Great expectations

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My family name is Pirrip and my Christian name is Philip. As a kid I couldn’t say it right so it became Pip. So call me Pip.

Pirrip comes from the tomb of my father. I never met him. Nor my mother for that part. My sister married a kind blacksmith, Joe Gargery. I live with them here In swampy southeast England.

Give us your name, boy!

I often come here to my parents’ grave and think of who they were. I think my father was dark and square with curly hair. In my dreams my mother is freckled and sickly…

Ay! Pip! Please don’t cut my throat, sir. I beg!

Young dog! What fat cheeks you’ve got. I think, I’ll cut one to eat. Please, you wouldn’t do that, sir!

Who do you live with supposing I let you live?

Blacksmith, huh?

Now look here! Where’s your mother?

There. In this grave, sir! With my father, sir.

Look here! Bring me a file and food from the smith. Or I will cut your heart and liver out. And come alone! Yes, sir. I will, sir.

My sister – Mrs Gargery, wife of the blacksmith.

I ran home without stopping.

Cheese, meat pie, brandy. My sister will hit me harder than ever…

And a file, check. That’s all he asked for.

That must be him.

I woke him up,

I ran swiftly back through the morning mist to the graveyard. After some time I found the first convict.

but he struck me and disappeared.

What’s that bottle?

I think you have got the fever, sir.

Brandy, sir.

I think you’re right!

Let me have.

The convict munched the food. He stared distrustfully at me, stopping only to listen to sounds. You didn’t bring anyone did you?

No, sir. No!

I believe you.

Aren’t you going to leave any food for him?


The man here who wears the same clothes as you.

Haha, don’t worry boy, only me here.

It looked like he wanted some.

This man - how did he look?

What? Looked? When, where?

Over there, sleeping, I thought it was you.

He wore the same dress and chain as you.

He had a scar big as a hand in his face. Not here?

Show me the way he went. I’ll pull him down like a bloodhound. Curse this sore iron on my leg. Give me the file boy! Yes there!

While the convict filed the leg irons, I slipped away and ran home.

Oh what have I done! Stealing for a convict….

Surely the police will be at Joe’s house.

Well at home there was a Christmas meal. Joe’s uncle, Mr. Pumblechook was the annual guest.

Did you hear what uncle Mr. Pumblechook said? Be grateful!

Here, dear child. Have some gravy, Pip.

Be grateful boy to those who brought you up by a tough hand.

Joe bring the brandy.

Knock knock!

Where is the blacksmith?

Who is that interrupting Christmas?

My God, what do you want with him?

Just this job done.

How far is it to the swamps from here?

Just one mile.

The lock goes wrong and the coupling act pretty. We need them for immediate service. Will you throw your eye over them?

Two of them. They escaped out to the swamps. Anybody seen ‘em?


Convicts, sergeant?

Let’s see if we can help the soldiers to find the convicts.

I hope we won’t. Over here!

So what, convict? Hand-cuff ‘em both!

Guard! I have the convict here.

I don’t expect and gratitude. I took him – he knows. That’s enough for me.

I wish to say something about this escape.

Say it convict. But you’re off to jail anyways. I took some food and a file up at the blacksmith’s.

That’s okay. We wouldn’t want you to starve. Would we Pip?

No, Joe.

They took the convict away and things went back to normal.

And I can’t even read!

Hi! We brought good news. Pip is allowed to play at Havisham’s estate.

I got top grades in the exam Joe!

Lady Havisham was an ultra-rich eccentric old lady. My sister always spoke of her. So the next day we went.

Pip is it? Come in Pip, alone! I am Estella.

This is the hidden room of the lady of the house. Go on boy!

What name please?

Pumblechook, and this is Pip.

This is the great Satis house. wow...

After you!

Don’t be ridiculous, boy! I’m not going in!

Look at me! You aren’t afraid, are you?

I sometimes have sick thoughts that I want to see someone play. Here, cards. Play, play play!

Let me see you play with this boy!

With him? Why, he is just a common labourer’s boy.

No-o, madam.

It’s all so new and beautiful here. I can’t. So new to him! So old to me! Call in Estella!

Well, you can break his heart…

What do you play boy?

What coarse hands this boy has! What thick boots!

Anything else?

Estella gracelessly gave me some bread and meat. By her manner, I felt like a dog in disgrace…

Beggar him!

Nothing but “Beggar my neighbour”, Miss!

She has a hard tone towards you, Pip! What do you think of her?

Very insulting!

Why don’t you cry, boy?

Whisper in my ear.

Me thinks she is very pretty!

Soon the game was over and I was dismissed and told to come back next week…

Estella, take him down and arrange food for him.

Because I don’t want to!

You do and you are near crying now!

The following day, I was called to the local pub to meet Joe. There, I met a stranger…



Mr. Gargery, I have got a bright, new shilling, and this boy shall have it.

Your son?


I was suddenly surprised as the stranger twinkled his eye and then displayed a file to stir his glass – the very same file that I had given to the convict in the churchyard

‘Tis very good of you, sir.

The stranger took his leave of Joe and me but not before he had pressed some crumpled paper into my hand. It’s two silver pounds!

He must have made a mistake. I’ll go after him!

The days passed and I found himself again visiting Miss Havisham’s gloomy house…

Am I insulting?

Not so much as last time!

You coarse little monster!

What do you think of me now?

I won’t tell.

Why don’t you cry again, you little wretch.

Because I’ll never cry for you again! I was taken to the dining room.

This is where I shall be laid when I am dead!

On this very day fifteen years ago, this table was laid. It has worn away together with me. Mice have gnawed on it but sharper teeth have gnawed on me.

This is the bride’s cake Mine, all mine!

Miss Havisham adorned Estella with fine clothes and jewelry so I was carried away by her loveliness. But she herself hated men ever since her to-be-husband never showed up at their wedding. Isn’t she pretty, Pip?

The years passed by without much happening. Then one day Mrs. Joe was beaten on the head by intruders. To nurse Mrs. Joe and, to take care of the house a friend, Biddy, was to stay with us. Mrs. Joe never recovered her speech nor got well. This was when Biddy came to our house. Miss Biddy sure is pleasant and sweet-hearted. Biddy and I had many walks together.

Just living here, working in the smithy, is not enough for me. I have greater expectations in life.

Biddy, I want to be someone. I want to be a gentleman.

Oh, I would not if I were you. You are happier as you are.

I only want you to be well and comfortable.

I’m disgruntled with my career and my life.

Well, I cannot live here forever as Joe’s apprentice. I want to do something different.

That’s a pity…

If I could have settled down. I might have grown up to keep company with you. I would have been good enough for you, right?

Yes you would.

Like what?

Instead I go on like this…

What would it matter if I was poor and common if nobody had told me so.

To win her or to win over her?

And, if you want to win her, I don’t think she’s worth it.

Who told you so?

I don’t know.

Oh! If I only could get myself to fall in love with you, Biddy!

That beautiful young lady Estella at Satis house. I want to be a rich gentleman to win her.

Because I think if you would win over her best by not minding her words.

But you never will, you see!

It was in the fourth year of my apprenticeship that a stranger appeared in our pub.

I have reason to believe that there is a blacksmith, Joseph Gargery, among you

I’m him.

You have an apprentice by the name of, Pip?

The lawyer came to our home with us.

I’m speaking on behalf of my client.

I’m that man.

The name is Jaggers. I’m a lawyer in London. I wish to have a private conference with you two!


Would you want anything to cancel Pip’s apprenticeship for his own good?

Now I turn to you young man. You have great expectations in life.


I will tell, but my client will be unknown to you.

We listened in amazement as Mr. Jaggers described what I had to expect.

It is the desire of my client that Pip is removed from his current sphere to be and is brought to London to become a gentleman!

The name of your benefactor will remain a secret until that person reveals it. Your name is to remain Pip, any objections? N-no, sir!

You will inherit a large fortune and become a merchant in London. But you need some new clothes, here!

Joe told Biddy of my good fortune.

Congratulations, Pip! When do you have to leave?

In five days.

I was excited! But who was my patron? I was sure it was Miss Havisham…

You? Good God! What do you want?

I’m going to London, Miss Pocket, and I want to thank the lady of the house.

Well you are quite a figure, Pip!

I’ve spoken to Mr. Jaggers and about it. You are now adopted by a rich person who wishes to be unknown and you will always remain known as Pip. Goodbye, Pip!

I have been fortunate, Miss Havisham. I came to show my gratitude.

Goodbye, dear Miss Havisham

What a lovely old woman, and so generous!

Off to London! Yes!!! But I feel bad about leaving Joe and Biddy…

When in London I visited Mr. Jaggers’ office. His clerk, Mr. Wemmick, was very helpful.

Jaggers is in court at present. You must be Pip? Yes, and you are Mr. Wemmick?

Mr. Wemmick suggested I’d stay with a gentleman named Herbert Pocket.

Sure. You can stay here. It would be my pleasure. Welcome.

Come with me, Pip, let’s find a place for you. I know a man in Hammersmith in west London.

I moved in with Herbert and as it turned out, we were from the same area, and had met at Miss Havisham’s house when we were kids. He told me the story of Miss Havisham.

So Miss Havisham, the spoiled brat, who’s half-brother is spoiling the family silver, is just about getting married. But the goddamn groom never shows up!

The months passed and my gentleman’s education progressed. I cultivated manners and tastes. My ambitions were teased by Herbert’s knowledge of business.

Instead he runs away like a rat with another half of her inheritance.

When I have made my capital, I shall trade with East Indies for silk, dyes, and spices.

Are the profits large?

Herbert had lost money, to get back in business he needed more. Is your job in the counting-house lucrative?

Not directly. It doesn’t pay much and my expenses are high.


But the thing is, that in a counting-house you learn of new businesses. And once you have your capital ready, you invest it!

I was prosperous, but I kept dreaming about Estella. So I figured I’d go to see her and the old woman. To say thanks and show how my appearance and manners had improved.

Has he changed? Less coarse and unmannered isn’t he Estella?

Very much.

You must know by now that I have no heart. Maybe that’s why I don’t remember.

Do you remember how you used to make me cry?

I don’t remember. Oh she is stunningly beautiful…

I doubt it. No such beauty can live without it.

Isn’t she beautiful? Graceful, well grown? Do you admire her?

Everybody who sees her must, Miss Havisham.

Love her! If she tears your heart to pieces, love her! As it gets older and stronger it will tear deeper. Love her!

When I returned to London I took Herbert into confidence.

Hebert, I love Estella! She is the woman of my life!

How? I never told you!

I know that! I know, but I can’t help myself.

He tried to discourage my interest in Estella…

O-oh! She is a thousand miles away from me!`

You’ve never told me when you’ve cut your hair either. But I have sense enough to notice it.

Pip, think of her upbringing and of that crazy old lady. They will make you miserable.

To be honest, I’m also in love. Her name I Clara, but I’m too poor.

But dear brother Pip, let’s not waste spirits. They’re playing Hamlet at the theatre!

So we went to the theatre. But, we were too miserable to enjoy it… That actor must be drunk, he’s awful…

And Ophelia looks like a cow…

A few weeks later Estella wrote to me. We were to meet at Richmond.

Pip, will you never learn?

I’m such a dork!

Of what?

Of me.

Learning not to be attracted by you do you mean, Estella?

That’s true! Miss Havisham wishes to have the two of us for a day. And you are to take me there.

At with Miss Havisham, Estella and she started arguing. Are you tired of me Estella?

If you don’t know what I mean, you’re blind.

At any cost, I have no teaching given to me just now. You wrote me to come.

Oh! Yes!

Only a little tired of myself…

Speak up you ungrateful bitch! You timber and stone, you cold, cold heart!

Look at her Pip, so hard and thankless on the heart that brought her up.

What do you want? I am what you have made me. Take all the praise, take all the blame. You’ve been very good to me and I owe you everything! What do you want?!


I wish I could have disappeared into the wall as the fight went on.

Why should I call you mad! – I know your agenda better than anyone. When have you found me false to your teachings?

Did I never give her love, Pip? Call me mad! Maybe I am mad!

The miserable Miss Havisham had now learnt that Estella had no love for her. Would it be a weakness to return my love?

All that you have given me is at your command to have again. But, I can’t give what you never gave me, mother by adoption.

Who taught me to be proud? Who praised me when I learned my lessons? Who taught me to be hard? Who praised me when I learned these lessons?

I must be taken as I have been made.

Stunned by the fighting I quietly slipped from the room and away from the house…

A few days later I heard noise from the stairs

On my 23 birthday I had earned enough money to help Pocket to set up a partnership with me.

Someone there??


What floor do you want?

That’s my name. What is the matter?

Top floor pip!

Then what is your business?

Ah yes, my business, I will explain it. If i may come in. Nothin is the matter!

No one else is here, right?

Why do you, stranger, come here at night and ask such questions?

The convict lad! Magwitch is my name! You are…

You acted nobly, my boy. Nobly! I never forgot!

Your thanks are not necessary. Now truly you must understand…

You once sent me two pound checks. You must let me pay you back.

Understand what?

Here we go…

That our lives are different and we shouldn’t be friends.

may I ask how you came from those swamps to do so well?


I explained how I had inherited property…

May I ask whose property?

I don’t know!

Can I make a wild guess at your yearly payments?

My heart beat like a smith’s hammer as I realized who was my patron…

Would the first letter of your lawyer and guardian’s name be “J”?

Yes Pip, I, the convict from the swamps remember?

Did I ever tell it, so you would feel obliged Not a bit!

I have been sending hard earned money so that you could be a gentleman. I did it to show that the convict you helped was good to make a gentleman and Pip you’re him!

After prison I went to Australia. I worked as a shepherd, alone, not seeing any faces but sheep. I saw your face.

Look Pip, I’m your second father. You’re my son.

You are more to me than anyone. I put away money only for you.

From there I worked hard and saved. After years I was freed by my master and went in business on my own. It all prospered wonderfully It was all for you Pip, the gains of the first years I sent back to Mr. Jaggers – all for you.

Through most of the night, I learned the story of Magwitch’s rise to fortune in Australia. But then he had gotten in bad company and his enemies wanted him hanged

Late at night the door knocked…


Peace! It’s Herbert!

Take it in your right hand. Kiss it!

Do as he wishes.

Magwitch swore Herbert to secrecy… I will swear it on the Bible.

Pip – what!!

Herbert and I heard Magwitch’s story to see how we could help him.

I’ve been carted here and carted there. I’ve been whipped and stuck in stocks. I first became aware of myself thieving tulips for a living.

In and out of jail, that’s the story of my life.

Compeyson was the man, dear boy, that you saw me pounding in the graveyard ditch. His business was swindling, forging and, passing stolen banknotes.

At a horse race I got acquainted with a man, whose skull I’d crack this minute. His name was Compeyson Is he dead?

When we were taken, Compeyson, put all the blame on me, and spoke against me as an old offender. He was given mercy and I got fourteen years and sent away for life.

I never heard no more of him.

Magwitch stayed at our house. But I went to Miss Havisham…

What blows you here, Pip?

What I had to say to Estella, I will say to you. I am as unhappy as you ever meant me to be.

I found some wind had blown Estella here and I followed.

Yes, I led you on!

I have found out who my patron is. Enough of this theatre! When I mistakenly believed yo u wre my patron, you led me on!

Was that kind?

A door opened from behind and in came Estella…

Who am I that should be kind?!

You made your own thoughts. I never made them!

Estella, I love you. You know that I have loved you long and dearly. I should have said this sooner, it’s a long mistake.

I’m getting married to Drummle.


I suppose so. It was a weak complaint to make.

Estella, don’t let Miss Havisham lead you into this fatal step. Put me aside forever, but marry another than man Drummle.

Why do you hurtfully bring in the name of my mother by adoption? It is my own act

But why Estella!? He’s such a coward and mean, stupid brute!

Don’t be afraid of my being a blessing to him! Do we part on this tone, you visionary boy – or man?

I was so sad and upset that I walked all the way back to London…

I recognized Wemmick’s hand writing…

Wemmick explained that Compeyson was in London and knew I was hiding Magwitch. Compeyson only waited for a chance to give Magwitch to the police. Meantime, a new hide-out had been arranged… You have been watched and might be watched again.

I was taken to the hide-out.

It is agreed, whatever you say, dear Pip!

I spoke to Wemmick about a rescue plan for you.

Herbert and I will arrange a boat and row you down the river. From there we can go to Europe…

By my entrance I was stopped by a messenger… Would you please read it right away?

Ay, ay, dear boy!

During the following days, while we were looking for a boat I felt as being watched.

I have a better idea than taking a Thames watchman. Take our friend Startop. He’s a good fellow, skilled with boats, and honest.

How much would you tell him, Herbert? Very little. Just let him know that the business is urgent!

We’ll lie quiet down river until we can pull off a steamer.

We’ll do whatever you say, Pip.

Early morning, me and the fellowship, shove off for down river, and the ship for Hamburg…

A four-oared galley went up the tide a short while ago! I don’t like it!

Here comes the steamer. Look, the galley!

Compeyson continued to haunt my mind, I could feel he was around while we arranged, for the boat.

Do you think it was a customs-boat, Startop?

It’s a customs boat!

It could have been.

We’ll be safe in another hour and Pip and his uncle will be aboard the Hamburg-bound ship.

You have a retuned convict there named Abel Magwitch! I call him to surrender and you to assist!

As Magwitch pulled the cloak from the customs boat’s passenger, Pip saw the face of Compeyson, the convict from the graveyard!

I heard the great cry from the steamer’s passengers and crew and in the same instant, saw a thousand flashes of light…

Magwitch and Compeyson disappeared, locked in each other’s arms.

The steamer resumed its course. A head was seen in the water.

It was Magwitch, severely injured from striking his head against the steamship…

Compeyson had drowned. I felt a great wave of sympathy for Magwithch who had so affectionately and generously cared for me all these years. But I sensed that he was seriously hurt…

A few weeks later Magwitch was taken to court... I hereby sentence Magwitch to death by hanging.

The state confiscated all of Magwitch’s fortune and I was ruined and in debt…

But Magwitch cheated the rope by dying of his own injuries. I was with him at the end… O Lord, be merciful to him, a sinner!

When I was sick and bed lying, Joe came to London and stayed with me. He left without saying that he had paid off my debts…

Later I and Herbert set up a business that brought us abroad in trading. Theventure was successful butprofits were hard earned. I stayed in close contactwith Joe throughout thesetimes. Eleven years later Ireturned to my oldchildhood house…

Joe and Biddy and their son greeted me with much love.

Tell me, as an old friend, have you quite forgotten her?

But I decided to revisit the ruined house where I first had met her… Miss Havisham having long since died.

I have forgotten nothing in my life that had a place there… but that poor dream, as I once called it, has all gone by.

I have changed a lot. I wonder if you recognize me!


You have Suffering has made me always held stronger than all other teaching your place and has taught me what your in my heart. heart used to be. I have been bent and broken; but I hope not out of shape.

Estella, who was now a widow, after a most unhappy marriage, told me that she now realized, too late, the value of his love…

But let us continue to be friends apart.

I never thought I should take leave of you on this spot where first we met.

Then I took Estella’s hand in mine. The morning mists had risen long ago, just like when I had left the old house the first time. The evening mists were rising now, in their broad expanse of tranquillight.


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