2 minute read

US Embassy Opening Reception

Majors Robert and Vanessa had the honour of attending a reception for the opening of the US Embassy in Honiara. The reopening of an embassy in the Solomon Islands by the USA follows decades of a consulate presence under the leadership of Keithie Saunders who served as the US Consular Agent for over ten years. Recently appointed Charge d’Affaires Russell Comeau referenced the enduring relationship between the US and Solomon Islands, forged during WW2,andhighlightedtheopeningof the embassy as a platform for increased cooperation and engagement between circumstances resulted in Sunday services defaulting to the District Quarters until an alternative location could be found. Fortunately, this temporary location was only required for three weeks, with a new venue being found at Mbua Vale High School in central Honiara. The new venue is a large hall that will easily seat 200+ and is available for the whole day, giving scope for other Sunday activities. The rental is also much cheaper than what was being paid, which will save the District $1200 SBD a month! Sunday services will commencehereonthe5thMarch. the two countries to advance shared interests and values. The evening was attended by other diplomatic missions, government representatives, NGO’s and community, church and business leaders, providing an ideal opportunity for networking across multiple sectors. This sort of community engagement enables the District Officers to promote their mission in the Solomon Islands and connect with organisations who are willing to support The Salvation Army. Majors Robert and Vanessa are grateful for this opportunity and the inclusion of TheSalvationArmyinsuchanevent.

$200 SBD to cover the cost of freight to transport the equipment from Honiara to Western Province. This donation was a huge boost to Rex and Manalyn, who have up to 50 children from the surrounding community meet in their home daily for literacy classes through The Salvation Army Learning Space. Western Province Area Officer Envoy Alick says, “It will greatly help the learning space and it will also be a blessing for the fish filleting project. The community will directly benefit. It will be a great testimony of The Salvation Army presence in Munda.” The District Officers are very grateful to YWAM for initiating this donation and supporting The Salvation Army mission in Munda.


The Salvation Army Solomon Islands

District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans

PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands

Phone: (677) 30344

Fax: (677) 30344

Mobile: (677) 749 4524

Email: solomon.islands@png.salvationarmy.org

Website: www.png.salvationarmy.org

Support Needs:

 Building funds for new Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to contribute to the construction of Officer Quarters at our village churches in the provinces.

 Purchase of furnishings for Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to purchase furniture and appliances for Quarters at each of our village churches.

 Purchase of Toyota Hilux for SAES: You can support by donating funds to purchase a suitable vehicle to tow our Emergency Services trailer.

Please contact Major Robert Evans at robert.evans@png.salvationarmy.org for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.

Prayer Points:

 New property proposal for Honiara Corps

 Preparation of Candidates for Officer Training College

 Follow-up of three New Opening opportunities in Malaita

 Employment of a District Social Enterprises Manager

 Land dispute at one of our churches in Malaita

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