Solomon Islands District
NEWSLETTER May 2022 Volume 5, Issue 5
Moscom Mission Support Projects This month, the equipment purchased with 2021 Mission Support Project (MSP) funds was prepared for transport to village churches across Malaita and Western Provinces. The first load of equipment for two mission projects was delivered to Honiara Port for loading on the Gulatatae ship bound for Raeao Bay in East Areare. This included a solar freezer kit, large esky, 23 foot ray boat, outboard motor, drum of fuel, fishing and water safety gear to establish a fishing social enterprise and sea transport for The Salvation Army church at Moscom. The District Officers intended to send a set-up team from Honiara with the leader from Moscom along with the equipment to install the solar freezer kit, but the shipping company changed the status of the voyage to cargo only at the last minute. This is not uncommon for the Solomon Islands! However, this late change jeopardised the entire trip, as sending this amount of cargo unaccompanied would be an unreasonable risk. After some negotiations with the shipping clerk, an exception was made for the leader from Moscom only to travel with The Salvation Army cargo. However,
the down side to this arrangement was that the usual 24 hour voyage for passengers would now take 4-5 days with the ship stopping at every village along the route to deliver all the cargo onboard for the east coast of Malaita. The set-up team are now awaiting the next available passenger vessel to follow the equipment to assist with the establishment of these two projects. This trip will include training sessions on the purpose and operation of the fishing project, as well as setting in place safety guidelines for the use of the boat and OBM. Even though coastal communities are accustomed to sea travel, necessity often displaces safety with small crafts frequently overloaded, resulting in far too many tragedies at sea. These mission support projects form part of the Solomon Islands District strategy to provide income generating opportunities for each village church to resource local mission and ministry activities. They will also improve accessibility between village churches where there are no roads or road transport. This project will provide a connection between Moscom in East Areare and Fouele in South Malaita.
Inside this issue:
Donation from Honorable Peter Kenilorea Jnr
Networking Opportunities
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children Webinar
Ascension Sunday
Learning Spaces 3 Planning & Program COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted
Personal Reflection
Special points of interest: Financial Support Inter-agency Cooperation Social Justice Celebration Transforming Lives Borders Reopened
Donation from Honorable Peter Kenilorea Jnr The cost of freight between provinces is a very expensive undertaking. A quote obtained from the Gulatatae Shipping Company to transport the MSP equipment from Honiara to East Areare was $4,000 SBD, which would have significantly stretched the budget. To mitigate this cost, Social Enterprises Manager Envoy Alick Hagi approached the MP for East Areare, the Honorable Peter Kenilorea Junior, to seek his assistance with the cost of freight. After Alick explained the nature of the project and the intended benefit for Peter’s constituency, the MP didn’t hesitate to offer his support for the project by
making a family donation to offset the cost of freight. Peter expressed his sincere appreciation for The Salvation Army’s investment in the livelihood of the people in his constituency and his desire to learn more about future mission plans and development. This donation freed up funds, which enabled the District to add a drum of fuel to kick start the fishing project. The District Officers look forward to nurturing this relationship with the Hon Peter Kenilorea to advance other plans for Moscom, including the construction of an Officer’s Quarters and relocation of the church next to the community clinic.
Networking Opportunities Officers met with the new contingent of NZ police, who are working as advisers in the areas of family violence, youth and community policing, and learning and development, as a part of the SIPSP with the RSIPF. They were eager to learn about what The Salvation Army is doing in the Solomon Islands in their respective areas and open to discuss potential working relationships.
A change of personnel with the Solomon Islands Police Support Program (SIPSP) and an invitation from UNICEF opened up two networking opportunities for The Salvation Army this month. The District
fruitful time of discussion and discovery about each other’s program objectives, successes and challenges. The Salvation Army is committed to developing strong networks in the Solomon Islands.
The meeting with UNICEF with their Chief of Field Office and Sanitation Specialist was a follow-up to earlier conversations about potential projects and partnership. Both network opportunities were a
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children Webinar Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) is an horrific injustice that has increased during the pandemic. In the Philippines alone it has increased by 130%. This month Major Vanessa attended a webinar conducted by International Headquarters, involving the South Asia & SPEA Zones, in her role as the Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking (MSHT) contact person for The Salvation Army in the Solomon Islands. This Webinar was attended by 73 Salvation Army Officers and staff across the two zones. The webinar was very informative with speakers from the International
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Justice Mission (IJM) who spoke about the live abuse streaming of children that happens across the world; including how it is organized, who is involved and how it effects not only the victim and their families (some of whom are facilitators of this abuse), but also the community. It
also provided information about what signs to look for if someone is being used in OSEC. IJM work on a ‘Theory of Change’ that looks at deterrence, which strengthens the justice system to enforce the law, deterring criminals and protecting people from violence. The webinar participants were challenged through a Call to Action and were encouraged to raise awareness of OSEC, recognise local laws and authorities, remain vigilant on signs of OSEC in their communities, report OSEC cases to the authorities and respond to the needs of survivors and their families.
Solomon Islands District
Ascension Sunday Honiara Corps celebrated Ascension Sunday at Tandai Palms beach front with a fish breakfast to commemorate the meal Jesus shared with His disciples before ascending into heaven. The location was chosen for the live video broadcast to recreate a Sea of Galilee atmosphere. Each of the Neighbourhood Fellowship Groups were provided with a large fish the day before to prepare in readiness to share in fellowship and communion after watching the service online. In the absence of meeting together because of continued COVID-19 restrictions, this celebration provided an opportunity to create a sense of anticipation among the groups meeting across various locations in Honiara. This
week, a full worship team supported the service after recommencing practice for the first time in five months. Major Robert spoke from John 21, reflecting on the lyrics of Howard Davies powerful song “Lord, You Know That We Love You.” Despite some technical problems with a poor internet connection that disrupted the live video, the service was a beautiful occasion of worship and fellowship with the fish breakfast enthusiastically enjoyed by the worship team against the backdrop of the seaside. The Salvation Army is very grateful to Craig Day for allowing the use of his beautiful facilities at Tandai Palms and for his generous hospitality extended to the Honiara Corps worship team.
Learning Spaces Planning & Program Major Vanessa conducted a planning meeting with Honiara Corps Officer Aux. Capt. Fostina Ramo’oroa, Malaita Province Learning Space Coordinator Envoy Esther Hagi and Burns Creek
Learning Space teacher Elizabeth Tolilalo to share newly purchased Jolly Phonix resources and recently completed Jolly Phonix training. The team examined the new teaching materials and set out a teaching plan for the Learning Space in Honiara for the next six months. It was also exciting to receive reports from Learning Space teacher Margaret Akwasitoloa from Gateway Corps about the group of ladies who are meeting regularly in North Malaita to improve their literacy. The photos posted on Facebook showed at least 20 ladies gathering at The Salvation Army fully
engaged with the literacy and English program. Learning Spaces are literally transforming the lives of women and children who have missed out on a formal education.
COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted The Solomon Islands Government has recently announced the State of Public Emergency that has been in place since March 2020 is now revoked. This has made way for the removal of all restrictions on churches and public gatherings since community transmission of COVID-19 early this year; effective the end of May. It has also coincided with the formal announcement that Solomon Islands borders will reopen on the 1st July. Since the restrictions on churches and public gatherings was put in place, Honiara Corps has been meeting in small neighbourhood groups for Sunday
Volume 5, Issue 5
worship via live video. The church has not met together at their usual location at Rock Haven Inn since the second week of January 2022. These welcomed announcements means Honiara Corps will recommence meeting for public
worship on Sunday, 5th June to coincide with Pentecost Sunday. However, despite the lifting of restrictions on public gatherings, The Salvation Army will continue to adopt minimum COVID-19 health protocols, including wearing face masks and the use of hand sanitizer as cases of COVID-19 have not yet ceased in Honiara. The reopening of borders also means the District Officers will be able to reengage with Territorial events in PNG without requiring Oversight Committee approval and Territorial Leaders can now plan visits to the Solomon Islands District.
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Support Needs: Building funds for new Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to contribute to the construction of Officer Quarters at our village churches in the provinces. Purchase of furnishings for Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to purchase furniture and appliances for Quarters at each of our village churches.
The Salvation Army Solomon Islands District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands
Purchase of additional equipment for SAES: You can support by donating funds to purchase a deep freezer to store food for Emergency Services and Disaster Relief. Please contact Major Robert Evans at for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.
Phone: (677) 30344 Fax: (677) 30344
Mobile: (677) 749 4524 Email:
Prayer Points:
Implementation of Mission Support Projects Widespread COVID-19 community transmission Leadership challenges in Malaita Province Expansion of Learning Spaces into all our village churches Progression of a property proposal for Honiara Corps and DHQ
Personal Reflection… My personal prayer: I thank God for his love. He has chosen me as an Envoy for Malaita Area Officer. I experience my great day as I was commissioned almost seven months in God’s calling for me in Malaita. This is my first mission touring with my two pastors, Seth Misitana and Alban Oba. We enjoyed travelling in the truck up to Kafomauri New Opening fellowship centre. When we arrived on the first day, we began with the first program session about the family living as one, and the second day program was about church growth, and third day about leadership being mature in Christ Jesus. All the leaders and the members who attended really enjoyed and look forward for more times of arranging this kind of teaching again. Lastly, for all leaders and congregation members, not forgetting the other family friends, non believers they invited as guests to welcome them and joined together in the last night of the fellowship program. Souls repented and were saved that
night. Together, we all enjoyed both spiritual and physical blessing. All honour to our God in heaven. To God be the glory, great things He has done. On Thursday morning, the team left Kafomauri for Gateway. The next day program started on Friday, 13th May. The first session of the program started at 8.30 with teaching about family living as one in Christ Jesus, with covenant signing for Soldiers in The Salvation Army, to encourage the families and all the Soldiers to stand firm in their promises and covenant as Soldiers for Jesus Christ in the ministry of The Salvation Army. The Gateway Corps leaders like Envoy Judith and CSM Sam and all the leaders really experienced the new life in the family, the church and the leadership. Lastly from me, all my leaders in Malaita are looking forward for the great things to be happening when we still stand together in the promise agreement in the ministry of The Salvation Army in the Solomon Islands. On Monday morning,
16th May, the team returned back to our home happily and safely to their families. In conclusion, John 14:6—Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” We will see greater things than that for the next mission trip.
Envoy Hudson Kwale