E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 4: Memorandum of Understanding
C onsortium A greement July 1 5, 201 3
Seven A rmenia-based organizations including E urasia Partnership F oundation (E PF ), C aucasus R esearch R esource C enter (C R R C ), M edia Initiatives C enter (M IC ), M artuni W omen’s C ommunity C ouncil (M W C C ), Support fo N oyemberyan (SN ), G oris Press C lub (G PC ), and V ardanants C enter for Innovative M edicine (V C IM ) agree to enter into a C onsortium with their good will and respect towards each other to cooperate for the elaboration and implementation of U SA ID ’s D evelopment G rants Program (D G P) and beyond. T he C onsortium members agree to do their best for the achievement of the D G P goals in the framework of the jointly elaborated five-year Support to Sustainable C ivil Society D evelopment in A rmenia (C SD A ) project and beyond. T he C onsortium will be governed in accordance with the following partnership principles: -
C onsortium is the main strategic governance body of the C SD A project. E PF is in charge of the financial and programmatic administration of the C SD A project vis-à-vis U SA ID . A ny member of the C onsortium can speak to the general public in the name of the C onsortium based on the to-be-developed communication rules that will be in line with U SA ID ’s B randing Strategy and M arking Plan. A ny C onsortium member can communicate any project-related issue to U SA ID in case it keeps E PF copied on the communication. H owever, prior to communicating with U SA ID , C onsortium members are advised to first consult with E PF and/or other members of the C onsortium
T he C onsortium members undertake to resolve all the emerging issues in an amicable manner. T he C onsortium makes decisions on the basis of a consensus. In case of a disagreement between any members of the C onsortium, the issue should be discussed at the meeting of the heads of the C onsortium. In case the latter is unable to resolve the issue, the C onsortium should suggest an arbitrator acceptable to the aggrieved members, and the arbitrator’s decision re: the issue should be final. T he C onsortium will govern its operation via the following means: -
M onthly meetings of the C onsortium heads in-person or on-line to discuss most important governance and policy issues. T he meetings will be chaired by one of the C onsortium members on a rotational basis: the chair for the first year of the C SD A project will be the head of E PF . T he chair will make sure that notes are taken and distributed among all the participants after the meeting. B i-weekly C onsortium management meetings in person or on-line to discuss lowerlevel operational issues.
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E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 4: Memorandum of Understanding
D aily on-line communication among C onsortium management to coordinate programmatic and administrative issues regarding jointly implemented activities. A nnual discussion of the C SD A annual strategy, lessons learned, and other strategic issues.
T he C onsortium will invite a representative from U SA ID as an observer to its monthly meetings. A lso, in order to facilitate project implementation, the C onsortium can establish specialized working groups (such as on training modules, innovation, gender mainstreaming etc) comprising some of its staff members plus external experts. Such groups can also involve a representative from U SA ID , if needed. E PF bears the ultimate responsibility for the proper programmatic performance and financial management by the C onsortium members in compliance with U SA ID requirements. E PF will also ensure unified standards of programmatic and financial reporting across the C onsortium to meet the standards and requirements of U SA ID : E PF will collect the reports from the C onsortium members, and will deliver aggregate reports to U SA ID . W hile each member will have its clearly defined area of work, the C onsortium will work on the implementation of the C SD A project jointly, and mutual enrichment of different parts of the project will take place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The provisions of this MOU were agreed upon and approved by:
G evorg T er-G abrielyan, C E O E PF
H eghine M anasyan, C E O , C R R C
N une Sargsyan, M anaging D irector, M IC
Susanna Shahnazaryan, D irector, G PC
A nahit G evorgyan, President, M W C C
H asmik A zibekyan, President, SN
H arutyun M angoyan, C E O , V C IM 2|P age
E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 4: Memorandum of Understanding
INFORMATION ON CONSORTIUM MEMBERS Lead partner: E urasia Partnership F oundation 1 L egal name E urasia Partnership F oundation 2 D ate of registration September 20, 2007 3 N umber of current staff 17 4 A verage annual budget U SD 1 ,300,000 5 N ame/title of the head G evorg T er-G abrielyan, C hief E xecutive O fficer 6 C ontact info 1 /21 A zatutyan A ve., Suite 23, Y erevan 0037 , A rmenia Phone: +37 41 0 251 57 5 E -mail: info-epf@ epfound.am W eb: www.epfound.am 7 O ne-sentence description E PF implements and supports grassroots, locally defined projects, consciously created as an alternative to more traditional technical assistance projects. Partner: C aucasus R esearch R esource C enter 1 L egal name C aucasus R esearch R esource C enter-A rmenia 2 D ate of registration July 1 7 , 201 3 3 N umber of current staff 1 1 (including 2 temporary employees) 4 A verage annual budget U SD 400,000 5 N ame/title of the head H eghine M anasyan, C hief E xecutive O fficer 6 C ontact info A ddress: 1 A lex M anoogian Street, Suite 602, Y erevan 0025, A rmenia Phone: +37 41 0 57 4868 E -mail: crrc@ crrc.am W eb: www.crrc.am 7 O ne-sentence description C R R C -A rmenia is a leading independent policy-oriented organization in A rmenia that collects, analyzes and publishes policy relevant data on social, economic and political trends in the country. Partner: M edia Initiatives C enter 1 L egal name M edia Initiatives C enter (formerly M edia Support Internews N G O ) 2 D ate of registration M edia Initiatives C enter –July 3, 201 3 M edia Support Internews N G O –O ctober 2, 2002 3 N umber of current staff 33 4 A verage annual budget U SD 650,000 5 N ame/title of the head N une Sargsyan, M anaging D irector 6 C ontact info A ddress: 3 A rshakunyats A ve., 3rd floor, Y erevan 0023, A rmenia Phone: +37 41 0 583620 E -mail: office@ internews.am 3|P age
E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 4: Memorandum of Understanding
O ne-sentence description
W ebsite: www.internews.am M IC is a lead player in A rmenia’s media community as it promotes freedom of expression and open media via training courses, supporting and carrying out media production, promoting media literacy and conducting advocacy and policy making.
Partner: M artuni W omen’s C ommunity C ouncil 1 L egal name M artuni W omen’s C ommunity C ouncil N G O 2 D ate of registration R egistered on June 2, 2001 ; re-registered on A pril 1 5, 201 2 3 N umber of current staff 7 4 A verage annual budget $ 50,000 5 N ame/title of the head A nahit G evorgyan, C hair 6 C ontact info 8 Proshyan Street, M artuni 1 402, G egharkunik R egion, A rmenia 7 O ne-sentence description M W C C implements programs that support informed citizen participation in community development and administration including community mobilization to address local needs. Partner: Support for N oyemberyan 1 L egal name Support for N oyemberyan 2 D ate of registration D ecember 1 6, 2002 3 N umber of current staff 4 4 A verage annual budget $34,000 5 N ame/title of the head H asmik A zibekyan, D irector 6 C ontact info A ddress: Y erevanyan street #3, N oyemberyan 401 0, A rmenia Phone: +37 4 91 -7 8-32-83 E -mail: h.azibekyan@ gmail.com W ebsite: www.sfnarm.nm.ru 7 O ne-sentence description T he organization aims at improving the socio-economic conditions of the rural population and the development of competitive small and medium-sized businesses by attracting local and external investments to the region. Partner: G oris Press C lub 1 L egal name 2 D ate of registration 3 N umber of current staff 4 A verage annual budget 5 N ame/title of the head 6 C ontact info
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G oris Press C lub A ugust 1 6, 2000 7 (including contractors) U SD 41 ,360 Susanna Shahnazarօգոyan, C hief E xecutive O fficer A ddress: Ankakhutyun Street, Suite 2, G oris 3200, A rmenia Phone: +37 4284 207 31 E -mail: gorispressclub@ gmail.com
E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 4: Memorandum of Understanding
B rief description:
W eb: www.gorispress..am ‘’G oris press club’’ N G O aims at providing objective information to advance the informed participation of the society in decision-making on social, economic, and political issues in A rmenia.
Partner: V ardanants C enter for Innovative M edicine 1 L egal name A rinterlev L L C 2 D ate of registration O ctober 7 , 2003 3 N umber of current staff 116 4 A verage annual budget U SD 1 ,000,000 5 N ame/title of the head H arutyun M angoyan, E xecutive D irector 6 C ontact info A ddress: 1 8/1 V ardanants street, Y erevan 001 0, A rmenia Phone: +37 41 05921 00 E -mail: info@ vardanants.am W eb: www.vardanants.am 7 O ne-sentence description V ardanants M edical C enter provides outpatient healthcare compatible with the highest international standards.
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