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Sharkproject is a nonprofit organization that works to protect shark populations worldwide. Learn more about Sharkproject and how you can get involved.


Sharkproject focuses solely on protecting an animal that many people fear. But its survival is critical. Why? Sharks are fascinating, beautiful, and incredibly polarizing animals. At the top of the food chain, they are indicators of a healthy ecosystem and, in fact, help maintain ecological equilibrium. An absence of sharks is a sign of an imbalance in sensitive marine ecosystems. Every year, an estimated 100 million sharks are killed worldwide, most of them illegally and through brutal methods. Several shark and ray species are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List and are considered critically endangered. Preserving shark populations around the world is interconnected with marine conservation and climate protection and is therefore vital for the survival of our planet and all of humanity. Without sharks, the sea dies; without the sea, man dies!
Why do your members get involved?
The reasons and motives vary from one member to another. Many are drawn to shark conservation through their diving experiences. Because sharks are now endangered, it is becoming increasingly rare to see them in natural habitats. When you do have the opportunity to swim with these captivating creatures, you no longer see them as the bloodthirsty monsters they are portrayed as in movies but appreciate them for the extremely important benefits they provide. Among other roles, sharks are the "policemen of the sea," keeping populations in check and thereby ensuring coral reefs stay intact. Sharks come in a variety of species that extend into the deep sea, which still leaves a lot to explore and research. Despite all this, the shark still does not have a good image. Changing that is one of our goals.
What are Sharkproject’s other goals?
Intact shark populations worldwide is our goal. To achieve this, we at Sharkproject focus on three areas—protection, education, and cooperation. We launch campaigns and projects to protect sharks and their habitat. We engage in education through stimulating workshops and inspiring lectures in schools and universities.
Sharkproject also works with other organizations, politicians, decision makers, and scientists to network, support, and improve shark conservation on a European and global level. What is your current passion project?
The pilot project "Angola Elasmo." Currently, there is not a lot of information on the impact of fishing on Angola's marine ecosystems. The little evidence available suggests that the region is an important hotspot for marine biodiversity and a key refuge for threatened shark and ray species. With her ambitious project, Ana Lúcia Furtado Soares, marine biologist and Sharkproject Ambassador for Angola, is collecting important data on the composition and status of threatened species in the region for the first time. A distinctive feature of this project is its approach to fostering a cooperative and respectful relationship between local people, fishermen, and scientists.
Sharks. Good vibes only. That is the motto of Sharkproject. Find out how you can support the organization here: Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: sharkproject_international www.sharkproject.org info@sharkproject.org