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Li ght Concent r at or Sunl i ght

Sol ar Cel l

Hydr ogen Fuel

Mohammad H. Hashemi Optics Lab, IMT, EPFL SHINE Annual Meeting Bern, 2015

Fl ui di cs

Wat er Spl i t t i ng

Developing cost-based design rules

Rodriguez, et al. "Design and cost considerations for practical solar-hydrogen generators." Energy & Environmental Science, 2014

Optimizing Solar-Hydrogen Production

Small Large electrolyzer electrolyzer Optimal electrolyzer

Spanni ng a br oad r ange of sol ar - H2 syst ems

Dumortier & Haussener, in progress

H2 Cost and Sust ai nabi l i t y Consi der at i ons


I mpr ovi ng l ong- t er m per f or mance


1.9 V

Voc of Si cel l s shoul d i ncr ease t o have a

I ncr eased vi abi l i t y f or Si devi ces

Increasing the VOC of Si based PV cells from 1.9 V to 2.3 V significantly improves the outputs of the devices

Component s Over vi ew Li ght Concent r at or Sunl i ght

Sol ar Cel l

Hydr ogen Fuel

Fl ui di cs

Wat er Spl i t t i ng

Si l i con PVs f or Wat er Spl Solar i t t i Application ng as Thin-Film Silicon Triple-Junction





TCO Front: ZnO aSi (p-i-n) i-aSi ucSi (p-i-n)

SiOx ZnO Ti/Pt

Current status at CSEM: Ρ=11.3 % at 1 sun; Voc = 2.23 V Potential sun to fuel efficiency: SFE=8.1%

Sel f Tr acki ng Concent r at or Lens array Waveguide Dichroic mirror membrane Phase change actuator

Zagolla, et al. "Self-tracking solar concentrator with an acceptance angle of 32째." Optics express, 2014

Concentrated Water-Splitting Device

Mi ni at ur i zed Membr anel ess El ect r ol yzer


Hashemi, et al. "A membrane-less electrolyzer for hydrogen production across the pH scale.“ Energy & Environmental Science, 2015


Hi gh per f or mance acr oss t he pH scal e 1 M Sulfuric Acid with Pt Electrodes

1 M Neutral and Basic Electrolytes

Phot oact i ve component s and scal e- up Demonst r at i on of a Phot oact i ve Devi ce

Lar ge Scal e I mpl ement at i on

Goi ng f r om l i qui d t o vapor oper at i on

Modestino, et al. "Vapor-fed microfluidic hydrogen generator." Lab on a Chip, 2015.

Current Density [mA/cm2]


Opt i mi zi ng per f or manc e f or sol ar oper at i on • Incorporating photo-


active electrodes – Low operating



• Need to lower

electrochemical load • Better catalysts • Reduce ionic resistance



0 0


Potential [V]



I ncor por at i ng mi cr ost r uct ur ed phot ocat hodes

Project Achievements Scientific output: • 4 Patents • 10 Journal Publications Awards: • Foreign Policy Magazine's “100 Leading Global Thinkers” Prize • 2015 Energy and Environmental Science Readers' Award Lectureship • Best Student Presentation Award from the OSA, Energy and the Environment Congress

Acknowledgements SHINE Team Light Concentration (EPFL): C. Moser (PI), V. Zagolla Optofluidics (EPFL): D. Psaltis (PI), M. Modestino Modeling (EPFL): S. Haussener (PI), M. Durmotier, S. Tembhurne Photovoltaics (CSEM): J. Bailat (PI), D. Domine Catalysts (EMPA): A. Braun (PI), D. Bora

for tomorrow.

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