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“The L Theme: ord I t d ’ s M n a a rvel ’s Doin g Matt ous i nO, hew ur Eyes” 21:4 2
Sunday, October 21, 2012 • 3 PM Special Guest:
Pastor McKeithan Smith Sweethome Bible Church (OTC)
Pastor McKeithan Smith, Jr.
SERVICE Sunday, October 21, 2012 • 3 PM
57th Church Anniversary
Theme: The Lord’s Doing, and It’s Marvelous In our Yes
Call to Worship........................................................................Minister of Music Master of Ceremony.................................................. Deacon Parris Veasley Devotion......................................................................................................... Deacons Selection................................................................ New Zion Sanctuary Choir Welcome....................................................................................Sister Sarah Smith Selection................................................................ New Zion Sanctuary Choir Reflections............................................................................Deacon Melvin Mills Offering..........................................................................................Deacons/Ushers Pulpit in Charge Introduction of Speaker...........................................Pastor Willard L. Avery Selection(s).............................................. Sweethome Bible Church (OTC) Sermon...........................................................................Pastor McKeithan Smith Sweethome Bible Church (OTC) Invitation to Christian Discipleship.................................................... Minister Presentations..................................................................Pastor Willard L. Avery Remarks...................................... Sister Rosa L. Lee, Program, Chairperso, Pastor Willard L. Avery Closing Remarks.......................................................Pastor McKeithan Smith Blessing of Food & Benediction
astor McKeithan Smith, Jr., the second of two sons born to the late McKeithan Sr. and Mamie Louise Smith of Darlington South Carolina. Pastor Smith was a young and faithful member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Dovesville, South Carolina until graduation from Mayo High School in Darlington. He enlisted in the U.S. Army shortly after graduation. Pastor Smith served with distinction during many tours of duty overseas and at home. During his long army service, he earned many decorations, citations, commendations and awards, including the Bronze Star Medal while engaging in combat operations during Operation Desert Storm. Pastor Smith retired from the army with the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major after faithfully serving his country for 28 years. Pastor Smith served as Sunday school teacher, lecturer, ordained deacon, and Chairman of Deacons for several Baptist churches in the El Paso area. He accepted God’s call to preach the Gospel and render greater service to our Lord and was licensed and ordained at Sweethome Bible Church in the year 2002. He served as the Associate Pastor under the tutelage of Pastor Major Thomas, then Pastor of Sweethome Bible Church. Upon the departure of Pastor Thomas in 2005, Pastor Smith assumed the duties as pastor of the church where he and his faithful helpmeet, Minister Charity Smith continue to serve the Lord with dedication, labor and enthusiasm while leading, caring for and feeding of God’s flock. In addition to his pastoral duties, Pastor Smith is employed as an administrative team member and Special Education Instructional Coach with a local El Paso school district. Pastor Smith works diligently in the Lord’s vineyard and has authored many faith-based commentaries. He is a dynamic revivalist, a sought-after guest speaker and First Vice President of the Texas and New Mexico Christian Fellowship. He holds advanced degrees in Human Resource Management, Education and course work in Pre-Law. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in Divinity. Pastor Smith accredits his Christian life successes to Almighty God, his loving and supportive wife, his children, many friends, relatives and his church family. He wishes to be known only by his deeds of service to The Most High God by giving Him all the glory and honor.
Deacon Emeritus
“For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 1Timothy 3:13 Deacon Emeritus Clifford L. Holloway Ordained, Sunday, July 21, 1985 Emeritus, Sunday, October 21, 2012
A Servant’s Heart A servant’s heart Chooses each day to give, Not knowing this may be Its last day to live.
Deacon Emeritus Ernest F. Brooks Ordained, Sunday, February 15, 1998 Emeritus, Sunday, October 21, 2012
A servant’s heart Doesn’t stop to ask, “Will this be for me A great or small task?” A servant’s heart Does willingly all things; For it’s pleased to see All the blessings it brings. A servant’s heart Is glad and rejoices, Because it’s found the key In making right choices. A servant’s heart Knows how to love; It gives all the glory To God, the Father, above. by Deborah Smith Plemmons © 2009
The New Zion Missionary Baptist Church family of Alamogordo, New Mexico congratulates Deacon Clifford L. Holloway and Deacon Ernest F. Books for the honor of Deacon Emeritus. Your love and faithfulness to Christ, your pastor, congregation, and your family have been exemplary during your many years of service. We thank you for your integrity, doing the benevolence work, visiting the sick, being alert to the spiritual needs of our congregation for the purposes of freeing Pastor Avery to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word, promoting unity within the church, and facilitating the spread of the Gospel. You have given us a legacy of good works and ministry that will enable us to continue “Bridging the Gap” as we grow and witness about the goodness of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that we will be as much of a blessing to you as you have been to us.
Acknowledgments: How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me. Things so undeserved yet you give to prove your love for me The voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude. All that I am or ever hope to be; I owe it all to Thee. To God be the glory... God has allowed this ministry to stand the test of time. We have been blessed by those who have passed through, passed on and continue to minister with us. We are truly blessed to have a community to join us as we celebrate another milestone in our history. Your presence today made this praise & worship experience even more special. Thank you to Pastor McKeithan Smith and the Sweethome Bible Church (OTC) for accepting our invitation. New Zion members as we reflect on how far we’ve come let us always remember that the latter will be greater than the past, we will be blessed, more than we could ever ask and espite all that has been done, the best is yet to come! And again we say
TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! 2012 Church Officers
Pastor................................................................................................Pastor Willard L. Avery Missionary..................................................................................... Missionary Eloise Jones Minister......................................................................................Minister Lauretta L. Avery Minister................................................................................................Elder Robert L. Hunt Chairman of Deacons/Trustees.........................................Deacon Melvin E. Mills Church Secretary....................................................................Sister Margaret L. Avery Bulletin Clerk.............................................................................................. Sister Alicia Fritz Hospitality Clerks..................................................................Sister Willie Mae Woods Sister Alicia Fritz Church Treasurer..................................................................Deacon Parris W. Veasley Financial Secretary/Benevolent..............Chairperson Deacon Melvin E. Mills Fannie Smith Scholarship......................Chairperson Sister Geneva Patterson Announcing Clerk/Special Fund Chairperson............Deacon Melvin E. Mills Minister of Music......................................................................Sister Margaret L. Avery Women Missionary Society................................................ Missionary Eloise Jones Sunday School..........................................Superintendent Deacon Melvin E. Mills Baptist Training Union/Laymen...................................... Deacon Parris W. Veasley Deaconess...................................................................................................Sister Betty Mills Senior Choir..............................................................................................Minister of Music Ushers.........................................................................................Deacon Parris W. Veasley Youth Coordinator.................................................................Sister Margaret L. Avery Program/Decoration/Social/Food Chairperson...................Sister Rosa L. Lee Custodian/Maintenance/Groundskeeper......................Deacon Melvin E. Mills
Program and Decoration Committee Sister Rosa L. Lee, Chairperson Sister Betty Mills • Sister Sarah Smith
I Love Thy Church, O Lord Timothy Dwight, 1800, alt. Williams’ Psalmody, 1770
I love Thy Church, O Lord, The house of Thine abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved with His own precious blood. I love Thy Church, O God; Her walls before Thee stand Dear as the apple of Thine eye, and graven on Thy hand For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend; Her sweet communion, solemn vows, her hymns of love and praise. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heav’nly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. Sure as Thy truth shall last, to Zion shall be giv’n The brightest glories earth can yield, and brighter bliss from heav’n.