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Enrollment Checklist

 Review All Enrollment Materials  Carefully consider your current and future healthcare needs  Complete elections on KTBSonline

Cost of Benefits

Albers & Associates will cover 50% of the employee rate and 10% of any dependents for the Medical Plan and 50% of the employee rate for the Dental & Vision Plans.

You will be able to complete enrollment online via KTBSonline. Below are the instructions to register and login.

Enroll in Benefits

First Time KTBSonline Users

1. Go to https://www.ktbsonline.com (The most recent version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, or

Firefox are recommended) 2. Click on the “Register” link located on the right-hand side of your screen. 3. When promoted, enter your Last Name, Date of Birth, and your Social Security Number. For security purposes you will also be asked to complete a CAPTCHA. 4. Follow the directions provided on the site to complete your registration and setup your online account.

Returning KTBSonline Users

1. Go to https://www.ktbsonline.com (The most recent version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, or

Firefox are recommended) 2. Enter your Username and Password within the Secure

Benefits Log In Section and then click “Log In.”

If you have any issues registering, please contact Tech Support at the Kelly Benefits Customer Service Call Center at 1-877-290-9580 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm.

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