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Name of your organization:

Gilmore Car Museum

Date of this application:



6865 W Hickory Rd Hickory Corners, MI 49060

Telephone Number:


E-mail Website EIN info@gilmorecarmuseum.org https://gilmorecarmuseum.org 38-6154163

Person to Contact Regarding this Proposal:

Amy Everhart Perry, Director of Development and Membership

Phone Number/E-mail Address:(269) 953-9011 aperry@gilmorecarmuseum.org

Amount Requested: Total Project Budget: 15,000 34,000

Total Department Budget: 110,000

The RPM Foundation funds education and training for the next generation of restoration craftsmen and artisans.

We encourage your application. Thank

1. Provide a brief description of the program/project for which you are requesting funding.

GARAGE WORKS SUMMER APPRENTICESHIPS Inspired by the success of our Winter Workshops, this new program aims to expand the impact of our Garage Works program by providing four distinct four-day workshops during Summer 2022 for post-high school youth aspiring toward careers in the automotive industry. Up to six students per session will experience 20-30 hours of intensive, hands-on, small-group instruction with nationally renowned visiting instructors. In addition to tech education in the shop, the week will include participation in a Gilmore Wednesday Night Cruise-In and relevant Gilmore weekend car show. Estimated program cost is $34,000, about $1,400 per student, and includes modest instructor honorariums, lodging, meals, materials, travel stipends, and hourly staff. The on-site nature enables us to offer this opportunity to motivated young people from across the nation who might not have the ability to participate in our local bi-weekly Garage Works classes.

Notable craftspeople/builders who have already expressed interest in serving as special guest instructors for Gilmore Summer Apprenticeship sessions include: -Matt Murray (Boyertown, PA), hot rod builder and founder/host of the Iron Trap Garage YouTube channel (105k subscribers and 26+ million views), producing how-to content on welding, fabrication, restoring, traditional hot rod building, and car customization -Adam Genei (Detroit, MI), owner/founder of Mobsteel and the Detroit Steel Wheel Company, car designer, fabricator and customizer, advocate for U.S. manufacturing and the skilled trades, and television personality (Mobsteel, Detroit Steel, Overhaulin’, etc.) -Kevin Byrd (Royal Oak, MI), owner/founder of SpeedByrd, performance car builder, ASE certified mechanic with professional training in welding, engineer for Ford Motor Company’s Powertrain Research and Advanced Engines team since 2000, and cohost of Two Guys Garage television and podcast series since 2009

Gilmore plans to contribute at least the following toward the program budget: shop materials, student and instructor meals, hourly staff, and car show entry.

Support from RPM Foundation would be designated toward program costs and would allow us to offer this program relatively free of cost for participants. We anticipate a high volume of interest and plan to select participants through a short application. Participants will be charged a small fee ($50-100) to ensure buy-in, waivable with a brief financial need statement.

2. Who will this grant help and how?

This grant would support youth participation in a comprehensive, dynamic program that fosters critical skills necessary to restore and preserve collector vehicles by supporting hands-on training and develop the next generation of enthusiasts, restorers, and craftspeople.

As a continuation and expansion of our established Gilmore Garage Works program, the Summer Apprenticeships will bring together subject-matter expert instructors, adult mentors, and eager students for meaningful hands-on technical instruction. The experience helps to prepare young people for the workforce, with both technical and soft skills, and helps to illuminate career paths for young people in automotive restoration, repair, and the skilled trades. Certificates of completion listing skills developed during these sessions will be provided for participants to include in program and job applications.

3. How many students will benefit from your request, and what age range are they?

Approximately 24 students (up to six per session, ages 18-22) will benefit from the Gilmore Garage Works Summer Apprenticeship program, in concentrated and meaningful ways. We have intentionally structured the summer apprenticeship programs to be small, so each student will receive intensive, one-to-one, hands-on instruction.

4. If you were to be awarded only a portion of your grant request, do you have the ability to fund the remaining portion? List any alternate sources of funding, and describe your institution’s and community’s commitment to your program.

Gilmore is committed to providing this new program, as it expands and elevates our impressive Garage Works program to national availability. The request in this grant constitutes about half of the need for these offerings, and we are committed to provide Gilmore resources and cultivate other partnerships to fulfill the full need. In “other documents,” please see attached approximate budget along with sources of potential funding.

If needed for budgeting purposes, we could also offer fewer sessions to reduce total program cost. For example, three sessions instead of four would reduce estimated program cost to $26,000.

5. Restoration and preservation professionals are artists and craftspeople. Describe the skills and techniques being taught at your institution and how many hours students are spending receiving hands-on training and classroom learning.

The Gilmore Car Museum provides opportunity for more than 350 annual hours of hands-on training and classroom learning, including Gilmore Garage Works, Winter Workshops Series, Winter Lecture Series, "Hoods Up!" Horsepower Tours, and special featured lectures/presentations.

Technical skills and techniques being taught through Gilmore Garage Works programs include: -Classic car and motorcycle restoration -General automotive repair -Engine rebuilding and performance modifications -Sheetmetal fabrication and metal shaping -Chassis fabrication -Suspension & steering -Manual & hydraulic brake systems -Drivetrain, transmissions, and axles -Welding and metal finishing -Woodworking -Automotive electrical & electronic systems -Paint & body -Interior & trim

6. The RPM Foundation's mission is to support pathways to careers in restoration and preservation. Give examples of how your program directly impacted, or will impact, individuals in their vehicle restoration careers.

The goal of Gilmore Garage Works is to expose students to career options in the automotive trades while providing hands-on instruction in auto restoration technology and developing in them an appreciation for automotive history. Weekly programming includes an overview of careers relevant to skills that are being demonstrated in their current projects. Students leave the Garage Works program with a resume, portfolio, and personal letters of recommendation, and benefit from professional connections through program staff and volunteers.

Since its inception in 2009, the Gilmore Garage Works program has served over 100 students. Some students participate for several years.

Below are a few highlights of recent participants: -In 2017, a high school senior participated in Garage Works and our Great Race team. She went on to complete an associate degree in High Performance Motorsports from the University of Northwestern Ohio and is currently working as a mechanic for Andretti Autosports. In a recent conversation, she shared she wishes she had known of Garage Works earlier so she could have participated for more than one year, and she attributes Garage Works as a contributor toward the doors that have opened for her in her career so far. -Of our current volunteer mentors for Gilmore Garage Works, three are young adults that participated in the program as students and have returned to give back as mentors. These young people work in relevant industries nearby. One of these young volunteers is half of a father/son team that volunteers together. The father recently said, “We are stewards of these vehicles for only one part of history, and it is our responsibility to teach the next generation how to care for them.” -Two of our recent graduates are currently working as technicians at local car dealerships. Shops from across the state have contacted our program directors to inquire about Garage Works students that might be looking for jobs or apprenticeships. -A current participant, a high school junior, plans to attend McPherson College for their automotive restoration program, and has already received an offer of employment for a restoration shop in Michigan upon completion of the McPherson program.

The Summer Apprenticeship program will allow more students from throughout the nation to benefit from the robust history represented at the Gilmore Car Museum as well as our top-notch programming that provides preparation for careers in the automotive industry.

Office: 2702 East D Street, Tacoma, WA98421 | Toll Free: 855.537.4579 | Email: info@rpm.foundation | Website: www.rpm.foundation

December 2, 2021

RPM Foundation 2702 E D St. Tacoma, WA 98421

Dear selection committee:

It is with excitement that we submit two applications for your consideration during this grant cycle. Both requests fall under the umbrella of our Gilmore Garage Works education program, the first being a new Summer Apprenticeship program for Summer 2022, and the second providing scholarship opportunities for youth to participate in our returning Winter Workshop series. Both programs provide hands-on technical education with renowned experts. These experiences help to prepare young people for the workforce with both technical and soft skills and illuminate career paths for young people in automotive restoration, repair, and the skilled trades. We share with the RPM Foundation a passion and commitment to engaging the next generation of restoration and preservation craftspeople through hands-on training and look forward to collaborations with the foundation on these projects as well as other potential connections in the future.

Please contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss any of the details in the attached application. Thank you for your consideration, and for your work in promoting this vital industry! Respectfully,

Amy Everhart Perry Josh Russell Director of Development and Membership Executive Director aperry@gilmorecarmuseum.org jrussell@gilmorecarmuseum.org (269)953-9011 direct (269)953-9036 direct

(517)612-9452 cell (847)812-8230 cell

Gilmore Car Museum 6865 W Hickory Rd Hickory Corners, MI 49060 (269)671-5089 info@gilmorecarmuseum.org gilmorecarmuseum.org EIN 38-6154163

Amy Everhart Perry Director of Development and Membership (269)953-9011 aperry@gilmorecarmuseum.org Amount requested: $15,000 Total project budget: $34,000 Total department budget: $110,000


The mission of the Gilmore Car Museum is to tell the history of America through the automobile and foster experiences which connect people with the history, heritage, and social impact of the automobile through collecting, preserving, and interpreting its story. The Gilmore Car Museum was established in 1966 by Genevieve and Donald S. Gilmore and first opened with a collection of 35 cars on display. Today, the Gilmore Car Museum is North America’s largest auto museum with over 400 vehicles on display and over 190,000 square feet of exhibit space. The Museum is open year-round, and we welcome over 130,000 guests annually. Education is the primary mission of the museum. Through the development of programming and well-balanced interpretive exhibits, we are an important resource for our communities and attendees from around the world.

Education programs at the Gilmore Car Museum include: • Model T Driving Lessons available for purchase, a contributor of revenue for the museum. • Hands-on museum activities for youth, including our Automotive Activity Center supported through a grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation. • School group visits: all K-12 groups are welcomed to the museum for free. • Red Barns Raceway, a 9’x29’ four-lane Scalextric track, one of five stations for school groups visiting the museum. Participants engage in applied science, technology, engineering, and math as they navigate the physics and other components needed for a successful race.

• Winter Lecture Series and Winter Workshops featuring renowned guest speakers/facilitators including: o “How to Paint Your Classic, Collector, or Project Car” (workshop) with Tracy Tichenor, professional bodyman, painter, and custom car builder o “MG – An Interdisciplinary Education” (lecture) by John Twist, MG & British car repair, maintenance, restoration, expert and owner/educator at University Motors Ltd • Family Day and Congress of Motorcars, a hands-on experience of automotive history for all ages. • Gilmore Garage Works, an after-school automotive restoration program for high school students established in 2009. This program currently serves about 20 local students and meets Tuesdays/Thursdays during the school year from 4 to 7 pm. There is no cost to participants, and students are provided dinner and all materials/equipment needed to participate. Tracks include welding, engine building, motorcycles, fabrication, and painting, and many students in the program go on to work in the automotive industry.


Gilmore Garage Works Summer Apprenticeships Inspired by the success of our Winter Workshops, this new program aims to expand the impact of our Garage Works program by providing four distinct four-day workshops during Summer 2022 for post-high school youth aspiring toward careers in the automotive industry. Up to six students per session will experience 20-30 hours of intensive, hands-on, small-group instruction with nationally renowned visiting instructors. In addition to tech education in the shop, the week will include participation in that week’s Gilmore Wednesday Night Cruise-In and relevant Gilmore weekend car show. Estimated program cost is $34,000, about $1,400 per student, and includes modest instructor honorariums, lodging, meals, materials, travel stipends, and hourly staff. The on-site nature enables us to offer this opportunity to motivated young people from across the nation who might not have the ability to participate in our local bi-weekly Garage Works classes. Notable craftspeople/builders who have already expressed interest in serving as special guest instructors for Gilmore Summer Apprenticeship sessions include: • Matt Murray (Boyertown, PA), hot rod builder and founder/host of the Iron Trap Garage YouTube channel (105k subscribers and 26+ million views), producing how-to content on welding, fabrication, restoring, traditional hot rod building, and car customization • Adam Genei (Detroit, MI), owner/founder of Mobsteel and the Detroit Steel Wheel Company, car designer, fabricator and customizer, advocate for U.S. manufacturing and the skilled trades, and television personality (Mobsteel, Detroit Steel, Overhaulin’, etc.) • Kevin Byrd (Royal Oak, MI), owner/founder of SpeedByrd, performance car builder, ASE certified mechanic with professional training in welding, engineer for Ford Motor Company’s Powertrain Research and Advanced Engines team since 2000, and co-host of Two Guys Garage television and podcast series since 2009

Gilmore plans to contribute at least the following toward the program budget: shop materials, student and instructor meals, hourly staff, and car show entry. Support from RPM Foundation would be designated toward program costs and would allow us to offer this program relatively free of cost for participants. We anticipate a high volume of interest and plan to select participants through a short application. Participants will be charged a small fee ($50-100) to ensure buy-in, waivable with a brief financial need statement.


This grant would support youth participation in a comprehensive, dynamic program that fosters critical skills necessary to restore and preserve collector vehicles by supporting hands-on training and develop the next generation of enthusiasts, restorers, and craftspeople. As a continuation and expansion of our established Gilmore Garage Works program, the Summer Apprenticeships will bring together subject-matter expert instructors, adult mentors, and eager students for meaningful hands-on technical instruction. The experience helps to prepare young people for the workforce, with both technical and soft skills, and helps to illuminate career paths for young people in automotive restoration, repair, and the skilled trades. Certificates of completion listing skills developed during these sessions will be provided for participants to include in program and job applications.


Approximately 24 students (up to six per session, ages 18-22) will benefit from the Gilmore Garage Works Summer Apprenticeship program, in concentrated and meaningful ways. We have intentionally structured the summer apprenticeship programs to be small, so each student will receive intensive, one-to-one, hands-on instruction.


Gilmore is committed to providing this new program, as it expands and elevates our impressive Garage Works program to national availability. The request in this grant constitutes about half of the need for these offerings, and we are committed to provide Gilmore resources and cultivate other partnerships to fulfill the full need. In “other documents,” please see attached approximate budget along with sources of potential funding. If needed for budgeting purposes, we could also offer fewer sessions to reduce total program cost. For example, three sessions instead of four would reduce estimated program cost to $26,000.


The Gilmore Car Museum provides opportunity for more than 350 annual hours of hands-on training and classroom learning, including Gilmore Garage Works, Winter Workshops Series, Winter Lecture Series, Hoods Up! Horsepower Tours, and special featured lectures/presentations. Technical skills and techniques being taught through Gilmore Garage Works programs include: • Classic car and motorcycle restoration • General automotive repair • Engine rebuilding and performance modifications • Sheetmetal fabrication and metal shaping • Chassis fabrication • Suspension & steering • Manual & hydraulic brake systems • Drivetrain, transmissions, and axles • Welding and metal finishing • Woodworking • Automotive electrical & electronic systems • Paint & body • Interior & trim


The goal of Gilmore Garage Works is to expose students to career options in the automotive trades while providing hands-on instruction in automotive restoration technology and developing in them an appreciation for automotive history. Weekly programming includes an overview of careers relevant to skills that are being demonstrated in their current projects. Students leave the Gilmore Garage Works program with a resume, portfolio, and personal letters of recommendation, and benefit from professional connections through program staff and volunteers.

Since its inception in 2009, the Gilmore Garage Works program has served over 100 students. Some students participate for several years. Below are a few highlights of recent participants: In 2017, a high school senior participated in Garage Works and our Great Race team. She went on to complete an associate degree in High Performance Motorsports from the University of Northwestern Ohio and is currently working as a mechanic for Andretti Autosports. In a recent conversation, she shared she wishes she had known of Garage Works earlier so she could have participated for more than one year, and she attributes Garage Works as a contributor toward the doors that have opened for her in her career so far.

Of our current volunteer mentors for Gilmore Garage Works, three are young adults that participated in the program as students and have returned to give back as mentors. These young people work in relevant industries nearby. One of these young volunteers is half of a father/son team that volunteers together. The father recently said, “We are stewards of these vehicles for only one part of history, and it is our responsibility to teach the next generation how to care for them.” Two of our recent graduates are currently working as technicians at local car dealerships. Shops from across the state have contacted our program directors to inquire about Garage Works students that might be looking for jobs or apprenticeships. A current participant, a high school junior, plans to attend McPherson College for their automotive restoration program, and has already received an offer of employment for a restoration shop in Michigan upon completion of the McPherson program. The Summer Apprenticeship program will allow more students from throughout the nation to benefit from the robust history represented at the Gilmore Car Museum as well as our top-notch, hands-on programming that provides preparation for careers in the automotive industry.

Relevant links:

• Gilmore Garage Works program webpage • Garage Works feature on WRKR September 28, 2021 • MLive coverage of Gilmore Great Race participation 2017 • Wood TV8 coverage of Gilmore Great Race participation 2017


Guest instructor honorarium Guest instructor travel/lodging Student lodging Student meals Instructor meals Hourly staff Car show entry Travel stipend Student registration fee Materials

January 2022

Gilmore Garage Works Summer Apprenticeship Series: Estimated Program Budget

Amount Quantity Quantiy Explained

$2,000 4 4 instructors, 1 for each of 4 sessions

$800 4

$380 $120 24 6 students x 4 sessions, price for all 4 nights 24 6 students x 4 sessions

$200 $20 $20 $100 ($75) $150 16 4 instructors x 4 sessions 96 One staff member x 8 hours x 3 days (Weds-Fri) x 4 sessions 24 6 students x 4 sessions 24 6 students x 4 sessions 15 Estimated average, accounting for those who submit for fee waiver 28 6 students + 1 instructor x 4 sessions

Total Note

$8,000 $3,200 $9,120 Partnership with nearby facility $2,880 Gilmore $3,200 Gilmore $1,920 Gilmore - staff will already be working on the weekends, not factored into program budget $480 Gilmore $2,400 ($1,125) $4,200 $34,275

RPM Foundation Grants Book 70

For Immediate Release

Gilmore Garage Works Weekly Hands-On Auto Tech and Restoration Classes Set To Begin Tuesday, September 21st

New Garage Works Manager John Chapman To Educate, Encourage, and Inspire Teens

(Hickory Corners, Mich. / September 13, 2021) - Gilmore Garage Works is an innovative automotive education program at the Gilmore Car Museum that matches adult mentors with high school students who have an interest in classic cars, performance cars, motorcycles, and engines, but may not have access to tech or trade skills education curriculums offered within their schools.

Gilmore Garage Works weekly Tuesday and Thursday evening classes are FREE for enrolled students thanks to generous support from the Baum Family Foundation, and are set to begin for the Fall/Winter session on Tuesday, September 21st . The program will be led this year by new Gilmore Garage Works Program Manager John Chapman, a mechanical engineer, automotive industry professional, and lifelong car enthusiast. This educational program not only nurtures a passion for history and all things mechanical, but introduces these students to a unique environment that gives them guided, hands-on experiences in a fully-equipped shop setting, and introduces them to tools, techniques, and safety standards across subjects like restoration, repair, maintenance, engine building, welding, fabrication, electrical wiring, and paint & body. The experiences may motivate students to pursue further education, training, and a career in the skilled trades, or might provide a newfound confidence that ignites a lifelong passion as a DIYer in the collector car hobby. Just as important are the life skills these students learn from the work and from their mentors, such as communication, collaboration, pride and self-confidence. These skills will endure as the longer lasting benefits of this program. For parents and teens interested in learning more about the Fall/Winter 2021 Gilmore Garage Works program, an informational Open House event has been scheduled for:

Gilmore Garage Works Informational Open House Thursday, September 16 5:30pm – 6:30pm ET

Gilmore Car Museum Gilmore Garage Works Shop (red barn to your left, after driving into museum main entrance) 6865 Hickory Rd., Hickory Corners, MI 49060

John Chapman has been a longtime mentor in the Gilmore Garage Works program, and following his recent retirement from Eaton Corporation, has taken over responsibility as Gilmore Garage Works Program Manager. John and the program’s dedicated crew of volunteer mentors are committed to providing positive, inspiring, and fun learning experiences for students. About Gilmore Garage Works Program Manager John Chapman John Chapman was born in Chicago, Illinois, and grew up in nearby South Haven, Michigan. He graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1986, and recently retired from Eaton Corporation - Vehicle Group after 35 years of service. While at Eaton, John worked primarily in automotive valve train system development, and his responsibilities included designing, validating, and launching valve train components for major Original Equipment Manafacturer (OEM) customers. Products included intake/exhaust valves, hydraulic and mechanical lifters, diesel EGR valves, and gasoline direct injection pump actuators. John provided extensive valve train system and component training to Eaton new hires, and to Automotive Aftermarket & OEM customers. Beyond vehicle restoration, John’s other interests include woodworking, hunting, and fishing. For general questions or more information, visit www.GilmoreCarMuseum.org, call (269) 6715089 or email info@gilmorecarmuseum.org The Gilmore Garage Works program is an ideal platform to reach the next generation of automotive technicians, skilled tradespeople, and enthusiasts. If you’d like to volunteer as a guest instructor, or get your company, brand, tools or equipment involved in Gilmore Garage Works educational programming, please contact Gilmore Car Museum Executive Director Josh Russell at JRussell@GilmoreCarMuseum.org or (269) 953-9036. ******

About Gilmore Car Museum

The world-renowned Gilmore Car Museum – North America’s largest auto museum with more than 400 vehicles on display -- is located midway between Chicago and Detroit, just 20 minutes north of Kalamazoo, or 45 minutes south of Grand Rapids. The museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, whose mission is to tell the history of America through the automobile. Learn more at GilmoreCarMuseum.org.

6865 Hickory Road l Hickory Corners, Michigan 49060 PH: (269) 671-5089 l FAX: (269) 671-5843 l GilmoreCarMuseum.org

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