Solomon Islands District Newsletter (Volume 3, Issue 7)

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Solomon Islands District

NEWSLETTER July 2020 Volume 3, Issue 7

Love Beyond...

As reported last month, The Salvation Army Solomon Islands launched and participated in this year’s Self Denial Appeal. Throughout the six weeks of the appeal leading up to the Altar Service on Sunday, 19th July, members of Honiara Corps who had participated in the Preaching Workshop were given the opportunity to preach on the theme “Love Beyond”. Each message was a testament to their development and growth as communicators of the Word of God. The texts selected and their individual approaches to the theme inspired and challenged local Salvationists to imagine how they can ‘Love Beyond’ in their own cultural context. Major Vanessa launched the series from Genesis 22 sharing how

Abraham expressed his ‘Love Beyond’ through sacrifice. Nominee Jennifer Kinikoroa followed explaining why we should ‘Love Beyond’ from 1 John 4, because God first loved us. Envoy Wency Ramo’oroa described ‘Love Beyond’ from Romans 12 as love in action. Alick Hagi spoke of the cost to ‘Love Beyond’ from Mark 14. David Aebata called for the same mind as Jesus Christ to define how to ‘Love Beyond’ from Philippians 2. Peter Maeatua illustrated ‘Love Beyond’ from the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10. Major Robert concluded the series with Paul’s praise of the Macedonian churches for their example of ‘Love Beyond’ in 2 Corinthians 8. This six week challenge to ‘Love Beyond’

Inside this issue:

resulted in a generous response of giving to the Self Denial Appeal, reflecting the same ‘grace of giving’ commended by Paul in 2 Corinthians 8. However, beyond the amount of money given is an expression of love that flowed out of a community that is accustomed to receiving. The opportunity to engage in the international mission of The Salvation Army through the Self Denial Appeal broadened their vision about what God could do through The Salvation Army in the Solomon Islands. This was not only true for Honiara Corps but also for the village churches that participated in the appeal for the first time this year. The challenge now remains to find new ways to ‘Love Beyond’ in the Solomon Islands.

Community Care Ministries Training


Visit to Don Bosco Technical Institute


Visit to Mary Mazzarello Centre


Burns Creek Mission Growth


Youth Group Community Service


Welcome to Territorial Leaders


Personal Reflection


Special points of interest:  Caring for Community  Education Opportunities  Mission Expansion  Serving the Vulnerable  Arrival of New Leaders

Community Care Ministries Training This month Major Vanessa conducted a Community Care Ministries training day at the District Headquarters for members of the Honiara Corps. The training included sessions on visitation, pastoral

and spiritual care, and responding to special needs in the community. The six members who attended the training are already involved in pastoral ministry but were very responsive to learning new skills and thinking that even challenged some or their cultural practices. After successfully completing the lessons, the participants were presented their certificates and publically acknowledged as the new Community Care Ministries team, which prompted other Corps members to express interest in this training. The newly formed team will actively engage in pastoral ministry at

the National Referral Hospital, Rove Correctional Centre and in their neighbourhoods around Honiara. The training will be repeated in Malaita for the village congregations.

Visit to Don Bosco Technical Institute One of the networking relationships enjoyed by Majors Robert and Vanessa is with Archbishop Chris Cardone of the Catholic Church. The Archbishop meets with the District Officers regularly and shares a mutual passion for ministering to the most vulnerable in the Solomon Islands. After meeting up this month, Archbishop Chris invited Majors Robert and Vanessa to visit the Don Bosco Technical Institute to learn about the variety of trade certificates offered by the institute for young people. Don Bosco offers training in carpentry, mechanics, electrical, hospitality, and

administration. These courses are a vocational education pathway to train young people in a trade. Don Bosco graduates are in high demand by employers because of the values and

work ethic gained during their course. The Salvation Army is now looking for funding to offer scholarships to local youth in The Salvation Army so they can gain a qualification from Don Bosco for future employment opportunities. This will also open a possible pathway for The Salvation Army to employ these young people to work on future mission and ministry construction and community development projects across the District. Don Bosco is an impressive centre that makes a real difference in preparing and equipping young people for meaningful employment opportunities.

Visit to Mary Mazzarello Development Centre The Don Bosco visit was followed by a visit to Mary Mazzarello Development Centre for vulnerable women and girls. This training centre offers courses in tailoring, cooking, nutrition, health and hygiene, home management, painting, floral arrangement and catering. The centre is run by the Selesian Sisters of Don Bosco (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians). Upon arrival, The Salvation Army team were invited into a hall where some of the women graduating from the cooking course did a presentation, showcasing their new skills. One team demonstrated how to make sweet and

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sour fish and the other team made pumpkin cake. The presentation also demonstrated just how far some of these women have come in their confidence and public speaking. The visitors were then treated to a delicious lunch prepared by the students. Major Vanessa shared the course information with the Home League members at Honiara Corps, resulting in two women from The Salvation Army expressing interest in enrolling in the next intake of students. This centre provides an excellent mission connection for The Salvation Army.

Solomon Islands District

Burns Creek Mission Growth After the Cyclone Harold relief to Burns Creek, community chief Peter Usi invited The Salvation Army to commence services in his community known as High Way Community. Since that invitation, about 18 people from High Way have been attending the Sunday Service at Honiara Corps. Their attendance reflects both their appreciation for the support they received and as well as their desire to become a part of this serving church. The District Officers are now exploring the invitation for a Salvation Army congregation to commence at High Way with Envoy Wency Ramo’oroa, who lives

in neighbouring Saumodea Community. Envoy Wency already leads a weekly Neighbourhood Fellowship at Saumodea, so the potential for his existing fellowship group to merge with High Way is a real

possibility. The emergence of a new congregation in these communities in Burns Creek will lay the foundation for a community transforming mission. This pathway into Burns Creek is a real testimony to the leadership of Envoy Wency Ramo’oroa, who has worked hard to establish a credible presence by The Salvation Army in Burns Creek. He is well respected by all the community chiefs and together with his wife Envoy Fostina are fully engaged in an incarnational presence where The Salvation Army is needed the most. Please pray for this emerging mission opportunity.

Youth Group Community Service Community networking remains high on the agenda for Majors Robert and Vanessa as they actively engage with a number of community organisations. One of these community groups is the Red Cross Special Development School, where expatriate and friend Paula Moore volunteers. This special development school provides education, physiotherapy and speech pathology to children who have cerebal palsy, are deaf or vision impaired (among other disabilities). The teachers wages are government funded but the school does not receive any other government assistance. As an act

of community service, the youth from Honiara Corps volunteered their time to participate in a working bee at the school to help clean up the grounds and attend to a number of maintenance tasks. Their

service was greatly appreciated by Paula and the school. It also provided the youth group with an opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable people in their community. Through this sort of community service activity, The Salvation Army is seeking to foster a spirit of volunteerism in the Solomon Islands. Serving one another without the expectation for anything in return is a lost value but one that many local people desire to see reemerge among their young people; making the ‘heart to God—hand to man’ ethos of The Salvation Army very appealing.

Welcome to Territorial Leaders Since their appointment as the new Territorial Leaders for the Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands Territory on the 1st May, Colonels Garth and Patti

Niemand have had to navigate COVID-19 travel restrictions, visa applications and a mandatory quarantine period before commencing their role in Port Moresby. The Colonels previously served for 5 years in the Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Territory. On Tuesday, 28th July Colonels Garth and Patti were finally welcomed at THQ by PNG Officers and staff after their release from 14 days of quarantine. The Solomon Islands District also extend their welcome to the Colonels from across the Solomon Sea and pray God’s blessing as they commence their appointment.

Volume 3, Issue 7

Their arrival comes at a time when a concerning number of COVID-19 cases have been diagnosed in Port Moresby, resulting in a two week lockdown being declared by the PNG Prime Minister. The Solomon Islands, while still COVID19 free, has just had it’s State of Public Emergency extended by further 4 months. This will restrict travelling by the Territorial Leaders across the PNGSI Territory for the foreseeable future. During this time the Solomon Islands District upholds the new leaders in prayer and remain connected via social media and this newsletter.

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Support Needs:  Mission Travel Budget You can support the follow-up of increasing mission requests for The Salvation Army to commence in other villages by contributing to travel costs between the Provinces.  Building Funds for construction of Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to support the construction of Quarters at each of our village churches.

The Salvation Army Solomon Islands District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands Phone: (677) 30344

 Purchase of additional equipment for SAES: You can support by donating funds to purchase a deep freezer to store food for Emergency Services and Disaster Relief. Please contact Major Robert Evans at for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.

Fax: (677) 30344 Mobile: (677) 749 4524 Email: Website:

Prayer Points:  Solomon Islands to remain COVID-19 free  Land for Honiara Corps  Nominees (Candidates) preparation for College  Mission growth in Burns Creek Settlement  Vehicles for Malaita Area Officers and SAES Trailer

Personal Reflection... As I sit and reflect on the first half of 2020, I believe that no one would have predicted what it has turned out to be like. Watching the news and seeing things on Facebook about the new cases of COVID-19 everyday in Australia makes me feel worried and to be honest a little ticked off. I’m worried, as our family are mainly in Victoria and are having to deal with all the lockdown procedures which they are adhering to. And I am ticked off because there are so many people in Australia that, in my view, are being selfish by not doing what they should be. Here in the Solomon Islands everyday life is really no different to what it was at the beginning of the year. We are very fortunate that we are only one of twelve countries in the world that are COVID-19 free. We are currently in a State of Public Emergency, which has now been

extended to the 25th November 2020. With the SoPE many activities have been cancelled, such as the Independence Day Parade, ANZAC Day Celebrations, as well as many of our District programs including, our annual Congress, some of our fundraising activities, as well as other upcoming events. In some ways, we are living as though there are cases here as some businesses have imposed social distancing, whereas others, like satellite markets, have been closed. One of the things that we are grateful for and don’t take for granted is that we as a church are still able to meet on a Sunday morning. God is moving in an amazing way throughout the Solomon Islands. I don’t share this to boast, but to offer encouragement to those who are unable to attend church at the moment. Don’t give up. Know that God is wanting to

speak to you in a new way. He is wanting to have a more intimate relationship with you during this time. I thank God every day that Rob and I are here in the Solomon Islands and that our country is COVID-19 free. I pray for our family and friends every day, asking God to protect them.

Major Vanessa Evans

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