Catalogo de Empreendedores Artezanais

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The EOSS Consulting LLC, operates in the popular development of entrepreneurs, which has no space to present their products, but they have different jobs and all concerned with the development of a sustainable way. Its products are developed with recyclable materials. The EOSS Consulting LLC, contributes to the growth of these professionals, representing them with companies and entrepreneurs interested and concerned with the environment and social responsibility.

Thank you for this opportunity.

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Nilda Bolsas e ChapĂŠus EOSS Consulting is an economic development consulting firm, focused on expanding economic opportunities and living standards for lower lower--income people worldwide. We engage with government, the private sector, civil society and international donors to design, implement and generate financial and technical support for a wide variety of local and international programs and projects. EOSS integrates local and global knowledge and networks, private private--sector strategy and social sector impact to maximize our clients' economic and social returns. Our interventions encapsulate the following thematic areas:

My business began with the construction of a bag for me and realizing the great interest of others, I gave myself totally in the art of creating. I appreciate fashion and my bags make a difference in feminie style. The idea for making my product comes from a closer look at fabric detailing. I have six years on the market, with good acceptance of my product and high sales at fairs and business. The pieces I produce are made with love and determination.

Local Economic Development Business Development Services Gender & Social Inclusion COD. 025


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Francisca dos Santos Araujo Participant of the Program Trabalho and Empreendedorismo of the Woman Federal District of the Ministry of the Women of the Presidency of the Republic (Women Entrepreneurship Program and Work of the Ministry of Women). .

COD. 024

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Elza Santiago, and M o r r o Te a m E m b r o i d e r e r s C r o w n The cooperative Embroiderers Crown was created four years ago. The idea of joining forces and talents came after a course on human rights administered by the city in the community. With donated scraps. eight artisans sew and embroider handbags, dresses, quilts and gifts. All single mothers, they began their work in a tiny studio in Santa Teresa.

COD. 001


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M a r t h a a n d M i r i a m - B A U D E PA N O S Since childhood, I always liked to sew and in the intervals, sewed for myself in my downtime, which was soon appreciated by my friends and family. My sister learned to crochet, knit and embroider since youth and perfected these skills in a course offered by the House of Crafts. We combines our knowledge and the Bau de Panos Studio was born. Our studio maintains a solid production line and strong customer base.

COD. 002

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Deraldina de Souza Silva Participant of the Program Trabalho and Empreendedorismo of the Woman Federal District of the Ministry of the Women of the Presidency of the Republic (Women Entrepreneurship Program and Work of the

COD. 023


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Rosangela Lima Tapete em Trico (smile carpet) Participant of the Program Trabalho and Empreendedorismo of the Woman Federal District of the Ministry of the Women of the Presidency of the Republic (Women Entrepreneurship Program and Work of the Ministry of Women).

COD. 022

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AMEAS Assoc iação de Mulhe res Emp ree ndedoras Aco ntecendo e m Saq uare ma Participant of the Program Trabalho and Empreendedorismo of the Woman Federal District of the Ministry of the Women of the Presidency of the Republic (Women Entrepreneurship Program and Work of the Ministry of Women).

COD. 003


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Carmem Amélia


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Rosangela Lima Tapete em Trico (smile carpet)

Participant of the Program Trabalho and Empreendedorismo of the Woman Federal District of the Ministry of the Women of the Presidency of the Republic (Women Entrepreneurship Program and Work of the Ministry of Women).

COD. 004

COD. 021


M a r c i lo N e v e s

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Cristina Dias .

Mundo Mascarado

Marcilio possess introduction the drawing architectural, dedicated to in art producing festive masks in leather, that cam be used in parties and carnivals

Artist, designer and artisan jewelry and costume jewelry, graduated from the School of Fine Arts (UFRJ), gave various courses in areas that include Art History and Visual Arts. In recent years has been actively participating in various exhibitions and events. The passion for art, design, collages minute jobs, prompted me to create the mosaic technique in jewelry. Mosaic Revisited, originated material nature, jewelry, daily life, performed with an exclusive technique. The work gives rise to different languages as abstract, geometric, linear and figurative, etc..

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COD. 005


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Josina AFROJร Modas e Acessรณrios


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Angel Ferrarez Bijouteria em Fita

M y t o r y s t a r t s i n i n f a n c y , wh e r e I s uf f e r e d d i s c r i m i n a t i o n f o r the racial question.Igave a jump in maen stu dying and attending a course de philosophy college letter. I searchd and t o d a y I d e v e l o p t h i s s t u d y , wo r k wo m e n o f t h e b a s e o f t h e p y r a mid and develop some types of vestimentos and acessories mileniarm type to recleier (that it is onde millenarian and artisan technique of embroidering

COD. 006

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H E N R I Q U E M A RT U C E L L O - B l a c k Wom e n

Sandra Mara - Amazônia Rio Wo m e n i n t h e C o m m u n i t y T he G r o u p Wo me n i n d e C o m m u n it y a p p e a r e d fr o n na i n it i a t i ve w it hw o me n i n d e c o m m u n it y o f r is k a nd c o me ba c k t o a ne c e s s it y o f i n c o me g e r a t io n, s o me be i n g v i c t i m s o f d o me s t ic w io l e nc e a nd w it ho u t p e r s p e ct i ve o f a u t o no m i a a nd s u p o r t . T o d a y t he g r o u p p r o d u c e s ne c k l a c e s , s t o c k m a r k e t s a nd o u t r a a c c e s s o r ie s w it h w ha t t he y g u a r a nt e e t he m i n i m u m o f d ig n it y.

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As an observer of the status of Afrobrazilian and knowing the matrix and the great debt linked to their history, this gave rise to my handicraft series, called "Black Women." Stars of their own light , they had to learn to rely on their own forces to take care of themselves and their families, giving examples of struggle, courage, wisdom and beauty. The series "Black Women" is a tribute to these warriors. Made by hand, the series also is linked with the preservation of the environment by using recycled materials whenever possible.

COD. 007


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Neide - Pretinha Arts Seals Af ter retiring and moving to Rio de Janeiro, seeking an outlet to improve my income, I a s k e d t h e c o l l e c t o r s of c a n s in Copacabana fo seals and we n t h o m e , a i m i n g t o c r e a t e something diff erent. With a crochet hook and line, I made handbags, belts, started the cheers of friends.


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D e b o r a An t u n e s N I S P L H A R A P R O D U C T S

I started

designing art in 2002, with the goal of helping others to develop positivity and self-esteem, through the development of artisic development and income creation. I have a chosen to act as a graphic designer, binding concepts of Brazilian identity and ethnicity with commercial success in stores, libraries and craft fairs.

I wa s s o e x cited and no w in old age, I am exporting my products and I am happy to contribute a small part for e n v i r o n mental preservation.

COD. 008

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EOSS C onsulting


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Patricia Reis—Bio joia

ALBINO Ursulino I started designing art in 2002, with the goal of helping others to develop positivity and self-esteem, through the development of artisic development and income creation. I have chosen to act as a graphic designer, binding concepts of Brazilian identity

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I started by chance, while still going to college and working in a clothing store. After completing a degree in visual communication, I was invited to work in clothing production since I was involved with fashion. I stopped for three years and although successful in my area, I found that transforming peices into something special items was far more pleasurable. Off and on, I've been working more or less 20 years with jewelry.

COD. 009


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S i l v i a a n d Te a m R e t a l h o s C a r i o c a s

Resident of the city of Rio de Janeiro, 28 years old, since 2003 involved with environmental issues and concerned with the problem of urban waste. Actually, it all started in 2004 with a workshop on Social Responsibility, a course designed for young students in the CIEE - Enterprise Integration Center School. Were almost 6 (six) months at the end of the workshop and the students had to submit a final course, a proposed Social Project and I opened the ECO Caps. .

COD. 010

In the space of the Barreira do Vasco slum since 2008, the Retalhos Cariocas became a place that creates fashion, style, attitude and the first step towards a better world, with the reuse of materials such as fabric scraps and bottle caps. Our brand emphasizes social work, awareness of the fundamental link between fashion and sustainability and contributes to the development of the community in which it operates with a training course for residents.

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M a r i a d e F a t i m a - A RT F U X I C O


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I l m a S a n t o s B A N A N A RT E I R A

It was through the group of women receiving social services from the Catholic Church that we decided to change our condition. With the fabric and the sewing machine that we won, we started making handbags. We decided to do a brazilian embroidery style called Fuxico, hence the name Art Fuxico. We did some things and the little earnings, organized an event and bought another sewing machine. We started with 40 women, but as the money did not appear immediately, some left and today we are 13, doing bags, belts, accessories, makeup bag and so on.

I was first exposed to banana fiber

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COD. 011

through a voluntary project at a church in Hill Andarai. The community was already working with banana fiber but yielded very little results- thus, I proposed to the local church a project teaching the community to make jewelry to increase women's income. After this activity, I started playing with the fiber with a


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Lúcia e Regina Mistura Carioca

ClaudiaAlmeida Artesã, developing its products from the organic reaproveitamento and of fabrics. It uses fiber of banana tree and the palm of buriti, Brazilian native species, together with fabric leftovers donated for confections. With this material it produces, stock markets, hats to size and accessories. Its parts are exclusive

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Our group consists of three women: a psychologist, an educator and a fashion specialist, who believe in manual labor as a preventive mental health tool. We develop creative and unique works.

COD. 013

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