Solomon Islands District
NEWSLETTER December 2019 Volume 2, Issue 12
Christmas Carolling granted permission to perform at each site was a further demonstration of how well this Christmas Carolling program was received this year.
This year, The Salvation Army and Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Brass Bands joined forces to engage in a one week Christmas Carolling program throughout Honiara at the following locations: Henderson Police Station, Kukum Fishing Market, Commonwealth Street, Rove Central Correctional Centre, RSIPF Headquarters, National Referral Hospital, Our Telekom Christmas Tree, Rove Bulkshop, Rove Children’s Park.
favourable, attracting good crowds of interested onlookers who were drawn to the visual presence of uniformed musicians from both The Salvation Army and RSIPF as much as the sound of the music.
The involvement of the RSIPF brass band in this year’s inaugural Christmas Carolling program provided valuable support for The Salvation Army brass learners and displayed a strong community partnership between the church and police that, in the words of Envoy Joshua Henry, “manifested the peace” this Christmas in the community.
The enthusiastic support of local businesses, community leaders and authorities who
The response from the public in each location was very
The reception received from both inmates and guards in the prison was a highlight for both bands, as their appreciation and joy was clearly evident through their exuberant interaction with the music.
The RSIPF brass band expressed a desire for a longer carolling program next year with the possibility of extending it beyond Honiara to Auki in Malaita. They also commented that such an engagement with the community through music would serve to strengthen the relationship between the public and police. The Salvation Army brass band learners were greatly encouraged by the presence and participation of the RSIPF brass band members. The repetition of playing carols over a week period has aided their development as brass musicians. The carolling program also provided them with a unique opportunity of outreach to share the gospel message with the community through Christmas Carols.
Inside this issue: Nominees Sunday
Local Officer Commissions
Combined Service at Burns Creek
End of Year Celebration
District Officers Furlough
Prison Feeding
A Year in Review
Special points of interest: Carols Candidates Commissions Community Celebration Care
Nominees Sunday With an emerging group of future leaders applying for Officership in the Solomon Islands, the District conducted their first Nominees Sunday to coincide with the Commissioning Weekend in PNG. This was an opportunity to bring together ‘Nominees’ (Candidates) for a day of encouragement, training and equipping. The ‘Nominees’ launched the Advent series at Honiara Corps in the morning, with each of them rostered over the Advent season to preach and testify on the theme “Called by God.” They then met at the District Quarters for lunch, followed by an afternoon of
leadership training and exploring their Nominees Development Plan for 2020. Unfortunately, three of the Nominees were missing due to illness and a death in the family. Those who participated
found the day to be a helpful time that informed and invested into their journey towards full-time ministry and leadership in The Salvation Army. As each of the Nominees are at different places in their application process, coming together as a group gave them a fuller picture of the process and enabled them to ask relevant questions that helped them to better understand what is ahead. It also gave the District Officers an opportunity to share with the Nominees the resources and support that is available to prepare them to enter the Officer Training College in PNG.
Local Officer Commissions Over the past two years there have been a number of leadership changes within Honiara Corps that reflects the growth of the Corps as well as the movement of members around the Solomon Islands. Therefore, it was overdue to update Local Officer Commissions to reflect
these changes and formally recognize those who have stepped into leadership positions. With Envoy Wency & Fostina Ramo’oroa officially appointed as the Corps Officer, the Corps Sergeant Major position that was vacated by Wency has now been filled by Daniel Hagi. Others who received Local Officer Commissions were: Rachel Hagi (Corps Secretary), Joseph Atkin (Welcome Sergeant), Barnabas Bosokuru (Assistant Colour Sergeant), Tony Kinikoroa (Worship Team Leader), Webster Buakalo (YPSM), Nirit Taba’a (Youth Leader), Gideon Sency (Assistant
Youth Leader), Jennifer Kinikoroa (Junior Miss Leader), with Envoy Wency & Fostina Ramo’oroa, Envoy Joshua & Edith Aebata, Tony & Jennifer Kinikoroa, Webster Buakalo, Elizabeth Tolilalo, and Alick Hagi each commissioned as Neighbourhood Fellowship Leaders.
Combined Service at Burns Creek The ecumenical relationship formed between Honiara Corps and Destiny AOG Church in Burns Creek has been built on the incarnational ministry of Envoys Wency & Fostina Ramo’oroa in their community. Burns Creek is a settlement situated in East Honiara that wrestles with many social issues. The presence of The Salvation Army is welcomed by other churches operating in Burns Creek and Honiara Corps is often invited to participate in combined worship events. The most recent combined service was held outside of the church building as a witness to surrounding neighbours who
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rarely attend church. The AOG leaders wanted the message shared by Major Robert to be heard far and wide, so they ensured the volume of the PA system was pumped up loud enough for the
whole community to hear! Once again, it was a blessed time of worship and enriching time of fellowship for both congregations. Even the neighbours seemed to enjoy the service as many were seen gathered outside their homes and along the road listening in. Burns Creek has become an important mission ground where the community is seeking a greater ministry involvement by The Salvation Army to help address some of the ongoing social and spiritual needs that often manifest in anti-social behavior requiring police intervention. Stay tuned for increased mission activity!
Solomon Islands District
End of Year Celebration What a year it has been for Honiara Corps! New leaders, new ministries, growth in weekday activities and Sunday worship is cause for much celebration. To bring a busy year to a close before families head back to their home villages for Christmas, a Corps picnic was held at Hammock Beach in West Guadalcanal. This year, 95 congregation members gathered at the beach for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship in the outdoors. The change of venue provided a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the second Sunday of Advent, despite the light rain and looming storm in the
background. It was great to see some new faces among the regulars who came along with family and friends. As with most gatherings in the Solomon Islands, food is a prominent feature, with an array of local foods brought along to share in a fellowship lunch after the worship service. The kids had heaps of fun swimming in the sea, while their parents opted for a more laid-back posture lounging on the stony beach and enjoying the conversation with each other. Fortunately, the pack-up was timed perfectly as a tropical storm blew in from the ocean.
District Officers Furlough
Major Robert headed off to Melbourne on the 10th December for furlough to join Major Vanessa, who left a few days earlier to assist Rebekah after her car accident. A day after connecting with their family, Robert and Vanessa left for
Bali to spend a week with Majors Nyoman and Suniati Timonuli at The Salvation Army Boys Home in Denpasar. This week away was an enriching time reconnecting with close friends and colleagues, while sharing in their ministry during the Christmas season. Their direct flight back to Melbourne was cancelled due to Jetstar industrial action but a replacement flight via Sydney was provided by Qantas, causing only minor inconvenience.
is a rare privilege to enjoy some time off over the busiest time of year for Salvation Army Officers. This is a time of much needed rest after a very full and eventful year in the Solomon Islands.
The remainder of their furlough will be spent with Bek & Adam and other family and friends over the Christmas period. It
Prison Feeding (report by Envoy Wency Ramo’oroa) On the 11th December, The Salvation Army were given the opportunity, alongside other faith providers, to provide meals and share words of encouragement to the inmates and the officers at the Rove Central Correctional Centre. There were eight (8) of us who formed the team to do the feeding. We were well received at the Correctional Centre by the Prison Chaplain and the Commandant of Rove Centre. The program started with the Commandant’s opening remarks. The Commandant spoke very highly of The Salvation Army being part of the
Volume 2, Issue 12
program. After the Commandant, I did a brief introduction about The Salvation Army. Then followed by praise and worship and Envoy Joshua shared some words of encouragement about the importance of Christmas, followed by
some items from the inmates and the Salvation Army team members. After some times of prayer, our team prepared the food and served it to the inmates and the officers on duty at that time. It was a successful program, even though it’s our first time to be part of such a program. We did well and the inmates and the officers on duty at that time were very grateful to The Salvation Army. The Commandant in his final remarks thanked our team and pledges his support to work with The Salvation Army next year in 2020.
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Support Needs: Mission Travel Budget You can support the follow-up of 12 mission requests for The Salvation Army to commence in other villages by contributing to travel costs between the Provinces. Building Funds for Gateway Corps and Ramah Fellowship: You can support by donating funds to support the reconstruction of these village church buildings.
The Salvation Army Solomon Islands District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands Phone: (677) 30344
Additional School Fees Loan Funds: You can support by donating funds to distribute to parents applying for a loan to pay School Fees for next year. Please contact Major Robert Evans at for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.
Fax: (677) 30344 Mobile: (677) 749 4524 Email: Website:
Prayer Points: Larger venue for Honiara Corps for Sunday worship Acquisition of land for Honiara Corps Preparations for the General’s visit in 2021 District Women’s Bible Weekend at the end of January Ministry Trips to village churches in February
A Year in Review... At the close of another extraordinary year in the Solomon Islands, we look back with wonder at what God has done through the Solomon Islands District. During 2019 the following mission and ministry activities have taken place:
Commencement of two new churches in Malaita Province
Commissioning and appointment of 6 new Envoys
Establishment of Emergency Services Team with 27 volunteers trained
SAES Team provided catering for National General Election and Biosecurity Emergency Coordination Centre
Pastoral Counseling provided to RSIPF after post-election riots in Honiara
Disaster Relief trip to Malaita to respond to cyclone storm damage
13 School Fees Loans distributed to families in Honiara
District Easter Campaign
5 Junior Soldiers enrolled in District
District “One Army” Congress
18 Local Officers commissioned at
Mission Trip to Solomon Islands by USA Salvationist Service Corps
Learning Space established in Honiara to provide Literacy and English classes for women
Honiara Corps
A new Neighbourhood Fellowship Group established at SINU in Honiara
DME coconut oil plant completed and operational in North Malaita
Inaugural “Father & Son” Weekend
Praise the Lord! What a year!!
Mission Trip to Fouele Village in South
It has been an enormous privilege leading in this context of growth in the Solomon Islands. We are particularly excited by the development of local leaders who are emerging in a variety of ministry roles.
Junior Miss program re-launched at Honiara Corps
Four Soldiers from Honiara Corps became Nominees (Candidates)
First wedding conducted by TSA in the Solomon Islands
First Nominees (Candidates) Sunday Christmas Caroling program involving TSA Brass Band Learners and RSIPF Brass Band in Honiara
36 Senior Soldiers enrolled in District
We would also like to take a moment to thank all our supporters both locally and internationally. Your prayers, donations and encouragement are a tremendous support to this expanding expression of The Salvation Army in the Solomon Islands. Tagio tumas!
Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans