2010 - 2011 Manifesto

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Project Picasso -Participation In (the) Community And Soft Skills Outcomes. Is a project devised by the colleges change teams, as a pilot this academic year, and if successful college wide the following academic year. -It aim’s to improve students teamwork, and community involvement, via self motivated projects in tutorial groups. -I will continue to create learning resources and perform PR work for the scheme. (Like the logo opposite)

“To Create Community”

Environmental Work - I will continue Pilot schemes, which may be implemented college wide. The sixth form centre pilot produced a 5% improvement in recycling. -I will strive to put together a college environmental group with the societies officer. -I will host events around the college’s ‘Green week’ and ‘Recycling day’. Such as a talk on fairtrade, and talks in tutorial sessions. -I will develop advertising for these schemes such as posters and videos (opposite)

“To Improve Our Working Environment”

Student Top Talks -With open invite to students staff, and relevant external sources to attend and contribute, student top talks is a fresh version of those hosted at st Andrews house. -They will be presentations and open discussions on issues concerning the college, including each of our college weeks, such as ‘Green Week’ and ‘LGBT’ etc. -Opening with the 5C’s talk in the autumn term (City College Co-Curricular chat)

“To Inspire and Lead.”

Student Voice -I will continue to actively support and advise student campaigns. -Within my roles in the Student Union I will take on any student recommended campaigns if the demand is high enough. -I will continue to voice problems and answers to people who can help me, help you make the necessary changes.

“To Inform And Advise.�

Additional events -Dragons Den type forum for students who want to sell items in the new Chapelfield store. -Polling within the sixth form centre for a wider choice of GCSE’s and A level self study options. “To Give Opportunity.”

Personal targets: -Doubling the college level of recycling. -Increasing College wide participation in all activities.

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