5 minute read
Unit II. Honesty
from Readers Portfolio 1
by EPI Digital
fruihgy176C98HORQ Unit 2:
I wonder what honesty is? Are you honest with yourself? With others?
Can you write your definition of honesty in the lines provided?
fruihgy176C98HORQ Pinocchio
If Pinocchio told lies, his nose would grow and grow; and if he told the truth, everybody would reward him.
“Oh, dear me! Because I told a lie I look like this.” That’s what he would say while his nose would grow and grow.
fruihgy176C98HORQ ✔ Draw a picture of someone who is honest. ✔ What happens when you don’t tell the truth? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
fruihgy176C98HORQ ✔ If you could give Pinocchio an advice, what would it be? ✔ Look at the pictures. At the end of the story, Anna told the truth. Why? _____________________________________________________ What would have happened if she would not have said the truth? _____________________________________________________
I would tell him…

Do you know where my glasses are?

Anna, are you sure?

Mommy, here they are. I was playing with them.
fruihgy176C98HORQ ✔ Read and answer the questions. Peter and Juan are friends. They like to play football. Yesterday, while they were playing, Peter kicked the ball and broke the window of a car. He was afraid and told Juan not to say anything. _____________________________________________ 1. What do you think about this? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. If you were Juan, what would you tell Peter? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
fruihgy176C98HORQ ✔ Color these friends. They like to tell the truth.
We are honest.
fruihgy176C98HORQ Peter is honest
Peter was a very poor boy. His father worked at a supermarket. Sometimes, Peter went with him to the supermarket.
One day, while Peter was at the supermarket, he saw an elderly lady putting fruit inside a bag. He went near to help her, but she pushed him away because she was afraid he would take some of the fruit. The elderly lady paid for the fruit and when she put her wallet inside her purse, it fell on the floor without her noticing it. Peter, who was looking, took the wallet and thought, “Wow! There is so much money in here for my entire family to eat for a week.”
Do you want to know what Peter did?
He ran to the elderly lady. When she saw him again, she said,

fruihgy176C98HORQ “Look kid, I already told you that I don’t want you to help me!” “Lady,” Peter said, “I just want to return this wallet to you. It fell on the floor and you didn’t notice it.” The lady looked inside her purse and exclaimed, “How unfair have I been! Such an honest boy and I rejected you. Come with me so I can give you all that you need for you and your family.” Since then, everybody in the neighborhood calls Peter, the honest boy, because of his honesty.

Why should we be honest?
✔ Put the events of the story in order.

fruihgy176C98HORQ Peter is a poor boy. He found a wallet full of money and returned it. What do you think about his behavior? If it was you, what would you have done?
✔ Read and then think about the effect of each action.
Honesty requires …
Complying with what we have promised. Always saying the truth. Never taking what doesn’t belong to us. Not talking bad about anybody.
Action Effect
fruihgy176C98HORQ The Wolf and the Lamb
A wolf was drinking at a spring on a hillside. On looking up he saw a lamb just beginning to drink lower down. “There’s my supper,” thought he, “if only I can find some excuse to grab it.” He called out to the lamb, “How dare you mess my drinking water?” “No,” said the lamb; “if the water is muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.” “Well, then,” said the wolf, “why did you call me bad names this time last year?” “That cannot be,” said the lamb; “I am only six months old.” “I don’t care,” snarled the wolf; “if it was not you, it was your father!” and with that he rushed upon the poor little lamb and ate her all up.
Moral: Tyrants need no excuse.
Why should we always tell the truth?
✔ Look for the following words in the MAZE.
honesty truth confidence honor loyalty
l o y a l y e d s c o n h o n e s t y o y o o r f t r u e n a l n o r f t l s f a l o y a l t y o i l o r h o n r o l d c a t e y e u c h e o n f i d e t n c n n f i d e n h c e c i h o t t u c o c e
fruihgy176C98HORQ ✔ Read the following quotation and answer the questions below.
“We all need to know what it means to be honest. Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.”
–James E. Faust
1. What does it mean to be honest?
2. Why is being honest to tell the truth? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Toy Store Toy Store

“Honest hearts produce honest actions.”
–Brigham Young
✔ Color the heart and write a word or phrase inside related to honesty.