Highlighting an incredible LGBTQ+ Streamer of the FFXIV community FAN-ART
Our fan-art galleria showcasing 6 artists' WoL and their sins INTERVIEW
A housing expert we know and love sharing their expertise of FFXIV Housing ARTICLE
03 We went to gamescom this year to see what would unfold!
HQMOMENT X PATREON SUPPORTERS FEAT. DIAZA LIGHTBRINGER FROM FAMFRIT We're started to give back to our patrons! If you were donating $5 every month, we picked from a hat, and featured one of them this month here. Thank you so much for all of your support though our project. We couldn't have done all we did without your help.
06 - Editors' Letter 08 - Articles 09 - Roleplay 101 12 - Wandering with the Wanderer 19 - The Armoury 21- gamescom: More than a game
26 - Cosplay 27 - Poki’s Cosplay Corner
34 34 - Fan-Art WoL Sin Eaters
Every month we feature FFXIV fan artists that inspires us at EHQ. This month, it's six!
42 - HQ Guides 43 - Pulse of Life 50 - From Seed to Dust
43 56 - Glamour Prism 57 - Crafting Glams 61 - Gathering Glams 65 - Battle Glams 71 - Casual Fare 77 - Mogstation 79 - Event Glam 81 - Le Crystal Belle
92 - /GPOSE Profile ft. Yurian Bey Tribute 104 - Housing 105 - HQ Open House 115 - Coat of Paint 127 - Ashen Bride Interview
142 - Community 143 - Streamer Spotlight ft. Shamanom 147 - Excuse Me? 151 - HQ Fashion 153 - HQ Screenshot 155 - HQ Model 157 - Credits
OUR FAREWELL To our community, It has been a privilege to show you our highest-quality selves and content. We here at EHQ have decided that we will be releasing this September issue as our last and final issue. To be 100% transparent, the reasons for this include IRL obligations, creative burnout, loss of passion, and falling on our sword for the greater good of the FFXIV community. Change is not always a bad thing! We tried valiantly for the past 4 months to bring you a truly rebranded/separate/new project with 38 new staff members who were innocent of any accusations that were made against us regarding you-know-what-and-who. We have gone to great lengths to protect you, the community, and muscle through rebuilding--and we have learned a lot from this experience. This is where EHQ’s path ends, and we CANNOT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH for supporting us and hanging with us through the thick and the thin. We’ll still be around in the greater FFXIV community, and some of us may go on to create other content without the heavy burden that is this project. We’re creatives after all! We are proud of what we have created thus far. We are aiming to move on from things that once were, and are standing up for that now. We will NOT be subject to anymore hatred, as we were never the ones deserving of that. It has caused us a great deal of stress, but has been an extreme lesson learned. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to bring you this content, and learn so many things. Something that fascinates us about online games is the way they bring people together from all corners of the world for the sole purpose of having fun together--and it was the same at EHQ. Our talented staff hailed from a variety of countries, vastly different time zones, and still we worked together to create this magazine. From the Writers who wrote the articles, the Proofreaders who made sure they were all spelled “korektly”, the Photographers who made us look good, and the Designers who made everything look good. Then there were the Website Admins, who kept our window on the internet brightly polished, our Community team who worked the magical arts of Twitter & Instagram, and moderated our discord server as needed...people from different parts of the globe, working to ensure High Quality. Speaking of High Quality content… it’s the perfect introduction to this heat packed edition! To help you stay warm while the cold of winter sets in, we’ve got a hot My Hero Academia cosplay showcase, and we’re featuring multiple artists this issue with a special Shadowbringer-exclusive theme you surely saw blooming on social media.
ROLEPLAY 101 WR I T T E N BY E L SMA R K WHAT IS ROLEPLAY ? Simply put, RolePlay is the diegetic incarnation of your character. Like acting or theatre, RP is about creating a life for your character and playing it in the universe where they belong. Just like you, your character has a personality, a past, a family, connections, and skills that you are portraying and building upon each time you log in. One could even say that it is the essence of the word “avatar”. In every character there is a part of their creator. For MMORPGs such as FFXIV, RolePlay is creation through text and imagination. Whether the player is partaking in solo-play or chooses to interact with other player-characters, their stories are shaped, changed, and molded by their experiences.
HOW TO START? The first step in RolePlay to create a background story for your character: their past, their aspirations, their powers. Also, it is important to consider their appearance. For example, according to the lore of FFXIV, every Sun Seeker (eg. Y'Shtola) has a letter at the beginning of their name denoting which tribe they belong to. If strict nomenclature doesn’t interest you, maybe write into your Sun Seeker’s backstory why they rejected that naming style. Of course, it’s not mandatory to learn all the lore of the game in order to RolePlay, but a general understanding of things like naming conventions and culture will help you to create a more complete and immersive character. The second step is the personality of your character. They are a person with temper, tastes, and various things that make them happy, angry, or any mix of emotions. Unless you want your character to be emotionless--which can be a personality in and of itself!--you’ll want to consider these. It's up to you to decide. Is your character a friendly sort that helps people, or a brusque, selfish person that only serves their own self-interests? You will need some amount of imagination if you wish to start RPing! It is about creating living stories and characters that you like and want to see evolve. The final step is determining what the character will be. If you want to play an actress, a singer, an adventurer, or even a criminal, every step before will help you find out what you want to do with the character, and determine the type of people they will play with, what they will do, which community they are going to join, and so on.
FOR EXAMPLE My own character is named L'Rekka Mahkas. With just that information, FFXIV lore will tell you that she is a woman, a Sun Seeker from the L Tribe, and that her father was named L'Mahkas Nunh. She only spent the earliest years of her childhood with her tribe before her parents had to leave, taking her to Limsa Lominsa. They died a few years later, leaving her alone and in the streets. She managed to travel to the far east when she was found by a mentor who trained her to be a Samurai. When she returned home, she decided to join the Maelstrom to protect what she considered to be her home country. That is the essence of RolePlay, creating a new life within the world you have chosen. Creating engaging characters, making lives for them, living through moments of joy, of fear, or even of pain. You can't control it all, like in the real world, but you can decide how your character will live their life.
CONCRETELY, HOW DOES IT WORK ? In the game, after you’ve created your character, it will be played primarily via text. CHATTING In this particular game, there is no built in microphone, so we write our RolePlay. Firstly, you should know that you're talking by personifying your character. If in RolePlay I say "Hello", everyone will know that my character said that, and not me. Example: L’Rekka Mahkas : Hello everyone ! My character is talking. If you wish to say something as a player, write between parentheses. Example: L’Rekka Mahkas : (Hello everyone !) I, the player, am talking. The other players will be aware that I'm talking to them directly. It's called OOC (Out of Character). ACTION AND DESCRIPTION Actions and descriptions are made once again by text, but in two different ways. While talking, you can describe and act by writing your sentence between asterisks. Describe your actions like stage directions in a theatre script. Example: So yeah, my job… *picks up the glass on the table* … is to teach about what I’m doin’... *takes a sip*. In this way, the person I’m RPing with is aware of what my character is doing and can better imagine the actions and the scene in which we are playing. Without talking, you can also describe and act by writing /em before your sentence. This creates a temporary custom emote text. If there is an action your character uses frequently, check out EHQ’s “Custom Macros for Roleplayers” guide in our August 2019 issue! Example: /em silently stares in front of her.
ROLEPLAY 101 | 10
LEXICON METAGAME : The use of knowledge you’ve acquired as a player but not in RP. It is one of the few things that no RPer will tolerate. (Your character should not know everything that you know!) FORCE RP : Forcing a player to do something IRP (In RolePlay). If you were to act out a battle and end it with “*Kills him*,” you would be making a key decision for another player! Instead, you should write something like “*Tries to kill him*” which leaves the critical decision to the other player--do they dodge the killing blow, or accept their fate? Keep in mind that your character’s actions don’t always succeed. POWERGAME : Doing something unrealistic. If your character were to slice a house in half, no one would believe that. OOC : Out of Character means that you speak or listen as a player and not as your character.
PRO TIPS PREPARE OUTFITS FOR EVERY OCCASION! It’s important that your character be presented consistently. If your pirate character entered a scene wearing a top hat and suit, it would be jarring to everyone’s immersion. DO NOT BE TOO GREEDY WITH YOUR BACKGROUND STORY! If your character is too powerful, they might not be liked by many players. If they are too well-connected with nobility or have too lofty a list of past deeds, you might be stuck providing explanations and acting out certain things that will require massive knowledge of the lore, and could ultimately disrupt your enjoyment of interacting with others. BE TOLERANT! This could be the most important advice, because it’s vital. Everyone does not play the same way, nor do they always have the same vision of RolePlay or even elements of the lore. Many debates still raging in RolePlayer communities. You may accept certain elements that others do not. When you make those connections, make sure your vision of RolePlay is compatible with whoever you plan to RolePlay with. MAKE CONNECTIONS! One of the main purposes of RolePlay is the interaction with other people. Make friends or join a Free Company, and you are sure to have interesting and fun experiences with RolePlay!
The Adventures of Y’lunara Zhed, Archaeologist
Wandering With the Wanderer
Entry I Running a museum isn’t easy. At best you’ll make a tiny profit, or just break even. At worst, you lose all of your funding, go broke, and end up working a corner on the Steps of Thal. Thal’s balls indeed. So, remind me why I’m trying to create a new museum? Am I, the impoverished archaeologist Y’lunara Zhed, that much of a glutton for punishment? Yes, I am. Eorzea’s historical artifacts deserve to be seen. Their mere presence can educate and inspire. And I might just believe that enough to risk everything for a loan. Thankfully, I’m not in this by myself. My long time friend and assistant in adventure, the exquisitely mustachioed engineer Loloto Alleto, is on board. He may be the most exuberant and loud Lalafell I’ve ever met in my life, but his ingenious knack for invention has gotten us out of many tight spots. Lucky for me, after seventeen loan applications, I struck gold. When I hesitantly petitioned the Ul’dahn Syndicate for a loan…I didn’t expect a reply from Godbert Manderville himself, much less him offering to personally fund my venture! I’ll never forget him giving me the news, mostly because I was in awe of the tightness of those short shorts. And to think, he has kids… In any case, Godbert offered a promising deal: establish a museum in the Gold Saucer and repay a debt of 20,000,000 gil over three years. What do I have to lose? Except my legs, of course. Manderville’s people will finish constructing a museum space in a month or so. In the meantime, I intend to get to finding artifacts lest I need Loloto to forge me a new identity. I’ve got a few leads, but the most promising is in Upper La Noscea. A great quake shook the land a few weeks back and caused the water level to recede. A looming, monolithic stone structure was revealed. Reportedly of Nymian build, the imposing structure should have some fine educational looting opportunities. A glowing green rune of Oschon, the Wanderer deity of the Twelve, has been found on land overlooking the great building. Some creative locals have dubbed the structure “The Wanderer’s Palace”. It has a certain ring to it, but I can’t help but think a better name could be developed. Loloto and I are going to sneak in and take a look. This journal will serve as a record of our expedition. I’ll do my best to finish it, assuming some denizen of the ancient ruin doesn’t stab me in the throat. Rumor has it that some damned intrepid adventurers have already made for the structure. If I’ve lost my chance at this, so help me . . . We’d best get moving. Loloto has gone to get a ship and will be back any moment now. 13 | EORZEANHQ
Entry II Do. Not. Sail. On. Lalafell. Ships. Miqo’te may not be amongst the tallest races of Eorzea, but we need leg room! “Oh Y’lunara, you simply don’t appreciate the finer points of Lalafellin design!” I appreciate many things, but cramped spaces and mansplaining engineers are not among them. We’re getting close. I’ve spotted some little green creatures at a distance rushing around on the ramparts. Has this place been populated all this time? What’s going on in there?
Entry III We arrived to see the recently splintered remains of a small passenger boat at the landing. Sounds of combat echoed throughout the chamber. Fantastic! There goes any chance I have at a peaceful encounter. I’m sneaky enough on my own, but I feel bad for whichever adventurers decide to come next. Loloto was to stay with the ship and make sure we didn’t lose our way home. He tossed me a heavy, clinking satchel. “A few tools and gadgets to make your life easier.” I hurriedly rearranged and muffled the contents of the bag. “Remember the two rules: find a way to get paid, and don’t die!” Loloto’s voice sounded more confident than my own as I replied: “Now when’s the last time you saw me die?” With that, I turned to venture inward. A long, high-ceilinged entryway led into the palace. I readied my gun, a silver revolver bearing the mark of the Skysteel machinists, and walked down the entryway. I would have loved to take a moment to admire the Nymian handiwork: strange pillars that were slender at the base and widened at the top, like a structurally necessary wine glass. But I didn’t get much more than a few glances at the architecture due to the peculiarly horrifying sight that awaited me. A giant, green, fish-tailed creature stood before me wielding a lantern and a bloody, sharp chef’s knife. It was dressed like a beggar. The knife-bearing monster made violent, efficient work of two sword-wielding adventurers. The men, a Hyur and a Roegadyn, fell beside a series of verdant corpses. I had walked into a war zone.
I now recognized the green creatures as tonberries, Lalafellin members of ancient Nym who purportedly succumbed to a disease known as the Green Death, twisting and shaping their bodies into these strange beings. The origin of tonberries was not commonly known, but I had obsessively pored over the archives on Nymian culture at the Arcanist Guild’s library in Limsa Lominsa. In truth, tonberries were kind of cute. I mean, cute if you ignored the butcher’s knives they all carried. I don’t think that’s tomato juice on their blades. The giant tonberry patrolled down the corridor out of my vision. The coast seemed clear, so I carefully entered the room - a circular antechamber bearing another mark of Oschon. The bodies, seven in total if you count the adventurers, fell curiously close to the mark of the Wanderer. Were the tonberries defending it? In any case, I’d best get back. I took some sketches and aetherometer readings of the room for future reference . . . Just in case I end up famous. Or dead.
Written by Val Alleria
THE ARMOURY Autumn is here. The heat gradually dissipates from the air and reinvents itself through the warm colours of trees and plants. Yellows mingle with oranges and reds to create flamboyant landscapes. Eventually, even this final ornament will drift away on the wind, revealing trunks and branches, naked silhouettes where the last few leaves still resist the inevitable.
With this scenery as a backdrop, Conjurers and Thaumaturges gather to celebrate Azeyma the Warden according to ancient rites. They await the moment when the noble lady waves her golden fan from the Seven Heavens, causing life on the Source to slow down for a time. For this particular occasion, White Magi use an ancient rod that was once part of nature and still carries the memory of strength and eternal rebirth in its core. This relic from another era is rare, but you can trust Rowena’s staff to help you find it, should you desire...
OMNIROD CNJ WHM, LEV. 50 PNJ : AELINA FOR 3 ROWENA’S TOTEMS "A relic from the same fallen civilization that produced the Omnitome, the Omnirod fascinated the Allagans, the secret to its construction an enigma that left imperial scholars mazed until the very fall of the Empire. Even today, the wand remains unable to be reproduced, the only ones in existence being the ones discovered by the Sons of SaintCoinach at their dig in Mor Dhona." Encyclopaedia Eorzea II, p. 212
MORE THAN A GAME gamescom 2019 Special Coverage Another year, another gamescom!
What was in it for them? Winners received the Square Enix once again brought our favorite extremely limited and treasured “I Beat” T-shirts game to Cologne, Germany, showcasing FFXIV and a Shadowbringers lanyard. in the biggest booth ever. From August 20th- On top of that, Square Enix gave players the 24th, convention-goers had the chance to prove chance to get on the stage and fight against themselves against the Titania and Innocence Eden normal-mode, random extreme trials, or normal mode trials. This was either a simple task Titania or Innocence Extreme. The prize for for parties of 8 experienced players, or a difficult success against one of these fights was even challenge for those who had never touched the grander than the shirts alone – a purple drawgame previously. It was not uncommon to see string bag containing a foam sword in the style of people rejoin the queue to try again! the Warrior of Darkness. As none of these items 21 | EORZEANHQ
WR I T T E N BY L EXICONA are available for retail purchase, the information counter on the back of the stage packed with people every morning seeking to register for those stage shows. Groups were picked randomly every day so everyone had the same chance. That wasn’t all! Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida visited gamescom again this year and gave interviews to media outlets. He was simultaneously logged in with his character “Yoshi-p Sampo” and visited random servers, standing at one location so players could take screenshots with him. After his long interview schedules, he came down to the FFXIV booth on Thursday and Friday and gave Q&A sessions, together with Banri Oda, the Main Scenario Writer and World Lore Creator. Lucky people in
the crowd were hand-picked by Yoshida to play together against Titania and Innocence Extreme and were given the opportunity to not only win the prizes, but also have them signed! Another highlight of the event was the cosplay contest. Cosplayers could register their costume at the information counter and had three pictures taken. An internal panel of Square Enix employees made a pre-selection of twenty cosplayers who were able to present themselves on-stage Friday afternoon. There they could show their costumes off to not only the jury, consisting of Yoshida-san, Foxclon and Oda-san, but also the huge crowd in Hall 9. The line-up was very diverse, ranging from a cute Chocobokeep to an outstanding cosplay of the Warrior of Darkness by winner Chezah. It was
obvious that every cosplayer on stage put a lot of effort and love into their costumes. Last but not least there was one other special event at gamescom for us FFXIV fans – the Fan Gathering. On Friday night, Square Enix invited roughly 800 people to a party in an old storehouse which is now a dance club. The attendees were randomly picked beforehand out of all players who preregistered via email. The venue had multiple floors and even outdoor spots where one could catch a breather after all that dancing. It was a fun opportunity talk to in-game friends, connect with new players, and make new friends! Throughout all of gamescom, one thing was certain – there is no other community like ours. Everyone is so invested, so passionate and so in love with FFXIV. I learned a lot about how this game connects people. For some, it helped them through a difficult time in their life. For others, it helped to build a sense of self-esteem. For many, it provides a sense of community--of belonging. Although there were so many strangers around, it never felt like it around the FFXIV booth. Nor did it feel like a promotion by a big company that only wants to make a sale. No. It felt like a big, heartfelt family gathering. And that is why I love and play FINAL FANTASY XIV.
ALL MIGHT DISCIPLE | PALADIN REQUIREMENTS | LVL 60, MGP (GOLD SAUCER) COLOURS | DESERT YELLOW, ROYAL BLUE, PURE WHITE Everything is fine now. Why? Because this cosplay is here! It may seem daunting to cosplay a character as inspiring as All Might. He faces every challenge with a fearless and optimistic smile. He’s the perfect example of what you can achieve with perseverance and willpower. These qualities make him an all-time favorite of anime fans, and inspired us to put this cosplay together. The Creed Cuirass coupled with some Woolen Tights in royal blue are so eye catching, the perfect combination for such a fun look. Once you’ve put on some armored gauntlets and greaves, all that’s left is your Bunny Crown in desert yellow. Sure, that sounds a little weird, but it helps recreate his unique hairstyle. Now you’re ready to go beyond! Plus ultra! “When there’s nothing to be gained, rising to the challenge at those times is surely the mark… of a true hero!” - All Might
Bunny Crown
Titanium Gauntlets of Fending
Creed Cuirass
Woolen Tights
Doman Steel Greaves of Fending
Eikon Leather Armguards of Casting
Ghost Barque Coatee of Casting
Lucian Prince’s Boots
Mythrite Goggles of Crafting
Legacy Warrior Breeches
DISCIPLE | CASTER DPS REQUIREMENTS | LVL 61, MOGSTATION COLOURS | JET BLACK, DALAMUD RED, NOPHICA GREEN, SOOT BLACK Everyone loves a rambunctious and aggressive character. Bakugou is extremely well known for having a short temper and an arrogant nature. But when you put all of that aside, he’s still incredibly talented and motivated to become a hero that emerges victorious from any challenge! With that in mind, it seemed only fitting that I live up to his example and take on the challenge of creating a cosplay of his character, so I hope you all enjoy it. The Mythrite Goggles of Crafting in jet black help to imitate his dark costume mask. Next, I recommend the Ghost Barque Coatee of Casting in dalamud red which should give you that sharp and edgy look that Bakugou pulls off quite nicely. Once you get your boots and pants on, you’ll just need some sturdy looking gloves in nophica green in order to pay tribute to his large grenade-like gauntlets. “I break… and break myself… Even if it means twisting myself, I’ll win the way I choose…” - Bakugou Katsuki POKI’S COSPLAY CLOSET | 30
DISCIPLE | HEALER REQUIREMENTS | LVL 60, PVP COLOURS | SNOW WHITE, TURQUOISE GREEN, SNOW WHITE, DALAMUD RED It’s not too bold to say that plenty of us are much more than meets the eye. Midoriya (more commonly referred to as “Deku”) is timid and insecure. But underneath his reserved and nervous exterior is the heart of a true hero who aspires to be the new symbol of peace in a world full of chaos! This lovable underdog goes through so many trials and obstacles in life, trying to overcome struggles that many other kids around him would never have to endure. Deku is a fantastic character, worthy of praise… and of this cosplay! With the Sky Rat Mask of Healing in snow white, you’ll be able to give off a strikingly similar vibe to the smiling respirator that Deku wears in the show. The Anemos Gambison and Sarouel in turquoise green are wildly stylish and easy to move around in, just like his jumpsuit. After you have your red boots on and your white gloves, you’ll be worthy enough to inherit One For All! “I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I’ll never catch up otherwise… I want to be like you… Like you! The strongest hero. “ - Izuku Midoriya
Anemos Gambison
Makai Moon Guide’s Fingerless
Anemos Sarouel
Survival Boots
Sky Rat Mask of Healing
SIN EATER x WoL This month’s fan-art showcase is all about our journey through the First. We’re doing a special fanart section where we are featuring multiple artists who’ve caught our eyes. Discover those gems in our SinEater / LightWarden WoL galleria for this issue.
© 20 1 0 - 20 1 9 S Q UA R E E N I X C O . , LT D. A L L R I G H T S R ESERVED. F I N AL FAN TASY X I V
Forgiven Resentment Digital Media 2019
Luna Solstice | BRIMOCHI Twitter:@mint_sheepu | Tumblr:@brimochi | Patreon:@brimochi Choosing the sin I wanted was a bit difficult since I was looking for something that fit her story / lore. The definition of resentment is a bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly which I think suits the events throughout her journey as a WoL and the lessons she has learned. Design wise I’ve always been drawn to creating anything lunar or astral in my characters so creating my own sin when they first appeared in game was a plus. I wanted to make her beautiful, yet intimidating. Her tail was especially fun to brainstorm; I wanted to design something that can easily devour anyone with a single bite, it being her main weapon besides other things.
Temperantia Digital Media 2019
Tristeaux Demorelle | GIDDEUS Twitter:@giddeus I wanted to name a Lightwarden after the cardinal virtue of temperance because the character, pre-transformation, is completely self-indulgent and without restraint. He is a former inquisitor of Ishgard, so the religious theme seemed fitting.
Forgiven Solitude Digital Media 2019
Evah Tenebrae | ORH-HU Twitter:@Reve_ory To choose the sin I wanted to draw, I simply had to think about my character. Or rather, to think like her. She’s an acclaimed hero, loved by most and whose presence is always requested, be it for duty or just a simple chat. She’s always surrounded by people and yet she can’t help but find loneliness in that. At times, this makes her wish for true solitude... The one in which you’re truly alone with yourself, where no faking is needed and just peace is left.
Ayakashi, the Forgiven Caprice Digital Media 2019
Kai Mizushima | Jackson Twitter:@himbolizard | Twitter:@gremlinkisser My WoL, Kai Mizushima, is a good person at his core, but has immense problems with impulsivity that sometimes end in disaster. His story as a character and a warrior of light begins with him leaving home and running away from his family out of a desire to shirk the responsibility of becoming his tribe’s khan, and he struggles with this burden continuously for the rest of his life. As such, the way in which he ends up hurting people often relates to his capriciousness-- him acting on whims without much of a second thought as to how it’ll affect others around him. As far as the name Ayakashi goes, ayakashi are a type of Japanese yōkai and are the souls of the dead who drowned at sea and will attempt to drown others to join them. With Kai being Far Eastern and his half-Raen heritage leading him to have faith in the Kami, and with the idea of the WoL ‘drowning’ or becoming a lightwarden within the depths of the Tempest, as well as Kai’s love for the ocean, I found it fitting.
Forgiven Regret Digital Media 2019
Chakha Kagon | STROMICUSREX Twitter: @StromicusRex Chakha has pretty intense survivor’s guilt over Haurchefant’s death, blaming herself for not being strong enough to save him. The gold on her face represents the tears she’s shed over his death, the hole in her chest is the same shape as the hole in his shield; and yet, through all of the regret, she still smiles for him. Ironically, in transforming into a Lightwarden, she would finally become at peace.
Light Warden Altruism - Forgiven Bravado Digital Media 2019
ALETERASU TSUBASA Twitter: @Sushi_Aleterasu | Instagram: sushi_aleterasu I chose my sin based on my character’s willingness to always be brave, courageous, motherly, and so much more. Within the story, your character as the WoL is always there. Ready to take action, muttering to yourself when you’re playing the game, “Man, this guy just pissed off the wrong person!” This confidence and boldness is not met without backlash. Thus Light Warden Altruism was born with her soul eater egi’s. (I was a SMN Main throughout ShB)
T E A MWORK M A KES T HE DR E A M WO R K Hello and welcome to another edition of Pulse of Life! Let's talk co-healers; the dream team of every static, the players who have power over life and death! Shadowbringers' first tier of Savage raiding is live, so it’s time to shed some light on this key element of teamwork within your raid group.
HEALERS To start off, let’s compare the playstyles of the three healing jobs. We’ve previously talked about specific aspects of healing, such as MP management in the August issue, but this time we're going to do an overview of each healer’s strengths and discuss how to pair them up for best results. WHITE MAGE is the most iconic healing class in the Final Fantasy series. This job focuses on pure regen healing; they simply restore health and have few gimmicks such as shields or buffs in their toolkit. White Mage has a wide selection of healing spells to choose from, including big single target heals, spells to regenerate health over time, and powerful group heals. As of patch 5.05, White Mage healing is very potent and their damage is incredibly strong. In addition, this is arguably the easiest healer to pick up and play, so the job is very beginner-friendly. SCHOLAR boasts an extensive kit of abilities that allows them to adapt quickly to any situation in an encounter. They heal alongside a fairy pet via Summon Eos or Summon Selene. As a Scholar, your fairy not only heals allies on its own, but also provides a wide variety of cooldowns you can use to heal the party directly or boost your own healing output. In addition, Scholars can cast shields on either a single player or the entire group to prevent incoming damage. Where the White Mage restores lost health, the Scholar aims to mitigate the amount of damage to be healed. As of patch 5.05, Scholar brings good damage and an extremely adaptable healing kit. While this can be a difficult job for beginners to learn, the results are quite rewarding! ASTROLOGIANS can choose whether they wish to play as a regen healer or a shield healer by selecting either Diurnal Sect or Nocturnal Sect prior to combat. This allows the Astrologian to adapt to the needs of their group and provide whichever type of healing is lacking. They also draw and play Arcana cards to buff the party’s damage. Players must master the art of weaving Arcana in between healing the party and damaging the boss in order to succeed at this job. Astrologian received a large potency buff to their healing spells in patch 5.05, but their ability to restore MP is still limited compared to other healers. Their personal DPS is also lower due to the Arcana buffs they bring.
PAIRS Now that we’ve talked about the merits of each healing job, how should we go about pairing up healers to account for each job’s strengths? If you’re using party finder, you won’t always be able to pick your healing partner, and that’s ok! It’s important to note that even Savage raid content can be cleared with any combination of healers. If you’re progressing with a static, however, you should take time to talk to your co-healer and decide which healing jobs work best with your group. The ideal combination is one regen healer and one shield healer, as having access to both mitigation and strong direct healing allows for more flexibility and smoother progression when tackling a new boss.
CO-HEALING Since most dungeons only require a light party, you can progress through a large portion of the game before you ever encounter a second healer in your group. Knowing how to maximize your performance without constantly stepping on your partner’s toes is crucial at endgame if you intend to heal in an organized static. With that in mind, let’s take a look at three important aspects of co-healing.
a panic to heal the tank, resulting in a complete waste of a valuable cooldown. Once you’ve mastered Adaptability and Coordination, there’s still a third aspect to consider. A good co-healer engages in Analysis after the raid night ends to review their performance and look for ways to correct mistakes. If you use a damage meter, or if someone in your group logs the fight, be sure to check out XIV Analysis for helpful suggestions on improving your play. You might learn that you’re doing a lot of overhealing: casting heals that exceed your target’s maximum HP. Objectively analyzing your logs can help you feel more comfortable using fewer heals next time and casting more Malefic IV, Broil III, or Glare instead. Co-healing is all about balance, and good Analysis will help you find the sweet spot. Matching up the ideal healer composition isn't terribly important for the majority of game content, but it's still worth consideration. Understanding how all of the healers match up can make the difference between a fun experience or a frustrating evening of gaming. Adaptability, Coordination, and Analysis. Healing has a steep learning curve, it truly is a skill you have to grow, so don’t be discouraged if you mess up a few times! Wishing you the best of luck in your adventures!
The first key trait of a good co-healer is Adaptability. In order to work well as a pair, each healer should know what their partner has available at key points in the fight and adjust their own play accordingly. For example, if raid-wide damage is about to go out and your co-healer always has a cooldown ready to heal through it, your attention is best spent elsewhere. Focus on splitting healing tasks efficiently, and trust your co-healer to handle a mechanic alone when they have cooldowns ready. It may feel strange at first, but as you learn to adapt to the other healer’s playstyle, you’ll both find more time to DPS while still providing sufficient healing for the encounter. Another important trait when healing in a raid group is Coordination. Becoming an adaptable co-healer requires you to think independently and adjust your play when necessary. On the other hand, Coordination entails mapping the fight out with your healing partner so you’re on the same page when it comes to properly timing your party’s most potent cooldowns. Knowing exactly when Living Dead or Superbolide will be used allows you and your co-healer to plan ahead and decide who will have the primary role of topping up the tank’s health after the big hit. Without a discussion beforehand, you might both use large cooldowns in PULSE OF LIFE | 48
Merida Quigg’s
and Gathering...
CRAFTING CORNER From Seed to Dust | Welcome to Merida's crafting and gathering corner! This month we are going over Aetherial Reduction and an introduction to crafting high end raid gear (with fall around the corner, make sure to prepare some warm crafting glams)!
MIN/BTN | Aetherial Reduction down using Aetherial Reduction to get crystals/ clusters and sand. (Aetherial Reduction can be found in Actions & Traits under the General tab) There are four types of sands: Chiaroglow, Make sure you have a good amount of inventory Scuroglow, Agedeep, and Agewood Aethersands, before heading out. To start off, turn on Collector’s the first two are used in potions and the last Glove and place markers down at the nodes around two are used to make the new ilvl 450 DoW/ the Ephemeral node. These are all timed nodes, DoM gear! Just to note, even if you don’t get 450 check the infographic for the locations and the collectability, the reductions are still useful! This items needed to reduce. Once you have clicked is a great way to farm crystals and clusters! on the Ephemeral node, follow the rotation below. The best way to farm these is once you have Ephemeral nodes are different from the regular gathered at the Ephemeral node, fly to the first timed nodes; once you have finished gathering at pair of normal nodes and click on one of them, the Ephemeral node (as long as you are still within then close the gathering window. You can then the time window) you can visit the regular nodes fly to a second node pair and do the same. The Ephemeral node respawns again after you have around it to make it respawn. Gathering at Ephemeral nodes is all about interacted with two nodes at different node pairs; maximizing your GP; the rotation below gives you don’t need to gather from either of them. you the opportunity to not waste any GP on a Then you can fly back to the Ephemeral node and low rarity gather. To get the sands, you want 450 gather again! Aetherial Reduction is another kind of gathering; using Collector’s Glove you collect items from Ephemeral nodes which can be reduced into special sand and crystals/clusters!
collectability or higher. Once you have gathered several of these collectables, you can break them
QUIGG’S TIPS AND TRICKS Once an Ephemeral node spawns, it doesn’t go away until the time runs out or you have gathered everything from it. So, let’s say the bonus you get a +2 gathering attempt but don’t have the 600 GP needed, you can close out of the node and wait until your GP has refilled then open it again. The +2 gathering attempt will still be there!
Ephemeral 8/8 rotation Impulsive Appraisal 2
Methodical Appraisal
Discerning Eye
Single Mind
Utmost Caution
Instinctual Appraisal
If Discerning Eye procs
Collect 1
Collect 2 If Discerning Eye procs
If Discerning Eye procs
Ephemeral Nodes DoL
Closest Teleport
Gale Rock
Sweet Marjoram
Fort Jobb
Fort Jobb
Bog Sage
Shade Quartz
White Clay
(The big Sage reduces into Agewood Sand)
Fisher Aetherial Reduction is pretty easy for fishing, you turn on Collector’s Glove and fish! There are two ways of gathering sands for fisher. One is doing spearfishing for Chiaroglow and Scuroglow Aethersands, and the other is rod fishing for Ageflow Aethersands!
Spearfishing! Make sure you have a good amount of inventory before heading out. To start off, turn on Collector’s Glove and place markers down at each of the nodes around the Teeming Waters (these are the spearfishing nodes). Before gathering, make sure you have the correct Gig Head attached; (Small Gig for Deepwood Swim (x:20, y:22) and Large Gig for North Lyhe Ghiah (x:20, y:13) depending on which gig you use, it changes the kind of fish you can gather at each Teeming Waters. Timing matters for spear nodes. Once you click on one, you will see a small burst of bubbles in a ring around the node. This is the indicator to gather; after the first bubble ring, wait a few seconds, then there will be another bubble ring. You can gather each time you see these indicators until you have gathered everything at the node. It is important to note that as soon as you open the node, you will see a bubble ring - you can not gather immediately, you must wait for the next one to appear before starting to gather.
QUIGG’S TIPS AND TRICKS If you close a Teeming Waters node, you will lose one gathering attempt!
Spearfishing Skills When spearfishing, there are three main skills you will use: Identical Gig, Veteran Trade, and Calm Waters. Identical Gig makes it so whatever fish you have just speared, you will then catch for the rest of the node. Veteran Trade makes it so the fish you just caught will not be caught again at that node. Calm Waters gives you another attempt at the node. The best method for spearfishing is using a combination of Identical Gig and Veteran Trade. Since there are only about three fish you can catch per gig size, these skills allow you to target the fish you want! For example, when you start gathering at the node and the first fish you gather isn’t the one you want, you use Veteran Trade so you won’t catch it again on that node. The next gather attempt will most likely be the one
you want; you can then use Identical Gig and that will be the only fish you catch until you run out of gathering attempts! If the node has an increased chance of HQ, you can use Calm Waters to catch another big one! For the most part, though, you want to use your GP on the first two skills!
Identical Gig Veteran Trade Calm Waters
Rod Fishing Make sure you have a good amount of inventory before heading out and have the correct bait/lures. To catch Predator fish you can use Moyebi Shrimp (purchasable at most vendors in the First), Short Bill Minnow (Gathering Yellow Scrips under the Lv. 70 Items), or Squid Strips (Gathering White Scrips under the Lv. 80 Items). Once you have a sufficient amount of bait or a few lures, head to the Tempest! To start off, turn on Collector’s Glove and make sure Snagging is turned off. There are two main ways of fishing for Predators: the passive and proactive way. I like to use a macro either way so I can know the timing of the catch. A Predator will only bite after 12+ seconds; after the 12 second mark, watch for a medium tug of the rod!
PREDATOR TIMING MACRO /ac “Cast” <wait.10> /echo 10 <se.6> <wait.2> /echo 12 <wait.3> /echo 15 <se.1>
Passive Fishing To start, use the macro or simply Cast with one of the correct baits on the line. After the 12 second mark, Hook any tug that is medium. If there’s no medium tug, you can let the fish take the bait and try again. If you Hook a Predator, use Identical Cast - this will make the next fish you catch another Predator! Rinse and repeat! This method has two downsides: it’s slower to catch a Predator, and you don’t control the size of the fish you catch. You need larger fish to get sands from reduction; this method leaves that to RNG!
Active Fishing To start, use Patience II and then use the macro or Cast. After the 12 second mark, use Powerful Hook on any medium tug; if you see a small tug then do not hook. If more than 15 seconds have passed, use Hook to reel in your line and try again. If you hook a Stormfish, you can use Surface Slap so you won’t catch it again on your next attempt.
(You still want to make sure you have enough GP to use Powerful Hook and, ideally, Identical Cast!) Continue this method until you hook a Predator! Once you hook a Predator, use Identical Cast to get a second one! You can use a Cordial while fishing - this is important to make sure you have enough GP for Identical Cast.
QUIGG’S TIPS AND TRICKS - Don’t forget you can use Release to put back any unwanted fish and keep your inventory clear! - If you have been fishing for a while in the same spot, you might get the message “The fish sense something amiss” - just move over a few feet and start casting again!
- Make sure to pay attention to the node condition! Does it have +1/+2 to gathering attempts? If it does, it might be good to use your GP for a possible extra gather!
- To keep your inventory from being clogged, you can stop and reduce some of the items you gathered while waiting for GP to regen! - There are a few other useful fish at The Norvrandt Slope, Azure Sea Spider is a leve turn in and - M ake sure you are not capped or close to cap Sweetflesh Oyster (must have Snagging on to on crystals/clusters! You don’t want to reduce a catch oysters) for crafting! bunch of items and lose out on all those crystals/ clusters! - G P is important when gathering for Aetherial Reduction so make sure you are stocked up on cordials!
- A quick tip is to put the skill Aetherial Reduction on your hotbar for quick access!
Aetherial Reduction Location
Bait/Gig/ Mooch
Tug/ Hookset
Deepwood Swim
x20 y22
Small Gig
Il Mheg
Scuroglow Aethersand
North Lyhe Ghiah
x20 y13
Large Gig
Il Mheg
Chiaroglow Aethersand
x29 y15
Short Bill Minnow/Squid Strips
Il Mheg
Voeburt Bichir
Il Mheg
The Tempest The Norvrandt Slope
Ageflow Medium/ Powerful Aethersand
ONE LAST THING! You can buy the sands with White Scrips from Scrip Exchange vendors under White Gatherers’ Scrip Exchange (Lv. 80 Items). I wouldn’t suggest doing this because they cost a lot of scrips, but if you are in quick need of a particular sand you can use White Scrips!
Pixie Cotton Apron of Crafting
Hidefiendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knife
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting
Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting
Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting
PIXIE COTTON DISCIPLE | LEATHERWORKER REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, WHITE SCRIPS COLOURS | PURE WHITE To our dear friend Feo Ul, we thank them for this soft and luxurious look. It befits any discipline of crafter, but is most appreciated by the leatherworker. This look is elevated by bold metal details to contrast the soft tailored cotton which fits in classic form, and remains durable during work sessions.
Gemfiend’s Mallet
Zonureskin Gloves of Crafting
DISCIPLE | GOLDSMITH REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, WHITE SCRIPS COLOURS | N/A You’re sure to find this outfit suitably durable for exploring the great woods in search of the finest of jewelry materials. Whether they will be bangles, bracelets, rings, or necklaces, each detail inscribed is a reflection of your dedication to your craft.
Zonureskin Shoes of Crafting
Classic Spectacles
Pixie Cotton Breeches of Crafting
Brightlinen Turban of Gath
Fieldfiend’s Hachet
Smilodonskin Gloves of Gathering
BRIGHTLINEN DISCIPLE | BOTANIST REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, WHITE SCRIPS COLOURS | N/A Frolick in the flower fields of Il Mheg in this bold Brightlinen attire! You’ll likely be mistaken for a flower yourself! Cultivate the seeds of success with a colorful update to the once-beloved Ala Mhigan gear.
Brightlinen Coat of Gathering
Brightlinen Bottoms of Gathering
Smilodonskin Shoes of Gathering
DWARVEN THOLL DISCIPLE | MINER REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, WHITE SCRIPS COLOURS | MUD GREEN, PURE WHITE Lali-Ho! Ready your pickaxes and fluff up your magnificent beards! It’s off to work we go, for only the finest of metals will do against those scraggly Goggs!
Minefiend’s Picka
Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering
Swallowskin Coat
Swallowskin Gloves
Dwarven Cotton Breeches
Swallowskin Boots
Augmented Deepshadow Gloves of Striking
Augm Augmented Deepshadow Blade
Augmented Deepshadow Scale Mail Striking
mented Deepshadow Halfmask
Augmented Deepshadow Bottoms of Striking
DISCIPLE | SAMURAI REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, PHANTASMAGORIA, E1S-4S (TWINE, SOLVENT, COATING, BOOKS) COLOURS | N/A Through the thick and thin we strove for greatness in the lightâ&#x20AC;¦ only to be disappointed. Good is not always just. Now is the time of reckoning. We are the deepest shadow against the brightest light. We shall prevail.
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Striking
Edengrace Jacket of Casting
Edengrace Rod
Edengrace Breeches of Casting
EDENGRACE DISCIPLE | BLACK MAGE REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, PHANTASMAGORIA, E1S-4S (TWINE, SOLVENT, COATING, BOOKS) COLOURS | N/A Flare me once, gigaflare me twice. This set is reminiscent of Ascian inspiration, with accents of glistening gold elegance. With great fashion comes great annihilation, as the old saying goes, and this glamour a great look for any caster with calamitous aspirations.
Edengrace Circlet of Casting
Edengrace Halfgloves of Casting
Nabaath Cap of Healing
Nabaath Codex
Nabaath Gloves of Healing
Nabaath Bottoms of Healing
Nabaath Shoes of Healing
NABAATH DISCIPLE | SCHOLAR REQUIREMENTS | LVL 77, MALIKAHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WELL (SHB DUNGEON) COLOURS | UNDYEABLE As healers, it is our duty to preserve life, and what better way to learn than by understanding that which connects all life? Buried beneath layers of silt and sand is the secret to our past, and the key to our future: veins of ancient Aether woven betwixt fossilized creatures of eld.
DISCIPLE | ANY REQUIREMENTS | MOGSTATION COLOURS | DALAMUD RED Red silk rustles, illuminated by golden lights; the long side slit reveals her slender legs. “Who said blondes were better?” She places a hand on her curvy hip, striking a seductive pose. “I may be a brunette, but you’ll see. All eyes will be on me. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Her lips curve into an unforgettable smirk.
Dried Red Oldrose
Eastern Socialite’s Cheongsam
Eastern Socialite’s Gloves
Eastern Socialite’s Skirt
Eastern Socialite’s Boots
Falconerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bottom
Winter Sweater
SWEATER WEATHER DISCIPLE | ANY REQUIREMENTS | VETERAN REWARD (330 DAYS) COLOURS | WINE RED, JET BLACK Finally--it’s sweater weather! ‘Tis the season of falling leaves, crisp air, and pre-gaming in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner. Oh, and pumpkin spice everything!
Leonhart Boots
Vanya Gloves of Healing
Loyal Housemaidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pumps
Songbird Hat
Voeburtite Tunic of Healing
Loyal Housemaidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bloomers
DISCIPLE | HEALER REQUIREMENTS | LVL 73, DOHN MHEG (SHB DUNGEON) COLOURS | KOBOLD BROWN, DARK BROWN) A broken oath to the Sanctum, fleetingly forgotten with the promise of resplendent luxury. She was reborn a duchess, wild and free, yet content with a life of complacency; most importantly, a life safe from the sin eaters. But at what cost?
Scion Hearer’s Hood
Scion Hearer’s Coat
Scion Hearer’s Shoe
Aymur Pagos
n Liberator’s Fingerless Gloves
KRILE DISCIPLE | WHITE MAGE REQUIREMENTS | MOGSTATION, EUREKA COLOURS | UNDYED Our favorite little Lalafell’s outfit is finally available to us! Sharpen your wits, and get ready to adventure. Don’t forget to exclaim, “Eureka!” when you’ve made a discovery worthy of the Students of Baldesion.
ARCHAEOTANIA AMPHIBIAN DISCIPLE | ANY REQUIREMENTS | ARCHAEOTANIA FATE (TEMPEST): ARCHAEOTANIA HORNS (12 HORNS TOTAL) FOR OUTFIT. FORMDIABLE FATE (KHOLUSIA): (12 COGS) FOR MOUNT. COLOURS | UNDYED How could we not make a glam with this cute suit?! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comfortable, practical, adorable (on some, at least) and will jump start your heart when you see its dead eyes gleaming at you from the corner of a darkened room.
Toad Head
Ironfrog Mover
Le Crystal BellE Hello, beautiful Eorzeans! Welcome back to a revamped segment called The Crystal Belle in which we, your trusted beauty gurus, will do all we can to have you looking fabulous while you stroll through the wonderful cities of Eorzea and beyond. In this month’s segment, we want you to ask yourself: are you an Autumn or a Winter? You’ve heard that the seasons change and bring the beauty of Autumn foliage, followed by the chill of winter - but did you know that some favour the chill, and some favour the vibrancy of those fallen leaves? Continue reading to find out if you are an earthy, Autumn Goddess or a beautiful Ice Queen. Every skin tone has its strength - as well as every eye colour. You’d be surprised what a difference your makeup can make! Would a cool hue adorning your eyes best bring out the rose in your cheeks? Perhaps - but then, what about a deep, rosy rust on those lids to bring out those bright, dazzling baby blues? Finding the most flattering colour palette can be a challenge - but it can also be such a delight.
Autumn is a time when the leaves change and the world turns into a whirlwind of warm colours. Shades of brown, red, orange and yellow dominate this beautiful season, but how do you know if you’re an Autumn? We will be looking at three different factors to determine this. The first, and perhaps the most important one, is your skin tone. Skin tones that go best with the warm colours of Autumn are ones that have a golden or a warm undertone. Pale and dark skin tones alike can feature an overall warm undertone to them. The next feature that we will be looking at is hair colour. Typical Autumns can have any shade that has a warm, rich colour to it. This could include anything from darker blondes, browns and auburns, to black hair. The final feature that we will examine will be eye colour. These also range in a wide variety to include browns, greens, yellows and even red! So let’s look at a few examples of Autumns, shall we? This Hyur model has a pale skin tone, but features a slight warm undertone. She has strawberry blonde hair and honey brown eyes. I’ve paired a peach coloured blush (Light - 163) along with a darker peachy-pink lip colour (Dark - 35) to complement her skin tone.
This Viera model has a dark, warm, brown skin tone with black hair and dark green eyes. I wanted to really bring out the warm richness of her skin colour, so I chose to use a dark bronze blush (Light 167). I then paired that with a dark red (Dark - 47) lip to bring it all together. This medium toned Miqoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;te has an almost light toffee colour to her skin. She has auburn hair and dark brown eyes. I gave her dark brown eyeshadow (Dark - 31) and a dramatic lip colour (Dark - 31) to match. It really kicks this look up a notch.
So whether you have dark skin or light, any shade can be an Autumn as long as it has that warm undertone to it. As demonstrated by our models, earthy colours pair so well with Autumns. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t wear bold, sassy colours too! Two of the most important rules of makeup application is to have fun and be creative. As long as you follow those rules, you’re sure to be gorgeous no matter what.
WINTER Once the bright, fiery flare of Autumn fades - nature’s last grasp to life before the chill overtakes all - Winter sets in and begins to take the colour from the world. Some find it dreary; in fact, some find themselves in the “Winter doldrums”. But us? We’re not those types. We look at Winter and we think “Hmmm… Imagine what that frost-covered window could do for my eyes…” Whether your complexion is fair or dark, the cool colours of Winter can bring out the best of your features to accentuate them - or perhaps highlight hidden features that would otherwise remain overshadowed by the rosy apples of your cheeks. Blues and greens, purples and ice cold whites - the many shades of Winter can truly turn your face into a wonderland. Those best suited to Winter tend to have a cool or olive undertone to their skin. Hair and eyes are also a factor - while Winter can work for everyone, those with whom these colours really resonate often have very dark eyes, or bright green or blue eyes. Winter also tends to favour darkness - and the same can be said for the hair colours of those beautiful Winter types. For natural tones, deepash to the deepest jet black can easily be accentuated with a cool-hued palette, and the backdrop of dark hair can make those chilly tints pop.
Here we have a deep blue-gray Hrothgar model to demonstrate the power of a well-placed eye-light! Who says this beautiful boy can’t get just as fanciful with his face accents as any gorgeous Eorzean lady? His eyes are a fiery orange, and the chilly blue encasing the entirety of his lid (dark - 66) accentuates the darkness of his fur and the patterns therein, as well as making those moonlit oculars sit center stage. This female Raen AuRa model is as pale as pale can be, and though her skin undertones are a bit more peachy than truly cool, the soft blue-hued tones of her makeup give her an almost unearthly radiance. Her eyes and hair are both dark, though different in colour themselves. She has a pale periwinkle dusted across her scaled cheeks (dark - 59), and a soft pale blue on her lip (dark -73) - nothing too heavy, nor dark. Just enough to give her pearly skin a little bit of glitz and glamour - a true princess of the snow! Regardless of your eye colours, skin tones, or hair colours - you can find a combination of shades in a polar palette that are perfect for you. The most important part of finding a look you love is the journey to discover it. Cheeks, or eyes? Dark lips, or light lips? Full lid, or corners? Long hair, short hair, highlights, or no? Round, and around, and around we go - your perfect look is waiting for you, regardless of the season. Makeup is an art - a fun, exciting expression of your inner self proudly displayed for all to see. Enjoy finding your tone; and remember - to everything there is a season, but all of those seasons are in your (and, of course, Jandelaine’s) most capable hands. Blow that mirror a kiss, darling. You’re flawless. So, did you discover that you were a fiery, warm Autumn Goddess, or are you the chilly but glamorous Ice Queen? We hope you have enjoyed our tips and advice on really making the most of your skin tone and other features to enhance your beauty just a little bit more. Until next time, our lovelies.
YURIAN om the loss fr g in r e v o c e r ill t s Many of us are the FFXIV in h it w n o s r e p dible bration of such an incre le e c is h t d e n ig s ve de community. To ha members of d e k s a e w , r o n o tribute in his h by writing t u o s u lp e h o t ity the EHQ commun beautiful ir e h t ll a g in r a h and s letters to him; d with him. a h y e h t s ie r o m me inspiration r a e d r u o e c a P Requiescat In
e n ly
e F n
o awes e h t . ork, hearts w d r le etai ce in ou d s i la h love ave a p I . uch ill h so m d. He w e m i red os he d i p s ey in gs vide B n e i enin Yur p o e anim
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bo Kas
Yurian, w as the oppo a great and po rtu sit him. Res nity to work wit ive influence wit t easy, my frien h him as well. His hin this commun ity. d. influence and love He was will neve r
Ria Lu
Yurian wa s so help ful He gave me tips and kind when I a ppr an spoke st rictly ab d was very pro oached him about out scre f person a enshots essional about t screenshots. nd I felt he but really ins pired aft he really seem matter. We e er talkin g with h d like a kind im.
s always down to help me be forgo and allow tten. I f ed me eel lucky to have known YURIANBEY TRIBUTE | 96
Hey there Yurian... I ca me across Insta on yo u by chance. First, si because I really liked mply the screenshots. S o I followed you. I ha nothing left for rp, bu ve t your portrayal just impressed me, so I ev tracked your stories. en We never met, neve r wrote. That's ok. what hurts me is th But, at I just did not te ll you how great I th you are. And then it ink was just too late. S ince then it gnaws me, which is good. I at now try to tell peop le if I like something them or what they about are doing. Be it scre enshots, a name, a pr picture of them wh etty atever. Before, when I wanted to tell pe about this, I thought ople "well, they won't care ." and I'm also quite But now I just do no shy. t want to miss the opportunity. Even wh don't know them in en I person. You will neve r be forgotten. I kn see how much you ar ow, you e missed. Rest in peace. Do not judge because I'm honest. me
screenshots, unlocking a You inspired me to do more with my ected. Your Photo-Realism creative avenue for me that I never exp now my favourite style of preset sparked the creation of what is ry photo-shoot. I hope that picture taking, and I still use it in eve as you created in life. you are surrounded by as much beauty now
to ged me a r u o c n e ll and d how I fe inspired n a y ll s a t e e r s e pr d . He hared his at he like d person s h n t a e h t r c o n a t e f a h w he cre d remember make him proud. T rk touche amazing o I . w n s a t is o h h h c s u w n to ho s s ree xx Yurian wa reate beautiful sc e pictures with it say about him and ver be with him. ak ore ld to c ting to m ings I cou ul. May the light f n continue h a t w , y n m a e h m ht so t so in love wit so much. There's ation, such a brigh ir ant ch an insp them me u s s a w e s. H and other
a l y a L
Reia Eckhardt To be honest, I sadly didn't get the chance to talk to Yurian myself. I am more of a lurker, who just quietly appreciated his work and effort he put into creating amazing screenshots of his character and his friends. His videos also drove me on wanting to start creating FFXIV related videos. Yurian inspired me a lot in that sense. He still does actually.. even if he is no longer here with us. May your soul rest in peace, Yurian.
He was m y Inspira tio kind, he was good n and my mento r. He wa his know a s ledge an nd supportive. He share d tried tricks. B d to teach ut he a m ls showed m e some o e new pr wanted my op ini oj the crea tive mas ect that he mad on and te e. He alway s had so r mind but not un He was me time re to listen achable. . Rest W ell and tea fantasy can crea ch them up th ere, tha te real heroes. t
Beaty & The Beast Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the beast Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast Beauty and the beast
I strolled along white limestone-paved pathways, the residences of the Mist to my right and a vast, glittering ocean to my left, an imposing structure caught my eye. Towering over the swaying palm trees, a home with a distinctly Hingan design shone blue, its white walls reflecting clear sky and water. The cheery note on the placard invited me through the front gates, and I found myself awash in the mingling aromas of sea breeze and floral fragrances. Dainty purple flowers grew in well-maintained Deluxe Garden Patches, and the perpetually-blooming Eastern Cherry Tree steadily sprinkled perfumed petals all over the yard. Across a quaint Oriental Wood Bridge, I spotted rising steam--a Hingan Hot Spring, no doubt. A small sandy area with two pink Beach Chairs called to me, an ideal spot to bask in the warm coastal sun. Just inside the door, copious amounts of sunlight streamed into an otherwise dimly-lit foyer. Dark hardwood Glade Flooring provided a stark contrast to the bright white marble trim paired with plaster walls in a handsome shade of grey. Rich oil paintings adorned the walls in a variety of frames, clearly an art-collector’s prized collection. Beyond the arched marble doorways stretched a long hallway lit with playful sunbeams from many recessed windows. To my left I heard the sounds of culinary industry, and the scent of something delicious drew me in to a beautifully modern kitchen. Bold two-toned cabinets--dark wood lowers and bright white uppers--made a delightful visual impact paired with the white kitchen island in the center of the room. Despite its showcase-ready design, it was obviously a working kitchen; a cast iron tea kettle whistled merrily over an open flame, and a stack of Dirty Dishes perched next to a deep basin sink. A kindly-looking Roegadyn maiden wearing an apron shooed me out of the kitchen after I helped myself to a ruby ripe Dzemael tomato from the Vegetable Basket on the counter. “G’won with ye!” she chuckled as I dodged her airborne tea towel. Back in the foyer, a staircase descended to the lower level. Sunlight reflected off the leather-bound covers of books stacked precariously in the stairwell; I turned the corner to see a deep, cushioned armchair, the sun-warmed wood smooth and polished from frequent use. Clearly, this was the
favoured spot to curl up with a book and wait for the heat of the afternoon to pass. On the lower level, an open window afforded a view of lush tropical vegetation and exotic, imported Doman Dogwood blossoms. The open concept loft-style abode was neatly laid out; immediately before me sat a low sectional couch facing a flat-screen television. Within a stylish in-wall aquarium, two glowing Cherubfish swam idly among verdant fronds. A sunlit nook housed tall Mounted Bookshelves, each fully laden--a bibliophile’s haven. Beyond the sitting area lay the bedroom, the border between the two rooms indicated by a single Simple Curtain, currently drawn aside to allow full movement between both areas. Recessed shelving provided storage in the bedroom, while stylish backlighting transformed a mundane necessity into a feature presentation. The complete absence of doors became very obvious as the splashing sound of falling water reached my ears. Just past the sitting area, hardwood floor gave way to cheerful blue tile. A double vanity took up a large part of one wall. In the corner stood an ornate full-length mirror, lit by the warm glow of two Great Gubal Floor Lamps. A Carbuncle Tub full of steaming water took up the opposite corner of the room, and tucked back behind a tile wall was a walk-in shower. Not wishing to be caught intruding in someone’s luxurious en-suite, I ascended the stairs to the foyer. A blue sparkle in the corner of my eye helped me locate a Message Book in which to sign my name and leave literal glowing praise for this gorgeous Eorzean estate.
DYES USED Soot Black Ink Blue Ceruleum Blue Mole Brown Pure White
DYES USED Rolanberry Red Chocolate Brown Ceruleum Blue Desert Yellow Soot Black
DYES USED Cork Brown Loam Brown Rust Red Bone White Adamantoise Green
AN INTERVIEW WITH ASHEN BRIDE Ashen Bride is a household name among housing enthusiasts. Known for her comfortable Shabby Chic style and innovative furniture combinations, she is an active leader in the FFXIV housing community. Always ready with a friendly word of encouragement, happy to provide guidance or give advice, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an inspiration and positive role model to designers around the world. All housing enthusiasts look to Japanese designers for their creativity and artistry, and Ashen was one of the first Western designers to draw the attention of our overseas counterparts. Her kind heart transcends language barriers, and her efforts forged a bridge between Eastern and Western communities, united by a shared love of housing.
HEY ASHEN BRIDE Thank you for taking the time to talk to us! We’re huge fans! Hello! Thank you for choosing me! I’m happily honoured and would love to see more of these interviews from other designers in the future. I’m always interested in getting to know my peers better. To start, what three words would you use to describe your style? I love French Country style, and of course my Shabby Chic, and I enjoy a more vintage style with dreamy whites and dark browns and natural wood. I think that’s probably the best way to describe my style -- soft and dreamy. I really love to work with lighting and ambience. Do you play any other design games? I wish I could say I do. Does Stardew Valley count? I enjoy laying out my farm, but I’m not very creative beyond figuring out optimal sprinkler placement. I follow and admire a lot of Sims 4 bloggers. That’s one game I’ve never tried either -- but I think it’s amazing what people have created in that game. Housing is definitely a form of artistic expression. Would you call yourself a naturally artistic person? I’m asked quite often if I do interior design for a living, so I will take it as a compliment as I quietly say… “no”. I can’t draw, sew, write, and I don’t play music. Honestly, it’s a mystery to me why I’m so taken with housing in FF14, but I guess I can’t explain it. I’ve talked about this before concerning a lot of my peers and how I am probably the most unqualified out of everyone. But I think the takeaway from this is that if I can do it, then you can do it, because I have no idea what I’m doing!
When did you first get into housing in FFXIV? I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV since 2013, and I started on Leviathan. During my time there, I joined two Free Companies with Estates and stayed with them for years. I remember visiting the Estates and hanging out in the yard, but housing didn’t matter to me then. My FC leader would get excited and say she made us all beds in the ‘dorm’ and I’d check it out, but I didn’t understand the scope behind it, so I didn’t fully appreciate the efforts. I left Leviathan and moved to Famfrit a few weeks into Stormblood. I guess to start over. Leviathan is so huge, and I thought Famfrit would be a nice little ‘retirement’ server. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted, and I was thinking maybe I was bored with the game after all, but then I saw an open house -- the first time I’d ever seen an empty plot. It was Mist, Ward 8 Plot 8. I barely had any Gil at the time, but I bought it! I made a lot of rookie mistakes (Like buying a Chocobo Stable a few times? Who does that??) but I enjoyed learning. I wasn’t aware of Housing Snap or anything at that time; I just put things down. Having a house also motivated me to level my crafters because buying furniture is VERY expensive. You know, as a funny anecdote: I remember working in my Mist house one day, and a tiny Lala walked in, saw me, and left immediately. I had not interacted or talked much with people on the server at that point, so it was very surprising. Well, time went on, I made my own Free Company, and kept working on houses. Eventually a girl joined my FC and told me that SHE was the one who came into my house that day. That was her old plot, and she wanted to check it out. She was shocked to find it decorated (and also to find someone standing there), but she later saw my name online and the houses I had done and wanted to join my FC. I later went on to work on her new house. If you’re familiar with my work, it’s the one for Shei Kaneki. I did kind of a Scandinavian/shabby chic design. Funny how we found each other like that, and that she went on to follow my career online. I’m very thankful for all my Famfrit friends.
Where do you seek inspiration? In the same vein, how do you so frequently come up with these wildly popular furniture combinations like the ones you showcase on your podcast? As for where I get my inspiration, a lot of it is from looking at other media. I’ll watch a movie or TV show and think “Wow, the curtain and window placement in that house is nice! Can I make that in game?” I’ll look at Pinterest and try to see if I can replicate something. Getting ideas is easy, but it’s VERY helpful to look at Twitter and on Discord at what people are making, since the ideas then become a “how” and have a technical aspect to them. I think that’s probably my most favourite thing to do with housing -- just talking about the structure and figuring out how I can transform or hide an item. Another thing I do is I discuss and share ideas with people. I might have the framework done for something -- but it’s missing just one tiny detail, and I can’t figure it out. Sometimes being in my own head for so long is really difficult, and I’ve had lots of times where the community has been so helpful with throwing out ideas or showing me something that will work. I can’t count the times that Rhapsody or Dividus have pointed out something that I could add, or given me a suggestion, and it’s always helped with mental block. Many aspiring designers look to your guides, your builds, and your podcast for inspiration. How do you feel when you see other people imitating your work? I’m always surprised to get a kind whisper or if someone notices me in Duty Finder. Honestly, I feel very low-key and I’m often holed up in my house crafting, so I don’t really talk with people as much as I like. But sometimes I’ll get invites to check out houses, and it’s things people have copied from me, and I love it. It’s a very strange but nice feeling to make something that someone wants in their own house.
Housing glitches have just become part of FFXIV’s norm, and your builds are full of them. Was it daunting to learn all of those glitches, or do you just have a knack for them? I enjoy tedious and repetitive work. I’m probably the one person that enjoyed the Eureka grind. I wouldn’t say I was a NATURAL at figuring glitches out. I had a lot of questions and frustrations, and there is definitely a learning curve, but I think with enough practice anybody can do glitching. A lot of housing is just repeating processes and practicing things. Thankfully, there’s so many videos and Discords out there, and people always find simplified ways to do things with enough time. How do you even begin to look at a piece of furniture like the Manor Counter, which is a sink, and turn it into a cozy trundle bed or a chic unlit fireplace? This is my favorite part of design: examining and looking at every part of the furniture and trying to hide the rest! It usually starts with me looking at Pinterest, or having an idea in my head for a while. Concerning your two examples, the unlit fireplace has been a dream of mine forever. I knew exactly how I wanted it. It had to be brick -- but not too bright and red. So that leaves the Manor Counter, but the Manor Counter is so bulky! And that’s when I start to layer and hide parts that I don’t want to be seen. Same applies for the trundle bed -- I liked the cabinet style that the Manor Counter gives, and then it becomes a matter of making it fit and hiding the rest. When I’m figuring out ways to use furniture, I’ll lift a piece up in the air, or I’ll hide parts of it with walls and Wooden Lofts. Just seeing tiny portions at a time and wondering what I can make it look like. I owe a lot of this thinking to our Japanese neighbours because they are wild with ideas. I remember being impressed at how a Japanese designer made a traditional screened door with a Demon Wall and Oasis Wardrobe. When you begin a new build, what are your first thoughts? Style? Layout? A specific piece you want to use? When I used to take commissions, it would usually start off with me standing in an empty house and immediately looking at things online in mounting panic as I have no idea what to do. I haven’t done commissions in a long time and just have been doing what I want instead, which sounds great, but it’s
still just me standing in an empty room and panicking. I think the first thing I do is place Stage Panels and start to create a visual area. I always do the layout first, and this process changes drastically. Sure, I’ll have a framework, but I will always move it around or make it smaller or bigger depending on if my ideas have changed. If I’m bringing something up from below, I usually do that first because it’s the most time consuming. And then I’ll do the same for the ceiling, but only for structures without a large surface. Like if I am going to be using a lot of White Rectangular Partitions, I’ll have them floating alone and leave the space empty where the ‘ceiling’ (like a carpet or Wooden Loft) would go. I do this because the hitbox on things drives me nuts, but also I’m really big on symmetry and patterns and it helps if I can line up beams with things going on down below. I do re-use a lot of the same furniture, like I really enjoy White Rectangular Partitions and Glade Cupboards, but I guess that’s a style choice. Which of your builds is your favorite? Which would you say has been the most popular? Oh gosh, this is a really hard question. Well, for most popular build, I have two distinct ones that I can think of. One would be Jada Sparxxx’s Hibachi Grill, where I created a whole new staircase in a Medium and went with a sleek Asian design. Very outside my natural element, but I enjoy challenges and Jada is a really nice friend. I wanted to make him something interesting and he let me do whatever I wanted, just as long as it had a business vibe. The second most popular was my Grandma Chic Bathroom. It was lilac pink and white and lovely. I didn’t have it open to the public, it was just a fully built concept bathroom, but wow! The reception was huge. I remember when I was working on it, I actually was a bit concerned that people wouldn’t get it because of the colors and the fact that it was so niche and just a single room. But I was making a bathroom that I loved, and I’m happy that it was well received. As for my FAVOURITE one? I’d have to be cliché and say mine. I poured so much love and many hours into making something that I wanted, after working on commissions and putting off updating and working on my own stuff for literal months. I guess I can also say my personal house has been my most popular, in terms of seeing people use ideas and the visitors received, but it was a really special time for me, and I was happy to have created something that closely matched an aesthetic that I love. I hope my next remodel has the same positivity and is something that I can enjoy.
What words of advice do you have for new housing enthusiasts just starting to get into this aspect of FFXIV? When I first started to work on decorating, I mostly just did my own thing and had very low self confidence to do commissions and put myself out there. I desperately wanted to decorate another house, but I also didn’t feel skilled enough to ask for a lot of money as payment because I was still learning. Most of my early commissions were free or I was taking a loss. I created a blog on Tumblr as a way to track pictures for people on Famfrit and to build a little portfolio. To my surprise, I was met with a lot of pushback and negativity, and often people were putting my designs down and just being highly critical. I had a lot of years of raiding on World of Warcraft so my skin is pretty thick, and even though I would post and share my things and be met with negative and snide remarks, it never stopped me from making things. While learning and getting more into design, I found that housing was very mysterious and divided by a language barrier. Designers guarded their ‘secrets’ really closely, never wanting to share how they created something, and wanting direct credit for creations. Extremely individualistic and solo with their attitude towards design, and I’m against this type of mentality. I’ve always been of the mind that FF14 housing is about respect and sharing ideas and an open home. I’m not a very competitive person, and I don’t think my designs are better than anyone else’s. In regards to myself and other designers, we all have the same intent: to have a home that makes us happy. I’ll always bring my fellow designers up and mention them if something I made was inspired by them, because I feel that we’re going to get ideas and inspiration from each other and should acknowledge others. I want to make housing and fun furniture combinations more accessible with HGXIV, and I love seeing what people create and share with each other. I don’t think anybody should look at something someone created and be negative and try to make the person feel bad. If you want to make a train or a car using lamps and chairs, in the words of a wise man, “Shine on you crazy diamond.”
A bringer of love and positivity, Shamanom fosters his followers as he plays a variety of titles as he streams. He indulges in random conversations with his followers, offering advice and humbly instructing them while providing a positive experience and a safe space without judgment in the gaming culture. We took a moment to help share his good vibes with you.
Thank you for agreeing be featured in in our EHQ Streamer Spotlight! For our readers, can you tell us what server you play on, and what class you main? S: Absolutely! I play on Jenova Server, Aether Data Center. My main job is Scholar. I play all healing roles as well! How long have you been playing FFXIV? Do you always stream FFXIV, or do you stream a variety of games? S: I’ve been playing since 1.0, took a break, and came back in 2.1. We focus a lot on Final Fantasy XIV, but we also play a lot of other Square Enix Titles like Octopath Traveler and Boundless, and even Minecraft! What first got you into streaming? S: I played a game called Dawngate. They had a deal with Twitch and Extra Life Charity for raising money for Children’s Hospital. I found a channel called Kreenpananas and saw how animated he was for raising money for sick kids. He expressed how his Food and Beverage job influenced his persona on stream. Everything clicked, and I donated and started streaming the following week. You’re a major contributor to the community of FFXIV and Twitch; you’re even going to Twitch-Con! How exciting! Tell us a little bit about what that entails. S: This year I’m a TwitchCon 2019 Ambassador! Twitch is promoting unique, positive, and wholesome broadcasters that bring something different to the table. As being an openly LGBTQIA+ broadcaster and a POC (Person of Color), my goal is to help people understand that no matter what size your channel is, you can make an impact in someone’s life by entertainment! I will be on 3 Live-streamed panels-1. Real Talk: What it Takes to Build A Community 2. Creator or Industry: Finding Your Place 3. The Gayest Panel at TwitchCon
We highly admire your work as a Full-time Charity Broadcaster. Can you share with us some highlights from your streaming career? S: The best moment was when I was crafting, and someone donated $1500 in one shot for The Trevor Project. I instantly stopped ( I missed the HQ synth at 98% ) and cried twice. Once for the donation, and again for the synth lol! We’d love to know, to which charity do you donate? What made you choose this charity? S: I have three charities I’ve personally donated to, one being St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. After attending two summits, visiting the campus, and understanding how impactful the message is, it’s driven me to push harder to make my content more wholesome and warming. Do you have any plans you wish to see come to fruition on your stream? S: To have an event for FFXIV to collaborate with Square Enix to raise money for Children’s Cancer Research. What advice would you give to an up-and-coming streamer to get themselves in a similar spot where you are as a Charity Broadcaster, or Broadcaster in general? S: No matter how many people are watching 0, 10, 100, whatever, just remember: always be yourself. Foster whoever comes in and chat. And also remember: never get lost in the numbers. Just have FUN!
EXCUSE ME - It’s us again, your EHQ Reporters!
Today, we're here to ask you questions about who you are, and what you--the community--think about Shadowbringers now that the dust has settled. Be mindful! There are some potential spoilers ahead! Who lives with us here in Eorzea and Norvrandt? Come find out with us; let’s get to know more about our wonderful community!
EXCUSE ME? | 148
EHQ Excuse, me time for some questions? Duckey Sure thing! What’s up?
Ah as i can see you are very busy! How is gathering and crafting in this expansion so far? Oh I neglected this until this day, so I got a lot to catch up to, But even if it’s a lot of work, I think it’s a lot more fun with every new recipe. Neverthless it is always: I do not want. Oh, I’ve pretty much neglected crafting and collecting right up to Shadowbringers, so I have a lot of catching up to do. But although it’s a lot of work, it’s also fun and with every new recipe I learn or any new item I can collect, it makes me want more. Nevertheless, it is always a small degree between “no desire to invest the time and the money” and “an incredibly good change to the whole fight” Yes, I’m still wandering through the starting areas and my patience really puts me to the test! In the last issue we had a real music lover and in Shadowbringers everything has come back! Do you also have an ear for the soundtrack? Oh, absolutely. In the past parts, the soundtrack has always inspired me, especially when, in addition to the terrificly composed music, there was also some singing. For example in the Pharos Sirius Dungeon or the Alexander Boss Theme. But with Shadowbringers they’ve outdone themselves in my opinion. Whether it’s the last boss in dungeons, the Rak’tika theme, or just the little jingle when you take a quest, I think there’s no soundtrack in this addon I do not like.
We absolutely agree! It makes you ready to fight immediately and creates a great atmosphere! Many also talk about the new housing area to be built in Ishgard. Have you already found a house for you or would you like to move there? Unfortunately I have not had much luck with Housing yet. Although I bought a flat relatively early, I lost my interest. Now that time and interest are there, I unfortunately had to realize that it is not so easy to get your own house. That’s why I’m really looking forward to adding Ishgard as a housing area. On the one hand, I can finally hopefully get my own house, on the other hand I liked the story of Shadowbringers around Ishgard anyway dearest. That’s why I hold back a few extra gil for it. When the time comes, you are of course always welcome Definitely for a cream espresso I like coming over! For many, Limsa Lominsa has become a major gathering place and capital, do you think that will change with Shadowbringers? Where is this place for you? From what I’ve seen so far, I do not think that’s going to change that much, Limsa is just Limsa and will always be. However, there are some nice spots in Crystarium and especially in Eulmore so who knows if we can not expect bards and dance groups there soon.
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A SUNNY AUTUMN DAY HELM | QUAINTRELLE'S HAT IN WINE-RED CHEAT | RAINCOAT IN DALAMUD-RED GLOVES | EASTERN SOCIALITE'S GLOVES IN WINE-RED LEGS | FAR EASTERN MAIDEN'S BOTTOMS FEET | FAR EASTERN MAIDEN'S BOOTS IN WINE-RED EARRING | IMMACULATE CUFFS OF HEALING REQUIREMENTS | LVL 80, MOGSTATION, CRAFTING Our glamour winner of the month is our dear Galatea here. She won us over with the adorably precise efforts of this glam. The fall inspirations of her coat, with the detailed accessories of her had and gloves.
HQ MODEL | 156
CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Aleterasu Tsubasa EDITORS Kiku “Milee” Kitsune Gillian Giles Cutiepoo EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Nami Rin COMMUNITY ADMIN Gillian Giles Cutiepoo Mint Emiko FRENCH STAFF Kiku “Milee” Kitsune Cho Masshiro Mayah Amariyo Frän Spellsinger Laura Kills Alter Arume Cyrus dBlink
WRITERS Nusha Zenko Rhapsody Poki Yoake Lexicona Aleterasu Tsubasa Sephora Moonflare Delita Silverwing Gillian Giles Merida Quigg Stella Drift Elsmark Sachiko Yoarashi Val Alleria Fuoca
DESIGNERS Aleterasu Tsubasa Kiku “Milee” Kitsune Nami Rin Delita Silverwing Gaius Herel Skwiddlly Gabe "Bedivere" WEBSITE ADMIN Elanor Travelyn Pistolshrimp
PROOFREADERS Nusha Zenko Rhapsody Aleterasu Tsubasa Ashen Bride Gillian Giles Corona Xrephnia Aeron Ellsworth
Special thanks to EHQ’s preferred reshade builds: GSHADE FAESHADE ©All images are property of Square Enix Inc. & Final Fantasy XIV 2019 ©EHQ Magazine Design is propoerty of EorzeanHQ 2019
PHOTOGRAPHERS Cutiepoo Sephora Moonflare Rhapsody Sachiko Yoarashi Nami Rin Reir Mint
SEPTEMBER 2019 | 158
Special thanks to:
Mauxxy Voxxy
For being EHQ's September cover model