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A Great Idea on How Spread the Word About Employee Ownership at Your Company on Your Social Networks
Jesse Tyler at employee-owned Hypertherm is one of the most creative people we know in terms of coming up with ideas on how to communicate employee ownership and how to get employees engaged as owners. So we asked him what he could come up with as a way to spread the idea of employee ownership on social media and within your own company. His idea, we think, is a real winner.
Here’s how it would work. A company would send out a series of questions to its employees asking them to describe the experience of being an employee-owner. You can do one question each month.
To help encourage participation, maybe give out a few fun prizes, one of two for the best ones and a few random ones for just entering. You might want to limit how many times any one person can win. The answers should be brief—a sentence or two. Post the responses internally, but then pick a few of the best and put them in a post on your social media accounts, such as LinkedIn or Facebook.
By posting to your connections, you can help market your company and employee ownership at the same time. Asking the questions each month is an effective, fun and easy way to remind people about what employee ownership means. Here Are the 11 Questions Jesse Suggested
1. How do you talk about ownership when you are out in the world, not around other owners? 2. How do you describe the experience of ownership to your friends and family? 3. What is your nutshell way to help new coworkers understand ownership? 4. What does ownership mean to you? 5. If you had to describe ownership in three words, what three words would you share? 6. What is different about working at an ESOP? I believe, and this is why…. 7. Is leadership different at an ESOP? If yes, how? (From both the reporting and leader viewpoint) 8. What is one thing your company does well on ownership culture and communication that you want to share? 9. What is your employee ownership aha moment? It’s not the first time you heard about employee ownership or when you started to like it. It’s that moment when you said “aha” employee ownership is going to be a game changer. Have you had an employee ownership moment that you’d like to share? 10. What keeps you coming back to work each day? 11. What have you done to promote employee ownership outside our company?
We raised this idea at the NCEO’s Innovative Communications Coalition meeting in October, and Darin Olivarez of Black & Veatch had a great idea that could be number 12. The company already asked employees to fill in the question “Together we….” It could be anything that people think they do together at Black & Veatch. To see what employees came up with, see the page at Black & Veatch’s web site.
Of course, these questions are only suggestions. Other ideas might include: 1. As an owner, do you feel you have more of a voice at work? If so, can you give an example? 2. Why would you tell a customer that it is better to buy from an employeeowned company? 3. Has being an owner ever made you feel like work is more of a community? Tell us how.
What is your employee ownership “aha” moment?
4. How do you think the economy would be better if many more companies were employee-owned?
Finally, to help people seeing the posts understand what employee ownership is, you can link to a basic article on the NCEO website, What Is Employee Ownership? or to a visual explanation, How an ESOP Works. n We would love your feedback on this idea. Email your comments to Corey Rosen.
Register Today for These 2023 Events

F E B R U A R Y 6 - 7 | P O R T L A N D , O R
Solidify Your Legacy with Employee Ownership
Since 2010 the NCEO’s Is an ESOP Right for You? meeting series has helped business owners decide if an ESOP fits their succession needs.
This year, join us in February at the Marriott Bidwell Hote, Portland, Oregon. Enhance your company’s legacy and benefits plan with an ESOP—the most tax-efficient method of exit planning. The seminar will cover valuation, financing, legal issues, plan design, issues for selling shareholders, and communication and ownership culture.
You will have the chance to work directly with the NCEO team and other business owners to discuss all of your most pressing succession planning questions, approaches, and strategies.
Register today to secure your spot at this seminar and gain an understanding of how ESOPs work. Space is limited— don’t wait!

Get an Early Bird Rate for the Annual Conference!
The 2023 Employee Ownership Conference at the Kansas City Convention Center will feature the most technical education of any ESOP community event or conference.
With over 110 breakout sessions, you will find a wealth of ways to scale up your business success. From peer-to-peer networking to a completely reimagined agenda featuring new and hands-on workshops and breakout sessions like you’ve never seen before!
This conference will continue to deliver best-in-class education to the employee ownership community, including introductory sessions geared toward new employee-owners and sessions based on job role, technical to novice—our conference has it all!
Early bird registration is open. Get first dibs on the best pricing of the season. Early pricing is limited to the first 200 registrants. Start saving today!