Annex 7: Risk Mitigation Strategies

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E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 7: Risk Mitigation Strategies

Risk analysis Risk L ack of sufficient commitment by the C onsortium members L ack of time by C onsortium members

Likelihood L ow

L ack of interest by beneficiaries to engage in the school


L ack of commitment by additional beneficiaries to adopt the D G P approach


C hanges in the laws which make functioning of C SO s more difficult rather than more easy

M edium to high

F ailure to fundraise sufficiently to provide for cost-share

L ow


F ailure to become sustainable L ow according to one’s own definition and the D G P project criteria

Insufficient funds to achieve the goals

M edium to L ow


Mitigation strategy M oU , frequent meetings, sharing of strategies and interests T ime management and management as a central area of success are addressed by the School modules T he project and the School will be promoted significantly; the project will target only those with commitment T he methodology of grant accompaniment will mitigate such a risk; the project will target only those with commitment B uilding on networks and relying on existing networks and the media to promote own drafts of laws and to criticize the deficient drafts; learning better legal advocacy Past experience demonstrates that cost-share is usually being accumulated as planned and even surpassed; the project aims at fee generation as well C SO s are selected based on their commitment; if having no D G P opportunity they have sustained for many years, with D G P opportunity their sustainability is bound to acquire new highs B usiness and sustainability strategies, as well as M anagement School attendance, will build capacities which will allow for additional fund accumulation

E PF T echnical A pplication for R F A -O A A -1 3-000020 Proposal Narrative / Annex 7: Risk Mitigation Strategies

T ransparency required from the C SO s by the D G P project may generate resistance; C SO s may refuse to provide data to the C onsortium arguing that they are competitors

M edium to H igh

A fter A rmenia joins C ustoms U nion, E U may decrease funding to A rmenia C SO s

M edium

T he business environment may deteriorate and not provide sufficient opportunities to business-C SO cooperation

M edium


T he C onsortium will use the assessment tool only with those C SO s who agree to be transparent; this will be a criterion of C SO assessment; T he project will actively transmit the value of transparency T he sustainability models will emphasize C SO -government and C SO -business partnerships and not focus solely on governmental fundraising T he sustainability models will be mutually complementary; as a remedy to such a turn of events, the strategic partnerships model or the partnering with several C SO s within international networks may be advised

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