Eternal Purpose Institute
Jul 2009
Organisation of Research Structure EPI’s research will be structured and organised according to the model below, which incorporates concepts of COVENANT, COMMUNITY and CREATION. These concepts are related to WORD, WORLD and CHURCH.
This model produces three interrelated, dynamic interactions that are of particular interest. These dynamics are concerned with similar elements, yet from different perspectives.
The interaction between WORD and CHURCH This is the realm of BIBLICAL THEOLOGY — studying the biblical message directed towards and regarding the vocation, the calling, of the church within the world
The interaction between CHURCH and WORLD This is the realm of CONTEXTUAL MISSIOLOGY — studying the biblical mission to the world and critiquing the church’s activity within the world, as it seeks to be faithful to its vocation
The interaction between WORD and WORLD This is the realm of BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY — studying the culture of the world through a biblical lens, as God’s Word to the world interprets the activities and values of the nations