EPIC Research Report This Report contains all the study and strategy required by trader to trade on MCX commodities. Refer to the chart attached in the Report to take proper Trading Decision.
MCX Daily Newsletter (23-SEPT- 2013)
MCX Daily Newsletter (23-SEPT- 2013)
TRADING STRATEGY: The Gold is in long- term bull phase .Currently Gold is moving sideways The Gold is now trading in oversold level. The Gold is now trading in oversold level. The oscillator is showing SELL signal .In last 3 weeks Gold is trading in low volatality Buy the Gold above 34687 or buy with strict stop at 29160. The Gold is now trading in oversold level. 1 BUY GOLD OCT ABOVE 30150TGTS 30250/30350 SL 30030 2 SELL GOLD OCT BELOW 29750TGTS29 29670/29600 SL 29850
MCX Daily Newsletter (23-SEPT- 2013)
TRADING STRATEGY: The Silver is in long- medium- term bull phase .Currently Silver is in strong downtrend and the trend is supported with good volume The open interest is not increasing with trend . Noting point is selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Silver is in SELL position 1 SELL SILVER DEC BELOW 49150TGTS 49000/48850 SL 50120 2 BUY SILVER DEC ABOVE 49500TGTS 49750/49900 SL 49300
MCX Daily Newsletter (23-SEPT- 2013)
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