Nano-Tera Phase1

Page 1 funding research in Systems Engineering is a national funding program supporting research in engineering of complex (tera-scale) systems for health and the environment using nanotechnologies. Energy and security issues are also investigated as crucial transversal themes in system design. research funding is open to all Swiss institutions according to the corresponding legislation. Moreover, fosters collaboration among researchers and industries that are partners or supporters of the research projects.

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli Program Leader, Executive Committee Chair

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) contributes to the program by evaluating and monitoring the large research projects through an international panel of experts, thus ensuring the high scientific quality of the program. The mission of includes research, development and technology transfer as well as education and dissemination. The final objective is to enable mechanisms that can map the high productivity of research ideas, publications and patents of the Swiss community into a significant momentum in terms of industrial growth as well as job and enterprise creation. This specific engineering focus differentiates from other funding programs. Swiss Excellence in Research The Scientific Advisory Board reviews the program as a whole and provides criticisms and suggestions for its future growth. The Board regards the program as a unique blend of technology exploration and system design. The scientific and industrial challenges studied in the program are related to exploiting micro and nano components within complex systems whose added value is much larger than the sum of their parts. A notable example is networked sensors for medical and environmental applications. Networking boosts the intrinsic power of local measurements, and allows us to reach new standards in health and environment management, with positive fallout on security of individuals and communities. Prof. Heinrich Meyr, Scientific Advisory Board Chair

Smart and diversified energy generation, such as harvesting and low-power system design are of the utmost importance to society and the economy. Truly innovative approaches are needed, that can only be found by massively investing in engineering research. Thus the Board lauds the extension of the scope to include energy as an application area. The upcoming scientific and engineering challenges are too heterogeneous and complex to be solved within a single scientific domain. They require a truly collaborative and crossdisciplinary approach. The program brings together excellent researchers in various fields from many Swiss institutions with outstanding reputation. The program is not only of high scientific value but also of eminent economic importance for the industrial sector of Switzerland. The program serves as the seed for truly innovative products and industries. It also fosters the education of highly-qualified engineers and researchers who are the most valuable and indispensable resource of this country. 1 kick-off meeting. (L-R) Program Leader G. De Micheli, Secretary of State M. Dell’Ambrogio, EPFL President P. Aebischer, ETHZ Vice President G. Schmitt

“ has provided new and important research opportunities as an instrument for application oriented collaboration in engineering that did not exist before, and that foster very challenging systems engineering projects. The panel is impressed and pleased about the current state and progress of the program. The projects demonstrate that collaboration of leading scientists is effective and essential to break new grounds for large technical and societal challenges. It forces scientists to think about how to integrate their scientific findings in such a manner that it can be used for industrial applications. The program has supported the shift in the mindset from individualistic towards multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research.” 2011 evaluation of the program by the SNF Evaluation Panel

“ The SAB considers the program to be outstanding, both in terms of management and research performed when compared to international programs. In particular, the SAB continues to appreciate Nano-Tera’s strong focus on high level research that involves a close collaboration among researchers from various disciplines and targets concrete application-related prototypes and demonstrators.” 2012 evaluation of the program by the Scientific Advisory Board


Executive Summary is a Swiss national program supporting research in multi-scale system engineering for heath, security, energy and the environment. The broad objectives of the program are to improve quality of life and security of people and to create innovative products, technologies and manufacturing methods, thus resulting in job and revenue creation. Launched officially in February 2008, with the first projects starting in March 2009, is now a strongly established program that is currently funding 75 research projects (19 RTD projects, 8 RTD add-on projects, 15 NTF projects, 6– SSSTC projects, and 27 ED activities) for a total budget of about 123 MCHF. These projects are typically carried out by consortia of 3 to 9 research groups from various Swiss institutions (Federal Institutes of Technology, universities, universities of applied sciences, etc.). The resulting Nano-Tera research community is currently building a network of 31 Swiss research institutions and involves a total of about 700 researchers. At the scientific level, the research funded has produced about 575 publications and almost 1000 presentations at conferences and workshops worldwide, as well as several presentations in general public media (television, radio, press). A total of 28 awards have been received by Nano-Tera researchers. In addition, the evaluation carried out by the SNSF Panel of international experts and by the Scientific Advisory Board has acknowledged the scientific excellence of the funded research, and stressed the strong contribution of the program to the multidisciplinary development of Swiss engineering sciences. To further strengthen the impact of the program, the Executive Committee has launched five strategic actions. Three actions focus respectively on the setup of industrial test-beds for research on smart energy systems, on the promotion of user involvement in the domain of pervasive health systems and on the detailed analysis of the reliability/usability of sensor generated data. Two actions aim at promoting international collaborations on one hand and technological transfer toward the industry on the other hand. From an industrial perspective, most of the running RTD projects receive support from industrial partners: 30 such partners are involved in the 27 RTD / RTD add-on projects, providing a total of more than 6.6 MCHF of in-cash and in-kind contributions. Furthermore, a total of 15 patent applications have been filed so far. The Nano-Tera website ( represents one of the main dissemination channels for the program: during the current reporting period, it has received over 85’000 page views from more than 120 countries. Looking forward, has been actively preparing its second phase (2013-2016). The program will keep its topical focus on health, security, energy and the environment and take advantage of its momentum to pursue its main objectives: excellence in collaborative research in engineering disciplines, educational programs, design of applied demonstrators, and transfer of acquired research results to the Swiss industry. In this perspective, two new calls for proposals have been launched in fall 2011 and spring 2012, leading to the submission of a total of 51 proposals, out of which 18 have been selected for funding. 3

introduction The objective of the program is to support research, design and engineering of complex systems and networks using micro/nano-technologies. More precisely, the program aims at identifying and fostering potential synergies between micro/nano component technology (the “nano” part) and large-scale system design (the “tera” part) to meet the growing need for complex engineered solutions to socially relevant issues related to Health, Security, Environment, and Energy. Examples of such issues are detecting in real time different health risks and conditions through integrated bio probing, revealing security risks through smart buildings and environments, saving energy through ambient sensing, or detecting and monitoring environmental hazards such as floods or avalanches. Embodiments of such solutions will typically take the form of lightweight, mobile and personalized products embedded in the environment and on/in the human body. To meet the objectives mentioned above, supports three types of projects: Research, Technology and Development (RTD) projects, representing about 80% of the activities, are large integrated, interdisciplinary research projects involving a collaboration between two (or more) research groups, preferably from different institutions. RTD projects typically focus either on the in-depth study of a particular vertical technology or on the development and implementation of a horizontal application area. The expected duration of RTD projects is 3 or 4 years, with total budgets in the range of 1-2 MCHF/year. Nano-Tera - SSSTC joint research projects result from an initiative launched by Nano-Tera in 2011, aiming at creating synergies to encourage Swiss-Chinese research collaborations within thematic areas. The collaboration of Nano-Tera in China with the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) benefitted from the existing agreement between CAS and the Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) program. The collaboration took the form of a joint call for proposals in May 2011 and the selection of 6 projects involving Swiss and Chinese partners for a duration of 1 year. Focused (NTF) projects are small-scale research projects addressing specific scientific/technical issues and needs. Their typical duration is about 1 year, with total funding in the range of 100-200 kCHF. Education and Dissemination (ED) activities correspond to actions aiming at supporting short courses, workshops, mini-conferences, and developing new curricula in domains covered by that are not provided by Swiss Universities and Polytechnics. ED activities may address the in-depth study of a technology or interdisciplinary horizontal activities, and their typical funding level is in the range of 15-30 kCHF. The program is funded by the Swiss Secretary of Education and Research (SER), in collaboration with the Swiss Polytechnic and University Boards (ETH Board and CUS). The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) evaluates and monitors research projects through an international panel of experts. Overall results After over two years of full operation, the program is now funding 75 research projects: 19 RTD projects, 8 RTD add-on projects, 15 NTF projects, 6 Sino–Swiss collaboration projects and 27 ED activities, for a total budget of about 123 million Swiss francs. A synthesis of each of the RTD projects can be found in the second part of this document. These projects are carried out by consortia of 3 to 9 research groups, building a network of 31 Swiss research institutions, involving a total of more than 700 staff members. As illustrated by the figure below, this network represents a very dense geographical coverage of Swiss research institutions.

Geographical coverage of the Nano-Tera program. The size of the nodes is proportional to the number of involved research groups and the thickness of the lines measures the number of collaborations.


Scientific dissemination Publications In terms of scientific dissemination, the funded research has generated about 575 publications. The distribution of the publications by publication type (journals or conference proceedings) is given below. Latest












Conferences and workshops Almost 1000 presentations at conferences and workshops have been given, and the projects have led to several presentations in the media (television, radio, press).

Awards A total of 28 awards have been received by Nano-Tera researchers, including 14 in the current reporting period. Of the total, there are 20 best paper/poster awards and 8 awards for personal achievements. Collaboration with the industry and patents Most RTD projects receive support from various industrial partners. In total, 30 industrial partners are involved in the RTD and RTD add-on projects, for a total of 6.6 MCHF of in-cash and in-kind contributions.













Furthermore, 15 patent applications have been filed for results related to the RTD and NTF projects.

Strategic Actions To further strengthen the impact of the program, the Executive Committee has launched five strategic actions. Three topical actions focus respectively on the setup of industrial test-beds for research on smart energy systems, on the promotion of user involvement in the domain of pervasive health systems and on the detailed analysis of the reliability/usability of sensor generated data. These actions started at the end of 2012, each of which being directly supervised by a member of the Nano-Tera Executive Committee. InUse

Increasing usability of sensor generated data

Dr. Christoph Hüglin, EMPA


Strategic action on pervasive health

Dr. Pearl Pu Faltings, EPFL


Holistic thermal-aware design for energy-minimal datacenters

Prof. David Atienza, EPFL

Two transversal actions aim at promoting international collaborations on one hand and technological transfer toward the industry on the other hand. InternationalCollaboration

Continuation of the running Nano-Tera international collaboration program


Support for Nano-Tera research to create startups 5

Calls for Proposals 2011 and 2012 Medicine and Energy come to the fore Partner distribution by institution is now integrating 18 new collaborative 4-year research projects, uniting teams right across Switzerland. The theme of health features strongly among the research subjects selected, with strong participation from university hospitals and doctors. For the first time the theme of energy is also taking pride of place. With an average budget of almost CHF 5.2 million, they are funded at 45% by Nano-Tera. ch, the rest of the budget being provided by the participating institutions.

Initial phase

Calls 2011 & 2012

As with previous calls for proposals, the key domains of (Bioengineering and Electronics) are well represented in this selection. What is new is the arrival of research topics combining engineering with life sciences, medicine and energy. Hospitals and doctors at the service of technology If it is true that the giants of Swiss research - the Federal Institutes of Technology and the Universities - provide the big players in, nevertheless the university hospitals and the specialists that thrive there, such as specialized surgeons, neurologists and cardiologists, are taking an ever greater part in the program. These specialists represent 14% of the co-investigators for the newly accepted projects. The CHUV, the InselSpital of Bern, the University Children's Hospital in Zurich and the Hospitals of Schaffhausen will all be bringing the benefit of their expertise to the research of the Nano-Tera program. Among the themes to be explored will be portable sensors for the effective monitoring of obesity, the refinement of spinal cord repair techniques using components that combine CMOS and polymers - allowing victims of paraplegia to recover partial mobility, and a study of the use of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for the treatment of various forms of cancer. These projects require strong collaboration between medics and scientific researchers.

Partner distribution by discipline

Initial phase

Calls 2011 & 2012


A crucial matter: the management of energy The theme of energy has taken on a whole new dimension in this year. In the past, the research being funded related mostly to ultra-low power microchip or systems. However, crucial problems such as the intelligent management of energy and the production of renewable energy will now feature in the program. For example, scientists will apply themselves to the task of producing hydrogen from water and sunlight, or managing a smart power grid, using the EPFL campus as a testing ground. The success of in numbers Analysis of the projects accepted by the Swiss National Science Foundation clearly shows the success of the program. The excellent geographical spread across Switzerland of the 111 research partners shows its country-wide participation while the distribution by discipline and by institution, clearly underlines the collaborative and multidisciplinary character of Also noteworthy is the presence of 16 industrial partners with the 18 projects accepted.

New Research, Technology, Development projects - 2013 start BodyPoweredSenSE

Wearable ICT for Zero Power medical Applications

Prof. Pierre-André Farine, EPFL


Automated surveying of surface water quality by a physical, chemical and biological sensor equipped anguilliform robot

Prof. Jan van der Meer, UNIL


Image-guided micro surgery for hearing aid implantation

Prof. Stefan Weber, UniBE


Demand Response for Ancillary Services: Thermal Storage Control

Prof. John Lygeros, ETHZ

IrSens II

A multi-component sensor for air pollutants and greenhouse gases

Prof. Jérôme Faist, ETHZ


Therapeutic drug monitoring for Personalized medicine

Prof. Carlotta Guiducci, EPFL


From Superparamagnetic Nano-particles until Tools for Detection and Treatment of cancer

Prof. Heinrich Hofmann, EPFL


Novel semiconductor disk lasers for biomedical and metrology applications

Prof. Ursula Keller, ETHZ


Monitoring the Consequences of Obesity

Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran, EPFL


Solar Hydrogen Integrated Nano Electrolysis

Prof. Christophe Moser, EPFL


Smart grids, Smart buildings and Smart sensors for Optimized and Secure Management of Electricity Distribution using dedicated microelectronic ICs and real time ICT

Prof. Maher Kayal, EPFL


Smart muscles for incontinence treatment

Prof. Bert Müller, UniBas


Hybrid CMOS-polymer neural interfaces for restoration of sensorimotor functions after spinal cord injury

Prof. Stéphanie Lacour, EPFL


High performance portable 3D ultrasound platform

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL


Wearable MRI detector and sensor arrays

Prof. Klaas Prüssmann, ETHZ


Multi Functional Wearable Wireless Medical Monitoring Based on A Multi Channel Data Acquisition and Communication Management System on a Chip

Prof. Qiuting Huang, ETHZ


Wise Skin for tactile prosthetics

Dr. John Farserotu, CSEM

X-Sense II

MEMS acoustic detectors for natural hazard warning systems

Prof. Lothar Thiele, ETHZ 7






CabTuRes CMOSAIC GreenPower i-IronIC IrSens / IR-N-ox

J. Faist

p.10 p.12 p.14 p.16 p.18


C. Guiducci


LiveSense MIXSEL NanowireSensor Nexray / COSMICMOS

P. Renaud


U. Keller


C. Schönenberger


A. Dommann


J. Thome J.-A. Månson G. De Micheli

NutriChip / Ca-NutriChip M. Gijs


OpenSense / OpenSense+ K. Aberer



H. Heinzelmann


PlaCiTUS QCrypt SelfSys / SelfSys+

Q. Huang J. Brugger

p.36 p.38 p.40


P. Ryser


TecInTex X-Sense

G. Tröster

p.44 p.46

N. Gisin

L. Thiele

SSSTC i-Needle M3WSN NaNiBo NetCam SiC-nanomembranes 3DOptoChemiImage





S. Carrara

J. Brugger

p.48 p.48 p.49 p.49 p.50

D. Psaltis


T. Braun A. Züttel J. Lygeros

NTF BioAnt BioCS-Node EMoA Enabler G-DEMANDE MicroComb NanoUp NaWiBo NeoSense PMD-Program SecWear SMTS TWIGS ULP-Logic ULP-Systems


2009 A. Skrivervik P. Vandergheynst F. Tièche A. Ionescu M. Schumacher T. Kippenberg A. Sienkiewicz T. Zambelli M. Wolf S. Maerkl M. Sami C. Dürager D. Briand Y. Leblebici Y. Leblebici




2013 p.51 p.51 p.51 p.52 p.52 p.52 p.53 p.53 p.53 p.54 p.54 p.54 p.55 p.55 p.55 9


2009 C. Hierold





Principal Investigator

Prof. Christofer Hierold, ETHZ Co-applicants

Prof. Wanda Andreoni, EPFL

Prof. Adrian Ionescu, EPFL

Prof. Nico de Rooij, EPFL

Prof. Maher Kayal, EPFL

Prof. László Forró, EPFL

Prof. Bradley Nelson, ETHZ

Dr. Oliver Gröning, EMPA

Prof. Dimos Poulikakos, ETHZ


Enabling autonomous sensor nodes: lowpower nano-sensor/electronics building blocks based on tunable carbon nanotube electro-mechanical resonators



Enabling autonomous sensor nodes: low-power nano-sensor/electronics building blocks

based on tunable carbon nanotube electro-mechanical resonators

Designing nano-mechanical resonators for sensing and electronics applications Context and project goals The project aims at demonstrating concepts and devices for ultra-low power, highly miniaturized functional blocks for sensing and electronics. At the core are carbon nanotube mechanical resonators, which can be tuned via straining over a wide frequency range up to several GHz, offer an unprecedented sensitivity to strain or mass loading, and all these with a very low power consumption. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field Tunable carbon nanotube resonators have first been demonstrated in 2004. While several research groups worldwide are currently investigating these devices, CabTuRes distinguishes in its commitment to bring them closer to application via several technological innovations. Furthermore, system integration is a core task aiming at assembling the resonators with interface electronics into a mm3 system-in-a-package. Quick summary of the project status and key results CabTuRes has advanced state-of-the-art at both the fundamental and technological levels. At the basic level, the team has investigated hydrogen and oxygen adsorption on CNTs and the mechanical interface between CNTs and their anchors. At the technological level, processes for growing CNTs with excellent control over location, growth yield and directionality have been demonstrated. CNT resonators have now been fabricated and demonstrated, together with several key blocks of the interface electronics. An integration and packaging process has been defined and most of its unit processes tested.

Key Points • physics of carbon nanotubes • engineering sciences in N/MEMS

novel CNT-based devices: ultra-low power, miniaturized functional blocks for sensing & electronics

Using CNT-based nano electro-mechanical resonators: CNTs have small mass & high stiffness when doubly clamped: huge resonant frequencies reachable (>1GHz)



• better tuning via appropriate tensile actuators (uncontrolled chirality may not affect tunable CNT resonators) • process flow allowing combination of MEMS with CNTs &CMOS ICs plethora of applications possible

Mass loading creates shift in resonant frequency - with huge sensitivity to tiny mass changes Measure gas molecule densities Weigh nano bodies (proteins, viruses...) Strain also affects resonant frequencies Measure strain/stress/pressure...

ELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS CNTs: higher quality factors than L-C elements CNT resonators could be used as tunable RF voltage controlled oscillators Multi-GHz range also good for NEMS filters and detectors 11


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. John Thome, EPFL Co-applicants

Prof. David Atienza, EPFL

Prof. Dimos Poulikakos, ETHZ

Prof. Yusuf Leblebici, EPFL

Prof. Wendelin Stark, ETHZ

Dr. Bruno Michel, IBM ZRL


3D stacked architectures with interlayer cooling



3d stacked architectures with interlayer cooling

What it’s about Designing multi-layered computer chips with interlayer cooling for increased computing performance and reduced energy consumption.



In a nutshell

The project addresses interlayer cooling (using a myriad on microchannels) of 3D computer chips, including water cooling, two-phase refrigerant cooling, development and perfection of new micro-fabrication techniques for TSVs and their connections, bonding of stacked layers together, dynamic thermal modeling of 3D chips, and extensive experimental testing of 2D and 3D cooling solutions and new thermal models. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field Other labs are not as advanced in the thermal modeling of the underlying heat transfer processes nor in the manufacturing and testing of 3D test vehicles. Quick summary of the project status and key results Project is on track to realize all of its goals. Specifically, various 3D test vehicles have been tested (first one in 1st year of project, another set during this past summer with water cooling, while the most sophisticated 3D test unit was completed at the end of 2012 for extensive testing and analysis with two-phase cooling and water cooling in 2013 by the end of the project.

Key Points • 3D stacks of computer chips allow a huge functionality per unit volume • Recent progress in the fabrication of through silicon vias

new ways for high density array interconnects between stacked processor & memory chips BUT heat needs to be removed ! [each layer dissipates 100-150 W/cm2] These 3D integrated circuits need novel electro-thermal co-design Microchannels etched on back side of chips to circulate liquid coolant

Interdisciplinary problem approached at various levels: • • • • •

architecture microfabrication liquid cooling two-phase cooling nano-fluids 13


Context and project goals

Principal Investigator

Prof. Jan-Anders M책nson, EPFL Co-applicants

Dr. Lorenz Gubler, PSI

Dr. Emmanuel Onillon, CSEM


Connecting renewable energy to green mobility using hydrogen as energy carrier under the Belenos Clean Power initiative



Connecting renewable energy to green mobility using hydrogen as energy carrier under the Belenos Clean Power initiative


In a nutshell

Demonstrating a Swiss technology for hydrogen mobility with optimization of the overall energy flow and focus on hydrogen storage and use in a fuel cell


What it’s about

The use of H2 based on renewable resources to substitute fossil fuels for mobility and stationary applications is key to reduce CO2 emissions. The challenges targeted by the project are cost reduction and enhanced safety, primarily for i) H2 storage under high pressure through the development of polymer composite vessels with unique self-sensing liners and ii) use in fuel cells with novel grafted polymer membranes. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The polymer membranes for the fuel cell are less expensive and more durable than commercial membranes thanks to a novel radiation grafting chemistry. The polymer composite hydrogen storage vessels include for the first time a self-sensing piezoelectric 'liner' and are produced using a cost-effective fiber weaving technology. The optimization of the energy system includes all process steps (production, storage, use). Quick summary of the project status and key results In 2012 proton-exchange membranes (PEM) were produced with superior durability compared to commercial PEM. Key progress was made to develop the self-sensing liner for high pressure storage, with outstanding combination of gas-barrier and piezoelectric properties. The energy flow optimization was implemented on the associated user’s interface and methods were studied for fuel cell health monitoring. Belenos car and boat demonstrators are accomplishing one year test under real drive and navigation conditions.

Key Points Main concept:

Global decentralized production of hydrogen and oxygen coupled to renewable energy sources solar cells home-based electrolyser storage unit fuel cell by making fuel production at home possible and competitive

KEY UNDERLYING ISSUES • Adequate membranes for the fuel cells: Based on commodity polymer materials lower cost and longer life-time Optimized for mechanical & chemical stability + performance • Safe high pressure gas (H2 / O2) storage system Using new microscopic composite lining • Design, simulation & setting up of unit controlling gas flows (production + storage + usage) • Communication system


Role of federator, between new developments and specific elements (gas sensors, etc.) addressed in other projects. Federating line: overall «Belenos Clean Power» concept for green mobility powered by sun energy + strong industrial & academic motivation

Home Control

Direct Use

Electrolyser Fuel Cell

H2 O2 15


Context and project goals

Principal Investigator

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL Co-applicants

Dr. Sandro Carrara, EPFL

Prof. Qiuting Huang, ETHZ

Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL

Prof. Yusuf Leblebici, EPFL

Dr. Fabio Grassi, IRB

Dr. Linda Thoeny-Meyer, EMPA


Implantable/wearable system for on-line monitoring of human metabolic conditions



Implantable/wearable system for on-line monitoring of human metabolic conditions


In a nutshell What it’s about

Context and project goals The project goals have been to develop a fully implantable sensors system, involving multi-panel sensors capable to sense several metabolites, all in parallel, in real-time. Research has also tackled CMOS design for the fully-implanted, complex, and lowconsumption electronics for sensing and remote powering. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field (i) This is the smallest multi-panel fully implantable biochip ever built. (ii) It involves a deep integration of bio and nano-materials onto micro-fabricated platform for multi-target sensing. (iii) It offers an intelligent patch to be located on top of the skin for remote powering of the implant and data transition to a smart-phone. Quick summary of the project status and key results The project has led to the realization of a prototype with the following key characteristics: - The smallest multi-panel fully implantable biochip - Biocompatible packaging for the implantable biochip - The intelligent patch for remote powering - Detection of some non-commonly detected metabolites (e.g., the ATP) - Design of a very tiny (1.5x1.5 mm2) integrated circuit CMOS frontend for the nano-bio-sensor

Key Points Goal:

Study an innovative • multi-metabolites • highly integrated • fully implantable • real-time monitoring system for human metabolism

Currently available wearable systems for health monitoring: no metabolites measurements! (only glucose monitoring for diabetic patients)

Many different molecules are crucial to monitor:

• lactate • ATP • cholesterol



Fully implantable sensors array for data acquisition

Fully implantable sensors system

Wearable station for remote powering and signal processing Remote station for data collection and storage

Multi-panel sensors to sense several metabolites (lactate, cholesterol, ATP, etc.) in parallel, in realtime New software algorithms for signal analysis New CMOS design for the fully-implanted, complex and low-consumption electronics for sensing and remote powering 17



Building a prototype of a human implant to detect various markers of diseases and supporting remote monitoring.

Principal Investigator

Prof. Jérôme Faist, ETHZ Co-applicants

Prof. Edoardo Charbon, EPFL

Dr. Alexandra Homsy, EPFL

Dr. Lukas Emmenegger, EMPA

Prof. Eli Kapon, EPFL

Prof. Hans Peter Herzig, EPFL

Prof. Herbert Looser, FHNW

Dr. Daniel Hofstetter, UniNE

Prof. Markus Sigrist, ETHZ


Integrated sensing platform for gases and liquids in the near and mid-infrared range



Integrated sensing platform for gases and liquids in the near and mid-infrared range

Developing two platforms to measure cocaine concentration in saliva and CO2 isotopes ratio in air to demonstrate the feasibility of compact, low consumption and state of the art detectivity sensors for both liquids and gases using near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy. Context and project goals In the context of increasing demand for sensitive, selective, fast and portable detectors for trace components in gases and liquids, e.g. due to increasing concerns about atmospheric pollutants, and to needs for improved medical screening capabilities for early detection of diseases and drug abuse, the project builds a versatile, low cost and robust platform based on optical spectroscopy in the near- and mid-infrared range. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The project is particular as it aims at building two prototype systems allowing to work in near- and mid-infrared, with fluids and gases, but still portable and small with low power demands acceptable for remote monitoring applications. It therefore combines several of the targets of other programs like MIRTHE (NSF, USA), DARPA Center for Optofluidic Integration or NRC ICT Sector (NRC-CNRC, Canada). Quick summary of the project status and key results The project is converging to the final fully integrated prototypes. For the gas sensing, state of the art measurements have been obtained for the CO2 thanks to the combination of optimized laser, detection cell and QCD (with a new preamplifier). As for the fluid sensing, the different elements developed separately have been successfully assembled to create the first prototype for cocaine detection with microfluidic extraction on the waveguide chip and a first cocaine concentration measurement have been performed.

Key Points Sensing platform based on optical absorption

Principle: probing the vibrational frequencies of targeted molecules (near/mid-infrared range) unambiguous signature of the fluid investigated

• high sensitivity for both gases and liquids • low price • low power consumption Semiconductor optical sources & detectors

Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Quantum Cascade Laser Quantum Cascade Detector



Human breath analysis QCLs as powerful light source in the mid-infrared

Multi wavelength semiconductor laser source (mid-infrared QCLs – near-infrared VCSELs)

Detection of the helicobacter pylori with isotopic ratio measurements in exhaled CO2

• high sensitivity • small sample volume needed Ideal for bio-medical applications Detection of drugs & doping agents in human fluids 19


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Carlotta Guiducci, EPFL Co-applicants

Dr. Thierry Buclin, CHUV

Prof. Christian Enz, CSEM

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL

Prof. Carlos-AndrĂŠs Pena-Reyes, HES-SO


Intelligent integrated systems for personalized medicine



Intelligent integrated systems for personalized medicine

Improving medical practice by enabling personalized medicine via therapeutic drug monitoring, while reducing health care costs. Context and project goals The purpose of the research is to advance the state-of-the-art in personalized medicine by creating new enabling technologies for drug monitoring and delivery rooted in the combination of sensing, in situ data processing, and drug release control mechanisms. The consortium is exploring new sensor technologies, hardware and software data processing means, and drug release mechanisms based on silicon membranes. This combination of new technologies can significantly better medical care and reduce the related costs. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The project is improving the state of the art by providing: (i) new point of care sensing systems (based on transmission SPR) and more robust probe molecules for specific drugs (based on DNA aptamers), (ii) new drug delivery mechanisms via electronically-controlled silicon membranes and (iii) an innovative approach to dose computing based on a formal design methodology for provably correct and safe electronic drug delivery. Quick summary of the project status and key results Since its beginning, the ISyPeM project has generated more than 20 publications in peer-reviewed international high impact journals and conferences, many of them including the contribution of more than one group of the consortium. Besides the scientific impact of the project, ISyPeM has focused on software and technological development. HEIG-VD work defined new dose-computing approaches and developed an exhaustive therapeutic drug monitoring user interface. The facilities in CMi and CSEM developed new integrated sensors and nanoporous membranes for drug release.

Key Points Medical treatments often require daily drug administration of highly active therapies over long-term periods Goal here: Provide advanced technologies to… • assess drug response by measuring drug concentration & relevant biomarkers • provide drug treatment optimisation based on statistical & personal data • enable seamless monitoring & delivery an ultralow-power integrated system Exploration of new sensor technologies, hardware/software data processing, drug release mechanisms based on silicon membranes … combined with existing medical devices

better & cheaper medical care!

Provide an electronic-control dimension to drug treatment, based on real-time sensing and safe & optimal dosing policies



• HIV infection • cancer diseases • post transplant therapies

• New integrated sensors for specific drugs and biomarkers

• New drug delivery mechanisms via electronically-controlled silicon membranes • Formal design methodology for provably correct and safe electronic drug delivery 21


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Philippe Renaud, EPFL Co-applicants

Prof. Nico de Rooij, EPFL

Dr. Michael Riediker, IST

Prof. Martial Geiser, HESSO

Prof. Jan van der Meer, UNIL

Prof. Hubert Girault, EPFL

Prof. Viola Vogel, ETHZ

Dr. Martha Liley, CSEM


Cell-based sensing microsystem



Cell-based sensing microsystem


In a nutshell What it’s about

Context and project goals Environmental monitoring is crucial to preserve the health of humans and animals. The project is developing semi-autonomous sensing nodes that sense water quality and rely results to a remote risk management center. It aims to rapidly detect any potential threat in the environment, thus the team has prioritized high selectivity over high specificity. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field In the last 3 years the consortium has been building from the bottom up a semi-autonomous platform that supports cell-based sensing and sends results over the cellular network to a remote user. Most, if not all, the competitors have so far only demonstrated cell-based sensing in a laboratory setup. The consortiums aims to engineer a system for field application. Quick summary of the project status and key results The project is developing as expected. Detection techniques to monitor the signal emitted by the cell-based sensors are all validated in the lab. Conditioning of the water sample has also been achieved. Current work is on 1) integrating selected detection techniques into the demonstrator prototype; 2) integrating microbioreactors; 3) integrating a unit to obtain and condition a sample in field conditions; and 4) on establishing the final control routines of all modules featured in the demonstrator.

Key Points Environmental monitoring – warning system for the health of a biotope need a set of autonomous remote nodes able to locally collect samples and send information Cell-based biosensors provide a biologically relevant response to toxic compounds and mixtures canary used as «biosensor» in coalmines


Cells Strong interactions between partner teams:

nutrient supply


microsystem platform

• study of the cell models • development of microbioreactor • secondary sensors to detect the cell response • integration of a demonstrator to be deployed in a river 23



Building an early-warning system for environmental monitoring using cell-based sensors

Principal Investigator

Prof. Ursula Keller, ETHZ


Prof. Eli Kapon, EPFL

Prof. Thomas Südmeyer, UniNE

Prof. Bernd Witzigmann, Uni Kassel

Vertical integration of ultrafast semiconductor lasers for wafer-scale mass production





Vertical integration of ultrafast semiconductor lasers for wafer-scale mass production

What it’s about Developing a new class of semiconductor lasers generating ultrashort pulses (in the pico- and femtosecond regime) to enable new industrial applications.



In a nutshell

The team expands the SESAM modelocking approach to a new class of semiconductor lasers with wafer-scale integration of both the gain and the absorber into a vertical emitting structure. The goal is to scale both power and pulse duration to new regimes that enable for example stable frequency comb generation. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The project’s OP-MIXSEL/VECSEL results are all world leading. The consortium is pushing the average power of this technology. A picosecond MIXSEL generated more than 6 W average power, a femtosecond SESAM modelocked VECSEL generated more than 1 W average output power and extremely low noise level performance was demonstrated. Frequency combs based on DPSSLs show superior performance, but are more complex and not producible in a wafer-scale approach. Quick summary of the project status and key results The following key result was obtained: Demonstrated multi-Watt MIXSEL performance even at higher pulse repetition rates up to 10 GHz. Initial modelocking results with EP-VECSEL at 950 nm and demonstration of a cw EP-VECSEL at 1.5 µm. Excellent metrology results further confirmed the superior noise performance obtained with SESAM modelocked diode-pumped solid state lasers (DPSSLs). Actively stabilized SESAM modelocked VECSELs show similar noise performance as DPSSLs which is much better than from edge emitting semiconductor lasers.

Key Points Ultrashort pulse lasers: crucial for biomedical applications (optical coherence tomography, photo-ablation of biological tissues…) But need for affordable, integrable femtosecond laser modules MIXSEL: mode-locked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser So far: only low-power optically pumped and picosecond regime MIXSELs




Demonstrate optically & electrically pumped MIXSELs in the picosecond and the femtosecond regime clocking applications…

continuum generation, biomedical applications…

Passive mode-locking requires saturable absorbers Further development necessary: For integration into MIXSELs and for femtosecond regime: exploration of quantum dot saturable absorbers 25


Context and project goals

Principal Investigator

Prof. Christian Schönenberger, UniBas Co-applicants

Dr. Michel Calame, UniBas

Prof. Adrian Ionescu, EPFL

Prof. Beat Ernst, UniBas

Prof. Uwe Pieles, FHNW

Prof. Jens Gobrecht, PSI

Prof. Janos Vörös, ETHZ

Prof. Andreas Hierlemann, ETHZ

NanowireSensor Integrateable silicon nanowire sensor platform



Integrateable silicon nanowire sensor platform


In a nutshell What it’s about

Context and project goals Today electronics provides the means for complex computing and drives the communication society. The availability of electronics has been enabled to a large extent by integration technology. In analogy to electronics the same concept of integration is today pursued in analytics and chemical synthesis. These “labs on chips”, as they are called, will enable better and faster medical diagnosis. Silicon-based electronic components for biochemical sensing, as they are developed in this project, are crucial elements for such chips. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The NanowireSensor team within Nano-Tera is highly interdisciplinary with groups working in physics, system biology, pharmacy, engineering, nanotechnology and surface chemistry. The projects covers all elements from basic science to system integration. Quick summary of the project status and key results In the NanowireSensor project arrays of silicon nanowire (NW) field-effect transistors (FETs) have been fabricated on a wafer scale. The NW-FETs are of high quality displaying reproducible threshold voltages, low sub-threshold swing and low noise. Si-NWs were passivated with an ALD-deposited top-oxide made of Al2O3 or HfO2 for their use in electrolytes. They display low leakage currents and high gains in pH measurements with sensitivities close to the Nernst limit. In this period the fabrication has been extended from SOI (silicon on insulator) wires to double-gated FinFETs. A CMOS readout chip has been realized and electrically validated by reading in parallel an array of 16 wires. The fully integrated system provides a measured resolution of 12 bits and a response time of less than 0.2s in pH test experiments. The consortium has greatly expanded the knowledge on the NW liquid interface by studying the surface potential as a function of ion concentration. A milestone is the successful demonstration of a differential measurements with an array functionalized in part with potassium ionoforms against unfunctionaliezd reference NWs. The consortium furthermore expanded the sensing experiments with lectin binding proteins.

Key Points Sensor platform for the electronic detection of analytes in solution – modular, scalable & integrateable • Technique without biochemical labeling (no risk to alter target molecules, cheaper & faster) • No optical techniques which remain difficult to integrate at large-scale • Differential readout capability with in situ references (to prevent mis-readings) • Immediate or on-chip signal conditioning (to reduce noise) Ion-sensitive field-effect transistor sensor platform based on silicon nanowires to be integrated in a CMOS architecture Progress needed: understanding of the sensing mechanisms and improved control



Long-term vision: Embedded systems for constant health monitoring (diabetes, etc.)

For example: new insights into metabolic processes of cells, organisms and organs, etc.

Robust / flexible / cheap platform to grant effective diagnosis possibilities for healthcare specialists

Quantitative detection of numerous substances in parallel at very low concentrations 27



Exploiting the potential of electronic components, similar to the ones used in state-of-the-art integrated circuits, for biochemical sensing.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Alex Dommann, CSEM Co-applicants

Dr. Pierangelo Gröning, EMPA

Prof. Hans von Känel, ETHZ


Network of integrated miniaturized X-ray systems operating in complex environments



Network of integrated miniaturized X-ray systems operating in complex environments

Enabling completely new modes of X-ray imaging, which will e.g. be extremely useful for applications ranging from emergency medicine to landmine detection. Context and project goals This project targets the development of novel pocket X-ray sources and X-ray direct detectors that are combined in a distributed network to facilitate X-ray imaging in areas where it was not used up to now. Miniaturized X-ray sources based on carbon nanotube (CNT) cold electron emitters combined with advanced microsystems packaging technology, together with X-ray direct detectors based on crystalline Germanium absorption layers integrated in CMOS sensor chips open the way to radical new approaches to X-ray imaging, including X-ray time-of-flight (xTOF) measurements based on Compton or static tomography without any moving parts. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field CNT based electron emission, vacuum tight MEMS packaging, epitaxy of hetero-layers and pulse counting circuits per se are not completely new. The novelty of the project’s approach is the combination of these technologies to enable radically new modes of operation in X-ray imaging. In this sense this project is unrivalled in the scientific landscape. Quick summary of the project status and key results All elements of the carbon nanotube based sources are available and they already produced X-rays in a triode configuration in a vacuum chamber. The vacuum tight MEMS packaging technologies based on transient liquid phase bonding are also ready. For the detector, the proof of concept is made that a Ge-on-CMOS heterojunction detector can sense X-rays. The pulse counting circuit will arrive soon such that all building blocks are ready at the end of the project.

Key Points Development of tera X-ray networks made of nano components • X-ray sources - Based on carbon nanotube cold emitters

CNT dimensions ensure a large electrical field enhancement factor Miniaturization of the whole source to 1 mm3 only

low threshold voltage for electron extraction

• X-ray direct detectors - Based on cystalline Ge absorption layers grown directly on CMOS sensor chip

Ge layer grown by low-energy-plasma-enhanced-vapour-deposition High resolution & high sensitivity, targeting single photon detection



Intensity modulated X-rays emitted are partly reflected back (Compton backscattering) Measurement of phase shift knowledge of reflection depth

Computer tomography is a crucial tool in modern medicine Now: sources & detectors are rotated mechanically around the body

Not achievable with conventional X-ray setups: • Remittance of intensity modulated X-ray signal only possible with CNT based cold emitters • Data-preprocessing needed at the pixel level: only possible with CMOS-based detectors

In this project: Both the X-ray detector and the X-ray source are pixelated this combination provides new imaging capabilites, e.g. static tomographic imaging CT achieved by geometrical arrangement instead of mechanical movement

Detection of buried landmines with knowledge of depth! 29


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Martin Gijs, EPFL Co-applicants

Dr. Sandro Carrara, EPFL

Prof. Richard F. Hurrell, ETHZ

Prof. Jeremy Ramsden, UniBas

Dr. Guy Vergères, ALP


A technological platform for nutrition analysis to promote healthy food



A technological platform for nutrition analysis to promote healthy food

Developing a miniaturized model of the human gut that aims at screening food products for their ability to modulate our metabolic and immune system. Context and project goals The NutriChip project is developing an integrated platform to investigate the potential of immunomodulation properties of dairy products. The NutriChip’s purpose is to provide steady-state culture conditions that mimic the in vivo fluid flow and shear stress in controllable manner, thus bringing the gut in vitro model closer to the physiological micro-environment. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The consortium is not aware of a translational nutritional academic project that covers so widely the research fields of food and nutritional sciences, additionally complementing these fields with work on imaging hardware, software and chip technologies. Quick summary of the project status and key results The consortium has established an in vitro Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) model consisting of a co-culture of an intestinal cell monolayer, which acts as a barrier mediating the active transcellular transport of nutrients, and macrophages, which act as sensors for the presence of immunomodulatory molecules secreted by the epithelial cells. Using this model it was possible to differentiate between the immunomodulatory properties of meal rich in saturated fat and milk. The same cell lines used in the Transwell model have been successfully cultured on chip. A CMOS camera was custom-built and a full CMOS image sensor was designed. The team performed a postprandial inflammation human study after ingestion of a high fat meal by obese and lean individuals

Key Points Goal : Create an integrated lab-on-a-chip platform to study the effect of human food ingestion Core element: the NutriChip , probing health potential of dairy foods Demonstrator of artificial & miniaturized gastrointestinal tract (GIT) Motivation… GIT: crucial for adsorption • distribution • metabolism • excretion of nutrients Immuno-modulation role of intestinal epithelium: tight monitoring of the nutrients & potentially harmful substances Cell models exist… Immune cells can be activated in response to transfer of molecules (nutrients, etc.) through epithelial cell layer

…but… culture design is inefficient for high throughput!

Need to downscale cell cultures Adapt to automation for efficient in vitro screening of food properties


• Innovative nano-scale CMOS circuits for optical detection of GIT cells • Special microfluidic system integrating cell-based materials within chip • New algorithms for optimal real-time computation 31


What it’s about



In a nutshell


Principal Investigator

Prof. Karl Aberer, EPFL Co-applicants

Prof. Boi Faltings, EPFL

Prof. Alcherio Martinoli, EPFL

Prof. Lothar Thiele, ETHZ

Prof. Martin Vetterli, EPFL


Open sensor networks for air quality monitoring



Open sensor networks for air quality monitoring

Building a network of low-cost mobile air-pollution sensors to provide accurate, real-time information about air quality. Context and project goals Mobile communications and inexpensive embedded sensors open new opportunities in terms of environmental monitoring, such as air quality. However, the impact of doing such measurements on a massive scale, with uncontrolled mobility and end user involvement, is not well understood today. This poses novel challenges in terms of system architecture, distributed algorithms and data analysis that is addressed in this project. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The project is quite unique in terms of producing dense measurements in the domain of air pollution monitoring using mobile measurement stations and aiming at long-term measurements. The project is dealing with a difficult measurement problem (as compared to other participatory sensing projects that use readily available data, e.g. from smartphones such as sound, accelerometer and GPS data). The project is unique in adopting and end-to-end systems perspective assembling IT expertise concerning all system layers, whereas comparable projects usually focus on specific sub-problems. Quick summary of the project status and key results The OpenSense project continued its excellent progression on all fronts, producing a rich set of individual research results and high quality publications. With the completed deployment of sensor-boxes in Zurich (and soon in Lausanne) data started to become available to validate results of the project’s previous theoretical research, and to provide a real-time service. In terms of applications the consortium established an intensive collaboration with the University Hospital Lausanne and the IST institute on work security, studying the use of the team’s expertise for large-scale medical studies. This resulted in a planning for future studies conducted by CHUV using the data and a continuation project for implementing this plan.

Key Points Urban air pollution: • Important health problem • Highly location-dependent (traffic chokepoints, industries, etc.) • Few monitoring stations measure pollutants Goal:

Address key challenges in communication and information systems for urban air quality monitoring

Sensing infrastructure:

• Mobile sensor nodes on public buses and private mobile devices • Wireless sensing and communication infrastructure

Main challenges and research areas: USE OF CORRELATIONS



Need to compress, clean & interpret the huge amount of data generated

• Intermittent communication • Sensor position changes constantly • Need to minimize measurements to reduce power consumption

Air pollution monitoring: high public interest

Identify and exploit spatial & temporal correlations in sensor data to perform optimizations

Networks grow without central planning, require self-organizing & autonomously acting components

Make gathered data available in understandable & individualized to a large community With producers of data: issues of reliability and trustworthiness of the information 33


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal investigator Dr. Harry Heinzelmann, CSEM Co-applicants Prof. J端rgen Brugger, EPFL Prof. Nico de Rooij, EPFL Prof. Hans Peter Herzig, EPFL Dr. Agnese Mariotti, CePO Prof. Ernst Meyer, Uni Basel Prof. Pedro Romero, UNIL Prof. Horst Vogel, EPFL Principal Investigator

Dr. Harry Heinzelmann, CSEM Co-applicants

Prof. J端rgen Brugger, EPFL

Prof. Ernst Meyer, UniBas

Prof. Nico de Rooij, EPFL

Prof. Pedro Romero, UNIL

Prof. Hans Peter Herzig, EPFL

Prof. Horst Vogel, EPFL

Dr. Agnese Mariotti, CePO


Probe array technology for life science applications



Probe array technology for life science applications


In a nutshell What it’s about

Context and project goals Methods that allow the routine, early, non-invasive detection of cancer will allow early treatment with better survival rates. The development of laboratory tools for the screening of cancer drugs on a cell level, allowing monitoring the cells’ adhesion and biomechanical responses, represent promising paths in the search of cancer therapies. The projects objectives include the optimization of nanomechanical sensing for early cancer detection, with a case study for head and neck cancer patients. Further, parallel force spectroscopy is being developed that allow the statistically relevant examination of the nanomechanical responses of numerous cells simultaneously. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The nanomechanical sensing technology allows for direct detection of melanoma without amplification or labeling of RNA samples from cells and for non-invasive detection of head and neck cancer using breath samples, and a rapid evaluation of results. As for force spectroscopy, current technology is limited to single cell adhesion and elasticity measurements, not suitable for screening applications. Quick summary of the project status and key results The nanomechanical sensing technology demonstrated the detection of the melanoma-specific BRAFV600E mutation and its distinction from wild type cell lines, allowing to quantitatively detecting the presence of melanoma in total RNA from cells. First studies indicate that in a clinical study on breath sample testing, head & neck cancer patients can be distinguished from healthy persons. The parallel force spectroscopy is at a proof of principle stage, having demonstrated the recording of numerous force curves in parallel.

Key Points Micro-mechanical force sensors (micro-cantilevers) exhibit properties that make them usable as highly sensitive probes to detect molecular species adsorbed to them Develop probe array techniques for life science applications, particularly in the context of cancer research Indeed, cancer spread in the body depends on...

• stiffness of cancer cells • adhesion forces of cancer cells to other cells

Nano-mechanical properties of cells & cell-cell interactions are therefore crucial in cancer research



AFM based force spectroscopy on & between cells

Advancement of personalized medical diagnostics

Cantilever based nanomechanical sensing of specifically adsorbed species with high detection limit Adsorbants affect the cantilever’s mechanical properties (its mass, hence its resonance frequency) and can be readily detected «Mechanical nose»: numerous cantilevers in parallel, each responsible for the detection of a given target substance

Direct impact on pharmacological research & cell-based drug screening 35



Developing techniques based on nanomechanical cantilevers for the non-invasive detection and further scientific investigation of cancer.

Principal investigator Prof. Qiuting Huang, ETHZ Co-applicants Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL Prof. Christian Enz, CSEM

Principal Investigator

Prof. Qiuting Huang, ETHZ Co-applicants

Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL

Prof. Christian Enz, CSEM



Platform circuit technology underlying heterogeneous nano and tera systems



Platform circuit technology underlying heterogeneous nano and tera systems

Developing the underlying circuits and systems essential for wireless networks, including health related sensors and the Internet of Things. Context and project goals Advances in information and communication technologies, combined with those in wireless communications and sensor networks, have given rise to the idea of Internet of Things. Complex systems, accentuated by the availability of large numbers of nano-scale transistors, pose challenges for their design at both transistor circuit and system level. Mastering complex system design in the nano device era and applying it to a circuit technology platform to support health related sensor networks and Internet of Things, form the dual objectives of PlaCiTUS. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field There are quite a number of international centers of excellence in either interface electronics for health-related sensors and implants, wireless communications, and surrounding digital integrated circuits and systems, which is testament to how important the subject area is. PlaCiTUS combines the Swiss expertise in 3 leading institutions, and aims to distinguish themselves in the system optimization by virtue of having sensor interface, WPAN, WWAN and ultra low power microcontroller in a single consortium. The researchers have achieved state-of-the-art so far in data acquisition IC, BTLE IC and LTE transceiver IC in each of the individual areas vis-à-vis leading international competitors, and the team aims to take advantage of these in a combined system. Quick summary of the project status and key results Critical integrated circuits and systems have been successfully implemented and characterized, matching or bettering the state-of-theart in data acquisition, BTLE and LTE transceivers. Demonstrators have been developed to incorporate ICs developed by PlaCiTUS and shown at the Nano-Tera 2012 annual meeting in Zurich, including a compact but high-quality wireless data acquisition module for ECG/EEG, a MEMS based transceiver for WPAN, and a proof of concept for the implantable, remote powered device.

Key Points In the last decades: downscaling of CMOS technologies has led to higher transistor density & speed performance ... but... at the cost of severe degradation in quality metrics! • Increase of process parameter variations • Degradation of component matching • Increase of leakage currents • Stronger short channel effects • Ever lower supply voltage Profound structural changes are required ! Goal here:

Build a platform for the design of complex mixed-signal system-on-chip in nano-scale CMOS for health, security & environment applications

DEMONSTRATORS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS • Generic sensor interface/data acquisition • Passive telemetry • Wireless body area networks • Wireless sensor networking • Wireless wide area networks

GENERAL APPLICATION From sensors in & on the body, forming the wireless body area network, to the wireless wide area network 37


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Nicolas Gisin, UniGE Co-applicants

Prof. Andreas P. Burg, EPFL

Prof. Norbert Felber, ETHZ

Prof. Etienne Messerli, HES-SO

Dr. GrĂŠgoire Ribordy, IDQ



Secure high-speed communication based on quantum key distribution



Secure high-speed communication based on quantum key distribution

Developing a system for sending cryptographic keys whose security is guaranteed by quantum physics and using this key to encrypt data with the highest rate ever of 100 Gb/s. Context and project goals Today’s information society has an ever-growing need for secure data transmission. QCrypt’s goal is to offer at the same time an elegant solution for quantum-secure cryptographic key exchange and data encryption at a world record rate of 100 Gb/s. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The QCrypt is, to the team’s knowledge, the only project developing both advanced Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and high-speed encryption systems designed for working together. Moreover, either system is at the cutting edge in its own right: The QKD prototype offers record secure bit rates with real-time hardware based key distillation. In contrast to commercial encryption systems supporting a single link running up to 10 Gbit/s, the project’s encryptors combine ten independent 10G user streams (in plain text) into a single 100 Gbit/s secured stream (encrypted text). Quick summary of the project status and key results Overall the project advances as planned: In QKD the team has a complete, working prototype with unprecedented real time hardware key distillation, finite key security analyses and fully automated operation over a single fibre using wavelength division multiplexing. On the encryption side, error-free data encryption at 40 Gbit/s with 100% throughput were demonstrated.

Key Points Cryptography: crucial to security in information transfer!

2 mains aspects:



Quantum key distribution: Secure way to generate keys, based on fundamental laws of quantum mechanics Currently too slow!

Data throughput so far limited to 1 Gbps (possibly 10 Gbps) Goal: develop a future proof encryption engine for up to 100 Gbps


Initially focus on 40 Gbps system rates and on-board processing engine at 100 Gbps

Develop High-speed Quantum Key Distribution Key production at 1 Mbps rate

Combine high-speed encryption with high-rate quantum key distribution Moreover… • compatibility with standard optical networks • ability to use wavelength multiplexing

Fast Encryption System

Fast Encryption System

Public fiber Network QKD System (user A)

QKD System (user B) 39


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Jürgen Brugger, EPFL Co-applicants

Dr. Helmut Knapp, CSEM

M.Sc. Laurent Sciboz, Icare

Prof. Nicholas Spencer, ETHZ

Prof. Bradley Nelson, ETHZ


Fluidic-mediated self-assembly for hybrid functional micro/nanosystems



Prof. Alcherio Martinoli, EPFL


Fluidic-mediated self-assembly for hybrid functional micro/nanosystems

Developing a completely new manufacturing method based on liquid-mediated self-assembly of smart MEMS parts that are liquid filled and that can release this liquid upon a trigger signal in a self-powered fashion. Context and project goals The goal of the project is to develop a novel manufacturing method capable of assembling a large number of pre-fabricated smart MEMS devices into more complex systems by using liquid media. An additional goal is to trap liquid inside the assembled MEMS that can be released upon an external trigger signal. These devices may find applications in environmental engineering, drug release, miniaturized chemical systems, etc. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The consortium has not seen any other work published that aims for the self-organized assembly of smart MEMS parts that are filled with liquid. Despite the fact that such devices may be fabricated by more conventional assembly techniques, defining a scenario applicable for a large number of very small parts, the use of natural self-assembly forces seems still the only viable solution at this point. Quick summary of the project status and key results The various project parts have been considerably improved in the following key aspects: a) MEMS processing using colored SU-8, b) surface functionalization, c) improved control of self-assembly achieved by surface functionalization (hydrophobic, hydrophilic contrast), d) the assembly chamber using piezo-actuators has been improved and modeled in detail allowing for switching between assembly and dis-assembly modes, e) High-speed camera visualization has been implemented to observe the MEMS motion in detail, f) assembly yield statistics established, g) colored ink has been trapped in MEMS and released upon chemical trigger.

Key Points nano-tera need to find novel, low cost processes to

assemble and integrate complex micro-objects into large networks in a massively parallel manner

Self-assemble N/MEMS components as they are fully immersed in a liquid possibility to encapsulate the functional liquid

Basic free self-assembly

Assembly of MEMS to micronscale RFID tag for subsequent MEMS tracking

Alternate assembly in microfluidic channels


Assembly of liquid-containing micro-capsules that can be triggered for liquid release 41


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Peter Ryser, EPFL


Prof. Kamiar Aminian, EPFL

Prof. Brigitte Jolles-Haeberli, CHUV

Dr. Catherine Dehollain, EPFL

M.Sc. Vincent Leclercq, Symbios

Prof. Pierre-André Farine, EPFL

Prof. Philippe Renaud, EPFL


Smart implants for orthopaedics surgery



Smart implants for orthopaedics surgery

Designing innovative knee prosthesis, performing the measurement of biomechanical parameters during and after the implantation, to improve the precision of the surgery and the quality of life of the patient. Context and project goals The goal of the SImOS project is to design a system to measure biomechanical parameters of a knee prosthesis, in clinical field or during daily activity. The system consists of partly implanted and partly external tools and could help the medical doctors during the surgery and the rehabilitation and increase the quality of life of the patients. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field The main discriminative point about SImOS project is the direct clinical use of the metrics which are computable based on internal measurements of the Instrumented prosthesis. For instance the estimation of unbalance medial lateral ligament based on force measurements on the polyethylene inserts, estimation of loosening of the prosthesis, and measurement of kinematics without soft tissue artifact to study the variation in range of motion in sagittal and non-sagittal angles. Second point which differentiates this work from previous works is the internal (in vivo) measurement of other biomechanical quantities than forces acting on the prosthesis. These quantities include joint angles and translational motions which are not sufficiently accurate in external measurements, and prosthesis-bone micro motion which provides an insight about the loosening of the prosthesis. As the third original feature of SImOS, it is the first time that in vivo (i.e. implanted) and ex vivo (i.e. skin attached) sensors are fused to obtain highly accurate estimations of kinematic and kinetic parameters. Quick summary of the project status and key results The strain gauges for force detection were assembled and characterized in static and dynamic conditions with the Bionix kinematic knee joint simulator. A magnetic measurement system to estimate concurrent Flexion-Extension and Internal-External Rotations was designed. Moreover, the remote powering and communication system was optimized, the analog amplification chain and ΔΣ Modulator Design were designed and finally the encapsulation and miniaturization of the system to fit Polyethylene (PE) part dimensions was considered.

Key Points Joints implanted in EU & US: > 1 million/year Expected to last 10-20 years… but frequent premature failure (~20% for people younger than 50) complex, costly & traumatic revision surgery needed Goal:

Design innovative tools (implanted & external) to monitor in vivo biomechanical parameters of joint prosthesis & orthopaedic implants


• during surgery – for alignment/positioning phase • after surgery – to detect early migration • during rehabilitation – to evaluate joint function




Currently: prostheses with implants must be custom-made Resorting to nano-scale elements will not affect the mechanical properties System adaptable to any prosthesis for a better flexibility

Beside force sensors, the prosthesis will also include orientation sensors.

More sensors can be included: • Temperature sensors to measure friction and wear • Accelerometers in order to prevent prothesis loosening

Subtle combination of parameters from internal sensors (that need little power) and external sensors 43


What it’s about



In a nutshell

Principal Investigator

Prof. Gerhard Tröster, ETHZ Co-applicants

Dr. Manfred Heuberger, EMPA

Dr. René Rossi, EMPA

M.Sc. Jean Luprano, CSEM

Prof. Martin Wolf, USZ

Dr. Stéphanie Pasche, CSEM



Technology integration into textiles: empowering health



Technology integration into textiles: empowering health


In a nutshell What it’s about

Context and project goals TecInTex is developing a truly textile‐based advanced (electrical or optical) fibers incorporating sensors, signal transmission or other active components based on nanotechnology. A textile-based Near Infrared Spectroscopy fabric and an intelligent underwear for paraplegics demonstrate the functionality in a clinical setup. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field Designing and manufacturing wearable sensors is a new field of study and their functionality has rarely been demonstrated in clinical environment until now. To the team’s knowledge wearable sensors have neither been used for prediction of pressure ulcer development nor for skeletal muscle (i.e. calf muscle) oxygenation measurement in clinical environment. Any success in prediction of such situations could improve the quality of life in paraplegics and subjects with high risk of Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). Quick summary of the project status and key results Functionalized e- and o-fibres have been tested in textile fabric. Protease activities can be detected using fibre-based optical biosensing. It is possible to monitor pH and protease activities with 6 optical fibres simultaneously (3 for pH and 3 for proteases). An array of sensors on a plastic stripe for detection of 4 analytes have been successfully devised, fabricated and characterized. TFT circuits on plastic achieve cut-off frequency around 1 MHz without degradation after 1000 bending cycles. The components and technology for the NIRS demonstrator are approved for the textile integration.

Key Points Sensing capabilities close to the human body

monitor activity, motion, health…

Incorporate built-in technological elements in our everyday textiles & clothes Existing E-textiles: low processability, wearing comfort, washability… Goal:

get the crucial core modules to design & manufacture truly wearable functional clothes

• electronic fibers • optical fibers

point-to-point connection inside the fabrics sensitive to changes in the contacting liquid env. (bio-sensing appl.)

• sensor yarns & stripes • transducer between optical & electrical signals



Peripheral vascular disease affects 30% of adults

Pressure ulcers: big problem of paraplegic and bed ridden patients

Early detection possible by near IR spectroscopy, but conventional sensors are cumbersome Light wearable system in sock to monitor tissue oxygenation continuously & non-invasively

Build a comfortable device to detect the risk for pressure ulcers in order to enable preventive measures 45



Designing and demonstrating wearable sensors in clinical environment.

Principal Investigator

Prof. Lothar Thiele, ETHZ Co-applicants

QuickTime™ et un

décompresseur sont requis pour visionner cette image.

Dr. Jan Beutel, ETHZ

Dr. Hugo Raetzo, FOEN

Prof. Alain Geiger, ETHZ

Dr. Tazio Strozzi, Gamma Remote Sensing

Dr. Stephan Gruber, UZH



Monitoring alpine mass movements at multiple scales



Monitoring alpine mass movements at multiple scales

What it’s about Investigating wireless sensing technology as well as associated models and methods towards a new scientific instrument for environmental sensing under extreme conditions in order to advance applications in science and society: geophysical research and early warning against natural hazards.



In a nutshell

In the context of climate change the project investigates why mountain slopes get unstable with a focus on high-alpine terrain (permafrost). Here the focus is on developing wireless measurement technology, integrate across various sensing dimensions, develop advance processing and data fusion to better understand and forecast natural hazards. How the project differentiates from similar competition in the field Few wireless sensor network projects have been demonstrated with real applications over a prolonged timespan. X-Sense is not only demonstrating the feasibility of such a technology and years of unattended lifetime in harsh environments but also significantly advancing applications in science for the benefit of society. By integrating multiple sensing dimensions with new models and methods, the team is able to gain understanding of the underlying geophysical processes on multiple scales and prepare the use in early warning scenarios. Quick summary of the project status and key results After initial conception and installation in the first years of the project, the focus has now been on the operation of the whole data chain including the new sensor nodes as well as leveraging the data and knowledge gathered. Managing the diversity and amount of data (“big data”) has been a serious challenge. The analysis and modeling results derived so far allowed detailed interpretation and a significant body of publications in the application domain. On the technology side substantial progress has been made with respect to novel protocol and algorithm developments, system architecture concepts as well as model-based validation.

Key Points Global climate change: Destructive geological processes make slopes unstable, inducing landslides Develop a monitoring & warning system for the spatial and temporal detection of newly formed hazards Extend the quantitative understanding of these systems and predictive capabilities

MAIN GOALS OF THE RESEARCH • Develop dependable wireless sensor technology for environmental sensing under extreme conditions • Integrate various sensing dimensions and scales • Extend the spatial scope from local measurements to large-scale information (derived from IN-SAR satellite remote sensing) • Applications: Geophysical and climate-impact research, Early warning against landslides & rockfall

RESEARCH AREAS • High precision GPS and syntheticaperture radar (SAR) data processing • Modular, reliable architectures for sensor data fusion • Geophysical models across multiple scales and dimensions 47


Context and project goals

Intelligent needles with wireless connection to internet for biophysical bases of acupuncture

Principal investigator Dr. Sandro Carrara, EPFL Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL Dr. Christine Nardini, Shanghai Inst. for Biological Sciences

Mobile multi-media wireless sensor networks

i-Needle Autoimmune chronic diseases are gaining increasing prevalence in our societies, and therefore require intensified efforts towards their effective treatment. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one such disabling disease, affecting synovial tissue of the joints, and resulting in loss of function and mobility. RA hits patients in their productive, working age, and it is characterized by a strong prevalence in women (~70%). Despite no cure existing, patients receive therapies during the active stage of the disease when inflammation peaks and symptoms become acute. Conventional treatments make use of drugs with heavy side effects. Acupuncture is used by an estimated 13 million Chinese people and received increased interest in the western world. It appears to control the symptoms of the disease and/or the conventional treatment’s side effects, which limit the applicability of the therapy and strongly debilitate the patients’ organism. With very limited exceptions, no molecular rationale for the efficacy of acupuncture is available to date. Although supported by the World Health Organization for the treatment of RA, the use of acupuncture remains limited and the real effect on the disease based on scientific investigations remains largely unaddressed. Therefore, given the tremendous potential benefits of acupuncture, this project aims to address the currently lacking in systematic and scientific evidence of the physical and molecular mechanisms acting behind this therapy, by combining of clinical and broad spectrum high-throughput (omic) biomolecular data (sampled in blood) as well as innovative tools (the intelligent needle) to acquire additional data during acupuncture practice in animal models (rats). The identification of the molecular bases of acupuncture has the potential to open to a whole new area of research, where the present approach (and improvements) can be extended to the study of other diseases, and the integration of acupuncture and pharmacology can be envisaged for the design of new, more efficient and effective therapies.

M3WSN Sensor network research should be supported by realistic experiments performed in wireless sensor network test-beds. This requires repetition of experiments to achieve statistical significance, and to allow researchers to verify results. However, mobility of objects, sensors, and base stations is difficult to implement and to repeat in a testbed. The Mobile Multi-Media Wireless Sensor Networks (M3WSN) project seeks to use real testbeds for experiments but emulate mobility of personal devices, sensors, and base stations. M3WSN aims to build an experimental research platform including both communication in wireless sensor networks and processing sensor data in cloud computing environments.

Principal investigator Prof. Torsten Braun, UniBE Liusheng Huang, Uni of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou

The target research platform is based on existing solutions developed and used in previous projects. In particular, the achievements of the EU FP7 project, Wisebed (Wireless Sensor Network Testbed) will be used. The work performed in M3WSN will enhance the Wisebed platform by wireless mesh nodes to allow experiments with software running on both wireless mesh and sensor nodes. The VirtualMesh emulation engine, which only supports wireless mesh nodes until now, will be extended to wireless sensor nodes. This will allow to experiment with software on real sensor nodes, but mobility and wireless communication of sensor nodes will be emulated. The research platform will be used by researchers to support their experimental research work on mobile multi-media sensing. M3WSN is designing a scalable network architecture for mobile multi-media wireless sensor networks. It targets a multi-media sensor system for object detection and tracking based on steerable cameras that are triggered and steered based on discrete sensor data. Moreover, M3WSN will explore how opportunistic forwarding can be used to support the delivery of multi-media sensor data, when sensors are mobile. M3WSN will investigate mobile base stations visiting sensors for collecting multi-media sensor data. In this case, energy consumption at the sensors should be decreased by minimizing the activation of the transceivers used for communication between sensors and base stations.


Principal investigator Prof. Andreas ZĂźttel, EMPA Dr. Andreas Borgschulte, EMPA Prof. Ping Chen, Dalian Inst. of Chemical Physics (DICP) Prof. Yao Zhang, Dalian Inst. of Chemical Physics (DICP)

The main aim of this project is the development of novel and safe boron respectively nitrogen containing hydrogen storage materials with the help of nano-structures. Hydrogen is the ideal means of storage, transport and conversion of energy for a comprehensive clean-energy concept. The availability of a safe and effective way to store hydrogen reversibly is one of the major issues for its large scale use as an energy carrier. Hydrogen storage in solids offers a safe alternative to storage in compressed or liquid form. However, at present, no single material fulfilling all requirements is in sight. Amidoboranes and aluminium borohydride have high hydrogen content and release hydrogen at rather the low temperatures. However, these materials have been found emitting toxic and possibly explosive hydrogen containing species such as ammonia and diborane, which is a drawback for the reversibility of the materials and a severe safety issue. Efforts will be put to achieve the goal of not having toxic exhausted gas and to drive the kinetics and thermodynamic constraints of these systems toward technology application ranges. The project involves synthesis, analysis and theoretical modelling. While in China the focus is laid on the synthesis of amidoboranes, in Switzerland the aluminium borohydride will be the material of choice. Various mechanical and chemical syntheses will be carried out aiming at nano structuring the materials. Since the goal is to try to release pure hydrogen, decomposition experiments will be the main tool to check the effectiveness of the proposed system. An apparatus combining gravimetric and spectroscopic analysis detects the exhausted gas, giving the quantitative amount of the gaseous decomposition products, while structural analysis gives a picture of the changes in the samples upon hydrogen sorption. The experiments will be supported by theoretical modelling of the involved reaction paths in order to help the data interpretation and to provide an explanation of the mechanisms behind the decomposition reactions.

Real Time Computation & Optimization for Networked Camera Surveillance

NetCam In recent years there has been a growing interest in the use of surveillance cameras to prevent accidents and crime, promote security and safety, and monitor critical systems and traffic scenes. Surveillance systems can be found everywhere: in transport systems from taxis to trams, from small corner stores to large banks, from lonely footpaths to crowded streets and sport arenas. With the advent of closed circuit television (CCTV) the task of monitoring no longer requires a significant physical presence: the collective images from a large number of cameras may be monitored by “controllers� working in front of several monitors. Because human monitoring of surveillance video is a very laborintensive task, however, there is growing interest in developing intelligent and automated surveillance systems.

Principal investigator Prof. John Lygeros, ETHZ Prof. Takkuen John Koo, Shenzhen Inst. of Advanced Technology

This project aims to develop control algorithms to enable the automation of surveillance tasks for networks of cameras. The control problems of interest in this context involve both continuous decisionmaking (selecting the pantiltzoom inputs for the cameras) and discrete decision-making (e.g. the combinatorial allocation of tasks to cameras). Moreover, they also involve substantial stochastic uncertainty (regarding the movement of the targets, measure ment noise and errors, etc.). The problems of interest can therefore be formulated in the framework of stochastic hybrid systems. Specifically, common surveillance tasks such as target acquisition and target tracking can naturally formulated as stochastic reachability problems, where the objective it to maximize the probability that the specific task is accomplished. 49





Nano-confinement of nitrogen and boron based hydrides

SiC nanomembranes for MEMS biofuel cell

Principal investigator Prof. JĂźrgen Brugger, EPFL Prof. Haixia Zhang, Peking University

Optofluidic 3D chemical imaging cytometry based on inline digital coherent anti-Stoke Raman scattering holography

SiC-nanomembranes The main objective of this Pilot Project is to develop a new technology platform of a SiC thin membrane with engineered nanopore structures for potential use in (bio)fuel cell application. The fabrication of the SiC nanopore membrane includes two key technologies: one is material preparation, and the other is the bulk micromachining process. The Peking University team prepares and characterizes SiC thin film on Si substrate, systematically investigates growth conditions and optimizes its mechanical properties, by performing PECVD or LPCVD at different temperatures and studying the effects of growth and annealing conditions on the morphology, crystal structure, roughness, Young modulus, hardness and stress. The EPFL team develops process flows to pattern nanopore structures in the film and further fabricate SiC nanomembranes. They will adapt deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) process to engineer nano channel structures in SiC thin film based on top-down lithography, or alternatively by a bottom-up approach by transferring self-assembled nanostructures of a mask into a membrane thin film. Free-standing SiC nanopore membrane can subsequently be achieved by further releasing the film from Si substrate. Together, Peking University and EPFL will functionalize the etched SiC pores with appropriate polymer or molecular monolayer to enhance proton transport through the membranes. If successful, we will further develop a microfluidic cell to demonstrate the principle of a biofuel cell by using glucose as fuel and enzyme as catalyst. The system is designed to gain advantages of high efficiency, chemical and mechanical stability, as well as scalable fabrication process

3DOptoChemiImage The project seeks to develop a compact optofluidic 3D imaging cytometry system for high throughput screening of micro-scale objects based on their chemical fingerprint. By properly designing the optical system and selecting two excitation laser beams, we take holographic pictures based on the emission of Coherent Anti-Stoke Raman scattering (CARS) from the objects. A 3D image of the each object can be then digitally reconstructed.

Principal investigator Prof. Demetri Psaltis, EPFL Prof. Kebin Shi, Peking University

Different from conventional optical microscopy method including phase contrast and fluorescence, CARS is a technology for bio-specimen imaging with chemical contrast without labelling. As the contrast of CARS image is based on the inherent molecule vibrational characteristic, CARS provides a high resolution and sensitive method for noninvasive imaging which is particularly suitable for high throughput screening of biological samples. On the other hand, digital holographic method provides a single shot method for recording 3D images of objects, which is especially suitable for high throughput imaging screen of living cells. This project will develop an on-chip, self-reference interferometry method for recording the CARS hologram, hence simplifying the optical setup and improving reliability. The collaboration of Prof. Psaltis’s group in EPFL with the group of Prof. Shi in Peking University benefits from the complementary expertise of the two groups. The EPFL group has extensive experience and a record of past developments in optofluidic devices. The EPFL group has strong capability in micro-optic and microfabrication. The Peking group has extensive experience in nonlinear optics and holography, especially in the areas of CARS spectroscopy and imaging. The convergence of the optical skills in nonlinear optics and microfabrication will pave the way to developing a compact and low cost nonlinear optofluidic 3D imaging cytometry for fast screening of bio-specimen. The potential impact of this work is in the areas of both health and environment monitoring. In particular, the consortium expects valuable applications in food and water safety monitoring due to the high sensitivity and throughput of this method.



The aim of this project is the theoretical study, design and characterization of implantable antennas dedicated to in-body telemetry. The latter is used to transmit sensor data from an implanted module to a base station located out of the body, and receive instructions (for drug delivery for instance) from the same base station. Applications for this project are far field telemetry, where sensor communications with base stations relatively far from the body are considered.

Principal Investigator Prof. Anja Skrivervik, EPFL

This project studies the effect of a complex dielectric environment on the antenna characteristics and elaborate new theoretical limits on what can be obtained. Classical antenna design and characterization techniques will be enhanced to consider this new environment. The results obtained will be tested by designing ultra miniature implantable antennas that will be used in the i-IronIC project.

Prof. Juan Ramon Mosig, EPFL

Enabling ultra-low-power ambulatory monitoring of cardiac and neurological bioelectrical signals using compressed sensing

BioCS-Node Wireless body sensor network (WBSN) technologies promise to offer large-scale and cost-effective solutions to the problem of increasingly prevalent cardiac and neurological diseases. Outfitting patients with wearable, miniaturized and wireless sensors able to measure, pre-process and wirelessly report cardiac and neurological signals to telehealth providers would enable the required personalized, long-term and real-time remote monitoring of chronic patients.

Principal Investigator Prof. Pierre Vandergheynst, EPFL Prof. David Atienza, EPFL

Embedded mobile agent framework for smart buildings

To successfully deploy WBSNs able to perform long-term, remote and clinically relevant monitoring of chronic patients in free-living conditions, it is critical that sensor devices become vanishingly small and autonomous, while retaining their embedded intelligence and wireless capabilities. Significant research contributions remain to be made in terms of ultra-low-power embedded compression of ECG and EEG signals and ultra-low-power WBSN connectivity. This project proposes a novel and promising approach to tackle the former challenge. More specifically, it devises low-complexity, yet powerful multilead cardiac and neurological bioelectrical compression techniques and designs their supporting ultra-low-power sensor digital processing platform.

EMoA This project tackles in-house safety by communicating domestic incidents such as a person falling or unusual behavior. The use of multiple video sources provides a powerful, flexible and accurate surveillance/detection system. With this purpose, we envision a distributed smart camera system, based on low-power embedded systems-on-chip targeting image processing and network communication.

Principal Investigator Prof. François Tièche, HES-SO Dr. Nuria Pazos, HES-SO

The ultimate goal pursued by this project is thus the enhancement of the existing single smart camera fall detection system, developed at ISIC/He-Arc, to cover a larger field of view and make the system more robust. This depends on a successful implementation of a mobile agent middleware on the target embedded platform. Such middleware has to be designed for distributed image processing, where two or more cameras can cooperate for a single task such as tracking a person. The main requirements of such a mobile agent system for distributed smart cameras are: lightweight, abstractions of image processing, collaborative image processing, and synchronizations. 51





Bio implantable antennas

Enabling energy efficient tunnel FET-CMOS co-design by compact modeling and simulation  

Enabler This project addresses the power dissipation as the greatest challenge for today’s nanoelectronics, from a novel device and circuit hybrid design perspective. Tunnel FETs are steep slope switches that address critical power issues in nanoelectronics and are considered as the candidate with the highest potential for low power circuits and systems.

Principal Investigator Prof. Adrian Ionescu, EPFL Dr. Heike Riel, IBM ZRL Prof. Andreas Schenk, ETHZ

Gestational diabetes expert-based monitoring aided by networks of distributed agent environments

The Enabler project focuses on the development of a modeling and simulation environment necessary to enable to co-design of steep slope switches with advanced CMOS for novel energy efficient integrated circuits. Its goal is to establish the core physical modelling and derive basic compact DC models, calibrated and validated on nanowire tunnel FETs, in order to enable the emergence of future hybrid Tunnel FET-CMOS IC design. Two stateof-the-art trends in the realization of tunnel FET architectures will be particularly followed: ultra-low power all-silicon (Si or SiGe source) device, integratable on advanced CMOS platforms, and device based on III-V materials, also integratable into the future CMOS platforms that are expected to exploit novel super-mobility III-V material channels for n-MOSFETs.

G-DEMANDE Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) occurs during pregnancy due to increased resistance to insulin. The current treatment approach includes a planned diet, exercises, self-blood glucose monitoring tests and frequent visits to the dietician. Fast action is crucial in case of hyperglycemia and specific symptoms to prevent any serious complication.

Principal Investigator Prof. Michael Schumacher, HES-SO

This project proposes the deployment of a pervasive healthcare infrastructure to monitor GDM patients and inform their caretakers with historical values and alerts. To setup this infrastructure, a ubiquitous multi-agent system is deployed pervasively in the environment and accessible to users by means of smart phone devices. The data produced by wearable sensors is fed in the distributed multi-agent infrastructure. The intelligent agents deployed in the infrastructure use the data to pre-diagnose possible conditions and alert health professionals in charge of the patient. The primary goal is to break the boundaries of hospital care, allowing patients to be monitored while living their day-to-day life.

Dr. Juan Ruiz, CHUV

Chip-scale optical frequency combs for near and mid-infrared

MicroComb Optical frequency combs have revolutionized optical frequency metrology in just a few years, but a major obstacle has been the lack of integration; it has been impossible to create compact on chip comb sources. The aim of this project is to build a planar optical frequency comb generator on a chip using CMOS compatible processing. It complements the Nano-Tera projects IrSens and MIXSEL by targeting multi-wavelength sources not based on semiconductor based materials, but rather by nonlinear frequency conversion.

Principal Investigator Prof. Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL


The project builds on the 2007 discovery of the principal investigator, who has demonstrated an entirely new way of generating combs, without making use of mode locked lasers. Concretely, it will develop fully integrated nanophotonic waveguides and microresonators on the same silicon chip using SiN (and HfO2). Using atomic layer deposition, dispersion will be controlled and broadband frequency combs generated. The overall objective is to create a phase coherent link from RF to optical on a chip as well as the demonstration of combs in the mid-IR by pumping >2 micron pump wavelength.

The aim of this project is to prepare multifunctional magnetic–fluorescent nano-engineered systems, which would combine useful functions of superparamagnetic and near-infrared (NIR) to visible up-converting particles. The particles will also be conjugated with photosensitizing agents, thus allowing to perform locally-mediated photochemistry under NIR light illumination. Such properties render these constructs suitable for a range of applications, including bio-imaging, magnetic separation, contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging, fluorescent labeling, targeted drug delivery and efficient deep-tissue treatment of cancers in photo-dynamic therapy (PDT).

Principal Investigator Dr. Andrzej Sienkiewicz, EPFL Prof. Alke Fink, UniFR

Nanowire bonding: in-situ interconnecting and addressing of individual nanowires

The project focuses on synthesis and characterization of NIR-to-visible up-converting multifunctional nano-constructs based on highly efficient up-converting phosphors (NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+) and superparamagnetic iron oxides. For performing local bio-oxidations the outer shell of the constructs will be functionalized with photosensitizers of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The overall aim of the project is to explore technological routes towards obtaining efficient NIR-to-visible up-converting multifunctional nano-phosphors and bring them closer to biomedical applications.

NaWiBo This project proposes a new approach toward the in-situ addressing of nanowires. The starting point is the FluidFM, an atomic force microscope (AFM) provided with microchanneled cantilevers for local liquid dispensing and stimulation of single living cells under physiological conditions. On the one hand, the accurate force feedback of the AFM allows for a reliable and automated approach of the cantilever tip onto both hard and soft surfaces. On the other hand, such microchanneled cantilevers may be loaded with any soluble molecule. Because of the size match between the tip aperture and the nanowire dimensions, the FluidFM is the appropriate tool to locally modify devices made of nanowires.

Principal Investigator Dr. Tomaso Zambelli, ETHZ

Novel integrated wearable sensors for multi-parameter monitoring in critically ill newborns

Two main aspects will be treated: the individual functionalization of closely packed nanowires with specific marker biomolecules; and the fabrication of interconnecting metallic wires between micropads and conducting objects such as carbon nanotubes or polymer chains, preadsorbed on an insulating surface.

NeoSense Monitoring the vital signs of preterm infants and severely ill newborns is crucial, including the arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), measured by pulse oximetry and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2), measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. State-of-the-art probes for SpO2 are attached around the hand and foot, locations that are prone to motion artefacts due to the tendency of babies to move arms and legs, causing inaccurate measurements and false alarms. StO2 is a novel parameter, which reflects the oxygenation of the brain, an organ which is highly sensitive to lack or excess of oxygen.

Principal Investigator PD Dr. Martin Wolf, USZ

This project seeks to build a novel integrated system that is able to monitor the SpO2 more robustly and accurately, uses up less body surface of the newborn infant, monitors brain StO2, and fuses the data intelligently to achieve a higher sensitivity, specificity and reliability. To prevent motion artefacts, the novel SpO2 sensors will be positioned on the trunk.

Dr. Olivier Chételat, CSEM PD Dr. Jean-Claude Fauchère, USZ 53





Core-shell superparamagnetic and upconverting nano-engineered materials for biomedical applications

A programmable, universally applicable microfluidic platform

PMD-Program The development of microfluidic technology has revolutionized biological research thanks to the fluid handling capabilities, integration and economies of scale it offers. Currently, microfluidic devices are highly specialized components that require expert knowledge for their design and fabrication. The application specificity of designs significantly increases the cost of microfluidic technology and reduces its applicability.

Principal Investigator Prof. Sebastian Maerkl, EPFL

Design of very low power robust and secure nodes for wearable sensor networks

This project developed a new class of generally applicable microfluidic devices that can be reconfigured for different applications by means of software. These software-reconfigurable devices do not require application-specific designs leading to a subsequent reduction in cost. Conversely, the necessary programs and methods required for each application can be easily distributed along with the devices or even developed by the end-user. The devices build of the development of multilayer soft-lithography and microfluidic large-scale integration that enable the fabrication of devices featuring a high-density of active components at very low cost.

SecWear Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNs) are low cost sensor networks, very often wireless, that are designed to sense physiological parameters, such as heart rate and blood pressure, and that allow easy access to users critical and non-critical data.

Principal Investigator Prof. Mariagiovanna Sami, USI Prof. Silvia Giordano, SUPSI Dr. Francesco Regazzoni, USI

Structure monitoring system for high performance transportation systems

This project addresses the problem of security for BASNs, in the light of the new possibilities and challenges provided by novel technological libraries. In particular it aims at providing BASNs with strong cryptographic primitives and with robustness against physical attacks, and at evaluating the effect of such design decisions on the communication protocol. The approach is to take advantage of the novel technological libraries to develop novel devices supporting standard algorithms. Furthermore, the methodology aims at considering all the design variables since the beginning of the design process, evaluating the effects that each optimization step in one direction has on the other parameters. This project represents one of the first attempts to consider security and robustness against physical attacks together with the other primary design variables.

SMTS Safe and cost-effective operation of transportation structures is an issue of considerable importance. Use of high-performance structures made from lightweight composite materials has intensified research in damage mechanics and damage prevention. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems are useful for damage detection on structural elements under laboratory conditions: they assess structural integrity or damage accumulation under applied service loads, providing information that can be used to improve safety or optimize maintenance.

Principal Investigator M.Sc. Christian D端rager, EMPA Dr. Andreas J. Brunner, EMPA Prof. Andreas Heinzelmann, FHO Prof. Manfred Morari, ETHZ


SHM of transportation structures requires integration of the monitoring system into the structure. This project develops the main components (transducers, signal transmission, data processing and analysis) to a level ready for integration into a real application. The main problems to be solved are the development of (1) sensitive transducer networks for largescale structures that allow for localization of damage sites, (2) electronic modules for signal pre-processing, storage and wireless transmission to a central data acquisition unit, and (3) algorithms for automated signal processing, analysis and evaluation that indicate in the end whether maintenance or other actions are required. The expected benefits are numerous: even though transportation structures are at the focus of the project, the SHM system can be adapted to other types of structures.

Electronic textiles have a wide range of potential applications in wearable computing, medical monitoring, assistance to the disabled, and distributed sensor networks. The integration of electronics component within the textile yarn is the next step in the evolution of e-textiles and brings electronic-textile integration below the device-level.

Principal Investigator Dr. Danick Briand, EPFL Dr. Giovanni Nisato, CSEM Prof. Gerhard Trรถster, ETHZ

Sub-threshold source-coupled logic (ST-SCL) circuits for ultra-low power applications

While the Nano-Tera TecInTex RTD project seeks to improve on the state-of-the-art woven e-textiles by fabricating thin-film temperature and pressure sensors on plastic substrates and weaving a true e-textile with a commercial machine, the TWIGS project focuses on integrating capacitive chemical gas sensors (humidity and Volatile Organic Compounds) with optimized flexible electrodes into textiles. A simple large-area textile air-filter is being built as a demonstrator. This is to be achieved by fabricating VOC, temperature sensors and humidity sensors on plastic foils, cutting the substrate into strips and weaving the sensors into a large surface textile. The integration of humidity and VOC sensors into air filters will allow air-control systems to detect air quality in the surrounding environment and take corrective action.

ULP-Logic The demand for implementing ultra-low power digital systems in many modern applications such as mobile systems, sensor networks or implanted biomedical systems has made the design of logic circuits in sub-threshold regime a very important challenge. This project explored new methodologies for implementing ultra-low power digital integrated systems. One of the main issues in design of ultra-low power CMOS digital circuits is the leakage current due to sub-threshold conduction and gate-oxide tunneling. The tight tradeoff among different device parameters makes the design of such systems in advanced CMOS technologies a very difficult task.

Principal Investigator Prof. Yusuf Leblebici, EPFL

Sub-threshold source-coupled logic (ST-SCL) systems for ubiquitous system applications

To overcome these issues, a new circuit family is proposed, based on the source-coupled differential topology. Using sub-threshold source-coupled logic (ST-SCL) circuits, it is possible to reduce the stand-by current of each logic cell down to a few pico-amperes, resulting in extremely low power dissipation levels that cannot be reached using conventional circuit topologies. Experimental ST-SCL circuits have been shown to operate with an equivalent energy of 600 eV per operation.

ULP-Systems As a continuation of the ULP-Logic NTF project (see above), this project explores further the potentials of sub-threshold SCL circuits as an alternative solution for implementing ultra low power digital systems. The research results obtained in the ULP-Logic project indicate that the operating current dissipation of logic cells can be reduced to levels as low as 1-10 pA, and that the power-delay product of a typical ST-SCL gate can be well below 1 fJ. This suggests that the proposed circuit topology has a very significant potential for ultra low-power applications, and opens up completely new possibilities for dynamic power scaling under strict energy constraints.

Principal Investigator Prof. Yusuf Leblebici, EPFL

The utilization of ST-SCL circuits also offers significant advantages in terms of power dissipation, by increasing the activity rate of the circuit. Combining this technique with variable supply current, the power dissipation (and operating frequency) of critical circuit components can be scaled over a very wide range, to an extent that is completely impossible in conventional CMOS configuration. The ST-SCL circuit topology has a very wide application range covering logic, memory, mixed-signal functions and more, thus promising to develop into a complete platform for ultra-low power ubiquitous system applications. 55





Textiles with integrated gas sensors

Governing Bodies The Executive Committee The Executive Committee (ExCom) acting on behalf of the Steering Committee, is the scientific executive body of; it consists of scientists from the partner institutions appointed by the Steering Committee and is chaired by the spokesperson of; it is responsible for defining and monitoring the scientific and academic strategy of the program and for providing scientific guidance.

Prof. Giovanni De Micheli Chair, EPFL

Prof. Nico de Rooij EPFL

Dr. Alex Dommann CSEM

Prof. Boi Faltings EPFL

Prof. Miroslaw Malek USI

Prof. Lothar Thiele ETHZ

Prof. Hugo Zbinden UniGE

Prof. Patrick Aebischer Chairman and President of EPFL

Prof. Philippe Gillet Alternate to the Chair and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, EPFL

Prof. Ralph Eichler President ETHZ

Prof. Piero Martinoli President USI

Prof. Martine Rahier President UniNE

Prof. Jean-Dominique Vassalli Rector University of Geneva

Prof. Christofer Hierold ETHZ

The Steering Committee The Steering Committee (SC), representing the Presidents/Rectors/CEO of the partners of the consortium; The Steering Committee is composed of the Rectors/Presidents/Directors/ CEOs of the partner institutions involved in the consortium. The Steering Committee is responsible for all decisions/actions requiring statutory authority, as well as the overall monitoring of the program, including reporting, and the implementing evaluations/recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Board and of the SNSF Evaluation Panel.

Dr. Mario El-Khoury CEO CSEM


Prof. Antonio Loprieno President UniBas

THE SNSF Evaluation Panel

the Scientific Advisory Board

The SNSF Evaluation Panel, a group of international experts appointed by SNSF to evaluate the RTD proposals; the selection of the RTD proposal to be funded, as well as their funding level, is decided by SNSF based on the recommendations of the Evaluation Panel.

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of academy and industry representatives from institutions other than the ones participating in the consortium; it is appointed by the Steering Committee, and provides an external evaluation of the overall performance of the program, as well as recommendations for its improvement.

The current members of the SNSF Evaluation Panel of are:

The current members of the SAB of are:

- Dr. Amara Amara, ISEP

- Dr. Andrea Cuomo, STMicro

- Prof. Manfred Bayer, TU Dortmund

- Prof. Satoshi Goto, Waseda University

- Dr. David Bishop, Bell Labs

- Prof. Enrico Macii, Politecnico di Torino

- Prof. Harald Brune, SNSF

- Prof. Teresa Meng, Standford University

- Prof. Frederica Darema, NSF (USA)

- Prof. Heinrich Meyr, SAB Chair, University of Aachen

- Dr. Urs Dürig, SNSF

(visiting Prof. EPFL)

- Prof. Rolf Ernst, TU Braunschweig

- Prof. Khalil Najafi, University of Michigan

- Prof. Georges Gielen, Leuven University

- Prof. Calton Pu, Georgia Tech

- Prof. Chih-Ming Ho, UCLA

- Prof. Lina Sarro, Technical University Delft

- Dr. Patrick Hunziker, University Basel

- Prof. Göran Stemme, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

- Prof. Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University - Dr. Karl Knop, SATW - Prof. Paul Leiderer, SNSF Chair, Uni Konstanz - Prof. Leila Parsa, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Prof. Jan Rabaey, University Berkeley - Prof. Albert van den Berg, University Twente - Prof. Hubert van den Bergh, SNSF - Dr. Marco Wieland, SNSF - Prof. Hiroto Yasuura, Kyushu University

The Management Office The Management Office (MO), responsible for operational tasks, lead by an executive director, and involving specific staff for accounting, controlling, reporting, dissemination and web presence; the Management Office is operating under the supervision of the ExCom. Dr. Martin Rajman, Executive Director

Yann Dixon Finance & Control Coordinator

Dr. Patrick Mayor Scientific Coordinator

Jocelyne Vassallli Administrative Assistant

John Maxwell 
Webmaster 57

Leading house EPFL

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Consortium institutions CSEM Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ETHZ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich UniBas University of Basel UniGE University of Geneva UniNE University of Neuchâtel USI University of Lugano Other partners ABB ACP AG Advanced Circuit Pursuit ALP Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences CePO Pluridisciplinary Oncology Center CHUV University Hospital of Vaud CRR-SUVA Clinique Romande de Réadaptation, SUVA Eawag Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHO University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland FOEN Federal Office for the Environment FSRM Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnology GAMMA Gamma Remote Sensing HES-SO University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland IBM ZRL IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Icare Icare Institute IDQ id Quantique InselSpital Bern University Hospital IRB Institute for Research in Biomedicine IST Institute for Work and Health Kinderspital ZH University Children’s Hospital Zurich METAS Federal Institute of Metrology PSI Paul Scherrer Institute REMSMED AG Spitäler SH Spitäler Schaffhausen SPZ Swiss Paraplegic Center ST STMicroelectronics SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland SwissGrid Symbios UniBE University of Bern UniFR University of Fribourg UniSG University of St.Gallen UNIL University of Lausanne USZ University Hospital of Zurich UZH University of Zurich Chinese institutions DICP Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics PICB Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences PKU Peking University USTC University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou SIAT Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology


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