The Window

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July/August 2013

An online publication of The East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church


CAMPS AND RETREATS Retreat Pastors, Christian Education, Camp Contact, Youth Leaders ............................................................... 3 Still Room for You Pastors, Christian Education, Camp Contact, Youth Leaders ............................................................... 4

DISASTER RESPONSE NCJ Disaster Response Academy Pastors, Administrative Council, Missions............................................................................................... 5 Early Response Training Pastors, Administrative Council, Missions ............................................................................................. 5

EPWORTH CENTER Mission Opportunities Pastors, Administrative Council, Missions ............................................................................................. 7

LAY SERVANTS Conference Academy Pastors, Lay Servants/Speakers ............................................................................................................ 8

RELIGION AND RACE 2013 NCJ-CORR Annual Learning Event Pastors, ADministrative Council ....................................................................................................... 9-10

You may forward, reproduce and distribute any information to those who may benefit from its content.


July/August 2013

At our East Ohio Camps: Camp Aldersgate; Camp Asbury; and Camp Wanake, our goal is to provide comfortable settings and quality programs through which people can experience Christ’s love for them and all creation, and have the opportunity to share that love with others. Come relax, enjoy the surroundings, and get back in touch with God. There are so many reasons why; here is just one…….


etreat time! As a youth, I could not wait to head for the hills with my friends to spend a weekend at Camp Aldersgate. We were one big happy family who sang and prayed together, hiked around the lake, and learned about relationships and about God. We did not want to go home. Why can’t we stay here and live like this forever? was the resounding theme of all of the youth who had found and experienced real Christian community for a short 48 hours. We, forty people, lived together in a lodge with a kitchen and fireplace, couches and ping pong table surrounded by snow, sunshine, woods, and vines from which to swing. Today, as a youth pastor, I have taken youth to all three of our camps, Asbury, Wanake, and Aldersgate. Our Christian community has been blessed throughout the seasons by snowy days, canoe rides, hiking through the autumn leaves and welcoming spring flowers. The retreat centers and lodges provide us an opportunity to create a great atmosphere in nature for us to find the spirit that has been there all along, claiming us and desiring our attention.

We can provide accommodations for a small intimate setting or a large group gathering! · Retreat centers (hold approximately 50) · Lodges (hold 30 or 40) · Dining facilities (some where you may cook on your own) · Meeting Spaces · High and Low ropes courses · Climbing Towers · Team building initiatives Our Retreat Staff is looking forward to hosting your next gathering! · Retreats for youth and adults · Family Celebrations · Reunions · Team-building · Leadership Conferences · Staff Trainings · Outdoor education · Church Events East Ohio Camps have 3 Convenient locations: · Camp Aldersgate on Leesville Lake near Carrollton, Ohio · Camp Asbury in Portage County near Hiram, Ohio · Camp Wanake near Amish Country near Beach City, Ohio

- east ohio Conference Youth pastor

Check out our website for further information, pictures, site descriptions and rate sheets. See if your week or weekend is available for you! Contact us at 800-831-3972 ext. 108. We can answer all of your questions and book your gathering today.



North Central Jurisdiction

Disaster Response Academy

► Appropriate response to a disaster provides better care for those affected and m ore efficient use of your mon ey.

► Be prepared before th e next disaster happens!

► All are invited to attend this academy to learn ho w to be a part of this vital UM C ministry.

: Training offered

ams  Early Response Te al Care  Spiritual & Emotion ent  Volunteer Managem ship  UMVIM team leader ors  Connecting Neighb basics  Case management ponse  Advanced Early Res  Chain Saws  & More….

VENUE: Camp Asbury, 10776 Asbury Road, Hiram, OH 44234 DATES: September 25-28, 2013

COST: ~ $150.00

CONTACTS: Lorna Jost ( or Barbara Tripp ( REGISTRATION: Opens June 6, online: click on Disaster Response This academy presented in partnership with UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers In Mission). Icons courtesy of


eASt oHio CoNfeReNCe

“Providing a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster”

August 3, 2013 8:00am-4:00pm This course with its ensuing badge permits the holder to arrive at a natural disaster after the Police/Medical support teams are out of the area. This is not a course designed to repair damage to property.

Rocky River UMC 19414 Detroit Rd Rocky River, OH 44116

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 26, 2013 A background check and pre-registration is required. When your registration is received you will receive confirmation by email with instructions to complete the background check. Cost is $30.00 plus an offering for the lunch Cost includes background check, materials and t-shirt If you have questions please contact Jenni Dodge at the East Ohio Conference office or 800-831-3972 ext 133 Registration for East Ohio Conference EARLY RESPONSE TRAINING August 3, 2013







SEND THIS FORM AND $30.00 REGISTRATION FEE MADE PAYABLE TO: East Ohio Conference FUND 9648 ATTN: Jenni Dodge PO Box 76019 Cleveland, OH 44101


No Registrations will be received after JULY 26, 2013

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Lay Servant Ministries Conference Academy “Living Our United Methodist Beliefs� Text: Living Our Beliefs: The United Methodist Way by Kenneth L. Carder

North Academy October 4th and 5th, 2013 Montrose Zion UMC 565 N. Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Akron, Oh 44333

Southern Academy October 18th and 19th, 2013 Cambridge First UMC 641 Steubenville Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725

Explore a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of The United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Uncover a deeper understanding and experience of Christian faith as you embrace the United Methodist Way.

SAVE THE DATE Registration forms will be mailed in the fall. 8

, 2013, at 3








Welcome! Welcome! The East The Ohio Conference East Ohio–

October 18-20, 2013 North Central Jurisdiction October 18-20, 2013 Commission on Religion and Race Annual Learning Event Independence, OH North Central Jurisdiction

Commission on Religion and Race Annual Learning Event Independence, OH


Commission on Religion and Race Religion and R welcomesCommission you to the 2013 on NCJ-CORR Annual Learning The host city 2013 NCJ welcomes to the is Independence. Come and join us as Annual Learning Event. The ho we celebrate the encompassing love is live Independence. Come and joi of God and into the vision while venturingwe beyond our comfort celebrate thezones. encompassing

of God and live into the vision w venturing beyond Rev. Armando C. Arellano, Chair, CORR our comfort z Dr. Gloria Brown, Director, Racial-Ethnic Ministry

Dr. Gloria Brown, Director, Racial-Ethni

Armando C. Arellano, Chair, COR InvitedRev. Speakers/Presenters Bishop John Hopkins, East Ohio Conference

Registration Amount Due: $______________ Additional dinner tickets

Bishop Linda Lee, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Invited Speakers/Prese

Bishop Julius Trimble, Iowa Annual Conference

At $25 each:

Rev. Myungim Kim, GCORR

No. of Tickets:

Rev. Giovanni Arroyo, GCORR

Bishop John Hopkins, East Ohio Confere Bishop Linda Lee, Garrett-Evangelical

_____ Friday Dinner

$ _____________

Rev. Dr. Samuel Royoppa, D.S. Theological Conference Seminary Wisconsin Annual

_____ Saturday Lunch

$ _____________

Rev. David Whitt, Simpson UMC

Theme: “Living into $the Vision: _____ Saturday Dinner _____________ Beyond Our Comfort Zones”

Due: $ _____________ Total Amount Matthew 25:40 NOTE: Pay by credit card online or make check payable to East Ohio Conference with the Memo: NCJ-CORR 2013 Annual Learning Event. Special Dietary Needs: _________________________ We will try to meet your dietary needs but we cannot guar-

antee. Theme: __________

and under,

Conference –

“Living into the Vision: Beyond Our Comfort Zones” Matthew 25:40 HOTEL INFORMATION You are responsible for making your own room reservation at the Embassy Suites 5800 Rockside Woods Boulevard

Bishop Julius Trimble, Iowa Annual Con

Dr. Yvonne Zimmerman, Christian Ethics Methodist Theological Kim, SchoolGCORR in Ohio Rev. Myungim Mr. Jack Lyons, Executive Director, Giovanni Rev. American IndianArroyo, VeteransGCORR Center Native

Rev. Dr. Samuel Royoppa, D.S. Performers

Wisconsin Annual Conference

Explosion Divina de Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center Rev. David Whitt, Simpson (Puerto Rican/ Hispanic)


Salin LahiDr. Yvonne Zimmerman, Christian Ethic (Filipino-American)Methodist Theological School Ka Hui Hula O Ka 'Aina Punahele Jack Lyons, Executive Mr. Hula North Coast

Director, Native American Indian Vetera

Red Bird Singers (Intertribal) Cherokee, Choctaw, and Lakota Tribes

Inner Circle Hellenistic Dancers of St. Demetrius (Greek)


North Central Jurisdiction Commission on Religion and Race Annual Learning Event Independence, OH

Dr. Gloria Brown, Director, Racial-Ethnic Ministry Rev. Armando C. Arellano, Chair, CORR

Invited Speakers/Presenters Bishop John Hopkins, East Ohio Conference Bishop Linda Lee, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Bishop Julius Trimble, Iowa Annual Conference

Rev. Giovanni Arroyo, GCORR Rev. Dr. Samuel Royoppa, D.S. Wisconsin Annual Conference Rev. David Whitt, Simpson UMC RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church Commission on Religion and Race PO Box 2800 North Canton OH 44720

Rev. Myungim Kim, GCORR

Register online, beginning July 15,

Theme: “Living into the Vision: Beyond Our Comfort Zones” Registration 2013, at Matthew 25:40

or return the form below to : NCJ-CORR 2013 Annual Learning Event Attn: Shawndelle Chester 8800 Cleveland Avenue, N.W. North Canton, OH 44720 No later than September 18, 2013 Name: _______________________________ Street Address: _______________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________ _____________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________

Dr. Yvonne Zimmerman, Christian Ethics Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Amount Due: $______________ Mr. Jack Lyons, Executive Director, Native American Indian Veterans Center

Additional dinner tickets At $25 each: No. of Tickets: _____ Friday Dinner

$ _____________

_____ Saturday Lunch

$ _____________

_____ Saturday Dinner

$ _____________

Total Amount Due:

$ _____________

NOTE: Pay by credit card online or make check payable to East Ohio Conference with the Memo: NCJ-CORR 2013 Annual Learning Event. Special Dietary Needs: _________________________ We will try to meet your dietary needs but we cannot guar-

___ First Time Participants, age 35 Y.O. and under, Seminary Students ($100) ___ Late Registration ($135 after 9/19/13) ___ Saturday Banquet Only ($30)

NOTE: Registration fee includes Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and Saturday dinner. Hotel provides complimentary Saturday and Sunday breakfast.


Explo de Bu (Puer

Salin (Filip


Please Select one: ___ Early Bird ($110 by 9/18/13)


Ka Hu North

HOTEL INFORMATION You are responsible for making your own room reservation at the Embassy Suites 5800 Rockside Woods Boulevard Independence, Ohio 216-986-9900 $101/night+tax/single or double occupancy Mention Group Code: UMC

Red B Chero

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July/August 2013

Deadline for the Sept/Oct Window will be August 9, 2013 Please submit your publication to Paul White at for approval.

The East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church

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