Episcopal Collegiate School June Newsletter

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S U M M ER 2 0 1 2 N e w s l e t t e r Harriet Calhoun Stephens Distinguished Service Award Steve Hickman, Head of School, announced at Class Day the establishment of the Harriet Calhoun Stephens Distinguished Service Award, the highest volunteer honor that the School will bestow. The award, which will be granted for the first time in 2013, will recognize exceptional volunteer service and leadership provided to Episcopal Collegiate.

Dowell and Beetstra Named Jackson T. Stephens Outstanding Faculty And Senior Award Winners

Mr. Hickman stated that “This award is named for Harriet Calhoun Stephens, whose commitment to Episcopal Collegiate School is without equal. Mrs. Stephens’ vision is driven by the core belief that education can literally change our world, and she believes there is no greater honor or privilege than to work on behalf of the young people of Episcopal Collegiate School. The simple truth is that nothing the School has achieved or accomplished during the School’s formative years would have been possible without her steadfast vision and unwavering commitment.”

Warren Stephens, President, Episcopal Collegiate School Foundation Board of Directors, announced the 2012 recipients of the Jackson T. Stephens Outstanding Senior Award and the Jackson T. Stephens Outstanding Faculty Award at Class Day. Working with the Administration, the Stephens family presents the award annually to the senior student and faculty member who best exemplify the work ethic of Jackson T. Stephens, along with their leadership and contributions to Episcopal Collegiate. Maggie Beetstra was awarded the honor of being named the outstanding senior student. She received a $5000 grant to be used at her discretion. Maggie amassed a scholastic and extra-curricular record that sets a new standard for Episcopal Collegiate: Valedictorian, National Merit Finalist, Presidential Scholar candidate, AR Times “Academic All-Star,” a member of seven academic and community service clubs, President of the Honor Council, and state tennis single’s champion for four years. Chair of the Science Department, Michelle Dowell, who teaches Physics, Advanced Physics, AP Physics and Astronomy, was the faculty recipient. She received a $10,000 grant: $5,000 for continuing education and $5,000 to be used at her discretion. Mrs. Dowell joined the Episcopal Collegiate faculty in 2001. She created and taught every course in her field, wrote the curriculum, chose the textbooks, equipped the lab, and purchased software and other materials. She is a leader among our faculty as well as our students, having helped to found the Student Council. The Jackson T. Stephens awards are the two greatest honors awarded by Episcopal Collegiate, but the accolades do not end there. In April, these two outstanding ladies were also named 2012 Stephens Award winners by the City Education Trust of Little Rock. The Trust was established by the late Jackson T. Stephens and the late W. R. “Witt” Stephens in 1985 to recognize outstanding achievements by selected high school teachers and students in Central Arkansas.

Cum Laude Society inductees Five seniors, who represent the top 10% of their class based on academic performance, were inducted into the Episcopal Collegiate Chapter of the Cum Laude Society. Dating back to 1906, the Cum Laude Society is modeled upon Phi Beta Kappa’s principles and is comprised of 370 chapters worldwide. Faculty members of our Cum Laude Society initiated (left to right) Anna Wilbourn, Matthew Stewart, Krissy Kent, Maggie Beetstra, and Laura Hildebrand.

National Merit Finalists Last fall, Episcopal Collegiate learned that four seniors qualified as National Merit Semifinalists based on their excellent performance on the PSAT test. Their test results rank them in the top 1% of Arkansas students who took the exam in their junior year. Those qualifying were (left to right) Anna Wilbourn, Maggie Beetstra, Sam Thoma, and Ellie McDonough. Based on a thorough review of the students’ grades, course rigor, essays, extra-curricular records, and recommendations, all four advanced to join the select group of only 15,000 National Merit Finalists.

Presidential Scholar Candidates Established in 1964 by Executive Order of the President, the Presidential Scholars program seeks to honor some of the nation’s most distinguished graduating high school seniors. Based on having scored exceptionally well on the SAT or ACT, three Episcopal Collegiate seniors, (left to right) Anna Wilbourn, Maggie Beetstra, and Laura Hildebrand were among the 3,300 candidates nationally identified as Presidential Scholar nominees. Laura Hildebrand advanced to become one of 550 semifinalists.

ARkansas GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL - arkansas boys & girls state Three juniors have been selected to attend the 2012 AR Governor’s School: Blair Johnston, Jami Schmidt, and Anastasia Ventrano. Selection for Governor’s School is based on a combination of ability and interest and is highly competitive. The four-week residential, summer enrichment program is in its thirty-third year and is hosted by Hendrix College in Conway. Juniors Mimi Ederle and Desiree Fletcher were selected to attend the 2012 AR Girls State. Junior Edward Thompson was selected to attend the 2012 AR Boys State. Students are chosen based on academic accomplishment, demonstrated leadership ability, belief in God and country, and an interest in the government process. With a history of over 60 years, Girls State will be held at Harding University, and Boys State at the University of Central Arkansas.

MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL CLASS DAY • The Reverend Canon R. Ewing Award, given to the 8th grade student who best exemplifies our traditions of Respect, Reverence and Responsibility, was awarded by Head of Middle School Chip Parks to Madeline Tabor (right). • Citizenship Awards were presented to the following: 6th Grade, Emma Towe; 7th Grade, Milo McGehee; 8th Grade, Ladell Tyler; 9th Grade, William McCastlain; 10th Grade, Celeste Jennings; 11th Grade, Jacob Rowell; 12th Grade, Kelly Singer. • The following Junior Book Awards were presented to: Wellesley Book Award, Blair Johnston; Jefferson Book Award (UVA), Jacob Rowell; University of Pennsylvania (Penn), Mimi Ederle; Harvard Prize Award, Conley Hurst; Yale Book Award, Sonia Helen Pascale.

The Montgomery family Scholarship Susan and Bill Montgomery of Dallas, TX announced that Caitlin Allison, Class of 2012, is the recipient of the Montgomery Family Scholarship, a four-year academic scholarship to the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. The Episcopal Collegiate student chosen for the award must have accumulated a strong record of academic achievement, leadership, and citizenship outside the classroom. The Montgomerys were welcomed to campus by Harriet and Warren Stephens, who also hosted a reception following the announcement.

Valedictorian AND salutatorian Maggie Beetstra (left) was announced as Valedictorian of the Class of 2012 with an Episcopal Collegiate record 4.55 weighted GPA and Krissy Kent was announced as the Class Salutatorian with a 4.46 weighted GPA.

uams Stephens Spine Institute Summer Fellowship Mrs. Dowell (center) announced that rising seniors Sonia Helen Pascale (left) and Jacob Rowell (left) will spend eight weeks this summer involved in medical research under the guidance and supervision of physicians, scientists, and graduate students. Sonia Helen and Jacob will be exposed to cutting-edge research and research techniques in their experience through the UAMS Stephens Spine Institute Summer Fellowship.

Stella Boyle Smith ACH Summer Science Scholars After being named Stella Boyle Smith Summer Science Scholars at AR Children’s Hospital, rising seniors Jessica Ealy (second from right) and Mimi Ederle (right) will spend eight weeks shadowing physicians, attending rounds and clinics, touring different hospital units, and participating in a research project involving children’s health. Jessica and Mimi will gain exposure to clinical medicine from the ACH faculty, who will teach them about basic science and clinical research techniques.

quiz bowl Success The Quiz Bowl team placed second in the 3A State Tournament. Congratulations to all players who participated in the regional and state tournaments (left to right): Coach Bruce Hall, Sonia Helen Pascale, Alan May, Nicholas Simmons, Jackson Bridges, Ezra Feldman, Colin Clemmons, Ben Winter, Amber Alley, Matthew Stewart (Captain), Kelly Singer, Houston Downes, Mimi Ederle, Coach Stan Whittlesey. (Not pictured: Jacob Dowell.) Alan was named Most Valuable Player of the 3A State Tournament, one of the few freshmen in the 27-year history of AGQBA to receive this honor. In addition, Sonia Helen Pascale and Ben Winter were named to the all-tournament team. Click here for an AETN feature show on Episcopal Collegiate Quiz Bowl!

Boys’ Basketball Team Makes History: Reaches Elite Eight

lower school FIFTH GRADE CEREMONY • Fifth grade presented their class banner.

Driven by a late-season surge, the boys’ varsity basketball team reached the Elite Eight in the State Tournament, garnering both conference and regional championships along the way. In mid-season, the Wildcats were struggling a bit before embarking on an exciting 15-game winning streak. Playing relentless defense and relying heavily on senior leadership, the team ignited the school community by their play. The team finished with a record of 24-10. Senior Jackson Rawlings (above right) was named to the 3A All State Team, the State All Star Team, and selected to play in the AAA All-Star game in Fayetteville. Senior Devin Hall signed a letter of intent with Williams Baptist College.

• Fifth grade Citizenship Awards were presented to: Elizabeth Cline, Alex Fowler, and Matthew Paskey.

ATHLETIC highlights

• Fifth grade Scholarship Awards were presented by Head of Lower School Kelly Kennedy to: (left to right) Ty Lazzar, Ravin Jackson, and Caroline Thompson.

Cheerleading – NCA Top Team at Camp, Champion Chant

• Each fifth grade student received a certificate for completing Lower School!

SENIOR athletic awards The senior athletic awards were announced at the Upper School sports banquet. Anna Wilbourn and Jeff McIntyre each took home “The Athletic Plaque,” which is presented for consistently fine contributions to the attitudes, the performance standards, and the sportsman-like conduct of Episcopal Collegiate School’s Athletics. Maggie Beetstra and Devin Hall each received the Sportsmanship Award. Special Awards were presented to Senior Athletes who have contributed significantly to the overall success of the Episcopal Collegiate School Athletic Program: Amber Alley, Erin Campbell, Jackson Rawlings, and Sam Thoma. Parent and volunteer, Karen Strayhorn, was recognized for her outstanding dedication to the Episcopal Collegiate athletic program.

Boys’ Cross Country – 3rd in State Girls’ Cross Country – 6th in State Boys’ Golf – State Champions, Individual Medalist Girls’ Golf – Qualified for State Tournament Boys’ Tennis – State Champions, Singles Champion, Doubles Champion

Boys’ Basketball – Conference Tournament Champions, Regional Champions, Advanced to Elite Eight in State Tournament Jr. High Boys’ Basketball – Conference Tournament Runner-up 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball – 18-1 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball – 7-2 Wrestling – 2 individual All-State Wrestlers

Girls’ Tennis – State Champions, Singles Champion, Doubles Champion

Boys’ Track – 3rd in State

Girls’ Volleyball – 2nd in Conference, Qualified for State Tournament

Multiple students named to all-state teams

Girls’ Soccer – State Runner-up

CLASS CLASSOF OF2012 2012 Amber AmberRaneem RaneemAlley Alley Class ClassTreasurer Treasurer College Collegeofofthe theHoly HolyCross Cross

Anne AnneMorley MorleyGonzalez Gonzalez Class ClassVice VicePresident President Yale YaleUniversity University

Jackson JacksonTaylor TaylorRawlings Rawlings University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Caitlin CaitlinSarah SarahAllison Allison University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Mareece MareeceDior DiorGriffin Griffin University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Logan LoganNolan NolanRay Ray Southern SouthernIllinois IllinoisUniversity University ininCarbondale Carbondale

Taylor TaylorElizabeth ElizabethBarton Barton University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Michael MichaelBrandon BrandonHairston Hairston University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Austin AustinReinhart ReinhartSchoessel Schoessel Oklahoma OklahomaState StateUniversity University

Margaret MargaretAnne AnneBeetstra Beetstra Washington WashingtonUniversity University ininSt.St.Louis Louis

Devin DevinLenard LenardHall Hall Williams WilliamsBaptist BaptistCollege College

Katherine KatherineAnn AnnBowen Bowen University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville Kelsey KelseyErin ErinBrass Brass Grinnell GrinnellCollege College Katherine KatherineBailey BaileyBrown Brown University UniversityofofMississippi Mississippi Jack JackAndrew AndrewBunce Bunce Arkansas ArkansasState StateUniversity University Erin ErinElizabeth ElizabethCampbell Campbell University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville Teneal TenealLaVette LaVetteCharles Charles Henderson HendersonState StateUniversity University

Cindy CindyLillian LillianHenriquez Henriquez University Universityofofthe theOzarks Ozarks Laura LauraKatherine KatherineHildebrand Hildebrand Hendrix HendrixCollege College Zana ZanaLovell LovellHorne Horne University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville Del’Juan Del’JuanTavaviqus TavaviqusJackson Jackson University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville Kristen KristenRoselie RoselieKent Kent Class ClassSecretary Secretary University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Mary MaryScarlett ScarlettSherwood Sherwood University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville Kelly KellyEllen EllenSinger Singer University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatLittle LittleRock Rock Robert RobertJeffrey JeffreyStaten, Staten,Jr.Jr. University UniversityofofLouisiana LouisianaatatLafayette Lafayette Jordan JordanThomas ThomasStepka Stepka University UniversityofofTulsa Tulsa Matthew MatthewHoward HowardStewart Stewart Hendrix HendrixCollege College Steele SteeleStrauss Strauss College CollegeofofCharleston Charleston Kendal KendalAlan AlanStrayhorn Strayhorn University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Fayetteville

Mary MaryCaitlin CaitlinMahaffy Mahaffy Samuel SamuelEdward EdwardThoma Thoma Southern SouthernMethodist MethodistUniversity University University of Illinois University of Illinois Jack atatUrbana-Champaign JackEdwin EdwinMcCoy McCoy Urbana-Champaign University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas Claude Sarah ClaudeChapman ChapmanCousins, Cousins,Jr.Jr. at Fayetteville SarahElizabeth ElizabethThrockmorton Throckmorton at Fayetteville University Elizabethtown UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas ElizabethtownCollege College atatFayetteville Elizabeth Fayetteville ElizabethGrace GraceMcDonough McDonough Howard Moose Turney, Jr. Howard Moose Turney, Jr. Class ClassPresident President James Hampden-Sydney JamesJackson JacksonDowden Dowden Hampden-SydneyCollege College Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Texas TexasChristian ChristianUniversity University Maddie Warwick Vollers Maddie Warwick Vollers Jeffrey JeffreyJackson JacksonMcIntyre McIntyre James Loyola JamesRogers RogersEubanks Eubanks LoyolaUniversity UniversityChicago Chicago Duquesne University Duquesne University University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas Anna Elizabeth Wilbourn Anna Elizabeth Wilbourn atatFayetteville Olivia Fayetteville OliviaCates CatesPatton Patton Georgetown GeorgetownUniversity University University UniversityofofArkansas Arkansas atatFayetteville Claire Fayetteville ClaireAlle AlleWorley Worley University UniversityofofMississippi Mississippi Chelsey ChelseyBreanne BreanneCopas Copas University UniversityofofCentral CentralArkansas Arkansas


••The TheClass Classofof2012 2012with with44 44students studentswill willenroll enrollinin28 28different differentcolleges colleges and universities across 15 states. and universities across 15 states. ••31 31students studentsrepresenting representing70% 70%ofofthe theclass, class,generated generatedmerit-based merit-basedscholarship scholarship offers offerswith withone oneand andfour-year four-yearvalues valuestotaling totalingjust justover over$3,390,000. $3,390,000. ••The TheClass Classofof2012 2012contributed contributedover over6,000 6,000hours hoursofofcommunity communityservice serviceduring during their theirfour fouryears yearsininUpper UpperSchool. School.

Girls’ Soccer Team Makes Title Run Led by its ten title-hungry seniors, the girls’ varsity soccer team made an historic run in the state soccer tournament before losing 3-2 in the finals to Pulaski Academy. Prior to the championship game, the Wildcats had not given up a goal in the state tournament. In the championship game, the Wildcats played outstanding soccer and led most of game. Seniors Erin Campbell (above), Anne Gonzalez and Anna Wilbourn were named to the 4A All-State Team. This year marked the fourth time in five years that our Wildcats have made it to the championship game. Erin was selected to play in the AAA All-Star game in Fayetteville this summer.

Boys’ Track Team: Third in 3A State Meet Girls’ Track Team: Places in 3A STATE Meet Fueled by championship performances from Zach McGinnis (below) in the 800m race and Adam Angel, Del’Juan Jackson, Trenten Deloach, and Zack McGinnis in the 4x400m relay, the boys’ track team finished third in the 3A State Track Meet. Zach also took third place in the 1600m. The boys’ 4x800 relay team of Adam Angel, John Michael Ekdahl, Miller Wilbourn, and Zack McGinnis finished third, setting a school record in that event. Outstanding performances by Conner Noland (4th in the 3200m and 6th in the 1600m) and Will Mahaffy (7th in the 3200m) also contributed significantly to the team’s outstanding performance. The girls’ team also had an excellent meet. 9th grader Shelby Powers (below) finished 5th in the 3200m and 6th in the 1600m. 10th grader Catherine Babin set a new school record in the 300m hurdles.

Orchestra Orchestraand andChoir ChoirRecognition Recognition Episcopal EpiscopalCollegiate’s Collegiate’sorchestra orchestrawon wonSweepstakes Sweepstakesand andSuperior Superior (1) ratings at the Region I Concert Contest in March. (1) ratings at the Region I Concert Contest in March.Abby Abby Harkins, Harkins,violinist violinistand andorchestra orchestraconcertmaster, concertmaster,was wasselected selected asasaamember memberofofthe theAll-State All-StateOrchestra, Orchestra,which whichisisaafirst firstfor for Episcopal EpiscopalCollegiate. Collegiate.Kiril KirilLaskarov, Laskarov,orchestra orchestradirector, director,was was named namedasasconductor conductorofofthe theArkansas ArkansasSymphony SymphonyPrelude Prelude Orchestra. Orchestra.Mr. Mr.Laskarov Laskarovparticipated participatedininthe thefinal finalconcert concertofof the thesymphony’s symphony’sseason seasonalong alongwith withtwo twostudents: students:Cole ColeHartsell Hartsell (far (farright), right),violinist, violinist,and andOwen OwenHadden, Hadden,cellist. cellist. Our OurUpper UpperSchool SchoolConcert ConcertChoir Choirreceived receivedSuperior Superiorratings ratingsatatthe the Regional Choral Performance Assessment, which allowed the choir to perform at the State Choral Performance Regional Choral Performance Assessment, which allowed the choir to perform at the State Choral PerformanceAssessment. Assessment. The TheConcert ConcertChoir Choirearned earnedExcellent Excellentratings ratingsatatthe theState StateAssessment, Assessment,placing placingininthe thetop topfive fiveperformance performancegroups groupsinintheir their classification. classification.The TheMiddle MiddleSchool SchoolChorus Chorusearned earnedaaSuperior SuperiorRating Ratingatatthe theRegional RegionalChoral ChoralPerformance PerformanceAssessment. Assessment.

Superior SuperiorAccolades Accoladesfor forBroadcast Broadcast Journalism Students Journalism Students At Atthe the2012 2012Arkansas ArkansasScholastic ScholasticPress PressAssociation Association(ASPA) (ASPA)contest, contest, Episcopal Collegiate’s student-produced news magazine, Episcopal Collegiate’s student-produced news magazine,“ECTV “ECTV News,” News,”earned earnedaaSuperior Superioraward awardininthe theGeneral GeneralExcellence Excellence category. category.ECTV ECTVwas wasalso alsohonored honoredwith withthe theAll-Arkansas All-Arkansasaward, award, which whichisisthe thehighest highestdistinction distinctionaabroadcast broadcastprogram programcan canreceive receive from fromASPA. ASPA.The Thestaff staffalso alsoearned earnedfive fiveSuperior Superiorawards awardsand andthree three Best BestofofASPA ASPAawards awardsfor fortheir theirstories. stories.Staff Staffmembers memberspictured pictured(left (left totoright) right)are areClayton ClaytonCunningham, Cunningham,Turner TurnerKennedy, Kennedy,Steele SteeleStrauss, Strauss, Ben BenWinter, Winter,Mareece MareeceGriffin, Griffin,Austin AustinSchoessel, Schoessel,Katie KatieMowery, Mowery,Sheffield SheffieldSpence, Spence,Ned NedCurran, Curran,Ellie EllieMcDonough McDonoughand, and, horizontal, Michael Hairston. Other staff members include Hans Braunfisch, Jackson Bridges, James horizontal, Michael Hairston. Other staff members include Hans Braunfisch, Jackson Bridges, JamesEubanks, Eubanks, William WilliamMcCastlain, McCastlain,Madison MadisonMoody, Moody,Carly CarlyRoberts, Roberts,Amanda AmandaRussell, Russell,Robert RobertStaten, Staten,and andClaire ClaireWorley. Worley.

wrestling wrestling The TheEpiscopal EpiscopalCollegiate Collegiatewrestling wrestlingteam teamwon won10th 10thplace placeininthe thestate state competition competitionthis thisyear. year.Excellent Excellentperformances performancesby bytwo twoofofour ourteam teammembers members brought broughtthem themmedals: medals:sophomore sophomoreWill WillGriffin Griffin(left) (left)captured captured3rd 3rdplace place and andjunior juniorJason JasonGiordano Giordano(right) (right)placed placed4th. 4th.

wildcat wildcatBASEBALL BASEBALL Senior Seniorbaseball baseballplayer playerRobert RobertStaten Staten(right) (right)will willcompete competefor foraastarting startingposition positionasasan anoutfielder outfielderthis this fall at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Robert holds 13 of the 14 all-time offensive fall at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Robert holds 13 of the 14 all-time offensivecategory category records recordsatatEpiscopal EpiscopalCollegiate. Collegiate.He Heranks ranks9th 9th(.552) (.552)and and10th 10th(.550) (.550)all-time all-timeininthe thestate stateofofArkansas Arkansas for forsingle-season single-seasonbatting battingaverage, average,ranks ranks6th 6th(.496) (.496)all-time all-timeininthe thestate stateofofArkansas Arkansasinincareer careerbatting batting average, average,and andranks ranks4th 4thall-time all-timeininthe thestate stateofofArkansas Arkansasfor forsingle singlegame gameRBI’s RBIs(7)! (7)!

Episcopal Collegiate In Action





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PICTURED FROM TOP: 1. The Whiffs: Terri and Chuck Erwin sponsored the Whiffenpoofs, Yale University’s male a capella chorus to perform at school, conduct a workshop with the choir, and sing at a private party for the Foundation’s Ambassador’s Circle. 2. NEXUS: World famous percussion ensemble performed and taught at school due to the generosity of many donors. 3. LOWER SCHOOL AUTHOR: Judith and Dr. Tim Goodson sponsored the visit of Sarah Weeks to the L.S. campus. 4. L.S. Community Service: L.S. students collected over 1,800 books to donate to public schools for summer reading sponsored by the JLLR. 5. L.S. Field Day: Students and faculty enjoyed games at their end-of-the-year party. 6. SteelCats: The SteelCats performed at a festival in Hillcrest. 7. Munson collection: Mrs. Alice Anne Munson pictured with her grandchildren, Mary Grace, ’13 and Douglas, ’15, donated her professional collection of English Literature to establish a reading room in the U.S. 8. The Wiz: Over 200 friends and families attended The Wiz at The Rep. 9. Soldier Homecoming: Major T.J. Joyner and his wife, Amy, surprised Erik at school with the Major’s safe return home.



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PICTURED FROM TOP: 1. Commencement: 44 students toss their caps! Steve Hickman with speaker, John Prendergast. Ellie McDonough, President of the Senior Class, speaks at commencement. Mr. Hooper prepares Claire Worley to ring the bell. 2. annual Fund Celebration: The success of the $355,000 AF celebrated with relays, kickball, and bouncy houses. 3. 1998 Society: Donors celebrated at the 1998 Society party. 4. auction: Friends of Episcopal Collegiate attend the “Get the Picture� auction. 5. alums: Alums on campus at basketball games, in the library, at lunch and at The Wiz. 6. basketball: Devin Hall signs with Williams Baptist College. Players strategize during a game.

“get the picture” auction

annual Fund Celebration

Episcopal Collegiate families and friends enjoyed a fun-filled evening on campus at the Parents’ Auxiliary “Get the Picture” Auction on March 10. Co-Chairs Wendy LaFrance (left) and Jill Lawrence, along with their hard-working committee, put on a night that will be remembered by all. The event netted over $149,000, which will provide funds for faculty professional development.

Families and friends enjoyed a fun afternoon on April 12 to celebrate the success of the 2011-2012 Annual Fund Drive, “Support the E.” Music filled the air, Lower School students played in bouncy houses, Middle School students had relays, and Upper School students beat the faculty members in a kickball game. Chairs Ellen and Kelly Kreth, along with their committee, raised over $355,000 this year! Special thanks to Ellen and Kelly, and their daughters, Celia, (left) class of 2019 and Gracie, class of 2016.

grandparents’ AND Special Friends’ day Episcopal Collegiate welcomed Grandparents and Special Friends to campus on March 9. Guests enjoyed an exciting Chapel program where the students showcased their talents in choir, orchestra, and percussion. The guests received a personal tour of the school from their grandchildren or special friends after Chapel.

1998 Society Celebration Over 125 members of the 1998 Society celebrated another successful Annual Fund and school year at a party held at (left) Ginger and Thomas Blackmon’s home on May 9. The 1998 Society represents those who made a donation of $1000 or more to the Annual Fund for the 2011-2012 year. The party was hosted by the 2011-2012 Annual Fund chairs: Ellen and Kelly Kreth, Tracy and Pete Yuan, Claire and Adam Kohler, Kristen and Pete Braunfisch, and Heather and Cal McCastlain.

the wiz at the rep

you’re a good man, charlie brown

Over 200 parents, students, alums, faculty, and friends attended Episcopal Collegiate’s night to see The Wiz at The Rep on March 27. Melinda Spradling (right) and Tori Garrett chaired the event and netted over $8,100 to benefit faculty professional development.

Episcopal Collegiate’s spring production was You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, the Broadway musical based on the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz. Director James Mainard-O’Connell chose the play because it was light and fun and dealt with relatable themes, such as the struggles of childhood and the joy of finding happiness in unexpected places. Charlie Brown was a hit with all age groups!

LEGOCATS The Episcopal LegoCats team earned a 2nd place trophy at the state finals for their “Wheel of Misfortune” presentation at the First Lego League competition. The team’s “Art of the Brick” demonstration received a special award during the ceremony.

Outstanding Faculty Members Each year the Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers’ Association takes nominations from across the state for the Teacher of Promise Award, a prestigious award given annually to extraordinary language teachers with one-to-five years of experience who demonstrate outstanding potential. Natalie Luer (left), French teacher, received the award for 2012. In addition, Martene Mourning, Upper School History teacher, was named the 2011-2012 Outstanding Graduate Student by the Department of History at the University of Central Arkansas. She received this award at the Honors Convocation of the College of Liberal Arts in April.

lower school quinn teaching gardens The Quinn Teaching Gardens offer Lower School students active and engaging connections to academics and sustainability. As a part of the Science curriculum, fourth grade Science classes measured and divided the garden into planting areas, planted seeds, and maintained the garden by monitoring growth and removing weeds. Plans for the garden include fall and spring plantings and the addition of a compost area.

art awards Shelby Powers’ ceramic piece, Botanical Tiles – Orchid, was accepted into the 51st Annual Young AR Artists Exhibition, which was on display at the Arkansas Arts Center. Maggie Jones was also accepted for her white paper mask, Flutter Wings. Congratulations to our state art award winners from the Arkansas Young Artist Association: Michelle Compton – 2nd Black and White Photography, 4th Sculpture Expressive, Honorable Mention Altered Book John Michael Ekdahl – 2nd Low Relief Expressive Katie Hadden – 3rd Low Relief Expressive Devin Hall – Honorable Mention Low Relief Expressive Katie McCain – 1st Sculpture Realistic, 4th Crafts Jade Pfeifer – 2nd Crafts Olivia Rawlings – 3rd Altered Book Sam Thoma – 3rd Sculpture Abstract, Honorable Mention Sculpture Expressive Delia Wade – Honorable Mention Printmaking Stencil

Jackson T. Stephens Campus | 1701 Cantrell Rd. | Little Rock, AR 72201 | episcopalcollegiate.org

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