4 minute read
Finding money for any new ministry or church growth effort ministry is always a challenge. New, potentially successful ideas have no proven track record, and fledgling ministries that haven’t attracted enough attention to draw in funding can find it difficult to know what next steps to take. The phrase “it takes money to make money” may not be entirely accurate, but when it comes to new programs and finding support, it can feel very real. The diocese supports congregation-based mission and evangelism efforts in any way it can.
The first step in any new project or existing program is documentation. A social services project may require documenting the overall need, including people served, location of ministry, leaders of ministry, details of the mission project, equipment needed and the all-important question, what funds are needed to accomplish this goal. If the program is already off the ground, photos of program in action and statistics of what has already been achieved through the program can demonstrate what funds are needed to move it forward.
An evangelism or church growth project needs documentation and a prospectus of sorts, which might include details about the project, a timeline, a list of current and future goals, and information about vendors and materials needed. Also important is the target demographic of people the project wishes to serve, and the background and relevant experience of project leaders. Whatever you do, be creative and persistent. Consult your parish leadership, including rector and senior and junior wardens to get valuable input and ideas.

EPISCOPAL CHARITIES GRANTS are congregation-based outreach grants funded by the Episcopal Charities Fund of the Diocese of Southwest Florida. These awards began in 2012, and are administered through the deacons of the diocese. Ideal grants include capital needs for human services projects, instead of funding ongoing needs. The diocese awards approximately $38,000 annually; the amount is determined by interest on the Episcopal Charities Fund of the diocese.
BISHOP'S GROWTH GRANTS FOR EVANELISM are project ideas presented directly to Bishop Smith which directly support and encourage growth in your congregation. These grants are often related to visibility in the community, whether it be improved signage or streamlined marketing programs and communications. Parishes who wish to head this route should draw up a thorough planning document including proposed budget prior to setting up a time to meet with the bishop. The diocese makes available about $75,000 in these grants annually.
APPORTIONMENT REBATE GRANTS are grants sent back to parishes when yearly apportionment is paid by our congregations. In recent years, Diocesan Council has voted to send about $150,000 back to parishes, and these funds are then used in a manner decided upon by the vestry. To receive this type of funding, the congregation must detail how the money was used, and report that information to the diocese in a timely manner.
Nationally, there are also grants from the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church has a page that includes links. Each grant has individual criteria, and all should be coordinated with diocesan staff, as there may be multiple projects in a diocese. Additionally, many need a bishop’s letter of support. Some programs include:
UNITED THANK OFFERING GRANTS are sprung from the familiar UTO thank offering mite boxes that have been a staple of Episcopal churches for generations. The focus of the 2020 UTO grants will be Bless - share faith, practice generosity and compassion, and proclaim the Good News of God in Christ with hope and humility.
THE ROANRIDGE TRUST AWARD GRANTS are provided annually for creative models of leadership development, training and ministries in small towns and rural communities across The Episcopal Church.
THE EPISCOPAL EVANGELISM GRANTS PROGRAM is designed to grow Episcopal ministries, resources and gatherings, both local and regional, that energize the Church to boldly and fearlessly share and celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Grants Committee will consider proposals for up to $2,000 for an individual congregation and up to $8,000 for multi-church, diocesan, provincial and other regional collaborations.
CREATION CARE GRANTS The Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism seeks to support and expand The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation.
EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN GRANTS are small, less than $1,000 grants that are to empower the women of The Episcopal Church to “carry out Christ’s work throughout the world.” Visit ecwnational.org
CHURCH PERIODICAL CLUB National Books Fund pays for books and related materials for adults. Grant requests come from schools, libraries, individuals, agencies and parishes throughout the Anglican Communion. Their Miles of Pennies fund is for children’s materials.
THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH gives small grants for archival and research projects for parishes.