1 minute read

It Has Never Been Just a Job

Written By Danielle Gehrung, Shasta Day Reporting Center

In March 2023, Tami Parks reached the exciting milestone of celebrating 10 years of dedicated service with GEO Reentry Services and the Shasta Day Reporting Center (DRC). In this time, Tami has directly served more than 1,200 unique individuals.

When Tami was recently asked what has been the most rewarding experience through the years, she responded stating, “interacting with the participants and being of help and support to them. Watching the resistance of the initial starting point change to "OK, it's not so bad" to then see the change of acceptance where they enjoy coming here and then missing us and coming back to say hello years later. Plus, my amazing DRC Family Team!”

Tami continues to be a key reason the Shasta team, participants, and program thrive and show success. She adds significant value and impact in so many ways. Participants consistently voice how essential she is in their journey and success. Even years later, participants and their families are still coming back to the DRC to say hello to Ms. Parks, including a father of a participant served back in 2015, to share that his son was still doing well and how grateful he is for this program. Tami continues to welcome participants with a smile, support, and encouragement. She believes in change and is committed to our mission of enhancing the lives of those we serve.

The Shasta DRC team would like to highlight, recognize, and show our appreciation for our amazing team member. Congratulations on reaching your 10-year milestone of service Tami!

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