Eou September 2018
Beauty Insider
A Crystal Designer
Beauty expert Nickie Addison Crystal Brakhage of talks highlights and treatment Crystal Brakhage Editors Letter Designs come as far as Editor in Chief Tevin for the summer she is in the Midwest Dixon 13 fashion. showing her asTalks Omaha Fash- VintageBall Style ion Anniversary to The top celebrated dance stu- thetic with a statement to dio in the metro, representing be made trending desinger elegance, Poise, & grace
New Reduex
See the intrique designs of crystal brakhage custom style that debut at omaha fashion week with juxtaposed styles conveying complete complementry colors to show you a good night out.
Courtesy of omaha fashion week
Legacy Branded
The ‘Urban Life’ of Legacy Branded Brings quality pieces, graphics, and everyday comfortablitiy.
In This Issue
Eou Publisher
Tevin Dixon Editor in Chief Tevin Dixon Editorial
Creative Director
Tevin Dixon
Features Editor
Joshua Whittaker
Seinor Editors Nikkie Addison Tevin Dixon
Photography Director of Photography
Edward Moss
Photo Editor
Edward Moss
Photography Assistant
Christine Oliver
Pro Photographer
Adam Flogstad
Pro Photographer
Chaunchy Brown
How to reach us email eoumag@gmail.com Website www.eoumag.com
Letter From the Editor
taying up after hours, with an occasional cocktail, having to ponder upon what will be held in the next couple of months about the coming of fashion in Omaha NE.
Editor in Chief Tevin Dixon
“ The sole reason of this publication, to see individual creativity and passion come to life.”
With trends that are new and brewing for people to try, seeing that it’s the 10th anniversary of Omaha Fashion Week. It’s no wonder people attend Omaha Fashion Week to see what’s to come in the Fall/Winter collection for this coming season. Being a part of such an event is breathtaking and inspiring. Working with University of Omaha (UNO) Diversity groups such as the NCNW (National Council of Negro Woman) and others showing off diverse and creative talent, especially in clothing and textiles, helping produce events expressing their creativity and versatility. I can honestly say It is been a phenomenal year to work with such a talented Designer like Crystal Brakhage, who has been featured in Omaha and Kanas Fashion Week, and being able to meet other emerging designers such as, Ciara Fortune of Noelle Designs and Melissa Hodges of Kash’Ton Designs. Being able to work with such individuals inspired me to be able to share their craft and ideas to the world. For Michael Ceja, the creative director of Myco fashion brand, the inspiration came from his son, and Crystal wanted to show the world that there’s more to fashion then what meets the eye. That’s the sole reason of this publication, to see individual creativity and passion come to life. From photographers like Edward Moss, owner of EAMimages and Adam Flogstad of Adam Flogstad Photography, to makeup artists like Manda Kathleen Jobe, who love to express her creativity and style in her profession.
Behavior, will help keep the hair smooth as it dries and eliminate the frizz and static. This works best by letting the curls dry naturally without much handling or by using a diffuser. re you a Summer Junkie…? The two main causes of curly hair catasDon’t let your curls show it. Embrace that natural texture! Along with glowing skin, have illustrious trophes are chemical damage and lack of knowlhair this summer!!! With these extreme summer edge. It’s extremely important to find a stylist who has had advanced training and has an extensive conditions, always protect, prime, and polish background in working with textured hair. (All those beautiful looping locks. the textured haired folks are nodding their heads If you are concerned about length, try a dry YES!!!) cut. Your stylist will be able to see how much of With my tousled tresses, I personally have the damage should be removed and have more great luck styling with these celebrated brands: control over the movement of the hair when it’s smooth and dry. In-Salon therapeutic deep treat- Pravana’s NEVO Model Behavior Styling LotionGluten Free Diva Curl’s Set It Free Moisture Lock ments are a must to maximize the longevity of Spray Pravana’s NEVO Hydra Pearls Replenishing your cut, and always use a professional salon purchased thermal protector when using intense Hair Oil-Gluten Free These same top brands were used on our heat styling tools to maintain the hair’s natural model Lisa Woodrow to achieve this look along moisture and elasticity. It’s important for you to take a break from with a stunning Vanilla Latte Balayage/Custom Foil Placement blend. To finish out her remarkmanipulating the hair if you’re finding breakable natural curly hair we used a blow dryer/difage. Applying a styling lotion after gently towel fuser on low air and medium heat to dry, mixed drying the hair, such as Pravana’s NEVO Model
a Hydra Pearls/Model Behavior product cocktail for curl definition and to help prevent static and away she went. AAYYEEE!! Nickie Addison Independent Master Stylist/Certified Color Specialist Bella Mia Salon
Vintage Ball Style Omaha’s Top Ballroom Studio where they teach it all!
Article by Eou Editors Photography by Edward Moss
Vintage Ballroom Instructors Derek and Rebekah Pasqualetto
intage ballroom is ranked as ‘Top’ by professional ballroom competitors around the Midwest along with the instructors Derek and Rebekah Pasqualetto. From social dances, wedding or competition routine, Vintage Ballroom teaches it all. With no partner is required, this will make instructing easier to determine which style of dancing is best for you Located in an Omaha Landmark at the Old Market’s historic Bemis Building, built in 1887. This 130 year old building gives the floor and beams of vintage ballroom a truly classic yet chic modern vibe. Vintage Ballroom was created with a vision to form a community, being that it’s the only ballroom studio in the heart of Omaha’s entertainment District.
“You don’t need the aspirations of a champion to take lessons with us, just the courage to try something new.”
White lace gown Farrierbell Bridal Collection
The Black Jumpsuit The Black DIamond Collection
A Crystal Designer Crystal Brakhage, Designer of Crystal Brakhage Design, graduated from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln in December of 2016. She loves to make women feel confident, comfortable, and powerful. She has participated in numerous runway shows throughout Nebraska and Missouri. She even designed for Kansas City fashion Week while just recently for Omaha fashion week, which is the Fifth largest fashion show in the United states. With everyone in high spirit during Omaha fashion week, buzzing journalists getting the latest scoop from designers all over the Midwest region, bloggers on social Media creating new trends for others to take notice. Fashion designers in the WRITTEN BY Eou Editors PHOTOGRAPHY BY Edward Moss
Midwest have to push beyond the boundaries of what it means to be innovative consequently showcasing their individuality within their aesthetic. The 23-year-old college graduate does just that. Crystal started her career in design when she was only 8 years old with her mother and grandmother here in Nebraska. She stayed in a small town at the time with an estimated population of only 106. [Follow to page 32]
New The Past
Models: (Front) Kate Lee (Far Left) Hailey S. (Right) Emma Makup Artists:Kathleen Jobe Photographer: Adam Flogstad
Turn Present
Model: Zaina Carter Hairstylst: Nickie Addison Photographer: Edward Moss
Omaha Fashion Week
With inspirations from elite designers like Yves Saint Laurent, and others inspirations that convey the image of confidence, Style, and strength. See what the local designer has to offer for by hitting the like button her social media pages to stay up to date with her daily content and visit her webpage, crystalbrakhage.wix. com, to learn more about who she is as a designer. As we continued to talk about her collection, which was invigorating with a variety of different textiles, textures and silhouettes. Crystal mentions about how being selected for the UNL’s Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery, which is a gallery that educates and increases awareness of the rich tradition of art, craft, design and material culture. This transformed and excelled her career in fashion design.
Embellished Gold Cape $100
Model: Shannon Rose Photographer: Edward Moss
Gold Fringe Jacket $200
Bar Winged Dress $200
Gold Fringe Skirt $300
LEGACY BRANDED The ‘Urban Life’ of LegacyBranded Brings quality pieces, graphics, and everyday comfortablitiy. With High energy, image, and vibrant colors will leave you with a Legacy!
(Above) Black African Legacy Tee $19.99 (Across) Blue & Red Crop Finesse Hoddie $39.99
(Right) Yellow Longsleeve OG Black Sheep Hoodie $44.99
In This Issue Table of contents 5: Gold Bar Winged Dress
$200, Gold Fringe Skirt $300, Cover Look: Gold eye shimmer $27.00, Gold Fringe Legacy Branded 38- 43: Black African Legacy Tee Jacket $200, Black leather longsleeve half shirt $35.00, $19.99, Blue & Red Crop Black leather cropped pants Finesse Hoddie $39.99, Red Legacy Branded Jogger $120 1: MyCo Black/Red Logo $39.99, Yellow Longsleeve Hat $25, Black Mario Bot T- OG Black Sheep Hoodie Shirt $20, MyCo Red & Black$44.99 Windtech Windbreaker $40, 45: Yellow gown of the Doll White MyCo Vision T-Shirt (upon request) from the Doll Collection $20 Editor’s Letter 7: Plain All prices Aproximate white T-Shirt $15, kohl’s. com, Marron Burberry Scarf (upon request), Vintage Longsleeve Deniem jacket $25 9: Adamflotgstadphotography by Adam Flogstad Beauty Insider 11: 21: White lace gown (upon request) from the Farrierbell Bridal Collection 22: Black Jumpsuite (upon request) from the Black Diamond Collection 23: The Little Black Dress (upon request) from the Farrierbell Prime Collection A Crystal Design 25: New Redux 26- 37: Embellished Gold Cape $100, Gold Fringe Jacket $200,