4 minute read
from Epigram issue 369
by Epigram
Back when Epigram was founded in 1988, few could have predicted the digital revolution that would change the world of journalism forever. With the advent of modern technologies and the creation of social media platforms, journalism has shifted to a full 24hour, 365 day a year operation. And at Epigram we are no di erent. We publish content on our website all day, every day alongside our regular print outing. When Mark and I rst sat down to discuss our plans for Epigramfor the year, one word was at the top of both of our lists – multimedia. These days, a newspaper is no longer just de ned by its print but also by its digital content, and this is an element we have really tried to work on this year. I was there reporting from the picket line with live video interviews of the second round of the University and College’s Union (UCU) strikes, which was then embedded with the written report on the website as well as being shared to our YouTube channel and TikTok account. Our philosophy is now how a story can work not just for print but also for online, Twitter or TikTok. This has required our Creative Directors to develop a nuanced understanding of the di erent styles of content demanded by each platform. As you can see by the plethora of content streaming across our various outlets, this is a task that Oscar and Freya have taken to with alacri-
Women in Media Careers Week: 13-17
At Epigram we celebrate diverse voices within our student population and aim to create a strong network within our editorial team, writers, and readers.
With this month marking the nationally-celebrated Women’s History Month, we decided to actively engage with the celebration of women’s contribution to society and work to combat ongoing barriers women face. An important aim for myself and one of our Creative Director Freya was to create a supportive and inspirational Women in Media Careers talk during our tenure at Epigram.
I began by contacting key female Bristol alumni who now work successfully in media to put together the paper’s rst ever Women in Media Careers Week, running from March 13-17 in Bristol. The careers week promises to be an ambitious series of panel talks, one online and three in person, which culminates in a networking co ee morning hosted at Starling’s cafe in Clifton. There is a notable di culty with accessing careers in the world of media, encompassing varied jobs from writing to presenting or editing, so we have endeavoured to ty and a meticulous eye for detail. We have also launched brand new section-dedicated Instagram accounts, so drop them a follow to see their full range of excellent articles. Also, this year, our deputy editor Sana, has been producing a documentary on the complexity of modern slavery in Bristol, featuring interviews with world-leading academics, charities, and other organisations to shed a light on an under-reported societal issue. It is set to premier later this year and so be sure to keep an eye on our social media feeds to see the nished documentary. Video is not the only area of area of multimedia journalism that we produce. We host our own excellent biweekly podcast, the Epicast, hosted by deputy editor Marine and our two creative directors Freya and Oscar, as well as the usual range and depth of content across our newly redesigned website and social media channels. Epigram as a multimedia organisation is continuing to grow. We are extremely proud of the reputation we have, the work we’ve have done and the work we will continue to produce.
James Dowden Co-Editor-in-Chief
Epigram is a stage upon which students can demonstrate and ne-tune their seemingly endless talents, from writing and photographing, to sound-editing and event organising. And co-editing this paper has shown me the sheer depth of skill and passion that simmers beneath the surface of our pool of writers. It is a privilege to have the chance to foreground as much student-produced content as possible through running this newspaper. But the bureaucratic beast that is the student newspaper can become kafka-esque in scale. Which is why I would like to thank all the editing team for their herculean dedication to their roles. Alongside course work (especially for many of our nal year students), myriad other creative projects, buzzing social lives and extra-curricular pursuits, our editors spend countless hours perfecting their sections. Their work allows the paper to function, thereby helping other students to grow their skills. The committment and industrious attitude of our team this year has enabled Epigram to reach new heights and progress like never before. As we begin to think about life after university, and having witnesses their work rst hand, I am excited to follow the journalistic careers of those in the team who want to pursue a career in the industry. To the individuals listed to the right of this page - thank you and keep up the good work!
Mark Ross Co-Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Team 2022/23
Co-Editors-in-Chief: James Dowden and Mark Ross
Deputy Editors: Marine Saint and Alexander Sampson
Creative Directors: Freya Shaw and Oscar Hunter
News Editor: Radhika Gurnani
Deputy Editor: Lena Stein
Digital Editor: Aeliya Bilgrami
Subeditor: Shreyas Kanna
Editor: Lauren Sanderson
Deputy Editor: Lily Farrant
Digital Editor: Tamara Letts
Investigations Editor: Aidan Szabo-Hall
Subeditor: Dan Hutton
Music Editor: Oscar Ross
Co-Deputy Editors: Jake Paterson and Josh Templeman
Digital Editor: Sam Cox
Editor: Emily Barrett
Deputy Editor: Dhristi Agarwal
Digital Editor: Carla Rosario
Investigations Editor: Tiberiu Toca
Co-Editor: Quinn Clearwater
Co-Editor: Nina Micciche
Digital Editor: Laurie Hallam
Columnist: Katie Sowerby
Subeditor: Eve Bentley-Hussey
Editor: Rianna Houghton
Deputy Editor: Melissa Braine
Digital Editor: Pheobe Caine
Critic Columnist: Milan Perera
Subeditor: Ella Fraser
Film & TV
Editor: Evelyn Heis
Deputy Editor: Jake Tickle
Digital Editor: Amelia Jacob
Investigations Editor: Kalila Smith
Editor: Joe Green
Deputy Editor: Jojo Lewis
Digital Editor: Louis Edward
Investigations Editor: Eddie McAteer
Creative Team
Director: Charlotte Carpenter
Visual Designer: Elsie King
The Croft
Co-Editors-in-Chief: Emily Fromant and Nicole Quy
Editor: Molly Grogan
Deputy Editor: Mia Flock
Digital Editor: Amy Marshall
Subeditor: Bea Buchanan-Lee
Editor: Saiba Haque
Deputy Editor: Maya Glantz
Digital Editor: Lara Inglis-Jones
Subeditor: Emma Witham
Editor: Sophia Smith
Deputy Editor: Ursula Glendinning
Digital Editor: Helen March
Subeditor: Zara Whistler
Editor: Finnuala Brett
Deputy Editor: Grace Burton
Digital Editor: Isobel Edmonson
Subeditor: Eve Baird
Editors: Nicole Quy and Emily Fromant
Subeditor: Sophie Robertson
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