiritual Centre workshops and events and offers mentoring & attunements. Contact him at andrew@

Come and experience

Attunement with Life

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Imagine living a life more balanced, more fulfilled and more joyful Thursday, 10 January (start 6pm) through to Monday, 15 January 2013 Riverdell Spiritual Centre, 51 Clifford Road, Hillier, SA 5116 (Accommodation available)

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

SELF HARM – A Sign of the Times? By Lorraine Webb

I am amazed at how many young ones are into cutting themselves and having suicidal thoughts today. Over the last few months I have been seeing many of these young people that have parents concerned and sending them to see me. To sit with a young beautiful girl who opens up to me in a trusting space and explains all the thoughts that go on in her head and to hear her describe exactly how she planned to slit her throat was quite surprising and upsetting. Within just three appointments to see this same young person laugh and change her thoughts of worthlessness to excitement for the future and self acceptance releasing the long held pain of the past was most rewarding. Of course this is just the beginning of the journey for this person but very quickly it provides a stable foundation from which to build. I am not suggesting that this is enough to change this person’s life; I am suggesting that this provides a safety net from which to build self esteem, self care and self responsibility. Having just returned from Uluru teaching the Energetic Healers Course, I was asked by a desperate mother to take her seventeen year old daughter who was self harming along with us. It was amazing to see the transformation in ten days as this young one was introduced to concepts of ‘family dynamics’, ‘inner

child’ and ‘shadow work’. Understanding of the self and discovering the sacred gave this girl tools to deal with any situation that would arise back home. She returned with knowledge and awareness beyond her years that will suppor t her in the future. She has already taken responsibility and asked for forgiveness from some friends that she identified that perhaps her behaviours had hurt or offended. We were blessed to see this young one open up and share along with the rest of the group of all ages, knowing she was accepted as the soul she is, having an equal voice and was honoured and heard by all within the group. She was also able to learn from those that were just a little older than her as well as from the eldest in the group in her seventies. This allowed her to see herself in each of these people at their varying ages and to appreciate the wisdom that each member was able to bring to the group. From fourteen participants that attended the retreat, four of varying ages admitted to suicidal thoughts and having attempted to do something about it. Perhaps it is a sign of the times and the desperate situation of negativity, loneliness and hopelessness or perhaps it is an individual sense of pain and of feel-

ing trapped in issues that they cannot escape. Whatever the individual reason for the suicidal thoughts are, whether young or older I feel what is lacking is the SACRED in their lives. We are all connected and it is a community problem as well as a family problem. We need to create a space of healing and transformation of distor ted thinking in a safe environment, helping those that are reaching out to connect to all aspects of themselves and find their way back to the path that has been divinely set for them. In a retreat environment at Uluru this space is provided for the young and not so young to come together to move and shift to an understanding of who and what they are. In 2013 I will be concentrating on a retreat that offers a self development that will include yoga, meditation, massage and healing along with training in tools for life. We will be encouraging people and families with major issues to step out of their situation and into a healing environment to reassess their choices and oppor tunities. I look forward to the year to come with optimism, believing that it is a ‘time for change’, a time for healing and moving beyond. If you would like more information regarding this course contact me on healing2@adam.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


Modern Day Heroes – Are you one?

InsideOUT with Debbi Kemp

BY Anthony Craig Well, we all know the stereotypical image that is still portrayed as the hero image – handsome (or beautiful), larger than life, young, generally masculine, good physical fighting skills, dominant, big ego, not necessarily widely knowledgeable but changes the world. An image that is still perpetuated by many mainstream movies, books and of course the hegemonic institutions that guide our day to day society. An image that continues to be put forward as a role model. Should our schools still be encouraging this ideal? The separation between masculine and feminine still continues from a young age and of course these societal values remain reinforced by such wonderful institutions as religion, legal, social and community services, sporting and of course family structures. And yet some of us know that the modern day hero is far different from this. There are occasional repor ts on TV or in the papers recognising some of these recent and current heroes. The spiritual and consciousness print and social media have done a better job but of course the audience is much narrower. All these reports still discriminate between those who are and those who aren’t, that is, in some way still encouraging separation - at times through a negative activist label - rather than increasing awareness that we can all be modern day heroes. Those of us who work in the heal-

ing and consciousness fields or read magazines or newspapers such as this should and do know better. But what do we do about it? Generally speaking it seems a lot of talk and not a lot of action. We know that each and every one of us can be a modern day hero and change the world. We must not forget this, nor should we be complacent. It is up to us to make a difference and that is active participation in changing ourselves. Tr ue heroism is remar kably sober, very undramatic. “It is not the urge to sur pass all other s at whatever cost, but the urge to ser ve others at whatever cost.” -Arthur Ashe So what makes a modern day hero? As a starting point I like this definition from the Heroic Imagination Project: “Heroes are people who transform compassion (a personal virtue) into heroic action (a civic virtue). In doing so, they put their best selves forward in service to humanity. A hero is an individual or a network of people that take action on behalf of others in need, or in defence of integrity or a moral cause.” But it extends more than that. A modern day hero is the person who, because of who they are, brings the light into those around them. So how do we become who we should be? Those who are already on their spiritual journey should have most of the answers to this, whether they are following them at this stage or not.

First and foremost, it is not the responsibility of others to turn you into a modern day hero, it is each and everyone’s own responsibility to take action. We need to remember to let go and forget the powerlessness of our past and work towards who we know we really are and our purpose here on planet Earth. We must glow with our own light so that the environment around us changes and people are attracted and affected by the field or space around us. We must be open to new ideas and recognise that consciousness shifts and change are upon us and we do have a unique oppor tunity now to effect rapid change within ourselves. All is continually expanding and we must evolve with that. What we have had before was suitable at that time but now we have more available to us. One example is the changes in the types of healing that are now coming through, working across and through many dimensions. We often hear an expression to ‘go with the flow’ but do we truly understand that. It does not mean sitting back and letting the world sweep us along. It means taking an active role in changing ourselves so that we can be in the right space to accept all the opportunities that the universe will offer us the first time they come past. Live life to the fullest every day. Love is at the basis of all and we need to come to terms with what the phrase ‘unconditional love’ really means and begin to fully practise it.

I challenge you to explore this and take action! Imagine the ripple effect this will have when we truly do it at the deepest level. Of course we also need to lose our egos and become selfless, that is without seeking rewards, benefits (material exchange), or acknowledgement from others for acts (of kindness) that we do. Becoming completely non-judgmental, nondiscriminatory and fully suppor ting others going through their own journey works towards bringing balance and harmony both into our life and theirs. So how do we encourage modern day heroes? By taking action on ourselves, suppor ting others by recognising all their achievements, no matter how small, with gratitude and thanks, and putting our best self forward into the service of humanity and our planet without attachment to outcome. This is your challenge! Anthony Craig is the originator of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Regular information sessions, workshops and seminars are held in Adelaide. See website for details. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664.

Your Ascension - Part 1

This article may appear to some as a little deeper than previous but I believe the timing is right. Even if the words don’t quite resonate yet, please be aware of an inner knowing that, on some level, you already know this to be true. Our Ascension is imminent but the speed at which we arrive is individual. The real goal is to move forward at whatever pace you are comfortable with. There is no gold medal involved for the quickest time. There is however, a prize and that prize is Freedom. We don’t acquire Freedom; it’s not something that is handed over to us like a Key to the City. When we have the knowledge of The Truth, of who we really are, the ‘bars’ disappear and we realize that we were our own jailers. Now before you go beat yourself up, remember we have been conditioned to believe in systems. The legal, the government, the education and the medical. We needed these to keep order and conformity and structure…or so we thought. It’s no surprise that these are the very things that Indigos rebel against and they are our evolution. I think a lot of people are awakening and are feeling that these systems are keeping us stuck, literally, in fear, like we have lead weights on our ankles. We know we can fly but, we’ve forgotten how. We needed guidance and to believe in something because we have forgotten our own majestic ability. We have had amnesia of our own magnificence and that we are all one. So how do we know if we are ascending and heading in the right direction and what should we expect? We will go through a transformation of many aspects of our lives. Remember we are never given more than we can handle, so please do not worry, just go with the flow. Some of the changes may be subtle and others may seemingly ‘knock you for six’. Some symptoms of ascension can be changes in sleep patterns, energy levels ranging from high to low, waves of emotion, not depictive of hormones, tingling of the crown and spine as our vibration changes frequency and power surges of heat and cold. We may find that many relationships will change. We will move closer to those of similar frequency to ours and be repelled by someone of lower frequency. Our challenge is not to judge others by where they are on their path, remembering we are all going through our own journey. We need to be respectful of this but we also need to be honest with ourselves and them when we no longer wish to continue with these relationships. This can often be one of the hardest parts of the transformation process, but remember the best way to teach is to lead by example. As we are going through these relationship changes do not be surprised by a sudden reap-

pearance of an old beau or person from your past. These people can resurface merely because there are ‘loose’ ends that need tidying up emotionally. We cannot transcend while we are still carrying old baggage from our past. Another change is an amplification of our senses. It is a normal occurrence to see glittering lights and shimmers, not unlike that of a heat haze. Our hearing can sometimes be magnified or experience ringing and as again with Indigos, often have trouble understanding instructions, a form of audio dyslexia . It is also not uncommon as we are going through our emotional cleanup that we can experience physical ailments of cold and flu symptoms, skin outbreaks in the form of rashes, dermatitis, acne or shingles. It is just when the emotions are released, so are toxins that can erupt through our skin. On the up side, the less we resist these emotions and acknowledge the message, the quicker they will pass and we will physically look younger. Another significant change that may occur is changes in food choices and food intolerances which subsequently can result in altered body shape. Many people when raising their vibration no longer vibrate to lower energy foods and chemicals whether from ingesting or using in their personal and home care. After our physical transformation we are in a better position to extend that out to the earth, and animals and may well be on a path of our life purpose. No longer will there be tolerance for cruelty, greed, and environmental abuse. Integrity will no longer let you turn a blind eye. We will fight for causes, speak up for the underdog and rally to save our precious resources and wildlife. I stood on the steps of Parliament House with my daughter recently to demonstrate against the Japanese fishermen in Taiji to stop the slaughter of the dolphins in The Cove. Ask yourself what you are passionate about and don’t ever think that your one voice won’t make a difference. This is not intended for anyone to make changes based on guilt because then it would be for all the wrong reasons. Fear again would be the ‘Stick’. I will always stand by my motto of only doing things when they FEEL right …not what we THINK is right. Wherever you are on your ascension journey just know that you are exactly where you need to be. My quote for you today is:

Nothing in life is to be feared… It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more and fear less Marie Curie With Love, Light and Passion

Debbi Kemp www.angelwhisperer. Facebook: Debbi Kemp Angel Whisperer



Want to work for innerSelf ?

by Susanne Marie We are all on an amazing journey through life. Do you stop to look at how you are progressing on your own stepping stones through life? I am very lucky in the life journey I have chosen. That certainly does not mean that my life is, or has been, perfect. In fact it is the problems, the challenges, the sad times, the hard times as well as the easy times that have brought me to where I am today in many exciting ways. It is wonderful to see how every person that I have connected with in my life has helped me on my journey. I thank all of those who have been there to help me to learn the lessons. I thank all of those who have, either by example or by showing me what not to do, have helped me to understand who I am, how to react, how to interact and how to be proactive. Every different profession, every course of study, every person whom I have encountered has helped me shape who I am today. All of these things and much more bring me to the point in my life where I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn and to progress. We each come to things in a different way. We do seminars, workshops, degrees or diplomas with the intention usually of using what we have just learned, to move forward in some way. For me, the culmination of all those experiences led to Thetahealing®. • I had intuitive abilities all my life but was too unsure or too afraid to use them to help any other than close friends or family. • I had skills in teaching which I wanted to use in different ways to help a wider range of people. • I had skills in sales and marketing, in office work and in being an organiser which I wanted to continue to put to good use. • I enjoyed using my skills in both

drama and music but wanted to use them for a greater purpose. • I became a massage and remedial therapist as I wanted to find new ways to help people. • I studied reiki and other forms of energy healing and encompassed a number of other modalities. • In other words I was always searching for ways to achieve my soul purpose. Thetahealing ® changed what I was doing and brought all of the skills and all of the learning together. By learning to use all of my intuitive skills through Thetahealing®, I was able to safely and confidently develop them to a degree I never would have thought possible. Any fears that I had, any doubts that I had, I was able to change and clear using very powerful, loving and positive belief work for clearing all those beliefs that did not serve me and were holding me back. I have had people come to me who already are wonderful healers, readers, massage therapists, intuitives or from any of a huge range of wonderful therapies and modalities. In their various ways, they have been able to open up their abilities more and more thanks to Thetahealing ®. Thetahealing ® is not in opposition to any other modality. Rather it enhances one’s ability to participate in any modality to the best of my ability. Most of them have at some stage of their life had some kinds of doubts or fears, some traumas to clear, physical challenges to be healed or mental or emotional problems to be resolved on some level. By learning the techniques in Thetahealing®, they have successfully cleared those challenges and have been able to accelerate their abilities to become the best possible

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

healer they can be. They have been able to enhance and change their lives in the best possible ways. On a day to day basis it is easy to make the techniques of Thetahealing ® a par t of your life. Use it to help yourself in any situation that confronts you. • If you have any illness, learn how to work on yourself to eliminate it from your life. • Learn how to clear the energy from those who are no longer part of your life. • Learn how to clear the energy in your home to make it a happy, harmonious and welcoming space to be. • Learn how to be truly the person that you want to be. • Even learn how to enhance the growth of your plants in your garden. • Understand more about where you belong in the Universe and what your purpose is. • And many more...The list is endless. This modality gives you the freedom to be true to yourself. Connect Thetahealing® with your life and learn how to be healthy and happy always. Susanne Marie (formerly Meaney) Theta Healing™ Master, Certificate of Science in Theta Healing™, DipTeaching (Prim), Dip Health Sciences, Dip Oriental Massage, Healer and teacher of Theta Healing™ for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. She is also a remedial massage therapist and Civil Marriage Celebrant. T: 08 8370 8557 M: 0418 845 119

Living in Harmony with Life Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being.  Theta Healing Consultations and Classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders • Rainbow Children’s Class • World Relations • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 • Intuitive Anatomy • Soulmates Class • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Class  Civil Marriage Celebrant  Remedial Massage Therapist ALDGATE • Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob: 0418 845 119

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Bronwyn Barter

is a Rebirther, Rebirther Trainer and Author.

Bronwyn’s approach to healing is gentle and empowering and she believes that we all have the innate ability to learn, heal and grow when supported with love and guidance. Bronwyn is a founding member of the Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork and Director of Rebirther Training Australia. Rebirther Training Australia offers Cert IV in Health and Diploma of Rebirthing Breathwork Therapy. Both courses are nationally recognized. Bronwyn’s book “Healing the Dependency on Depression, Are you a Depression Addict?” written for those who have been or still are, suffering from depression. For private sessions day or evening or information on Rebirther trainings and Bronwyn’s book please call…08 8260 2086 or visit

EFT tapping session saves a marriage? by Annie O’Grady Jody was frightened. She had recently started having heart palpitations, which scared her so much that she was about to go to a doctor for a hear t checkup and possible medication. Her husband and teenage children were worried about her health too. Although the palpitations could occur at any time, she was connecting them with her husband’s behaviour. The two loved each other dearly. Yet for years Jody had cringed whenever she heard an angry tone in his voice, whether or not he was irritated with her. She thought he often got angry, and had often asked him to moderate his tone. He didn’t agree that he got angry, he insisted it was her problem. She lived on constant red alert, being extra careful not to upset him. I’m an EFT tapping coach and author. Emotional Freedom Techniques is a self-help meridian acupressure technique that reduces or eliminates

stress, often quickly. I happened to be visiting Jody’s neighbour when she arrived in tears. Her husband, Alan, had objected to something on the radio, and Jody had gone to pieces again. Her neighbour suggested that she try a tapping session with me. Jody found this a strange idea, but agreed. She shared a deep fear. Now that her health was deteriorating, as she saw it, she was even wondering if she could stay in this situation. The looming possibility of having to leave her marriage and her home brought panic. I asked if she had any other physical symptoms that Alan’s tone of voice triggered. She said her stomach churned, her throat tightened up. I asked her what or who these symptoms reminded her of. Surprised, she said, ‘Dad.’ Jody then recalled an incident that had devastated her as a small girl -crouching in her bedroom while she

listened to her normally calm father raging on and on at her elder sister in the next room. I invited Jody to follow my example of tapping on some key acupressure points while she focussed briefly on her present intense reactions to that memory. We tapped two rounds on ‘Dad’s rage’, and she calmed a little. Then we tapped rounds about her specific reactions: ‘He’s like an angry giant, what’s he going to do, will he hurt her, will he hurt me, there’s nobody here to help us, I’m terrified, my stomach’s churning, I’m choking up…’ When we had neutralised Jody’s distress, we then used a technique to transform the scene. Within minutes Jody was smiling happily. From that time, Jody’s life has transformed. She said later, ‘Since that session I haven’t had any palpitations at all. Now when Alan’s angry, it simply washes over me. I’m not frightened any more. Tapping has made a huge difference. Sometimes I even see the funny side.’ At no time during Jody’s session did we tap about the recent symptom of palpitations. Instead we addressed and dissolved their ultimate emotional cause.

Private Consultations (inc. Skype) - Demos - Trainings - Classes

Are you troubled about... your relationships – your health – your work stress

Try EFT Tapping and amaze yourself ! Emotional Freedom Techniques is a self-help acupressure method, based on research, that quickly relieves stress, pain and suffering Annie O’Grady, author of the DIY book ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ EFT coach & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner 1-hour sessions in person (Adelaide), or by phone or Skype 310 South Terrace, Adelaide Tel: 08 8537 0447 • Email: Websites: &

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

PsychicRealms with Elisabeth Jensen

THE WORLD IN MY CRYSTAL BALL Predictions for our planet 2013 - 2070

I would like to share a few of visions and channelled messages about our future world that have come to me over the past year. I see many glimpses of the future of our planet but really I prefer to focus more on healing and changing the future for individuals – world events are more challenging but certainly not impossible to change. I correctly predicted the last 2 earthquakes affecting South Australia – the minor one in October 2011 & the larger one affecting SA earlier in March this year and natural disasters are my strongest ability, followed by politics e.g. Mike Rann would not finish his term as premier of SA. Here are some global events worth watching noting I will skip the rest of 2012 except for predicting an increase in computer and electrical malfunctions from December 20 – 23.


More earthquakes in early 2013 cause widespread destruction in areas that have been affected in recent years by floods and earthquakes. March onwards will present many difficulties in politics and more major food products and pharmacy products scandals will happen next June then continue over the next 2 – 3 years. A vaccination used will be found to cause nerve (hearing) and brain damage in infants. Care in the use of all pharmaceuticals produced in China is recommended.

JAPAN 2013

More minor to moderate earthquakes and ongoing radiation leaks near Tokyo in Feb and July 2013. Nuclear power reactor s will be banned in most of Japan by 2016.


Egypt will settle its political difficulties in late 2012 and early 2013 with more unrest late in 2013 but not again on the scale of 2011. No major natural disasters will occur and the economy will slowly improve for most people. By 2015

this country will have established a mainly peaceful political system and be once more considered a major tourist destination.


Increase in homelessness, drug use and mass violence - in Alabama in par ticular in early 2013 – will escalate from December 2012 and continue for 2 years then dramatically start to resolve. Some tropical storms will hit Florida causing damage and flooding in June but no event the size of Hurricane Katrina will hit in 2013. Severe storms and landslides affecting the east coast will happen in 2014 and 2015 but not as dramatically as has been predicted by some psychics in the past. Obama is set to be President again – but will not be for a third time. By 2025 New York City will be abandoned and most people will be living in central USA – difficulties in regular supply of electricity and clean and safe water from 2020 will be a major factor there as will radiation poisoning.


We will continue to be The Lucky Country but with floods and fires continuing as they have for the last 50 years – that is no one major event will destroy a large city but cer tainly they will impact many people’s lives. Queensland will again need to prepare for flooding in country areas and areas such as Townsville and McKay. Another earthquake in Central Australia but more in the Northern Territory part – June or July probably. In August 2013 there will be another minor earthquake in Adelaide or nearby in Mt Lofty Ranges. Broome in Western Australia seems to be in for some difficulties in regard to fire in March 2013 plus many more incidents in regard to Boat People and smuggling. Western Australia will be the state most badly affected by Bush Fires in 2013.


Julia Gillard will not be returned


as Prime Minister but Kevin Rudd will be. Tony Abbott will never be Prime Minister and is due to experience a number of personal difficulties in the next 12 months. Isobel Redmond will never be elected Premier in South Australia.


My belief is there is plenty of food and money in the world for us all really but the storage and distribution of it by certain groups causes many of the problems. While Europe will struggle much as it has in 2012 from March 2013 the economy will appear to stabilise to some degree both there and in USA and this will continue for 2 years. By 2015 there will be a major crash again and protesting groups of people will bring in great and positive changes to our monetary and food system distribution system from 2016 onwards.

Awaken The Inner Goddess and Living in Harmony with the ‘All That Is’

mony for the earth and most of her people. There will be little physical money but it will exist as golden colour tokens that will be used worldwide. There will be an abundance of food but only plants will be consumed. Interaction with beings from other planets will be common but will bring mixed benefit to planet earth.

By Jessica Dao The Venus transit of June 2004 and 2012 both ushered with Divine Feminine Energies - The Goddess Energies - to our planet and has brought forth spiritual evolution and transformation. All goddesses are representative of the universal cosmic energy, a symbol of the divine part within each of us which is innate and total perfection! Throughout the centuries, every culture worshiped a Goddess in some form, especially the ancient cultures. Isis, Nuit, Artemis, Aphrodite, Venus, Athena, Quan Yin, Kali, Lakshmi, Shakti, Devi; and Gaia are amongst the many Goddesses. They are forces of Mother Nature, the moon, the earth and the stars. Archeological finds have suggested that the earliest known shamans were

ELISABETH JENSEN was voted Australian Psychic of the Year 2010 and she trains many psychics and healers worldwide in her unique system of healing. With a background as a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Counsellor and as Vice President of Australian Psychics Association her courses aim to train skilled professional and ethical psychic practitioners. Please sign up online at for her regular eNewsletter or receive daily messages at www.facebook. com/ElisabethJensenIMS or phone 1300558075.


From April 2013 onwards following many decades of world unrest we will see that the promised Golden Age is a real possibility and from July 2013 astrological energies especially will support this further. The increased Light coming to the planet will not stop wars in the Middle East and Iran and nearby waters will be alight with battle fire until the middle of 2013 with great improvement starting in early 2014. Healers and Psychics will find their abilities seem to magnify and even the average person will find any efforts to create a more positive future through visualisation and prayer will be more successful than in the past. Those using drugs and alcohol will find it harder to control their intake and addictions and mental illness will increase until 2015 then star t to decrease in 2016. Chemotherapy as a treatment for Cancer will be found to be too dangerous and expensive and will be abandoned by 2020 as will Radiotherapy.

OUR WORLD 2020- 2070

The world is set for a HUGE shift eventually but it will be 2030 before all the wars settle and by 2050 the world as we know it won’t exist but people will still live on the “New Earth” that is rather like our version of Heaven. By 2070 highly positive use of technology will see any surgeries and illnesses very easy to manage. Highly trained psychic healers will ensure health and har-


Become a Spiritual Healer Leearn to be a pure channnel of light for healinng yourself, others & our o planet. Become thhe beacon of light to bring b forth higher awaareness, joy, happinesss & enlightenment.

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Adeelaide courses Cathryn Jane Neeiill 04 58 173 731 www.W Authorized Teachers for Isis Mystery Schooll Coourses developed byy Elisabeth Jensen

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“Isis – The Goddess of Magick and Healing” by Jessica Dao females working with the Goddess energies. Indeed, many powerful healers of ancient Egypt were Priests/ Priestesses of Isis and Sekhmet. In the last millennium, many modern maledominant cultures have taken over the worship of the Goddess and replaced it with male God figures. The “witch hunt” of the Middle Ages and the treatment “women as second-class citizen” throughout many cultures were attempts to suppress the power of the Goddess; resulting in the current masculine dominated influence on the physical world in many societies. 2012 energy shift is a return of the Divine Feminine Energy, the Goddess, to the physical world bringing balance and harmony to individuals and the collective consciousness. Drunvalo Melchizedek and many lightworkers around the globe have prepared the ground work for the return of this Divine Feminine Energy since 1990s. Elisabeth Jensen’s article “Awakening to The Divine Feminine” written for Sphere Magazine June 2004 gave much insight to the return of Isis energy and her healing power, assisting humanity in the transition into the Golden Age. There exists many misconceptions and resentment about the “Return of the Feminine Energy”. Many fear that this return will create an uprise where females are taking over the world, overrunning and controlling the male population! As the physical world has been out of balance, for at least the last millennium, the return of the Divine Feminine Energy is much needed! We are all interconnected, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions; and thus the manifestation of the physical world! The quest for harmony with Mother Nature and the cosmos star ts with each and every one. Understanding the bi-polar nature of the energies and being conscious of these extremes is impor tant! By embracing all aspects of the bi-polar we learn to truly accept who we are thus make way for personal growth and transformation. Certainly it is a challenging task for societies with fixed gender expectations! The Kabbalah’s tree of life, the hear t of Jewish mysticism contains the principles of polarity, the divine masculine Chokmah (wisdom and intuitive), opposite yet co-independent on the divine feminine energy Binah (understanding and perception). Similarly, Taoism’s Yin and Yang acknowledged the eternal coexistence of these bi-polar energies. Masculinity, the Divine God self, gives us the strength, power, stability, growth, evolution, wisdom, dynamism, activeness, initiative, and courage. Too little we could become weak, passive, no progress in life and on the other hand, too much can result in aggressiveness and ruthlessness. Femininity, the Inner Goddess,

Continued on page 28


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


mately leading us to find another way. So too with our fragile planet ; the boil erupts in ongoing series of natural disasters...all that is in us by fran tomilin is therefore reflected outward. We It’s amazing how many things we versing the world as such feels like are fragile. fear in our everyday lives; how fear and becomes a minefield. However, this is where the beauty can be so insidious that it translates of fear exists. It exists within us, in And yet, the planet is fragile. As into every little thing, whether it be are we. As it is with the planet, so it is that space of convoluted thought, extended into tainted perceptions of with us. Mike Collins, one of the first wherein lies the full expression of people, places or events, or into re- Moon landing Astronauts from Apolall the consequences of our fears, strictions we place upon ourselves, lo 11, said recently on a programme there in that ‘place’ does it hold its or into keeping our true natures honouring the late Neil Armstrong, gifts for us. Fear is a gift. under wraps for fear of losing out in something along the lines of the It is designed, in all its forms and some way; whether that be the lack fact that as he gazed out into deep someone overpowering or overtak- aspects, to PUSH you to your outer of approval or love from those dear space from his vantage point aboard ing us. So there it is, the macrocosm limits – to suppress, to ravage, bite, to us or simply perhaps not allowing the Capsule, he saw Earth just hang- and the microcosm. As above, so pummel you to a ‘place’ whereby ourselves to shine ; to stand out ing there in the midst of deep space below. As within, so without. We are you will either completely ‘let go and from the crowd for fear of judge- looking “so vulnerable, so fragile one and the same organism. A Co- let God’ flying in total surrender – or ment and perhaps then, isolation. lossus of Reflection. retreat backwards into the shadows out there” . And so it is. Fear can halt progression, SpirThe highways and byways and again... Only to be faced with it in And yet, the planet has been alitual evolvement, can star t wars most constantly violated, raped, tor- river systems upon planet ear th another form at a later stage. (within and without), can cause pa- tured and suppressed by us humans are its ar teries – the same that Always you have a choice. It’s ralysis of the mind, body and Spirit. who have sought to dominate and stream through us; veins, arteries HOW you REACT to fear that shows Fear exerts control which then leads control it, but who, without it, would carrying in our blood what it is that you where you ARE. What your ultimately to blockages and obsta- have no home. No planet to live on. we put into them/it – amongst oth- blockages and obstacles are, where cles. Fear IS paralysis. Add to that So it strikes out, lashes out, cries ers, FEAR, which in the overall ‘big’ they come from, what it is that holds the miasma of convoluted thought valleys of ‘tears’ and oceans of picture can cause dis-eases...all you back and so forth. This is the – a mind that is constantly broiling emotion - it blitzes and burns manner of blockages and obstacles Gift. Such a powerful gift, as reaction with ‘scenarios’ or second guessing we do, to ourselves and each other which in turn build up to a crescendo to fear is a great indicator to you on at every turn...steeped in analysis, when we feel ‘in danger’. Or rather within us, where we, as fragile be- your Spiritual Quest. and it is no wonder then that tra- in fear of a perceived something or ings, then implode, explode...ultiThe planet, since time immemorial, has been plagued with fear through Religion, Politics, through Media, and conditioned ‘doctrines’ within ourselves – these push the by Anna Hood BA Dip TPC Reiki/Seichim Master Earth now ‘energetically’ to cleanse Guiding Light Psychics are an Australia-wide network of psychics with a broad range of skills including itself, to rid itself of all that is held back as it follows its own Higher clairvoyance, mediumship, oracle reading and healing. We share passion for our work and we are comGuidance, as fear does you, in setmitted to the service of Spirit and others. More than day-to-day predictions, we offer you readings with ting the stage for our advancement soul for your life path. into higher levels of consciousness. Whatever your questions or issues, our caring psychics seek to shine the light of awareness for all. See Into finer, purer vibrations, and as and read about our dedicated team of psychics and learn about Seven Steps to a good psychic reading a result time is escalating in accordat our website ance... as we choose either to allow For a personal reading, to pay by phone account call 1902 256 002 $3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra) fear to swallow us up, hiding in the or for Credit cards call 1300 601 641 $3.60 per min (Phone Australia). Readers are available from shadows, doing the so called ‘right’ 6:30 am – 2:30 am (EST). For any queries, please email us from our website. thing as whatever we may deem that to be at the time and thereby enabling us to fur ther be less of who we are i.e not honouring our own sacredness, feeling forever vanquished.. or we can adapt by facing our fears and surrendering to PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASSES our Higher Selves within our choices Designed in 3 levels as a comprehensive guide and overall journey touching heedingthereof. fear, acknowledging it, on ALL ASPECTS of psychic phenomena and the – practices noting all of its gifts, working with it, All classes are offered at A LIFE ABUNDANT, 587 Magill Rd, Magill (08) 8333 3144 and at CARPE and allowing to open the gateways DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, PT ADELAIDE (08) 8240 0702 *NEXT CLASSitLEVEL 1 begins in PT ADELAIDE on 10th October, 2012. to freedom of Spirit and the peace These classes are designed to take you on a journey through all the differing aspects of Psychic ensues, liberating us Mind, development so that the practice easily becomes partthat of your everyday lifestyle supporting you in your greater Spiritual evolution. It will also enable to Spirit determine in which lie Bodyyou and to enter theareas Realms specific andTPC, individual talents and passions within this field. It is an ‘across the board’ Annayour Hood BA, Dip of Endless Posstudy of Psychic Development. Reiki/Seichim Master SPIRIT GUIDE PAINTINGS: Fran offers paintings/drawingssibilities. in Watercolours/ ink and wash Acrylic and oil Glaze paintings through a channelled reading to *copyright / determine Spirit Guides. from $95 - $400 A3 sizes. Beyond predictions...readings with soul foryouryour lifePrices path Tomlin. MEDITATION: Twice weekly Mon nights/Fri morns.. only @Fran CARPE DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, PT ADELAIDE. Ring (08) 8240 0702 or 0405 687 930 for details. CALL CREDIT CARD PSYCHIC READINGS: $3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra) $3.60 perCHANNEL min (Phone Aust)) Fran offers Spiritual Guidance and Psychic Readings @ A LIFE ABUNDANT in Magill (08) 8333 3144 (Thursdays) and CARPE

Guiding Light Psychics

Guiding Light

Psychic Readings Spirit Mediumship Soul Guidancee


1902 256 002

1300 601 641

SOUL TO SOUL with Cinzia Vuat

If you have a question you would like answered, email Cinzia Q. I am worried about my business himself and be successful. You will can you tell me how things will own your own home shortly after, work out? most likely you will build. James of Port Adelaide

A. You will be making several Feedback staff cutbacks but I see things work“Hi Cinzia, you told me that even ing out with a much lighter, happier ship by summer this year, act soon after I had not been able to conceive after 4 attempts using IVF not to though. lose heart and I would fall pregnant Q. I am a 72 year old widow, my during a trip overseas. Thank you husband passed away 4 years ago, for helping me stay strong, I am now will I end up on my own? the proud mum of twin baby girls.” Sylvia of Happy Valley Elvira of Prospect A. There is a silver haired man with a warm smile coming into your As a child Cinzia suffered from life in the very near future. Get ready selective mutism, frightened to for lots of travel, you will not be speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near death alone much longer.

experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic Q. My husband and I lost our house ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia and business 5 years ago, will we is available to Innerself readers who ever get back on our feet? have a pressing question they would Clara of Blair Athol like answered. Reply emails A. Christmas this year is your upward also welcome.

turning point. Your husband will leave his job and return to working for

Email Cinzia at

Soul to Soul PsYChiC-MediuM Readings By Cinzia Vuat

Access Your Future todAY. Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts.

Satisfaction assured or no fee charged. special discount 1/2 Hr or Mention innerself and receive session for cost of 1 Hr reAdings 1hr 1/2 hr session

By appointment only

Phone 0410 456 540 DIEM (08) 8240 0702 (Fridays) and in HAPPY VALLEY (Monday/Tuesdays) 0405


687 930

Contact: Fran Tomlin 0405 687 930 •


Designed in 3 levels as a comprehensive guide and overall journey touching on ALL ASPECTS of psychic phenomena and the practices thereof.

It’s Time to Free Yourself From Fear! 2012 is the year to move into the source of your being -YOUR LIGHT BODY. I am here to help you with all aspects required for your enlightenment. ARE YOU READY FOR- Healing of old negative emotions that have kept you trapped in fear. Help you to reconnect to your twin flame which immensely enhances your own spiritual awareness (not to be confused with a soul mate) Your twin flame is in the spiritual world eager to welcome and help you to move into your Light Body for COMPLETE HEALING of your soul and incredible experience.

All classes are offered at A LIFE ABUNDANT, 587 Magill Rd, Magill (08) 8333 3144 and at CARPE DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, PT ADELAIDE (08) 8240 0702 *NEXT CLASS LEVEL 1 begins in PT ADELAIDE on 10th October, 2012. These classes are designed to take you on a journey through all the differing aspects of Psychic development so that the practice easily becomes part of your everyday lifestyle supporting you in your greater Spiritual evolution. It will also enable you to determine in which areas lie your specific and individual talents and passions within this field. It is an ‘across the board’ study of Psychic Development. SPIRIT GUIDE PAINTINGS: Fran offers paintings/drawings in Watercolours/ ink and wash Acrylic and oil Glaze paintings through a channelled reading to determine your Spirit Guides. Prices from $95 - $400 A3 sizes. MEDITATION: Twice weekly Mon nights/Fri morns.. only @ CARPE DIEM, 158 Commercial Rd, PT ADELAIDE. Ring (08) 8240 0702 or 0405 687 930 for details. PSYCHIC CHANNEL READINGS: Fran offers Spiritual Guidance and Psychic Readings @ A LIFE ABUNDANT in Magill (08) 8333 3144 (Thursdays) and CARPE DIEM (08) 8240 0702 (Fridays) and in HAPPY VALLEY (Monday/Tuesdays) 0405 687 930

Contact: Fran Tomlin 0405 687 930 •

June Cox,

June Cox has a diploma in Spiritual Healing renowned Medium and Clairvoyant with a life time of experience. Her Soul intention to be of service to all of humanity and our beloved planet Mother Earth.

Spiritual Healer, Medium and Clairvoyant

Don’t hesitate to contact June on (08) 73296489 (friendly answer phone if June not available, your call is important to her so please leave your number she will phone ASAP.

Phone (08) 73296489


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

How to Read the ‘Tarot’ By Cheryl Rae Anyone can Read the Tarot!

To many, the ‘Tarot’ can be seen as something so mystical it is only understood or to be used by occultists and psychics. In truth anyone who can read a child’s picture story book can read the Tarot! Whilst the cards encompass much esoteric symbolism, when it actually comes down to it they are about people, childhood, parenthood, relationships, vocation, spirituality, emotions and thoughts, oppression and opportunity, finances and security, and all the experiences possible in this wonderful journey of life.

Choosing Reference Books or Intuition

When reading the tarot there are primarily two different approaches we can take, each being valid and very effective. The first is that anyone can pick up a Tarot deck and, with a question in mind, choose some cards and refer to a book literally for their meaning to enlighten. The second is similar to reading children’s picture books or viewing art, where we allow the images of the cards to speak to us, eliciting our own feelings and intuitions as to the story they may be telling. Neither is ‘better’ in terms of accuracy. There are, however, many books with differing interpretations and you can get so caught up trying to select from the various meanings, and trying to remember them that you can squeeze the life out of a very beautiful thing. This process can be very stunted, time consuming, limited and not very free flowing, especially if you wish to read for others. In essence it is like learning to type. Anyone can type instantly by looking at the keyboard, however if you learn without looking at the keyboard, whilst a little tedious and taking much longer, ultimately you can type at far higher speeds with-

out having to even think about it, it is integrated and totally natural. Similarly you can read the tarot immediately using reference books, or you can develop a relationship with the cards which elicits your own intuition. With the latter, in the long run, using them over time, you become familiar with tarot as you would a language where you no longer need to translate. It is then that you can really fly and the cards become more a focus for your own intuition and psychic abilities So it just depends on what you are looking for. If you are just looking for information a tarot deck and reference book with meanings is absolutely fine, but if you wish to read the cards intuitively and use them as a framework for your psychic ability, it is all there for you.

Reading the Tarot Intuitively

When you begin reading the tarot intuitively it is still helpful to have a loose framework to work from such as the following; For the Minor Arcana and Court cards we can use the numbers or people on the cards flavoured by their suit . The Major arcana we can see as the story of unfoldment and growth of the self/humankind, each card building on the rest. Initially though, the simple process of using the cards daily to glean insight into yourself, others, situations, and your learning gives real understanding and experience of the images on the cards. A reader’s skill is based on the development of intimacy with the card images through extensive exposure to them, and the development of personal intuition. The most important thing is what each card elicits from you! The cards are a link to our higher self and universal energies and we need to eventually leave our mental processes behind and open up to what

we perceive beyond appearances. We begin by focusing on: ~ Overall look/theme of the card/ cards ~ Colour, brightness/darkness, tone ~ Are they active, still, stuck or contemplative? ~ The symbols, picture or person ~ What feeling does it elicit in you ~ Using your imagination As we develop a relationship with the cards we can use simple spreads to begin and work our way to the more advanced. Choosing which spread to use is very important and is dependent upon what you want from the reading. Fur ther, being clear about what you or the querent wants from the cards is extremely important because it will also energetically effect the entire process. Ultimately, the Tarot is renowned as a tool for prophecy which can inspire us, but we can also gain infinitesimal value when we use it to understand ourselves, subconscious motives, or what our learning is in any context. When we become more ‘self aware’ it can be profoundly helpful and empowering enabling us to make better decisions more aligned with our true self. We have free will and are co-creating our life with every moment of every day. For those who choose to develop an intimate relationship with the Tarot it can be a wonderful companion, prompting and probing, informing and inspiring us towards a more meaningful, happier and fulfilling life experience. Cheryl teaches ‘Reading the Tarot Intuitively’, ‘Psychic & Mediumship Development’ and other courses at the Adelaide Mystery School in South Australia. Founding Director Adelaide Mystery School 2009 Psychic of the Year (SA) Professional Member Australian and International Psychics Association

Adelaide Mystery School Reading ‘The Tarot’ Intuitively with Cheryl Rae ‘2009 Psychic of the Year (SA)’

9 week course Commencing Tuesday 19th March at 7:00 p.m.

The Role of a Spiritualist Medium

by Jim Warwood

Psychic ability enables those who use it to gather information from the psychical energy of an individual, or the field of universal consciousness. A medium develops this psychic faculty in a specific way to communicate with people in the spirit world, normally loved ones or friends. Mediumship provides evidence of survival of the human personality beyond physical death. This evidence is through a transfer of information from the spirit of a deceased person to the message recipient. Frequently this will be personal to the recipient so, when receiving a communication, you should ask yourself the following questions: • Was the identity of the person in the Spirit World established beyond reasonable doubt? • Was there sufficient evidence of who was communicating? • Did the person in the Spirit World convey knowledge of recent events? • Was there a per tinent message? Communication is the main purpose of mediumship; a medium does not predict the future or give advice and certainly does not counsel. Mediumship is a means of enabling people in the Spirit World, probably our family and friends, to communicate with us, to remind us that they love and care about us. Mediumship proves that the Spirit of every person survives physical death, retaining their personality, character, mind, memories and emotions just as we knew them during their life on earth. Mediums cannot call up a particular person in the Spirit World; it is they who choose to communicate with us. A medium has to identify the spirit person who is communicating with them. It is expected that the communicator will provide a combination of personal information about themselves so that the recipient can identify them. The medium can only provide the information given by the communicating spirit, which could be:• their name and/or their relationship to the recipient • the cause of their death, approximate age at death and how long ago they died

• a description of themselves during their life on Earth • where they lived • their profession or employment; hobbies or other activities • Character traits & shared memories, etc. During a communication information is often given which relates to events that have taken place in the recipient’s life since the communicating spirit’s passing. This would be considered very valuable evidence of the continuous existence of the individual person in the Spirit World with conscious awareness of these events. Otherwise how could they know that information? Not all evidence of survival is given verbally; the medium may sometimes exhibit mannerisms of the deceased person, which are recognised by the recipient. Similarly the medium may use words or phraseology regularly used by the communicating spirit person easily recognised by the recipient. Sometimes information is given that the recipient has to check up on afterwards; if this is true it is evidence which also proves that the medium was not mind reading. A recipient should look for an appropriate combination of facts which identify the communicator beyond reasonable doubt. The evidence of survival of the Human Spirit beyond physical death, given through mediumship can provide comfort to the bereaved, and enable people in the Spirit World to express themselves to family and friends. Jim Warwood is the leader of the Ne w Age Spiritualist Mission. He is a regular contributor of articles to the UK Spiritualist newspaper Psychic Newsandis an experienced public speaker and medium. Jimruns a weekly development group at the Mission and is available for private readings by appointment. Contact 08 8367 6984

Awaken The Inner Goddess and Living in Harmony with the ‘All That Is’ Continued from page 26

brings compassion, flexibility, communication, understanding, loving and kindness, Gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, tolerance, nurturance, deference, fertility, perception, passiveness. The many qualities if lacking can create chaos, aggression and heartlessness. Like angels we are all androgynous in nature, our innate divine self. We contain both feminine and masculine energies, intertwining deep within our soul and our being. It’s the Yin and Yang, the dance and coexistence of creation. With this awareness we strive to embrace and maintain a balance within ourselves. Our inner balance and harmony then reflect on to those around us, the situations we are in and the world at large. I work closely with the Goddess Isis, the Principal Egyptian Goddess, the mother of all creation, the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names. All Goddesses are aspects of Isis! She is associated with love, compassion, motherhood, marital devotion, magic, healing, eternal life, strength, courage, endurance. Although she is a Goddess, she is the embodiment of a perfect balance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. Elisabeth Jensen and Isis Mystery School has brought back Isis’ Divine Healing Blue Light to many around the globe since 2004; bringing miraculous healing and transformationTtoH E P Y individuals, families, the earth and the Become collective consciousness. Isis has awakened myLeearn innerto Godbe a pure channnel of light to bring b dess and has transformedthhemybeacon life and others around me in wondrous ways! We all can awake our inner GoddessIsis Lo either by working with the Goddess An Egyptian alchemic archetypes, the Angels, creative medi- Syddne tation, crystals, astrology, numerology, Melbourne 20,221 J essential oils and remedies; or by simply going within to realise our innate Divine perfection, be a God/Goddess in Angel Receive Angelic & Spiritua everyday life, and see the same quality in everyone and every living creation! Melboourn

Jessica D Jessica Dao is an ar chitect/pr oject 0422 2 5 mana ger. She is www an authorised Isis Lotus Healing L1/ Adeelaid Angel Miracles I & II teacher at Isis Mystery School and a certified facilitator at Authoriz Crystal Awakening Academy. Jessica Coours is currently conducting workshops C r y s t a l ork W Wo throughout Australia. She is also practising as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle /Isis Oracle psychic. |04 22 563 794

New Age Spiritualist Mission THE ROSA TINGEY CENTRE, 38 Palmerston Road, Unley MISSION CLOSED Mon 17th Dec. to Thurs. 24th Jan. 2013 (incl) MISSION CLOSED













This course enables you to actually ‘read’ the Tarot, regardless of previous experience, and further develop existing abilities. You will be guided through a basic system, as well as targeted exercises with a strong emphasis on developing your own psychic ability. Each week you gain lots of practical hands on experience whereby participants will both give and receive many readings throughout the course. Giving the skills to read simple spreads for: ¬ Receiving Guidance for self and others ¬ Developing your Psychic Ability ¬ Personal Growth ¬ Learning the universal ‘Language of Spirit’ ¬ Divination

For further information and registrations go to Phone: (08) 8277 1792 Email: Location: Rear, 9 Moreland Avenue, Mitchell Park, South Australia

Psychic Afternoon – Healing and Readings Sun 11th Nov 2-4.30pm 20 minute readings $15, Spiritual Healing by donation MEDIUMSHIP, TALKS, HEALING, & MORE All Welcome - By Donation - EVERY SUNDAY @ 3pm SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC Relax and Enjoy – Donation Only Fridays 11am to 2pm STEPPING STONES Practice Platform First Friday each month, 7.30pm – 9.15pm An opportunity for beginners or the more advanced to give a talk, reading or messages $5 FINDING THE PATHWAY Meditation & Interactive Psychic Development Class $5 Monday 7.15 - 9.10pm weekly & Tuesday Fortnightly 10.30am - 12 Noon PRIVATE READINGS AVAILABLE BY BOOKING 30-40mins $55 Tues 1-3pm. Thurs 12-3pm Fri 11am - 2pm See Website for More Exciting Events and Courses during the year See for news or Phone (08) 8367 6984


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Books, CDs, DVDs

Be the Change

The Last Hustle

By Kenny Johnson This book is not for the faint-hearted. It’s the intense true story of one man’s journey from the harsh world of crime, being incarcerated for most of his life through to the profound spiritual awakening that took place while serving time in one of the toughest prisons in America. A compelling read, written as it was told to Shanti Einolander, The Last Hustle offers profound insight into the process of spiritual liberation. Gangaji, Johnson’s spiritual teacher says “His story proves that however hard and uncompromising our par ticular circumstances, we can discover true happiness.” Pub: Non-Duality Press

The Stone I Love

By Lisa Schumacher This deep, loving and heart-felt collection of poetry offers contemplation seeds for our own deepening and awakening. When a poet has the capacity to truly listen and make themselves available and empty

enough … Love can steal into the heart and allow for nothing less than Spirit’s touch to emerge. Here’s a taste: “This piercing … is immaculate … in its perfection.” Pub: Eagle Eye Press

By Heather Frahn Two albums in one! The first CD offers ten passionate songs of insight, inspiration and awakening, absolutely overflowing with Heather’s inimitable style and musicianship. This collection ranges from powerful anthems for today starting Continued on page 30


FREE TALKS • Saturday 2-3 PM • coffee afterwards... Nov 10 Raising Your Vibration With Theta Healing Nov 17 Discover The Emotional Causes of Disease Nov 24 Spiritual Healing How It Can Help You


By Angela Harnett This CD is a spiritual heart-opener. Absolutely soul-stirring … filled with exquisite and delicate textures highlighting Harnett’s sensitive connection to the presence within. Behind the music lies the healing journey of this very gifted musician of the Heart.

“Cosmic Pages is a space to reflect, a community, a fountain of wisdom and safe harbour for the soul. Walking through the door energises and lifts my spirits no end.” - Kristina

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Treat Yourself Massage Days Daytime Study Groups For full free talks program visit


338-340 King William St. (South of Victoria Square) Phone 8231 9105 • OPEN 7 DAYS

Psychic/Tarot Readings Dream Analysis Soul Power Consultations Astrological Horoscope

- $70.00 - $70.00 - $70.00 - $120.00


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . they come in a range of colours, made from natural gemstones, they give us amazing healing energies and feel so nice to wear. All of our bracelets are hand made here with love by us, and come in a free chiffon bag, also includes written healing properties. Prices range from $6 to $26 with over 50 different gemstone bracelets to choose from, including Amethyst, Rose Quar tz, Tiger’s Eye, Onyx, Jasper, Turquoise, Pearl, Carnelian plus many more.

Books, CDs, DVDs Continued from Page 29 with title track “Be the Change”, the catchy “Little Buddhas” through to song/sound meditation hybrids like the spiritually exhilarating closing track “Mantra”. Coupled with a bonus second CD of 5 acoustic tracks, this collection is a must-have for all lovers of Spirit and song.

book is a powerful training manual for all crystal healers to be. Pub: Rockpool Publishing

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Perfect Illusion Ancient Reflections of the Infinite Soul


By Rachelle Charman This beautifully presented A-Z directory on crystals and their transformational and healing properties is a must as a resource and study guide for anyone seeking to discover how to work with these ancient and powerful energies. Complete with 140 colour photos, case studies and stories from both teachers and students , combined with step-by-step instructions this

By Herbal Sounds (Robert Damaskos) Influenced by the electronic avantgarde schools of Berlin, this CD is a glorious journey across planet ear th. With its gentle blend of synths, guitars, bass and percussion combined with chants and rich flavours of the Middle East and the Orient.

For a review on these pages, phone (08) 8396 6752 or email innerselfnewspaper@

Illiom, Daughter of Prophecy

The first book in the “Destiny of Fire” trilogy by Claudio Silvano “Destiny of Fire is a great read for those who enjoy fiction with a strong spiritual message. Claudio Silvano masterfully transports the reader into a whole new world of mystical adventure through the age-old battle of Good and Evil, offering valued insight and learning every step of the way. It’s a real page-turner.” Leo Drioli – editor, InnerSelf Newspapert - Beneath every deep fear, a secret power waits to be born. -

Illiom is a young woman with no traceable genealogy, a foundling who forever questions and doubts herself and fails to understand the purpose of her life. She believes herself to be tainted; something in her past must account for the curse of power that she keeps deeply hidden. This is a land where magic is mistrusted, and those who wield it are often shunned, if not persecuted. This unhealthy legacy of power drives Illiom to seek refuge in the mountains, where isolation seems the only viable protection for her. Now Illiom’s isolation is coming to an end; someone is coming for her, to draw her from her hiding

place and take her, willing or not, back to the world of humans, to the very place where she feels most vulnerable. ‘Illiom, Daughter of Prophecy’, is the first book of the ‘Destiny of Fire’ trilogy, an epic fantasy series that follows Illiom as she emerges from her self-imposed exile. Leaving the security of her mountains behind her, she is thrown in with a bunch of misfits from across the land. Sharing almost nothing in common with each other, save a mysterious summons to address a growing crisis in the land, these seven Chosen of Prophecy must reconcile their differences before they can embark on their quest to face the threat that is rolling uncontrollably to meet them. Will they learn to follow the signs and portents in time to resolve a crisis of mythic proportions? Will Illiom find her true self in time to be of any use to anyone, including herself? An entirely original fantasy adventure set in a unique and compelling world that will hold up a looking glass for you, the reader, to gaze into. What will you see mirrored back…?


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A New Year A New You

Continued from page 20.

in their field of spirituality and the arts to come together such as the 12/12/12 event. The Hawaii sacred tour is in December 2013 and offers teachings by Petta KneeLah of Celestial City, Rachelle Charman of The Academy of Crystal Awakening & Yvette Doudle of The Cosmic School of Karma. All teachings within this tour are blended with wonderful travel destinations and experiences through the Hawaiian landscape. “The Sound of Innocence … The LeMurian Hear t” 12/12/12 event is being held at The Church of The Trinity, 318 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park, Wednesday 12th of December at 5.30pm and concludes at 10pm. Tickets are $35 and go on sale 12th October 2012 via Tickets are $40 at the door, yet this event may sell out so don’t leave it to chance. 10% of net profits will go to The Conscious Music Festival and all remuneration is shared among facilitators.

Enquiries can be directed to petta@

My Tantra Massage Ally Thomas

How do you love yourself more? You want to give and receive more love? Like to pamper yourself with sensual relaxing massage? Re-ignite the light and love with your partner? Women relax in a safe space, surrender to a sensual tantric experience takes you to places and spaces beyond words. Men learn how to last longer with tantra... A pampering experience for open-minded men women couples. Usually Monday - Friday 10am5pm, Unley. Mens 1 hour Tantra Pleasure Experience - $180. Womens Sensual Pleasuring 1 hour $120, October $100 Contact Ally now. Joy & Bliss Tantric Spiritual Consultant the Whole Body Experience that keeps on keeping on.

Carpe Diem the Art of Living with Remi

Creating Sacred Space. Open 7 days Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 4.30pm 158 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide Phone 8240 0702

A New Year A New You

Continued from page 30

Doris Horvath and Tibetan Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls used in Sound Healing are a beautiful and powerful way to receive healing to body, mind and spirit. Sound healing will re-balance your body, return to it the sound frequencies that it needs so your body and your soul don't feel so "jangled". Blockages to the harmonic flow of energy are gently removed, allowing you deep, deep relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing. All this for $60 for a one-hour session! Why don't you consider giving Gift Vouchers as a loving and "different" bir thday, Christmas or thank-you gift? And, if you quote this ad, you will get a 10% discount on your next sound healing. How's that? For further info on sound h e a l i n g g o t o w w w. For bookings please ring Doris Horvath on 0412 180 810

Angel Miracles with

Elisabeth Jensen

Isis MysterySchool is based in Adelaide & we offer courses for all levels of students seeking to study Energy & Spiritual Healing & Development to transform their lives in 2013. Our unique Isis Lotus & Angel Miracles Courses are taught throughout Australia & Asia by both The Principal Elisabeth Jensen plus Authorised Teachers. Elisabeth is a former Registered Nurse & also teaches special Therapeutic Touch healing courses for use in Hospitals & Aged Care Facilities by Nurses. For a totally transformed & new you we recommend Isis Sacred Journey to Egypt 2013! Website: www. or Phone: 1300558075


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .



our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

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