Major causative factors of degenerative health originate in the stomach and can eventually radiate outwards, affecting the circulatory system. As we age, we produce far less of the digestive enzymes needed to maintain optimal health. The gradual breakdown of the intestinal lining coupled with hindered digestion can allow contaminates such as undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream. These contaminates accumulate over time, causing the blood to become thick and abrasive, eventually leading to circulatory and autoimmune complications. Neprinol, by Arthur Andrew Medical, is a blend of all-natural enzymes that break down harmful blood components such as excess fibrin and food particulates as well as assist in restoring blood to its naturally pure state. Enzymes essentially purify and soften blood plasma, reducing stress on the arterial walls while supporting the immune system. What is Fibrin? Fibrin is a protein formed in the human body that can significantly impact our health and general wellbeing. Fibrin is documented to be responsible for the formation of scar tissue and thrombus (blood clots). The body’s inherent fibrin removal process is accomplished by the naturally occurring enzyme plasmin. Plasmin is our body’s natural blood thinner, responsible for maintaining normal blood solvency by removing unnecessary accumulated proteins. This natural process can be enhanced by introducing fibrinolytic (fibrin-degrading) enzymes such as those in Neprinol. Serrapeptase is an exceptional fibrinolytic enzyme, able to digest and liquefy large amounts of fibrotic tissue. This dissolved tissue may accumulate over time, thickening the blood, making it necessary to include the potent enzyme Nattokinase. This enzyme, produced by Bacillus subtilis, has been clinically shown to be 4 times more potent than plasmin itself and can help modulate blood viscosity by dissolving these degraded tissue cells.
A New Approach to Heart Health Healthy adults can now be proactive with their health and reduce the risk of many common circulatory conditions by taking the enzymes Nattokinase and Serrapeptase found in Neprinol. These enzymes can substantially lower C-reactive protein levels (CRP), an inflammatory marker linked to heart disease. A clinical trial involving 18,000 healthy patients with normal cholesterol found that elevated levels
of CRP were associated with a threefold increase in the risk of heart disease. Unlike taking a daily regimen of aspirin, Neprinol thins the blood by removing unwanted debris. In addition, Neprinol is a good source of antioxidants, has no gastrointestinal side effects, and does not put stress on the liver and kidneys.
Is Neprinol enteric coated? Instead of using phthalates (plastic) or chemicals commonly found in enteric coatings, Neprinol utilizes new Acid Armor capsule technology. Acid Armor capsules have no additional components in comparison to a typical vegetable capsule; their action is simply the result of smarter engineering. These capsules are designed to break down slowly, allowing for a more controlled release of their contents. This controlled release provides protection from the acidic pH of the stomach without the use of potentially harmful chemicals such as those found in enteric coatings. The capsules are made from dense vegetable cellulose in addition to a micro-threaded locking mechanism which prevents premature leakage of the capsule’s contents.
Systemic enzyme deficiency There are thousands of catalytic processes taking place between tissues and fluids in living plants and animals each day. These processes can occur only as a result of enzymatic reactions. Ancient men and women received enzymes from their diet via vegetables, fruits and other raw foods, nature’s richest sources of enzymes. Unfortunately, however, even moderate temperatures at which most foods are cooked destroy enzymes. Although enzymes are found most active in raw foods, the majority of
food consumed today is both processed and cooked at extremely high temperatures, reducing dietary enzyme levels even further. Enzyme deficiencies can lead to common health problems—such as circulatory disorders, cancer, arthritis and kidney disease. Young adults have far greater enzyme activity than older ones whose ability to manufacture enzymes diminishes with age. The aging body’s diminished enzyme activity is part of the reason that people age prematurely. Bannock’s work and many other studies that have been covered extensively in medical journals support the use of systemic oral enzymes as a healthy approach to keeping the heart, joints, brain and other organs functioning efficiently for as long as possible.
The Dark side of tissue repair When scientists examine the most age related illnesses including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, kidney disorders and arthritis—similar underlying causes can be found: All of these conditions are characterized by insidious sclerosis and fibrosis that is caused by the over-secretion of growth factors. Sclerosis is defined as a hardening of a bodily tissue (such as the coronary arteries, i.e., arteriosclerosis) or an increase of connective tissue at the expense of more active tissue. Meanwhile, fibrosis is very similar to sclerosis, involving development of excess fibrous tissue in an organ (such as kidney fibrosis). Fibrosis can be detected in a number of ways, but is most noticeable with the pain associated with high levels of inflammation. Health experts have different ways of measuring the progression of these unfavorable bodily processes. For example, Dr. Bannock uses digital video blood microscopy which shows doctors whether blood has excess fibrin, oxidative stress and excessive white blood cell counts. Such indicators almost always indicate rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, as well as other negative health conditions. C-reactive protein (CRP) measurements were taken to determine bodily inflammation levels of the patients in the study. Increased CRP levels are often an indication of unhealthy fibrin activity, causing the blood to abnormally clot, increasing risk of heart attacks and strokes. Doctors have also associated high CRP with increased risk for heart disease. Another test used in the study was measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). In this test a blood sample is taken and put in a tube with chemicals which prevent the blood from clotting. The tube is left to stand upright. The red blood cells (erythrocytes) gradually fall to the bottom of the tube as a “sediment.” The clear liquid plasma is left at the top. The ESR measures the rate at which the red blood cells separate from the plasma and fall to the bottom of a test tube. The rate is measured in millimeters per hour (mm/hr). If certain proteins cover red cells, these will stick to each other and cause the red cells to fall more quickly. A high ESR indicates inflammation somewhere in the body. With age also comes fibrosis. Wrinkling and elastosis (loss of skin elasticity) are all outer signs of fibrosis. What is happening on the outside of the body is happening on the inside, too—to arteries, kidneys, lungs and other tissues and organs. Both sclerosis and fibrosis proceed with almost uncanny determination by the time a person reaches 40 and eventually affect virtually every tissue and organ in the body.
Understanding Live Blood Video Microscopy Video microscopy of live and dried layered blood analysis is a unique technique used to formulate an appropriate course of natural healthbuilding and lifestyle principles to optimize health, prevent disease, and to monitor individual effectiveness. This technique uses live, not preserved
blood, with higher magnification than conventional methods. The live blood images below and throughout the rest of this report reflect several types of live blood video microscopy. The first three images in each four-image set utilize phase contrast and dark field microscopy. In these, the clinician searches for fibrin spiculae, which should not appear in live blood at all. “It indicates that the balance between hemostasis and fibrinolysis is too much in favor of clotting,” says Dr. Bannock. Additionally, cholesterol and mycoplasma organisms can also be viewed in the blood. The last image in each four-image set is Dried Layered Blood Analysis to examine the coagulation cascade. This application of viewing dried suspended blood samples offers the qualified analyst and client valuable clues to potential degenerative patterns. The use of digital microscopy and live blood analysis have been criticized by some of in medical community. The reason for this is two-fold. The interpretation of dark field images as well as the handling of the specimen must be done with great care to get accurate results. The use of blood analysis has little or no use when prescribing pharmaceutical drugs for the alleviation of arthritis and related conditions. This is mainly the reason it has not been widely accepted in the medical community. It is however a useful tool in clinical nutrition. Blood analysis helps pinpoint deficiencies and abnormalities in the blood. It is very effective for a nutritionist involved in prescribing the nutritional regiment to restore normal values that may otherwise seem normal.
Clinical studies Discovery Health Channel host Laurent Bannock, D.Sc., has completed a multi-patient study at the Santa Fe Center for Nutritional Medicine, to examine the ability of Neprinol to help the body maintain healthy fibrin activity and inflammation levels. His study results, thus far, deal particularly with patients who complained primarily of osteoarthritis symptoms, a known inflammatory condition, as well as the even more inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis and health challenges involving cholesterol and insulin response. Neprinol combines key enzymes and synergists, such as nattokinase, serrapeptase, protease, papain, bromelain, rutin, amla and lipase (with coenzyme Q10).
Osteoarthritis Case Study
Neprinol Case Study #1 Study Subject: 45-year-old male construction worker recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, twice a day, between meals. Has discontinued ibuprofen usage.
Initial Visit Subjective: Chronic pain and inflammation of the wrist and elbow joints (both arms). Uses over-the-counter ibuprofen for relief, regularly. Objective: Lab tests showed very high C-reactive protein, high ESR, high platelets and high globulin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed significant protein polymerization (oxidative stress that causes high ESR levels), raised platelets, raised poikilocytes (variably shaped cells, which are seen in iron deficiency anemia), raised fibrin and raised white blood cells (WBCs, an indication of an unhealthy immune system). Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, twice a day, between meals. Advised to discontinue ibuprofen usage. No other medications or supplements were recommended (for the purposes of the study).
Four Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Completely pain and inflammation free. No longer uses ibuprofen at all! Objective: Lab tests showed normal C-reactive protein, slightly high ESR, normal platelets and normal globulin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed slight protein polymerization (oxidative stress), normal platelets, very few poikilocytes, no fibrin and normal white blood cells. Treatment: Two Neprinol capsules twice daily, between meals.
Six Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Still completely pain and inflammation free.
Two Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Still had some pain and inflammation of wrists and elbows, but reports symptoms to be markedly improved.
Objective: Lab tests are normal. Digital video blood microscopy is normal.
Objective: Lab tests showed slightly raised C-reactive protein, high ESR, normal platelets, slightly raised globulin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed moderate protein polymerization (oxidative stress), slightly raised platelets, slightly raised poikilocytes, normal fibrin and slightly raised WBCs.
Treatment: One Neprinol capsule twice daily, between meals.
Lab Test Values (Blood) For Neprinol Case Study #1 Lab Test
Initial Visit
2-Month Visit
4-Month Visit
6-Month Visit
C-reactive protein Low = < 1.0 Average = 1.0-3.0 High = 3.1-10.0 Persistent Inflammation = > 10
13.7 mg/L
11.4 mg/L
7.1 mg/L
2.8 mg/L
ESR Normal Values for Males: 0-15 mm/hour
17.3 mm/ hour
16.7 mm/hour
15.2 mm/hour
9.4 mm/hour
Platelets Normal Values: 155-385 x 103 /mm3
397 x 103 / mm3
353 x 103 /mm3
316 x 103 / mm3
317 x 103 /mm3
Globulin Normal Values: 2.0-3.9 g/dl
4.2 g/dl
3.94 g/dl
3.16 g/dl
2.77 g/dl
Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study
Neprinol Case Study #2 Study Subject: 67-year-old female retired administrator, diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis five years ago. Initial Visit
Four Month Follow-Up Visit
Subjective: Pain, inflammation and discomfort, and partial loss of all joint functions. Has been using NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen) since diagnosis five years ago. The NSAIDs only provide partial relief of symptoms. Has also been taking fish oils and glucosamine supplements for one year with some benefit to all symptoms.
Subjective: Reports significant improvements in joint function and significant relief. Wants to try and come off NSAIDs.
Objective: Lab tests showed high uric acid, high ESR, raised C-reactive protein and low albumin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed significant protein polymerization and fibrin. Treatment: Five Neprinol capsules, three times daily, between meals. The subject continued existing meds and supplements.
Two Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Notices a difference by slight improvement in joint function and greater relief. Objective: Lab tests showed slightly improved ESR values, normal C-reactive protein, similar uric acid values and slightly improved (but still low) albumin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed a reduction in protein polymerization and a significant drop in fibrin. Treatment: Five Neprinol capsules, three times daily, between meals. The subject continued existing meds and supplements.
Lab Test Values (Blood) For Neprinol Case Study #2 Lab Test
Initial Visit
2-Month Visit
4-Month Visit
6-Month Visit
Uric Acid 2.2-7.7 mg/dl
8.4 mg/dl
8.1 mg/dl
7.9 mg/dl
8.0 mg/dl
C-reactive protein Low = < 1.0 Average = 1.0-3.0 High = 3.1-10.0 Persistent Inflammation = > 10
6.4 mg/L
3.0 mg/L
2.7 mg/L
2.7 mg/L
ESR Normal Values for Females: 0-20 mm/hour
22.7 mm/ hour
21.8 mm/ hour
17.5 mm/hour
12.4 mm/hour
Albumin Normal Values: 2.0-3.9 g/dl
2.6 g/dl
2.9 g/dl
3.6 g/dl
4.0 g/dl
Objective: Lab tests showed nearly normal ESR values, slightly high uric acid values, normal C-reactive protein and normal albumin values. Digital video blood microscopy showed slight protein polymerization and virtually no fibrin. Treatment: Five Neprinol capsules, three times daily, between meals. The subject continued supplements and is starting to reduce NSAIDs.
Six Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Continues to notice improvements in joint function and relief of pain and inflammation. Has been off NSAIDs for one month. Reports that quality of life has significantly improved! Objective: Lab tests showed that uric acid values are slightly high, with normal ESR, C-reactive protein and albumin values. Digital video blood microscopy is nearly normal with very slight polymerization. Treatment: Five Neprinol capsules, three times daily, between meals. The subject continued supplements, and has discontinued NSAIDs.
Hyperlipidemia Case Study
Neprinol Case Study #3 Study Subject: 44-year-old male company executive, just diagnosed with hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol). Does not want to take cholesterol-lowering drugs. No supplements are currently being taken. Initial Visit
Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, twice daily, between meals.
Subjective: No perceived symptoms.
Four Month Follow-Up Visit
Objective: Lab tests showed high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, the bad cholesterol) and low highdensity lipoproteins (HDLs, the good cholesterol).
Subjective: No perceived symptoms. Continues to feel more energy and continues to lose weight (eight pounds).
Digital video blood microscopy showed raised triglyceride crystals, raised poikilocytes, raised bicarbonate buffers and significant protein polymerization.
Objective: Lab values for triglycerides, cholesterol, LDLs and HDLs continue to improve, but remain slightly out of healthy range. Digital video blood microscopy showed some poikilocytes, otherwise all normal.
Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, twice daily, between meals.
Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, twice daily, between meals.
Two Month Follow-Up Visit
6 Month Follow-Up Visit
Subjective: No perceived symptoms, but reports that he has more energy and has lost some weight (four pounds).
Subjective: No perceived symptoms. Has maintained weight loss and good energy levels.
Objective: Lab tests showed slightly improved triglycerides, cholesterol, LDLs and HDLs, but all remain out of healthy range. Digital video blood microscopy showed a reduction in triglyceride crystals, no bicarbonate buffers (normal), slight polymerization and slight poikilocytes.
Objective: Lab tests were all within range. Digital video blood microscopy was normal.
Lab Test Values (Blood) For Neprinol Case Study #3 Lab Test
Initial Visit
2-Month Visit
4-Month Visit
6-Month Visit
Triglycerides Normal Values: 30-150 mg/dl
245 mg/dl
211 mg/dl
176 mg/dl
121 mg/dl
Cholesterol Normal Values: 130-200 mg/dl
312 mg/dl
288 mg/dl
233 mg/dl
LDL Cholesterol Normal Values: 60-130 mg/dl (calc)
154 mg/dl
149 mg/dl
138 mg/dl
111 mg/dl
HDL Cholesterol Normal Values: 40-90 mg/dl
28 mg/dl
33 mg/dl
39 mg/dl
53 mg/dl
Treatment: Two Neprinol capsules, twice daily, between meals.
Hyperinsulinemia Case Study
Neprinol Case Study #4 Study Subject: 26-year-old female graduate student, recently diagnosed with hyperinsulinemia (elevated blood insulin, indicating resistance to insulin uptake by bodily organs). Subject is also overweight and complains of chronic fatigue. Patient has been following an appropriate diet and has been engaged in regular exercise for the past six months, but is frustrated with lack of results. Initial Visit
Four Month Follow-Up Visit
Subjective: Perceived blood sugar problems, chronic fatigue, overweight, sleep problems (staying asleep and also always falling asleep during the day), chronically depressed.
Subjective: No perceived blood sugar problems, almost normal energy levels, lost eight pounds in body fat, almost normal sleep patterns and rarely falls asleep during the day. Feels more confident!
Objective: Lab tests showed low blood glucose, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, low HDL, low serum phosphorous levels. Digital video blood microscopy showed slightly raised poikilocytes and some protein polymerization (oxidative stress).
Objective: Lab values normal! Digital video blood microscopy was normal.
Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, four times daily, between meals.
Two Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Significant improvement in perceived blood sugar levels, less fatigue, no significant weight loss, improved sleep and not falling asleep during the day as often. Not depressed all the time. Objective: Lab tests showed slightly high blood glucose, slightly high triglycerides, slightly high cholesterol, slightly low HDL and normal serum phosphorous levels. Digital video blood microscopy showed some protein polymerization. Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, four times daily, between meals. Lab Test Values (Blood) For Neprinol Case Study #4 Lab Test
Initial Visit
2-Month Visit
4-Month Visit
6-Month Visit
Triglycerides Normal Values: 30-150 mg/dl
177 mg/dl
157 mg/dl
144 mg/dl
125 mg/dl
Cholesterol Normal Values: 130-200 mg/dl
232 mg/dl
206 mg/dl
198 mg/dl
187 mg/dl
HDL Cholesterol Normal Values: 40-90 mg/dl
31 mg/dl
39 mg/dl
44 mg/dl
61 mg/dl
Blood Glucose Normal Values: 65-115 mg/dl
61 mg/dl
65 mg/dl
71 mg/dl
73 mg/dl
Phosphorous Normal Values: 2.5-4.5 mg/dl
2.4 mg/dl
2.8 mg/dl
3.0 mg/dl
2.9 mg/dl
Treatment: Three Neprinol capsules, four times daily, between meals.
Six Month Follow-Up Visit Subjective: Continues to have no perceived blood sugar problems, mostly normal energy levels, sleeps well, cannot remember when last fell asleep during the day, has lost a further 12 pounds of body fat and is no longer overweight. Very happy and feels she has a renewed chance in life! Objective: Lab tests were all still within range. Digital video blood microscopy was normal. Treatment: Two Neprinol capsules, twice daily, between meals.
Serrétia is made up of pure pharmaceutical grade serratiopeptidase, more commonly known as serrapeptase. Serrapeptase was discovered from the Serratia sp. E-15 micro-organism that lives within the intestines of silkworms. Silk is among the strongest natural proteins on earth. Silkworm larvae excrete the serrapeptase enzyme to dissolve their silk cocoons. Serrapeptase miraculously dissolves the tough silk protein fibers of the silk cocoon, yet has no effect on the silkworm’s living tissue. The powerful protein-dissolving properties of serrapeptase break down the protein molecules that make up the silk cocoon, allowing the moth to escape unharmed. Enzymes are extremely specific and only target certain natural mediums. Serrapeptase is actively bound to non-living proteins like those found in the silk cocoon, yet remains completely inert to soft living tissue of the silkworm larvae. In nature, the role of serrapeptase is to digest the cocoon of a silkworm, but researchers have found that it has numerous benefits within the human body. When serrapeptase is taken on an empty stomach, it can be absorbed by the small intestine where it enters the bloodstream. Systemically, it works throughout the body to remove debris that contaminate the blood and aggravate the immune system, such as arterial plaque and cholesterol. Serrapeptase also acts as a powerful mucolytic, due to its ability to dissolve thick mucus proteins called mucins. This natural enzyme is used in Asia as a decongestant to relieve respiratory difficulties in the sinus cavity. Serrapeptase can turn thick, coagulated mucus into thin, watery secretions thereby reducing congestion and pressure.
Why take Serrétia? Serrapeptase has a variety of benefits that may help improve the following: Accelerated Healing Healthy Sinus Activity Normal Fluid Retention (swelling) Free Joint Mobility Post Surgical Recovery Serrapeptase research has shown that using protein-dissolving enzymes like serrapeptase can help remove excess fibrin. Fibrin is a protein naturally formed in the human body which is the principal component of blood clots and eventually scar tissue. Research suggests that serrapeptase supports cardiovascular health, reduces scarring, decreases chronic fibrin-related conditions and lessens instances of spontaneous blood clots.
How does Serrétia work? Serrétia works by digesting any dead tissue that may accumulate as a result of an injury, thereby reducing swelling and pain while
enhancing one’s ability to heal. While certain NSAID’s are prescribed to protect the heart, they have many negative gastrointestinal side effects. Serrétia offers cardiovascular benefits as well, but actually improves digestion by helping to better break down undigested proteins. Research has shown that the pain-reducing qualities of serrapeptase are the result of the enzyme’s ability to suppress the production of pain-inducing amines known as bradykinins. Bradykinins are peptides which bind to areas of injury and cause them to inflame. Low level inflammation allows injuries and infections to heal; however, chronic inflammation causes irritation, pain and can slow the recovery process. Many physicians recommend the oral administration of serrapeptase when icing injuries. Icing alone restricts blood flow and nutrients while Serrapeptase improves overall circulation and accelerates the healing process.
Is Serrétia enteric coated? Typical Serrapeptase manufacturers use phthalates, which are essentially plastic chemicals to enteric coat Serrapeptase to protect it from the acidity of the stomach. Instead of using plastics, Serretia utilizes acid
resistant Acid Armor capsules. These capsules are designed for a controlled release of the capsule’s contents. These new capsules offer protection from the acidic pH of the stomach without the use of potentially harmful chemicals such as those found in other enteric coatings. Acid Armor capsules are the result of several years of research and cuttingedge capsule design. The capsules are made of dense vegetable cellulose with a more precise micro-threaded locking mechanism, in order to prevent premature leakage of the capsule’s contents.
Serrétia, in a class of its own. With so many different brands of serrapeptase on the market, it may be difficult to choose. Serrapeptase is rated in SPUs (Serratio Peptidase Units), an activity rating of the enzyme’s potency. Unlike vitamins and minerals, enzymes are measured by their potency or activity, not by their weight. Serrétia contains 250,000 SPUs of activity per dose, making it one of the strongest products on the market. Ultra high potency combined with Acid Armor capsules puts Serrétia a cut above the competition.
Are silkworms used to produce serrapeptase? Although serrapeptase was originally discovered in silkworms, no silkworms are actually used in the manufacturing process. The enzymes are extracted from Serratia bacteria, grown in clean rooms. The bacteria grow rapidly in precise environments without the use of a host.
Preventative Uses for Serrétia: Serrétia can reduce the severity of injuries and accelerate the healing process after surgery. In a German clinical study, researchers analyzed serrapeptase’s ability to reduce the pain and swelling of subjects who had recently had surgery. This study involved sixty-six subjects that had undergone knee surgery to repair torn ligaments. Ligament tears of the knee are common among athletes and cause substantial pain and inflammation. The subjects were split into two groups; one of which took serrapeptase, while the other was given a placebo. Three days following the surgery, the subjects that were given serrapeptase were found to have a 50% reduction of swelling and experienced less pain compared to their placebo counterparts.
What is the suggested use? Therapeutic Use: Take 2-4 capsules twice daily between meals (either at least one hour before or two hours after any meal) with 8 oz. of water or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Maintenance Use: Take 1-2 capsules once or twice daily between meals (either at least an hour before or two hours after any meal) with 8 oz. of water or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
Nattöbiotic® is the world’s first raw nattokinase dietary supplement, as well as the first and only raw nattokinase synbiotic. Nattöbiotic contains raw natto, including its naturally occurring antioxidants, vitamin K2, 10 essential amino acids and nattokinase-producing probiotic Bacillus subtilis natto plus an added prebiotic, Vitafiber®. Nattöbiotic is specifically formulated to address fibrin imbalances in the body. Fibrin is a protein that plays a major role in blood clotting and scar formation, making it an essential component of the healing process and vital for maintaining our health and general well being. However, fibrin overproduction and impaired fibrin clearance has been implicated in many of today’s most devastating and deadly diseases, including cardiovascular disease, interstitial lung diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma and endometriosis. Benefits of Raw Nattokinase Nattokinase is a fibrinolytic (fibrin-dissolving) enzyme derived from a Japanese fermented soybean food called natto. These soybeans are fermented with the Bacillus subtilis bacteria which produces an enzyme called nattokinase. The resulting food, natto, has a slimy texture, sour taste and strong smell that is very unappealing to some. Despite its questionable taste, natto has been shown in numerous studies to have a number of health benefits. For its use in nutritional supplements, the nattokinase enzyme is typically extracted and purified in a laboratory setting. Natto has been involved in numerous studies, and the results show that it has the most potent oral fibrinolytic activity of over 200 foods tested. Nattöbiotic’s unique formula boosts the powerful fibrinolytic activity of nattokinase by utilizing the benefits of raw natto food rather than a nattokinase enzyme extract. Raw natto inherently contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that are generally removed during the nattokinase extraction process. These important co-factors make the fibrinolytic enzymes more bioavailable in the body, increasing their effectiveness and impact. Nattöbiotic not only contains nattokinase but also the live probiotics, antioxidants, nutrients and other enzymes created during the fermentation process. This gives Nattöbiotic’s exclusive synbiotic formula the highest Fibrinolytic Unit (FU) activity among the major brands of nattokinase supplements, allowing it to
hydrolyze 5,000 units of fibrin per dose (2 capsules), and optimizes its health benefits. Unit (FU) activity among the major brands of nattokinase supplements, allowing it to hydrolyze 5,000 units of fibrin per dose (2 capsules), and optimizes its health benefits.
Nattokinase & Fibrinolysis Fibrin is naturally produced in the body by a protein called thrombin and is degraded by a protein called plasmin. Usually these processes exist in a delicate balance; although, in many diseases and conditions, fibrin degradation is impaired and fibrin begins to accumulate in the body. Nattokinase supplementation, however, can tip the balance back in favor of fibrin removal using two different mechanisms. First, nattokinase is a fibrinolytic enzyme, which means that it can literally dissolve fibrin whether it is holding together blood clots or is part of scar tissue. In fact, nattokinase is actually 4-times more potent than the body’s own plasmin. Nattokinase also blocks the activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, which boosts its fibrinolytic capabilities even more. High levels of PAI-1 are directly linked to impaired fibrin degradation and removal because PAI-1 blocks the body’s natural production of plasmin. By blocking PAI-1, nattokinase promotes the conversion of more plasminogen into plasmin, increasing the amount of fibrinolytic proteins in the blood.
Vitamin K2 According to the Rotterdam researchers, the reduction in cardiac deaths associated with higher vitamin K2 intake is probably the result of decreased arterial calcification. Arterial calcification is a significant risk factor for atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. However, vitamin K2 has been shown to not only prevent coronary calcification, but also help remove it. A 2007 study discovered that higher vitamin K2 intakes reduced arterial calcification already present in rats by approximately 50%. Vitamin K2 may also exert cardio-protective effects by stopping dangerous blood clots from forming near the inner surface of blood vessel walls. Vitamin K is essential for the functioning of several proteins involved in blood clotting, which is why it is the target for anticoagulant drugs like warfarin. However, according to Dutch Professor Cees Vermeer, vitamin K2 helps inhibit clot formation when blood vessels are intact and promotes clotting when blood vessels are broken, thereby regulating the body’s natural clotting factor mechanisms. As a result, inhibiting vitamin K2 may actually be detrimental to vascular health.
Synbiotic Benefits Each Nattöbiotic capsule contains 1 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) of probiotic B. subtilis, as well as a prebiotic plant fiber known as Vitafiber®. This mixture of pro- and prebiotics is known as a synbiotic.
Bacillus Subtilis Probiotics are “good” bacteria that boost health when taken orally and are allowed to grow and multiply in the body. B. subtilis is especially suited for growing and colonizing in the gastrointestinal tract because it is a sporeforming bacteria. Most bacteria are destroyed by the acidic pH in the stomach, mainly thriving in the more alkaline lower GI tract, but spores are able to withstand a broader range of pH and temperature. This improves the chances that the probiotic strain will be able to thrive in the GI tract. Research has shown that natto intake can increase the number of B. subtilis in the gut, as well as affect the metabolic activity of intestinal microflora. This is because once they are established in the small intestine, B. subtilis probiotics act like tiny factories, producing beneficial vitamins (like vitamin K2), minerals, antioxidants and enzymes (like nattokinase) that help support and maintain digestive and overall good health. In one clinical study, 80 elderly volunteers were given B. subtilis supplements for 12 weeks. At the end of the study period, the researchers observed reductions in the participants’ total cholesterol levels. It is possible that this may be linked to the production of nattokinase by these bacteria once colonized in the digestive tract.
Vitafiber® Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that can stimulate the growth and metabolic activity of bacteria present in the gut. Vitafiber® is a proprietary prebiotic fiber from the tapioca plant that helps promote the growth of B. subtilis bacteria in the GI tract. This synbiotic effect allows the probiotic bacteria to thrive in the digestive tract and produce additional nattokinase and other beneficial nutrients than each individual dose provides, making Nattöbiotic even more powerful than the sum of its ingredients.
There’s good news for both men and women who suffer periodically or chronically from candidiasis or yeast infections (an overgrowth of the fungi Candida albicans). A new study reveals that a breakthrough new enzyme-based, probiotic formula effectively kills systemic candida with virtually no signs of uncomfortable die-off. “Syntol-AMD, Advanced Microflora Delivery, a unique development for candida sufferers, is essentially the first non-prescription yeast cleanse to effectively neutralize candida without a ‘Herxheimer reaction,’” says Dr. Stefan Bajon, who conducted the study. (The Herxheimer reaction refers to the large quantities of toxins that are released into the body when microorganisms die during treatment.) About Candidiasis If left untreated, an overgrowth of intestinal Candida albicans can become parasitic, robbing the body of vital nutrients in addition to developing rhizoids (plant-like roots) that penetrate and attach themselves to the inside of the intestinal wall. Rhizoids can eventually lead to leaky gut syndrome (LGS), which involves the dispersion of undigested food and microscopic bowel particulates seeping into the bloodstream. Aside from the candida, leaky gut can trigger a destructive pro-inflammatory autoimmune response.
Candida in the Blood “Current medical thought is that if candida exists at all in the blood then participants are suffering from serious medical illness and are near death,” Dr. Bajon says. “Nearly 80 percent of the people who come to see me have at least trace amounts of circulating Candida albicans in their blood, proving at least to me that blood isn’t at all sterile. These people are very uncomfortable with effects on their neurological, emotional, and gastrointestinal systems, but they are far from death,” he adds. The numberone cause of candidiasis is the overuse of prescription
antibiotics. Antibiotics, while killing harmful bacteria, also kill the healthy intestinal bacteria that normally keep yeast in check. Yeast thrives on sugars and complex and refined carbohydrates, which simply add fuel to the fire. Dr. Bajon explains, “Although complex carbohydrates and fruits high in fructose are a healthy addition to a high fiber diet, many people are intolerant to such foods. Intolerance to these healthy carbohydrates is referred to as complex carbohydrate intolerance or CCI. CCI can lead to uncomfortable and embarrassing gastroenterological symptoms. Many nutritionists believe that it’s the gluten fractions in these foods that affect the immune systems. CCI and even celiac disease sufferers can further aggravate a leaky gut with sugar and carbs. These foods stimulate unfriendly critters like candida to multiply in the gut.”
The Study Dr. Bajon was the leading researcher on the latest study on Syntol, formulated to be the first and only “gentle” yeast cleanse of its kind. The study involved an in-depth analysis of live blood samples in participants suffering from moderate to severe symptoms of candidiasis. Using the Crook Candida Yeast Test by Dr. William G. Crook, an authority
in the area of candida yeast infections, Dr. Bajon screened some 20 participants before selecting his ideal test patients. After scoring the test results, he evaluated the nine participants who likely had the highest instance of candida based on their scores. The live blood analysis was performed at 1,000 magnifications and enlarged to over 10,000 times. Dr. Bajon selected the most severe cases to complete the study. The participants were divided into three groups of two—moderate, severe, and extreme. They were given 6, 9, and 12 Syntol capsules daily respectively for a period of 45 days. Each participant returned every 2 weeks for follow-up blood analysis and to quantify the regression of candida concentrations in the blood. No placebo or other drugs were administered during the study.
Syntol and Yeast Syntol promotes a healthy balance of Candida albicans while delivering healthy bacteria to the gut without the Herxheimer reaction. Yeast can trick the body into craving simple carbohydrates and sugar, which can create havoc on individuals trying to make healthy food choices and manage weight. Daily supplementation of Syntol AMD may support a shift away from dietary carbohydrates and sugar preferences. “It is hoped that the results of the study will provide valuable information to individuals and clinicians on the effectiveness of Syntol AMD supplementation,” concludes Dr. Bajon.
Results The study showed that the use of Syntol significantly reduced and sometimes completely eliminated Candida albicans in the bloodstream. Participants showed significant improvements in: Gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, burping/flatulence, stomach discomfort, and acid reflux. Toxicity symptoms including headaches, excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, low sex drive, chronic pain, and blurred and spotted vision. Emotional health including anxiety, mood swings, irritability, inability to think clearly or concentrate, and poor memory. Food cravings including sweets, lack of satiety, and general over-eating. Sleep patterns including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, trouble falling asleep and trouble waking up. “We had some great results,” Dr. Bajon reports. “Most importantly, Syntol killed candida gently without a die-off or lash back. Arthur Andrew Medical, makers of Syntol, specifically studied the enzymes that develop on dead yeast in laboratory settings. Similar enzymes were then reproduced, concentrated and
added into the Syntol formula. These enzymes are attracted to dying candida cells where they dissolve or digest it away. “Fermenting yeast can produce 79 distinct toxins including acetylaldehydes. Acetylaldehydes are toxic chemicals similar to formaldehyde that accumulate in joints, muscles, spinal and brain tissues,” says Dr. Stephan Cooter, PhD, in his book Beating Chronic Disease. Anti-fungal drugs kill yeast, but leave it to die inside the body that can produce toxins and flu-like symptoms. Fermenting yeast can quickly be eliminated and digested with certain enzymes.
Long-term Results After 45 days using the therapeutic protocol set up by Arthur Andrew Medical, makers of Syntol, all participants showed virtually zero or trace amounts of candida in their blood. Symptomatic side effects had all been abated and virtually no symptoms of candida were further experienced by all participants. Some of the participants noticed a significant weight loss as a result of reduced food cravings. The study proved to be an important documented breakthrough in our learning more about naturally and effectively controlling this insidious organism.
ParticiPant 1
Blood Sample Before Syntol
Dr. Stefan R. Bajon, D.Ph. Nutritionist, Pharmacist, Naturopath. p: 858-336-7869 p: 619-272-0762 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
SuBject’S Blood after 45 dayS Before Syntol, participant’s red blood cells (featured
Participant’s red blood cells continue to appear nor-
left) appear normal, but plasma contains high concen-
mal. Candida albicans are virtually non-existent. Par-
trations of candida surrounding the cells and appear
ticipant has indicated that energy levels have returned
as blotchy molds that spread outwards. Participant has
to normal. Itching and rashes have dissipated. Sinus
taken antibiotics for long periods of time and com-
symptoms have cleared up and vision has returned to
plains of fatigue, bloating, rashes, poor memory, runny
normal. Sleep patterns are back to normal and partici-
nose, severe groin itching and burning, insomnia and
pant wakes feeling more refreshed. Participant has lost
intermittent vision issues. Participant was also craving
10 pounds over the course of the study.
sweet and sugary foods.
ParticiPant 2
SuBject’S Blood after 45 dayS
Blood Sample Before Syntol Before Syntol, live images of blood plasma show
Participant’s blood plasma virtually free of Candida al-
high concentrations of candida (dark blotchy molds)
bicans. White blood cells (fighter cells) are now normal.
surrounded by elevated white blood cells (white
Participant has indicated energy levels are higher than
irregular shaped dots). Participant evaluation indicated
have been experienced in over 10 years. All complaints
several severe symptoms including, chronic fatigue,
of itching, burning and rashes are abated. Vision and
poor memory, dizziness (spacey), muscle pain, vaginal
digestion are now normal. Participant has lost nearly
yeast with itching, burning and rash, blurred and spot-
12 pounds and no longer craves high sugar foods.
ted vision, abdominal bloating, insomnia and sweet
Participant sleeps deeper and wakes more refreshed
with decreased severity of morning breath.
Devigest is more powerful and concentrated than its earlier predecessors. Just one capsule with meals can ease the digestion of even the most troublesome of foods. Now more powerful and concentrated, Devigest can support severe dairy and gluten intolerances as well as reduce instances of occasional gas and bloating. Devigest now contains a highly potent Dipeptidyl Peptidase with 500 units of DPP-IV activity per serving. This Peptidase breaks down gluten, casein and lactose, three known digestive irritants. Many formulas today have begun to utilize this amazing enzyme, but rarely is it incorporated in a broad spectrum blend, which leaves many formulas incomplete. Devigest is a revolutionary new ultra concentrated formula in rapid release vcaps. Each capsule delivers clinical strength enzymes that begin dispersion almost instantly. Rapid release ensures quick relief from uncomfortable indigestion symptoms in the upper GI tract. Devigest also includes Alpha Galactosidase which is the active ingredient in the ever-popular product Beano速. Our bodies lack the enzymes that are responsible for breaking down certain carbohydrates in the small intestine. This causes improperly digested food to enter the large intestine where bacteria then begin to break it down, creating large amounts of gas which can lead to flatulence, abdominal bloating and digestive discomfort. Unlike many other anti-gas medicines, Alpha Galactosidase can help prevent gas before it starts by breaking down complex carbohydrates found in gassy foods into simpler, more easily digestible sugars.
A similar phenomenon occurs with those that experience digestive distress when consuming dairy foods. Lactose intolerance is the inability to break down milk sugars known as lactose found in all dairy products. Lactose intolerance is the result of lacking the essential enzyme Lactase. Devigest now contains 444% more lactase than its predecessor per serving so those with lactose intolerance can enjoy dairy foods without experiencing digestive distress. Indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are often blamed on the overproduction of acid.
More commonly low acid production causes undigested foods to rise up and burn the sensitive tissues of the esophageal sphincter. Supplementing with a highquality digestive enzyme like Devigest may be the answer to many of these concerns. Properly digested foods add nutrients to our bodies, provide energy, as well as stimulate stomach acid, serotonin, and other hormones that are vital for proper human function.
Symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, malabsorption, chronic fatigue, etc. These symptoms mimic those of people who are allergic or sensitive to gluten; however, unlike a simple sensitivity, celiac disease can be life threatening if left untreated. For those who have sensitivity to gluten, supplementing with a product such as Devigest may help curb symptoms and allow one to once again enjoy all of the foods that they have grown to love.
Are you lactose intolerant?
There are no pharmaceutical drugs to treat celiac, and there is no cure. Those who suffer from celiac disease must completely eliminate gluten from their diet to avoid irreparable intestinal damage. In addition to eliminating gluten, many people are also supplementing with high quality probiotic supplements such as Syntol.
It is important to note that lactose intolerance is different than a dairy allergy. Lactose intolerance is the inability to metabolize milk sugar known as lactose. This occurs due to a lack of lactase in the digestive system. Studies have shown that the majority of adults experience a decrease in lactase activity as they age. When the body is deficient in lactase, the lactose passes directly into the colon intact, allowing for fermentation to occur, which produces gases, causing abdominal symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps and diarrhea. Devigest contains a highly potent lactase enzyme to assist the body with digesting foods high in lactose. When taking lactose-digesting enzymes like those in Devigest, you should take them with the first bite of the dairy product for maximum efficacy.
Gluten Intolerance Celiac disease, or gluten sensitive enteropathy, is a common, chronic disease that is now thought to affect 1 in every 133 people in the U.S. alone. People who suffer from celiac disease are unable to eat foods containing gluten, which is a certain protein that is found in the grains of rye and wheat. In those who have celiac disease, gluten triggers an autoimmune reaction that leads to the destruction of the villi in the small intestine. When this autoimmune response occurs, people with celiac disease produce antibodies that attack the intestine, which causes illness and damage.
Research is currently underway to find whether probiotics may help to alleviate the severity of celiac disease, and even inhibit damage to the intestinal tract when gluten is inadvertently consumed. Probiotics can help to heal damage caused by chronic inflammation as well as aid the digestive system in properly absorbing nutrients that are normally lost due to celiac disease. Many people that suffer from celiac disease remain symptomatic after eliminating gluten from their diet; a probiotic such as Syntol may help aid in reducing these symptoms.
Devigest Supports Optimal Nutrient Absorption Complete Food Assimilation Alkalization of the Gastrointestinal Tract Reduced Occasional Gas / Bloating Decreased Gastrointestinal Waste Reduced Food Irritations and Sensitivities Circulatory Health
FibroVera is a proprietary blend of microbial and botanical components selected to support uterine and breast health. Reproductive health is an important topic for men and women alike. For women however, understanding and feeling confident about the body and the ebb and flow of the menstrual cycle is almost always a daily concern. FibroVera is a gentle option that offers the opportunity to regain balance in women’s hormone levels as well as relief from chronic pain, bleeding and discomfort. For a lifetime of uterine and breast health FibroVera is an all-natural unique blend of hormone balancing botanicals and enzymes designed to help women suffering from reproductive health concerns stemming from hormonal irregularities. FibroVera provides fibrinolytic (fibrin eating) enzymes and cofactors that are specifically selected to promote normal fibrin activity. Healthy hormone levels will naturally promote normal fibrin activity as well as help to decrease the symptoms of PMS. FibroVera is intended to modulate the hormonal response, restoring inherent processes in a woman’s body. Each component was carefully selected using only well researched and clinically supported ingredients. In many women, simply restoring hormonal balance through diet and environmental changes is possible and can reverse the effects of fibrosis. However, in some cases fibrosis remains strong pre- and postmenopause. Hormonal imbalances are the result of many factors: diet, stress, genetics, environment, etc. FibroVera removes any and all guesswork from the complex task of realigning the body’s hormones. Each capsule provides the perfect balance of hormone stabilizing ingredients in combination with fibrinolytic enzymes and liver cleansing support. Fibrin, the key building block of tissue repair, is created by the myometrium (uterine muscle) in response to normal cycling, pregnancy and rare challenges such as miscarriage. When female reproductive tissues are exposed to excessive
amounts of estrogen, this repair cycle can run continuously with little to no interruption. As more and more fibrin deposits, it binds with the uterine and/or breast tissue and proceeds to form fibroids and fibrocystic breasts. Given proper support, a woman’s body can not only control, but also reverse the excess secretion of fibrin that can begin to manifest itself as arterial plaque, fibrous breasts, endometriosis and even fibroid tumors.
Developing a solution Excessive estrogen, known as estrogen dominance, is not only responsible for reproductive health concerns, but can also lead to unpleasant symptoms such as lowered energy, decreased libido and even weight gain. Many women have been lead to believe that supplementing with estrogen is the answer to many common hormonal challenges; however, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. FibroVera was formulated to work as an integral part of a balanced food and supplement regimen meant to target those symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. In the short term, usually within a few weeks, women can expect to feel and function better. Typically, anywhere from 2-6 capsules of FibroVera per day is effective for most women, depending on how serious the condition is and/or how aggressively they would like to alleviate their symptoms. Some women may experience symptoms similar to PMS when beginning a regimen of FibroVera. In these cases, decreasing the dosage to one capsule per day or one capsule every other day is recommended until the body resumes proper hormonal balance and function.
FIBROVERA AHS FAQS Is FibroVera right for all women? FibroVera was designed with every woman in mind. FibroVera does not directly impact hormones, yet provides the key ingredients that metabolize unwanted hormone metabolites while promoting the secretion and balance of beneficial ones. FibroVeraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ingredients are all natural components that work to replenish missing factors from diet, restoring the inherent processes in any womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body. Will FibroVera help me when I become menopausal? The FibroVera formula was specifically formulated to help support many of the symptomatic challenges experienced by women in hormonal transitions. We believe that women experiencing difficulty associated with menopause will note substantial improvement with the consistent use of FibroVera. Can I take FibroVera if I am trying to conceive? FibroVera does not contain any ingredients that will negatively impact conception. However, if you become pregnant while taking FibroVera, or are nursing presently, discontinue use and ask your health care provider for advice on how to proceed. Can I take FibroVera with other supplements? FibroVera may be safely taken with Neprinol and other dietary supplements. Neprinol can increase the fibrinolytic (fibrin lysing) portion of FibroVera. Syntol can replenish beneficial flora in the body, and Devacor may reduce gastrointestinal stress induced by the process of digesting foods low in natural enzymes. If I am anemic, can I safely take FibroVera? Excessive blood loss can occur during menstruation. For many forms of anemia, we recommend your healthcare provider consider a heme-iron preparation, a B12 supplement, and folic acid with additional multi-B support to address this situation. If you believe that you are or may be anemic, please consult with your health care provider.
FibroVera Supports: Breast & Uterine Health Hormone Support & Modulation The Moderation of Premenstrual Symptoms Mood Enhancement Normal C-Reactive Protein Levels Normal Inflammatory Response Bone Density and Strength Fibrinolytic Activity
There are many misconceptions regarding progesterone; in fact it was once thought of only as a simple sex hormone, but research has shown that progesterone is vital to men and women of all ages. For women, progesterone begins to be secreted right before ovulation, while a decrease in estrogen production occurs. The amounts of progesterone produced naturally in the body are measured in milligrams, much like many of today’s vitamin and mineral supplements. On the other hand, estrogen is secreted in much smaller amounts, and therefore measured in micrograms, or 1,000th of a milligram. Due to this, it is easy to see how what would seem to be a miniscule increase in estrogen production can actually have a large effect on the body’s overall hormone balance. Excessive estrogen, also known as estrogen dominance can lead to many unpleasant changes such as lowered energy, decreased libido and even weight gain. Many women have been lead to believe that estrogen is the answer to many common hormonal challenges; however this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Hormone balance is vital for those trying to achieve good health. Women are increasingly becoming susceptible to estrogen dominance due to many common items that we use in our everyday lives. Estrogen is commonly found in forms of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, but also in many chemicals used in the production of the foods we eat. There are over 50 chemicals that have been identified as hormonal disruptors, and many of today’s pesticides actually mimic estrogen in our bodies. It is important to understand that hormone balance can be achieved in large part by increasing the amount of progesterone in one’s body. Progesterone and estrogen are obviously not the only two hormones that are at work here, but progesterone plays a role that estrogen does not, and that is the fact that it is a precursor to many other hormones in the body. Progesterone is also calming, and counteracts many of the uncomfortable symptoms one would experience with excessive estrogen. It also has been shown to boost immune health and increase energy levels Keeping progesterone and estrogen in the right ratios is essential to maintain hormone balance.
There are many misconceptions regarding progesterone; in fact it was once thought of only as a simple sex hormone, but research has shown that progesterone is vital to men and women of all ages. For women, progesterone begins to be secreted right before ovulation, while a decrease in estrogen production occurs. The amounts of progesterone produced naturally in the body are measured in milligrams, much like many of today’s vitamin and mineral supplements. On the other hand, estrogen is secreted in much smaller amounts, and therefore measured in micrograms, or 1,000th of a milligram. Due to this, it is easy to see how what would seem to be a miniscule increase in estrogen production can actually have a large effect on the body’s overall hormone balance. Excessive estrogen, also known as estrogen dominance can lead to many unpleasant changes such as lowered energy, decreased libido and even weight gain. Many women have been lead to believe that estrogen is the answer to many common hormonal challenges; however this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Proféria FAQ’s What is Proféria? Proféria is a topical progesterone cream that may be used to increase progesterone levels in women who are estrogen dominant. Unlike other hormones, researchers have found that progesterone is optimally delivered to the body when applied through the skin as opposed to being administered orally. Proféria is all natural, containing no synthetic hormones typically prescribed by physicians.
Why Proféria? Proféria contains a highly soluble wild yam extract as a base for its high absorption rate, as well as 500 mg of USP progesterone per ounce. It does not contain petroleum, lanolin, or other animal derived ingredients. Is Progesterone right for me? Studies have been conducted that demonstrate how natural progesterone is better and safer than progestin, which is commonly administered during hormone replacement therapy. Furthermore, natural progesterone has been found to render far better results when being used to stop or slow down bone loss in women suffering from osteoporosis and has even been found to help prevent the development of osteoporosis and many other hormone related conditions, including: estrogen dominance, low libido, blood clots, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, menopause and endometriosis. As always, it is recommended to consult with your physician before starting any hormone therapy. What is Mexican wild yam extract? Mexican wild yam has been shown to be an excellent source of natural progesterone. However, the human body cannot convert this extract into progesterone on its own. The progesterone must be extracted from Mexican wild yam in a laboratory setting, where it can then be standardized and tested for safety and efficacy. Progesterone can only be extracted from wild yam in a laboratory setting, as it is in Proféria, and the end result is a bio-identical hormone that is ideal for women suffering from hormonal imbalances such as estrogen dominance. Is Proféria safe? No serious or adverse side effects have been reported from taking Proféria. Can I take other supplements while using Proféria? Proféria can be used safely while taking dietary supplements. How long does it take for Proféria to work? For therapeutic regimens, the progression may be slow for some and quicker for others. Typically, anytime one is addressing hormonal imbalance with a product such as Proféria, symptoms of hormonal change can occur in a matter of days, though it is not always common to happen that quickly. This is the first step in the process, and the most important, as hormonal imbalances left in their unbalanced state can lead to an increasing variety of health concerns. Application: Proféria should be applied once daily or as directed by your healthcare provider. Apply to areas where your skin is thin, such as the neck, breasts, inside the arms etc. The amount needed will vary from individual to individual and dependent on the symptoms experienced, typically ¼ to ½ of a teaspoon daily. Warning: Do not take Proferia without the consent of your physician if you are pregnant or nursing.
When should I apply Proféria? Pre-Menopausal Women: For best results it is recommended to begin using progesterone creams for a period of two weeks in between each menstrual cycle. Calculated from day 1 of the menstruation cycle (the first day of bleeding), begin using Proféria on Day 12 through day 26, applying as recommended above. Stop using the cream from day 27 through day 11 of the next cycle month. It is important to take these breaks each month in order to allow the body to re-sensitize to the cream. Alternate the area of application to maximize absorption. Post-Menopausal Women: For best results it is recommended to apply Proféria as directed above for a period of 21 consecutive days during the month. Stop using Proféria for one week in order for the body to become re-sensitized to the progesterone. Alternate the area of application to maximize absorption.
Maintaining Digestive Health Can Be a Challenge
The health of your horse relies on the proper balance of bacteria in its digestive system. Unfortunately, dietary and environmental changes, birthing/laying, weaning, medication and transporting, among other common management practices, can tip the digestive balance in favor of harmful bacteria. However, supplementing your horse’s diet with probiotics can re-establish digestive balance and restore your horse’s health from the inside out. Novequin Probiotic & Digestive Aid Is Effective For Colic Upset stomach Shedding Ulcers Founder/Laminitis Weakened immune systems Autoimmune disorders Cushing’s Weight management Performance and endurance Coat appearance and hoof quality Enhancing appetite
Novequin Optimizes Digestive Health Throughout a Horseís Lifetime Foals A foal enters the world with a sterile digestive tract; although, it quickly acquires millions of bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. Usually the beneficial bacteria are able to keep the harmful bacteria in check; however, harmful bacteria grow much more quickly than the beneficial ones and can take control of the foal’s young digestive system, with potentially disastrous results. Adding probiotics, enzymes and beneficial yeast to a foal’s diet helps strengthen its immune system and defend against harmful bacterial overgrowth. Probiotics also help stop and prevent diarrhea, loose stools and scours. This will lead to bigger, stronger, healthier animals at weaning.
Adulthood As a horse matures it faces many stressful situations: weaning, transporting, trailering, showing, changes in housing, changes in weather, sickness, breeding, foaling, injury and chronic pain to name just a few. This stress increases acidity in the horse’s gut, which can kill off beneficial bacteria; so can the administration of antibiotics. Introducing probiotics into the horse’s diet can speed up the recolonization of the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria and prevent the harmful effects of digestive imbalance, including colic. Since probiotics and enzymes improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients, even healthy horses can benefit from supplementation. Optimal digestive health means better hair coats, stronger hooves and superior athletic performance. Old Age Older animals are not able to digest, absorb and metabolize nutrients as easily, leading to decreased body weight and deteriorating overall health. Muscle mass begins to decline and connective tissue becomes lax, causing sagging of the topline and belly. The horse’s immune system also suffers, which increases the risk of infections and delays healing. As a result, improving your older animal’s digestive health is vitally important to their longevity. By supplementing it’s diet with probiotics, enzymes and beneficial yeast, your horse will have more appetite, absorb more nutrients, and increase it’s weight, improving the quality of your horses’s overall health.
Benefits of Digestive Enzymes While microbes like bacteria do the bulk of the work in a horse’s digestive tract, enzymes also play a significant role. Enzymes are essential for complete, rapid digestion of feed, especially fiber. When enzyme levels are low, feed remains undigested and can ferment in a horse’s intestines. Instead of providing nutrients to the horse, this decaying feed nourishes harmful microorganisms which produce toxins and gases that can lead to colic and damage to the gut. As a result, digestive enzyme supplementation can accelerate the rate of feed digestion and boost nutrient absorption. Novequin contains: Protease to break down proteins Amylase to digest starch Hemicellulase and cellulase to break down fiber
The Novequin Difference A single 10-gram serving yields: 7.7 g of Brewer’s Yeast 1.15 g of calcium carbonate 770 mg of vitafiber 2 billion colony-forming unites (CFUs) of Novequin’s proprietary probiotic blend, including E. faecium and L. acidophilus 19,000 HUT of protease 11,500 DU of amylase 1,500 HCU of hemicellulase 1,150 CU of cellulase Unlike other probiotic and digestive products on the market, Novequin does not contain inulin. Inulin has been shown to increase gas production in humans and may do the same in horses. Instead, Novequin uses Vitafiber, a natural prebiotic found in Tapioca, which provides a healthy medium for beneficial bacteria to live and boosts the health-promoting activities of probiotics in the hindgut.
Arthur Andrew Medical developed Neprofin AVF from a growing demand for the alleviation of pain in athletic and performance animals. Neprofin AVF is a potent enzyme blend that helps speed the healing process by modulating the inflammatory response and blocking pain. it has been clinically proven to be safe and effective for veterinary applications. Non-Toxic Pain reliever This new treatment offers an alternative remedy for equine injuries previously treated with Phenylbutazone (Bute). Neprofin was specifically developed to alleviate inflammation, pain and muscle soreness. Neprofin works on the same scientific principle as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) and Bute. Bute is one of the most common pain relievers administered to horses. However, it has been observed to be very destructive to the liver and kidneys as well as negatively impacting white blood cell counts. Gastrointestinal problems, ulcers and aplastic anemia are also quite common with continued use of the drug. Unlike Bute, Neprofin does not block cox enzymes to suppress inflammation, but rather digests the proinflammatory prostaglandin responsible for causing inflammation. Neprofin is safe and can be used without the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.
How Neprofin Works For sometime, Glucosamine HCL and Chondroitin have been touted as the next best thing for joint problems over prescription medications. While these products may increase mobility, they do little for blocking pain. In fact, their only function is to provide the “building blocks” necessary
to facilitate lubrication between connective joints. Lubricating inflamed joints will provide some pain relief but limited relief at best. Neprofin takes an entirely different path in the healing process by alleviating joint inflammation altogether. Glucosamine HCL and Chondroitin are limited to joint pain and flexibility in function. In fact, this is just the beginning for Neprofin. Neprofin has been shown to significantly improve tendonitis, muscle tears, arthritis, bowed tendon, colic, foot injuries, bruises, fractures, subluxations, lacerations “open wounds”, lameness, laminitis, and navicular syndrome.
What is Neprofin? Neprofin is a non-animal sourced, multi-enzyme blend containing a combination of powerful enzymes, proteases and a bioflavonoid to facilitate movement as well as tissue and muscle healing. A special blend of fungal Protease, Bromelain and Papain are combined with Serrapeptase, a powerful proteolytic enzyme derived from Serratia spp. T1. Serrapeptase is used worldwide for its anti-inflammatory properties. The formula also contains doses of Amylase and Lipase, as well as a natural gooseberry formula called Amla which provides synergistic support to the enzyme blend.
Breeding Applications
Neprofin also contains Rutin, an important bioflavonoid that may help to repair damaged tissue. Neprofin is an excellent choice for animals suffering from joint pain and inflammation and is ideal for decreasing injury recovery times. It is also effective for active, athletic animals to ensure a prompt recovery from soreness and inflammation due to over activity.
Certain PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases) in female horses can lead to the formation of fibroids which may impact fertility. Administration of Neprofin AVF can reduce the instance of PID and in some cases reduce formation of fibroids. Enzymes have been successfully used to reduce fibroids and improve fertility in humans. Other applications have been used to restore male erection shape and reduce testicular inflammation.
Neprofin Clinical Studies Dr. Rakesh Pattu of New Delhi, India, conducted a trial study with Neprofin on six race horses suffering from non-specific lameness. The results of the study indicated that five of the six injured horses showed complete recovery, while the one horse that did not respond was later found to suffer from ligament tears that would require surgery to completely heal. Dr. L.B. Sarkate of the Bombay Veterinary College Department of Surgery conducted a study using 18 buffalo calves. Each calf was subjected to deep aseptic lacerations of the left flank. Each wound was dressed with antibiotic himax ointment. Calves were divided into three groups of six. Group one was given Neprofin, group two was given traditional antibiotics, and group three was given antibiotics and antiinflammatories. Of the 18 calves, the 6 that were administered Neprofin showed the shortest post surgical recovery times, far less swelling around the wound, and far less visible infection.
Neprofin AVF Helps relieve inflammation, pain and muscle soreness. Effective in sprains, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Assists with faster tissue repair while preventing exudate formation (fluid in injured area). Accelerates healing process and rapid suppression of post-surgical edema. No side effects or allergic reactions observed. Long acting and can be adopted as a replacement therapy in pathological conditions. Enhances penetration of antibiotics. Works continuously throughout the ph variations of the digestive tract. Intensifies absorption of released amino acids. Shown to emulsify cholesterol and fibrin. Selectively locates and distributes the desired amino acids. Promotes healthy muscle tissue and connective fiber. Boosts energy levels, alertness and concentration. Promotes lean body mass and aids with protein utilization. Supplement enzymes that block the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues. Thins mucus secreted by mucus membranes. Reduces systemic fibrin concentrations with a potent fibrinolytic activity.
8350 E. Raintree Dr. Suite 101 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 P: (800) 448-5015 F: (480) 682-9111