8 Elements and Princples of design

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Line: What is the product or service being advertised? Tissot Swiss Watches

LINE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply) X ___ X

Create a mood Organize other elements on the page Create texture through illustration

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisment or website uses LINE. In this ad, the designer used grainy looking streaks of line to give the appearance of a road. Line is used this way to make you feel like you are in motion. The grainy lines are used to remind the audience of sand to make you think of an hour glass, since hour glasses are another item like watches that are used to tell time.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design. In this ad line works well because the use of the road as the background makes the audience think of being on the go which is a good ploy when trying to sell this particular watch because by adding the grainy motion lines it furthers the idea that the user is moving quickly while wearing the watch in a road race, cycling or other things like that.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? The primary audience of this ad is sports enthusiast and triathletes needing of a quick and easy way to tell time but more specifically to athletes on the go seeing as the body copy in the ad says it is the ultimate sports watch with 11 functions including compass, tide, chronograph split and lap.

Shape: What is the product or service being advertised? Polo Red by Ralph Lauren

SHAPE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X ___ ___ ___ X X X X

Photos and illustrations are creating shape through the actual shape and content of the art. Line or a line illustration is creating the predominant shape Type is creating the predominant shape Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest. Shape is organizing the page Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses SHAPE. In this ad, shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest by trying to tell a story through images placed inside varying rectangular shapes. The designer by using shape in this way also gives organization to the ad by leading your eyes from left to right until you reach the bottom of the ad where the product is placed. I believe the designer intended to use shape in this way to imply that the cologne they are trying to sell can be used during various activities and that the fragrance will remain. I also think the designer reached the intended audience with this use of shape by making the overall feel of the ad a little adventurous almost as if the audience was watching a movie trailer.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of SHAPE in this design. Shape in this ad is used effectively by keeping everything flowing in order. I think shape works well because it leads the audience through the photos straight to the product, but in a way that makes you want to go back through the design a couple times.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? I believe the audience they are trying to target are men specifically men, who are active and want to smell good doing those activities.

Texture: What is the product or service being advertised? M&M’S Chocolate Candies.

TEXTURE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply) X ___ X

Create a particular mood or feeling Fill individual shapes or areas Reinforce or support the concept of the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses TEXTURE. The designer for this ad used texture to create a mood. The ad is a full page of leaves, the leaves are made out of M&M’S. I believe the designer used texture like this because M&M’S are the brand they are trying to sell, of course but also I think arranging the M&M’S on the page to look like leaves reinforces their idea of “Celebrate Fall”. I think the use of texture here gives the audience a clear feeling of fall and that is what I think the designer was trying to accomplish.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of TEXTURE in this design. I believe the predominant use of texture in this ad works well because it mixes in shape and color in a way that keeps the audience entertained with the design and the texture gives it an almost 3D feel that draws your eye deeper in to the design.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? I believe this advertisement is for adults and children who like to eat chocolate candy.

Balance: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? http://www.nike.com/us/en_us/

BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X X ___ ___

To create a mood. Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc. Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, etc. To create visual tension by being obviously unbalanced.

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses BALANCE. The designer used symmetrical balance on this website. He used the symmetrical balance to create the feeling of being relaxed while keeping the feeling of perfection nike is known for. The designer intended to keep the website symmetrical in order to achieve a page that is easy on the eye, clean, organized and professional. Balance as the predominant element in this website receives positive feedback from its audience because the symmetry keeps everything on the page well organized and easy to access.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of BALANCE in this design. The use of balance on the website is effective because it has everything well placed and neat. The symmetrical balance on the page works well with the light greys and clean white that is used for the background.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? The primary audience of this website is athletes with an asterisk because according to nike “if you have a body, you are an athlete”.

Contrast: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? http://treasureisland.com/

CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X ___ X ___ X X X

Strengthen an idea; support the message. To create a contradiction (BIG written in very small type). Contrasting colors Contrasting values Contrasting shapes Contrasting texture Contrasting typography

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses CONTRAST.

The designer for the Treasure Island website used contrast as an element by using contrasting colors, shapes and typography. He used color to show contrast by having a brown map on the center of the background and the outer edges are fading to black to give the audience of the page the feeling that they are viewing an old treasure map. The designer also used different sized rectangular shapes to draw you to click on more information for main events. The designer used typography to create contrast by having the name of a particular event in big bold letters and then the body copy in regular format. Also the designer uses texture to create contrast because the treasure map looks to have an old parchment feel to it while everything else on the page looks to have a smooth, clean feel. The impact of contrast on this website to the audience is that it leads the audience’s attention mainly to where the designer intended but also the designers intent is to have the audience feel like they are on a treasure hunt which then makes them feel as if they are pirates who are on treasure island, which is the name of the hotel and casino.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of CONTRAST in this design. Contrast as the predominant element on this website works well because the way contrast is used entertains the audience and strengthens the idea of the whole website.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The audiences’ of this website are people looking to take a vacation to Las Vegas and stay in a hotel that is in close proximity to other attractions.

Unity: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? http://www.theaxeeffect.com/

UNITY is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply) X X X

Provide consistency Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements) Lead the viewer’s eye through the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses UNITY. In this website the designer used unity to provide consistency. He used the element in this way to create a rhythm throughout the page by repeating the shapes and colors. The intent of unity in this website is to lead you through the various products they offer and the designer achieves this by how close he placed them to each other also by having the similar shapes placed on either side of a bigger shape that is front and center. Unity as the predominant element on this website receives positive responses from the audience because it provides a feeling of togetherness.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of UNITY in this design.

Unity works well in this design because it effectively interrelates other elements such as shape and color to form a greater whole.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary audiences’ of this website are men who want to smell good and want to “keep their cool around hot girls”.

Color: What is the product or service being advertised? The all-new 2014 Toyota Corolla

COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X X X ___ ___ X

Creates a mood or feeling Creates visual tension and movement Provides unity and balance Provides structure and forms a grid in a design Provides a sense of order Creates harmony

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR. The designer of this advertisement used color to create a feeling of fun and excitement. Color was used in this way to reinforce the feeling of excitement. The designer used a triad of colors around the car which itself is blue, the triad used is of the primary colors red, blue and yellow his intent in using those colors around the car is to make the car pop out at the audience. The predominant use of primary colors in this design almost makes the audience feel like little kids which is a positive thing since the designer is trying to pass off the product as fun, exciting and for a new generation.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design.

In this ad color works very well because if this ad where in black and white you could tell from the people jumping that they are excited but because of the color and the way it is used you can instead feel the fun and excitement.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary audience of this ad could be someone who might be looking for a new car.

Value: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? http://www.bacardi.com/us

VALUE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) X X ___

Creates a mood or feeling Creates contrast Creates movement and direction

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses VALUE. In this website the designer used value as the predominant element. Value was used to create contrast which gives the product they are advertising a 3 dimensional feeling. The designer’s intent on this website is to use contrast to make the drinks pop out at the audience and to make the drinks look refreshing. The audiences reply to value being used as the predominant element of this website is excellent because it sticks to the overall mood and message being put forth.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of VALUE in this design.

The efficiency of value in this website is great. Value works well because it adds contrast to the page and also gives a 3 dimensional feeling to it.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The audience of this website is people who are 21 and over and looking for rum that can be mixed into many different drinks.

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