
33 minute read
Minutes of the Convention, Treasurer Report
Official Business Session Minutes 52nd Annual Convention Diocese of Southwest Florida
1. Morning Prayer, Rite II “In The Morning”, BCP, p. 137 .. The Rev. Canon ....................................................................................Richard Norman
2. Bishop’s Address ................ The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, Fifth Bishop
10 Minute Morning Break
*Video: DaySpring Tribute ...........................The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith 3. First Business Session Called to Order.....The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
4. Credentials Report.............................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
(Art IX. 1) “One-half of the Clergy entitled to vote in the Convention and Lay Delegates from one-half of the Congregations entitled to representation, when duly assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business”.
There are 119 Clergy entitled to vote (29 Deacons & 90 Presbyters) There are 89 Clergy assembled (18 Deacons & 71 Presbyters) There are 77 Congregations entitled to representation (217 Delegates) There are 169 Delegates assembled There are 72 Congregations assembled
*Thereby, a quorum is established
5. Report of Committee on Dispatch of Business ....................................... ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
(Canon II, Sec. 1) “The Rules of Order for the Convention shall be adopted by resolution as the first order of business and shall continue in force for any subsequent meeting of the Convention except as amended by resolution.”
Text of Procedural Motion: The Committee on Dispatch of Business moves to approve items 6 and following of the Convention Agenda and the Rules of Order for an Electronic Meeting as presented in the Diocesan Guidebook as the approved agenda and rules of this Convention.
*Results of the Vote: YES 248 NO 0 Agenda approved by Convention
5A. Special Vote.....The Rev. Charles Connelly, Pres. Standing Committee
Text of Special Procedural Motion: Whereas in his Address to the 52nd Diocesan Convention on October 17, 2020, the Bishop Diocesan requests the process for the identification and ultimate election of a Bishop Coadjutor, the members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention assent.
*Results of the Vote: YES 274 NO 2
6. Application from St. Anne of Grace Church, Seminole for “Parish” status as approved by Diocesan Council.............The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
(Canon IX. Sec. 2.b.5) “If the application is approved by both Diocesan Council and the Bishop, at least thirty (30) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of Convention, the application shall be considered for approval at the next meeting of the Convention.”
*Introduced by a Congregational Video from St. Anne of Grace Episcopal Church, Seminole
Text of Vote: Motion of Approval
Whereas, in their meeting on December 14, 2019, the Diocesan Council voted to approve the request from St. Anne of Grace Episcopal Church, Seminole, for parish status, to be formally approved at the next Diocesan Convention, as presented.
*Results of the Vote: YES 289 NO 0
Announcement: Election of a Rector............The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
“I am happy to announce that St. Anne of Grace has elected their current Vicar, The Rev. Rob Crow, to be their Rector with immediate effect.”
7. Application from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wesley Chapel for “Mission” status as approved by Diocesan Council................................ ................................................................. The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
(Canon IX. Sec. 3.b) “If the application and articles of incorporation are approved by the Diocesan Council, the application shall be submitted to Convention for approval. If the Convention votes to approve the application and accept the applicant as a member of the Diocese, within fifteen (15) days the new Congregation shall file with the State of Florida the approved articles of incorporation or amendments to its existing articles of incorporation.”
*Introduced by a Congregational Video from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wesley Chapel
Text of Vote: Motion of Approval
Whereas, in their meeting on May 16, 2020, the Diocesan Council voted to approve the application by Wesley Chapel Episcopal Church plant to become a mission of the Diocese of Southwest Florida as St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wesley Chapel. The members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention approve the application of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wesley Chapel to become a mission.
*Result of the Vote: YES 303 NO 0
Announcement: Selection of a Vicar ............The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
“I am happy to announce that I am appointing the Rev. Adrienne Hymes, as the first Vicar of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Wesley Chapel with immediate effect.”
8. Appointments for Convention ..................The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
(These are appointments already made by the Bishop, no Convention action required)
A. Chaplains: Assisting Bishop The Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison Assisting Bishop The Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe B. Secretary: (Art. X.1): Canon Anne Vickers
C. Chancellor: (Art.XI): Mr. Theodore “Ted” Tripp, Jr.,Esq. Vice Chancellors: (Art. XI) a. Mr. Robert P. “Page” Henderson, Esq., Fort Myers Deanery b. Clearwater Deanery - Request made. Awaiting confirmation. c. Mr. Alan H. Prather, Esq., Manasota Deanery d. Mr. Michael A. Durant, Esq., Naples Deanery e. Mr. J.S. Lucas Fleming, Esq., St. Petersburg Deanery f. Mr. Gregory A. Hearing, Esq., Tampa Deanery g. Ms. Susan S. Park, Esq., Venice Deanery
D. Diocesan Registrar: (Art. XII): Mrs. Tana Sembiante E. Tellers and Judge: (Art. II.2.2[b]) a. Mr. Adam Zuber (Lumi) b. Ms. Jerry Buss c. Mr. Matthew Bowers d. Mrs. Michelle Mercurio F. Convention Committee Chairs (Art. II.4) [Appointed by Council] a. Program: (Art.IV.a) Ms. Judith Stark b. Nominating: (Art.IV.b) The Rev. Canon Richard Norman c. Resolutions: (Art.IV.c) Mr. Gregory Hearing, Esq. d. Constitution and Canons,. The Hon. Jack Day, Esq. e. Credentials: (IV.d), The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
G. Non-Canonical appointments (informational only) a. Dispatch of Business: The Rev. Canon Richard Norman b. Parliamentarian: Mr. Michael Durant, Esq. c. Elections: The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
9. Report on Nominations, Elections and Explanation of Process............. ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. When directed to do so , after the introduction of each Election, please navigate to the LUMI platform to cast your vote. On the LUMI site you will see the election to be made with the possible candidates listed. As you make your selection the candidates’ names will turn from white to yellow. If all the candidates you wish to select are in yellow, please hit the SEND button at the bottom right of your LUMI screen. If you make a selection that you wish to change, please click on that answer again until it changes from yellow back to white. Then you can make a new selection. Once the answers align with your intentions, please hit the SEND button.
10. Final Credentials Report .................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
(Art. IX.1) “One-half of the Clergy entitled to vote in the Convention and Lay Delegates from one-half of the Congregations entitled to representation, when duly assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.”
There are 119 Clergy entitled to vote (29 Deacons & 90 Presbyters) There are 110 Clergy assembled (21 Deacons & 89 Presbyters) There are 78 Congregations entitled to representation (217 Delegates) There are 201 Delegates assembled There are 77 Congregations assembled
*Thereby, a quorum is established.
11A. First Ballot:.....................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. [A complete Ballot Tally and Election
Election A: Standing Committee, Lay: Elect two (2) [1] lay person to a three-year term, the other one[1] lay person to a two-year term. Mr. James Corn Mr. Duane Anthony Hollier Ms. Josephine G. Lane Mr. Henderson Stuart
Election B: Standing Committee, Presbyter: Elect three (3). Elect two [2] presbyters to a three-year term and one [1] presbyter to a two-year unexpired term. The Very Rev. Carla McCook The Rev. Michelle Robertshaw The Rev. James Teets
11B. Announc’t by Chair of Elections: ....The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
“Per our Supplemental Rules of Order, the period for nominations from the floor closed on October 10 with no additional nominations, and there is one candidate for each position available in Elections C, D, and F. Therefore, the elections have been determined by acclamation.
Election C: Diocesan Council, Clergy: Elect one (1) clergy to a two-year term The Rev. Edward F.P. Gibbons
Election D: Disciplinary Board, Lay: Elect one (1) lay person to a three-year term Mrs. Glenna Hileman
Election F: University of the South Trustee: Elect one (1) lay person to a three-year term. Mr. Jeffery L. Patenaude
11C. Announcement by the Chair of Elections:........................................... ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
“Per our Supplemental Rules of Order, the period for nominations from the floor closed on October 10 with no additional nominations, and there are two candidates for each position available in Election E. Therefore, the election has been determined by acclamation.
Election E: Disciplinary Board, Clergy: Elect two (2) Clergy to a three-year term The Rev. Barry Kubler The Rev. Kevin Warner
*A complete list of all Votes of Convention are listed at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention.
12. Service recognition awards: ...................The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
We recognize and thank the following leaders who are completing their service to the Diocese.
Standing Committee
The Rev. Charles E. Connelly [2020-2nd term]
Diocesan Council
Ms. Suzanne Bodley, (Naples) [2020-3rd term] The Rev. Eric Kahl, (Tampa) [2020-ineligible for re-election]
Commission on Ministry
Ms. Donna Davis [2020-2nd term]
*Video: DaySpring Tribute, Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Joan) Kline
13. Vote: Deanery Representative Diocesan Council.................................. ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
(Canon V, Sec. 3.d.2) The election of the lay or ordained person shall be confirmed at the next annual meeting of the Convention.
The following people were elected at their Deanery Convocations to serve on Diocesan Council, each for a two-year term. Their election is subject to Convention approval.
a. Mr. Jim Rissler [2022-2nd term] Clearwater b. Ms. Paula Paquette [2022-1st term] Fort Myers c. The Rev. Matthew Grunfeld [2022-2nd term] Manasota d. Mr. Tom Connolly [2022-1st term] Naples e. Mr. Russell Ball [2022-3rd term] St. Petersburg f. The Rev. Alissa G. Anderson [2022-1st term] Tampa g. The Rev. Vickie McDonald [2022-2nd term] Venice
Text of the Vote: Confirmation of Deanery Elections
The members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention confirm the elections of Deanery Representatives to Diocesan Council.
Result of the Vote: YES 304 NO 0
14. Bishop Appoints and Convention Confirms.......................................... ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
(Canon XIV) Commission on Ministry. The members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention confirm the appointments to the Commission on Ministry.
Deacon: Appoint two (2) Deacons. [Three-year terms, no more than two (2) consecutive terms]
The Rev. S. Michael Kitt [2023-1st term] The Rev. Scott E. Nonken [2023-1st term]
Mrs. Katherine M. McGinnis [2023-2nd term] Mr. Bob Surbeck [2023-1st term]
Text of the Vote: Confirmation of Bishops appointments to Commission on Ministry
The members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention confirm the appointments to the Commission on Ministry.
Results of the Vote: YES 300 NO 0
15. Bishop Appoints Canonical Deans ...The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
Deans are Bishop appointments for one (1) year terms serving up to three (3) consecutive terms.
The Very Rev. H. Ray Buchanan [2020-2023] Fort Myers The Very Rev. Peter A. Lane [2018-2021] Clearwater The Very Rev. Wayne F. Farrell [2020-2023] Manasota The Very Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Thoeni [2018-2021] Naples The Very Rev. Ryan R. Whitley [2019-2022] St. Petersburg The Very Rev. Bryan D. O’Carroll [2019-2022] Tampa The Very Rev. Michelle L. Robertshaw [2020-2023] Venice
Mid Morning Break
Video: DaySpring Tribute.....................Mr. Theodore L. Tripp and Family
Reconvene Business Session........................The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
16. Report of the Treasurer and Budget Presentation Canon Anne Vickers
Good late morning.
My name is Anne Vickers and it is my pleasure to share with you the Report of the Treasurer at this extraordinary point in time.
For the record, literally, I’m speaking to you now at our first Virtual Diocesan Convention on the Zoom videoconference platform. All 352 of our voting members are seated at our 78 congregation Zoom sites, and many more are watching our Boxcast livestream available on our website and Facebook Live.
Each year this Report of the Treasurer contains the same ingredients – several of which are required per our diocesan canons. Our data sources are consistent – parochial reports, audits and other general inquiries populating brightly colored Dashboards through the year. Our staff and dedicated diocesan leaders are engaged as usual in monthly (virtual) meetings to monitor and prepare for the year ahead. But this is indeed not an ordinary point in time.
As I look at the usual Parochial Report Analysis on page 46 of your Guidebook ....I marvel at how our paradigm has shifted. A beloved, familiar annual report (to some of us), comparing in this case 2019 to 2018 figures for the archives. – Now THIS, my friends, is what we now refer to in our new pandemic vocabulary as “The Before Times”! How the entire context, entire framework and even our lenses of perception have changed? Sunday Attendance! Members?! Plate?
I expect that all 6,400 congregations in the Episcopal Church will scratch their heads as they start filling out this form for the year 2020. In fact, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church just last week approved a recommendation for a special edition of the parochial report that treats this year as a “statistical anomaly”. There will be inquiries about worship platforms and metrics used, and narrative prompts about ‘opportunities, innovations and challenges’ experienced during the pandemic. How interesting and important it will be to articulate the resources discovered and skills honed in 2020! And reflect on just how precious our people, ministries, and buildings are to us now.
Yes, in 2020 the administration of our church life has entered what feels like an alternative universe - a full high-def, holistic vision of ourselves, facing a tsunami of
This year: We are not likely to brag or complain about our prior year ASA or even 10year declines – because we are busy sharing tips for platforms and cameras to more effectively welcome those who want to watch not one but maybe 3 services every Sunday (or at least a few ‘encore sermons’).
We are not planning to drain our endowments – rather we witness our prudent spending rule distributions continue without interruption, AND regularly contribute even in small amounts. Last month, St Bede, Good Shepherd, Punta Gorda, and St Francis created new endowments in the Diocesan Endowment Management Program (or DEMP), and congregations have contributed $350,000 to their DEMP endowments this year-to-date – continuing their good stewardship of legacy assets. We are actually not increasing debt to fund operations – but taking the strategic opportunities to wisely time capital projects, meeting the growing needs of our community today. A newly renovated thrift shop at St. John’s Clearwater opens this month. The new preschool at St. Clements Tampa is beginning enrollment for new students on January 1. Finishing their successful capital campaign this year, Trinity by the Cove, Naples will soon dedicate their expanded sacred space and new nursery.
No doubt there is and remains stress and uncertainty in our planning. The vestries of our congregations are engaging in intentional and compassionate resource management (both human and financial). Our ministry leaders are adapting to meet the greatest needs of the community however safely possible at any given time. And most importantly, we are taking the time to reflect on our articulated mission, on resiliency, and the details of our worship.
Don’t just take my word for it – take yours!
Yes, one of the benefits of a virtual world is that we have accumulated and become accustomed to immersive video footage – creatively and authentically delivered around the world through the screen held in one’s hand. From a small list of 11 churches regularly streaming online services in February, we now have all 78 of our congregations discoverable online on a given Sunday. (You can do so easily at our Diocesan website - Online Worship Services links page).
Starting with a $180 Zoom license grant to each of our congregations in April – look at you all here today, interacting in a Virtual Diocesan Convention! (with great success and enthusiasm, I might add).
From the usual Wednesday/Sunday routine, we can now see a steady promotion of Evening Prayer, Compline, Morning Prayer, bible studies, concerts, Godly Play, small group virtual dinners with the rector, and intentional Sacred Ground dialogue groups, becoming a Beloved Community .....with new creative examples added every week.
For 2020, the story of our diocesan community is the collection of the stories that you are telling - stories of evangelism, of pride and resiliency, of making a difference, and of prayer. We’ve collected these stories together in the book entitled We Are Community that we are sharing with you today. As you look through the pages of this book, it’s easy to see how our theme for this 52nd Convention resonates with you. With just a few prompts, we received an outpouring of shared mission and prayers for how we Love our Neighbors and Seek the Lost.
Our newfound stores of creativity as we connect in new ways, have resulted in more confidence in technology to reach out and use flexible models for ministry. In Loving our Neighbors, we are more aware of careful procedures to keep each other safe. We seek to engage the deep and difficult issues of dismantling systemic racism. Mentally, we are recognizing the need to transform that crisis-triggered adrenaline
into long-term spiritual wellbeing and purpose. Physically, although limited to safe numbers, we are teaching, healing, hosting... and Distributing Food!
Earlier this summer, we distributed $43,000 of grants from our Episcopal Charities Endowment for food ministries at 28 of our congregations.* This is in addition to significant sources of funding for food distribution via the CARES Act that our individual county authorities are eagerly processing now.
We know that faith communities are an integral part of community recovery. Government and philanthropic leaders convey that we are critical to leveraging initiatives in and after a community disaster, whether a hurricane or a pandemic. We are called to be leaders and connectors - We are here for a time like this.
Earlier this Spring, together via a network of Treasurers/Administrators on Zoom from their homes emailing a flurry of governance paperwork – our congregations and schools collectively secured forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans totaling $7.2M to secure over 1000 jobs through the first months of the COVID-19 disruption. This aid helped our organizations focus on evolving – specifically with online offerings for virtual engagement and continued financial giving via electronic means (and the US Mail).
With our human resources stable, we could focus on our mission serving the community. Managing a sustainable budget through a pandemic is hard, but our leaders are equipped with the financial stewardship skills to manage it. With a record attendance of 300 at the Diocesan Vestry Retreat in May and over 200 at the Stewardship Workshop in August (both virtual), leadership development is strong in Southwest Florida. Through September, the finances of most of our congregations are holding steady, as we adapt and roll forward our learnings from this extraordinary year into our budget for 2021.
The 2021 Diocesan Budget was presented for orientation at the September “All Deanery” Convocation and is included in full detail in your Guidebook. The slides from that presentation are still available on our Convention website, along with the presentation materials of today.
Since a Report of the Treasurer must have numbers, let me review the key points: The 2021 Budgeted Diocesan Income includes: • A $696,000 Distribution from Legacy Endowments (4.4% spending rule assumption) • 10% apportionment rate (with a 6% uncollectible assumption likely to be returned to • congregations in some manner through 2021) This $3.8M of Income funds
Budgeted Expenses of: • $1.4M for the work of diocesan staff supporting congregations and ministries (with a 0% salary increase in 2021) • $826,000 of grants to our 78 congregations • $218,000 of funding for continued church planting (a sound investment as we officially welcome • St. Paul Wesley Chapel as a new mission congregation today) • $595,000 to support of the life beyond our diocese via the ministries of our
Episcopal Church, and • $721,000 for continued programs, events and communications of our diocese in both time- trusted and new ways
As you see in the pages of the Budget presentation, the leadership of this diocese (including Diocesan Council, Finance Committee, Endowment Fund Board) have a precise handle on the carefully-structured Diocesan and DaySpring budgets, and the levers that we can utilize through the uncertainty that remains ahead.
With a 60% year-over-year drop of conference center revenue, the details of the financials for year-end 2020 will certainly look different, as will the story the numbers tell. We are on track with a sustainable combined operating budget as we continue operations into the new year. These structures and discipline are here (in place) for a time like this.
In our agenda today, we have shared 3 videos to help communicate the value of our DaySpring asset. Looking back 35 years and ahead even further, these treasured productions are a part of our Spring of Support Tribute. Midway through a 10-year Capital Master Plan, we came into this year’s pandemic crisis executing a strategy for our “Sacred Place” - 97 acres of pristine protected “Old Florida” with modern meeting amenities for the youth and adult community programs of over 500 nonprofit group reservations each year. For me, it was not until the groups stopped coming that I fully realized the leverage impact of our Dayspring asset in our communities. It was not until we started brainstorming with our program partners that I fully realized our shared missions and the breadth of need in our world.
Since March as our groups have appropriately cancelled in-person gatherings for safety reasons, totaling almost $1M of reservations, we rely on our experience managing expenses to revenue. Week by week. I am especially grateful for the diligent leadership of our Executive Director, Carla Odell, as she and the DaySpring staff exemplify DaySpring’s ministry of gracious hospitality even in these uncertain times when plans must be adapted.
The ongoing sustainability of DaySpring operations is considered carefully at monthly meetings of your diocesan leadership. We have scenarios prepared (as outlined in the detailed budget), and several exciting strategic opportunities at hand as we make the best use of this transitional moment in time.
One key initiative set to start in the new year is our collaboration with community organizations, to deliver Mental Health First Aid training for groups and individuals at DaySpring. With proactive leadership, we can transform lives by raising awareness of mental health issues, and providing a “safe and sacred” place to nurture resilience. As you have heard through the words of Bishop Smith, and the Tripp and Kline families today, we are here for a time like this.
(Back to your gift bag) To feed your desire for serene DaySpring images and give a sense of the importance of a safe and sacred place, we offer you a gift book entitled Reflections. This treasure includes a variety of inspirational meditations from friends within our diocesan community as we experience this historic time together, as a means to share fellowship and also to create and enjoy something tangible in this virtual time.
Also this week we mailed 5,500 actionable 2021 DaySpring Catalogs celebrating the partnerships and offerings for the year ahead – safely and intentionally – as we Love our Neighbor and Seek the Lost. All of these publications will be available on our website via the links on the Diocesan Convention page. In each of our own ways, our hope with these reflective offerings and planning guides is that you can take a pause to reflect on the community we serve – our mission, our value, and our opportunities.
I’d like to close with a quote from a speech that Ralph Waldo Emerson gave at Harvard College almost 200 years ago! These words were spoken in an age of Revolution, not far from the new establishment of our nation and the Episcopal Church. I’ve read them a hundred times in the last 6 months as I felt particularly weary of this year’s challenges. He said:
“If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution?; when the old and the new stand side by side, and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old, can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”
Thank you for your leadership and diligence, and thank you for being here for a time like this.
*Complete List of Grants from The Episcopal Charities Endowment Fund for distributed in 2020: All Souls North Fort Myers Ascension, Clearwater Calvary, Indian Rocks Beach Cathedral Church of St. Peters, St. Petersburg Christ Episcopal Church, Bradenton Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota Good Shepherd, Dunedin Holy Innocents, Valrico Resurrection, Largo St. Andrew, Tampa St. Augustine & St. Thomas, St. Petersburg St. Bartholomew, St. Petersburg St. Bede, St. Petersburg St. Boniface, Sarasota St. Catherine, Temple Terrace St. Chad, Tampa St. David, Englewood St. George, Bradenton St. Giles, Pinellas Park St. James House of Prayer, Tampa St. James, Port Charlotte St. John, Pine Island St. Mark, Marco Island St. Mark, Venice St. Martin, Hudson St. Mary, Bonita Springs St. Mary Magdalene, Lakewood Ranch St. Michael and All Angels, Sanibel St. Wilfred, Sarasota
17. Report of the Treasurer Convention Confirms ..................................... ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
Text of the Vote of Affirmation of 2021 Budget Whereas the Diocesan Council approved the 2021 Diocesan/DaySpring budget at their August 15, 2020 meeting. The members of the 52nd Diocesan Convention affirm the budget approved by Diocesan Council.
Result of the Vote: YES 288 NO 6
18. General Convention Resolutions ..........................Canon Anne Vickers
As Secretary of the Diocesan Convention, I refer you to the nine “Resolutions Referred to Dioceses from the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church” printed on
pages 25-31 of your Convention Guidebook.
19A. Resolutions through Constitution and Canons .................................. ........................................Chancellor Ted Tripp (for the Hon. Jack Day)
“On behalf of the Constitution and Canons Committee, we present two (2) second readings to amend the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida.”
Text of the Vote of Resolution 2020-1 (2nd Reading) Resolution to Amend Article III “Of the Annual Diocesan Convention” of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. Offered by the Committee on Constitution and Canons, voting on the 19th Day of July, 2019.
RESOLVED, as a 1st reading by the 51st Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, meeting at Punta Gorda on the 12th day of October, 2019,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the 52nd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida meeting virtually on the 17th day of October, 2020:
That Article III “Of the Annual Diocesan Convention” of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida be amended as follows:
The Members of the Diocese shall be all congregations in union with the Episcopal Church in the above-described area and shall be represented solely by the delegates to the Annual Convention of the Diocese.
The Convention of the Church of this Diocese shall assemble annually at such time and place as shall have been appointed by the preceding Annual Convention, but, for sufficient cause, the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese shall have power to change the time or place, or both, as emergency may require, provided, however, that at least 10 days notice of such change aisle be given to every Vestry and Bishop’s Committee, and to the Minister in charge of every Congregation and to every member of the Clergy canonically resident in the Diocese. . Reasonable notice thereof shall be given to all Clergy and Congregations entitle to representation.
Result of the Vote: YES 296 NO 5
19B. Resolutions through Constitution and Canons .................................. ........................................Chancellor Ted Tripp (for the Hon. Jack Day)
Text of the Vote of Resolution 2020-2 (2nd Reading) Resolution to Amend Article V of the Members of the Convention of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. Offered by the Committee on Constitution and Canons, voting on the 19th say of July, 2019,
RESOLVED, as a 1st reading by the 51st Annual Convention of the Diocese Southwest Florida meeting at Punta Gorda on the 12th day of October, 2019,
be it further resolved, by the 52nd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida meeting virtually on the 17th day of October, 2020:
That Article V of the Members of the Convention of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida be amended as follows:
Section 1. The convention shall be composed of the Bishops, together with the other members of the Clergy, and Lay Persons of the Diocese, as provided for in the following sections of this Article.
[No change to Section 1.]
Section 2. Each canonically resident presbyter who serves as Bishop, Rector, Assistant or Priest in Charge in a congregation or other community of faith shall have seat, voice and vote. Each canonically resident member of the diaconate who is licensed by the Ecclesiastical Authority and serving under a written letter of agreement approved by the Ecclesiastical Authority shall have seat, voice and vote. Every member of the Diocesan Council who is not otherwise a member of the Convention , and every member of the Standing Committee who is not otherwise a member of the Convention, shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote. All other members of the Clergy canonically resident in this Diocese shall be entitled to a seat and voice but without a vote.
Section 3. In the year of the General Convention and the year following the General Convention every Deputy and Alternate Deputy to General convention who is not otherwise a member of the Convention shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote. In the year before, the year of and the year following the General Convention every Deputy and Alternate Deputy to General Convention who is not otherwise a member of the Convention shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote.
Section 4. Every Parish in union with the Convention of this Diocese shall be entitled as provided by Canon to be represented by the three Lay Delegates.
[No change to existing Section 3, now renumbered.] Section 5. Every canonically organized Mission of the Diocese shall be entitled as provided by Canon to be represented by two Lay Delegates.
[No change to existing Section 4, now renumbered] Section 6. Lay Delegates shall be chosen by the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee of each Congregation in the Diocese. If the respective Vestry or Bishop’s Committee fails to act, then election shall be by such Congregation duly convened. Delegates shall be canonical electors of the Congregation which they severally represent; but no candidate for Holy Orders shall be elected as a Lay Delegate to any Convention.
[No change to existing Section 7, now renumbered.
Result of the Vote: YES 274 NO 23
20. Report of the Resolutions Committee .................................................. .......................... Chancellor Ted Tripp (for Mr. Gregory Hearing, Esq.)
“On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, there are no further resolution that [per Canon XVI: are sponsored by members of Convention, deanery convocation, committee, commission or council established under the authority of these canons] to report to Convention.
21. Courtesy Resolutions............................................Canon Anne Vickers .............................................................(for Mr. Gregory Hearing, Esq.)
On behalf of the 52nd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, we take pleasure in moving that greetings be sent to:
Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry in which we convey that we thank God for his leadership affecting the local and global level, especially during these trying times.
Our Presiding Bishops who are retired from active service, in which we convey to them that we continue to uphold them in our prayers and continue to thank God for the
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori The Most Rev. Frank Griswold III
Our Diocesan Bishops who have retired from active service and their spouses,
Mrs. Anne Harris, widow of the late Rt. Rev. Rogers S. Harris, third Bishop The fourth bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, The Rev. John Lipscomb and Mrs. Marcie Lipscomb
Our Companion Diocese of the Dominican Republic and their bishops, assuring them of our prayers and desire to be supportive in our partnership with them as companion diocese.
The Rt. Rev. Moises Quezada Mota, Bishop The Rt. Rev. Julio C. Holguin Khoury, resigned
On behalf of the 52nd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, we take pleasure in moving that a greeting be sent to:
Those congregations celebrating milestone anniversaries: 50th Anniversary - St. John’s Episcopal Church, Naples
On behalf of the 52nd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, we take pleasure in moving that a vote of thanks and appreciate be sent to:
Our Assisting Bishops, the Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison and The Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe for their ongoing presence and assistance in this diocese.
Our Chancellor, Mr. Theodore L. Tripp, Jr.,Esq. and to the Diocesan Vice-Chancellors: Lucas Fleming, St. Petersburg Deanery; Michael Durant, Naples Deanery; Gregory Hearing, Tampa Deanery; Robert Henderson, Fort Myers Deanery; Susan Park, Venice Deanery; and Alan Prather, Manasota Deanery.
Those serving in this Convention as canonically-required Officers and Committee Chairs:
Ms. Judy Stark, Program Committee Canon Anne Vickers, Secretary of the Convention The Rev. Canon Richard Norman, Credentials Committee, Nominating Committee, Elections Secretary, Committee on Dispatch of Business Mr. Gregory Hearing, Resolutions Committee The Hon. Jack Day, Constitution & Canons Committee
Furthermore, those serving in other key roles of this Convention:
Mr. Michael Durant, Parliamentarian Mrs. Sarah Hill, Diocesan Altar Guild President And all of the many Convention volunteers that make this event possible. To all of our workshop presenters The to Bishop’s Staff for their assistance in planning and administering this Diocesan Convention To Mrs. Carla Odell, Executive Director and the staff of the DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center for their gifts of hospitality To the Church of the Redeemer, for their leadership, their musicianship and the wonderful voices of their choir in this year’s Diocesan Convention Choral Evensong.
Video, University of the South, Sewanee 22. New Canonically Resident Clergy.....The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
By ordination to the Diaconate:
The Rev. Lisa M. Parker
By transfer:
The Rev. Alissa G. Anderson, Rector, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Plant City The Rev. Michael D.W. Cannon, Assoc Rector, St. John’s, Tampa The Rev. Ann M. Dieterle, Asst Rector, St. Thomas, St. Petersburg The Rev. James C. Teets, Rector, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dade City The Rev. William J. Van Oss, Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Sanibel
Senior Seminarians:
Mr. Brian P. Cleary Ms. Marcella D. Robinson - Ordination, Transitional Deacon
23. Introduction of Non‑Canonically Resident Priests .............................. ...........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
Non-Canonically Resident Priests-in-Charge of Congregations of the Diocese: The Rev. Elizabeth L. Nelson, Priest-In-Charge, Good Shepherd, LaBelle The Rev. Jamie S. Samilio, Priest-In-Charge, Good Samaritan, Clearwater
Other Non-Canonically Resident Clergy: The Rev. Doris Buchanan Johnson, Ass’t, Church of the Ascension, Clearwater The Rev. John K. Swift, Assisting, Iona-Hope Episcopal Church, Fort Myers The Rev. Ethan J. Cole, Canon for Congregational Life, Cathedral of St. Peter
24. Introduction and Welcome of the Newest Clergy Spouses ................... ................................................................. The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Join me in welcoming: Mr. Joshua M. Anderson - St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Plant City Mrs. Erika B. Cannon - St. John’s Episcopal Church, Tampa Mr. Joel D. Nelson - Church of the Good Shepherd, LaBelle Ms. Sylvia Saliunas - Church of the Good Samaritan, Clearwater Mrs. Elizabeth A. Swift - Iona-Hope Episcopal Church, Fort Myers Mrs. Susan Van Oss - St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Sanibel Mrs. Sharon R. Teets - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dade City
25. Announcement: 2021 (53rd) Diocesan Convention ...... Ms. Judy Stark
“The 53rd Annual Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida will be held October 15-16, 2021, at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, Florida.”
As this business meeting draws to a close, we ask that you provide us with your evaluation of our first virtual Convention by completing a brief survey. The information you provide will help us in the future, should it become necessary to have another virtual Convention. The link can be found on both the LUMI Voting Platform and on the Convention page of our website.
26. Noonday Prayer ...... The Rev. Martha Goodwill, Officiant, BCP p. 138
27. Necrology ...................................The Rev. Martha Goodwill, Officiant
May all their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercies of God, Rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen
The Rev. Dr. William F. Dopp The Rev. Millard F. Neal The Rev. Edwin M. Walker The Rev. Deacon John M. Wolfe
Clergy Spouses/Widow
Mrs. Annabelle Corkan Mrs. Nina Saunders Mrs. Kathleen M. Scotto Mrs. Evelyn S. Turner Mrs. Susan L. Wilder
Diocesan Leaders/Staff
Ms. Cindy M. Hannon, St. Boniface Episcopal Church
28. Closing, Prayer and Adjournment..........The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Announcement: In closing, there will be a brief initial Zoom meeting of the newly elected Standing Committee immediately following the adjournment of this Convention Business Session.
Bishop Smith adjourns the 52nd Diocesan Convention at 12:18 p.m. ET
Ballot 1
#11A Elections by Ballot - A & B
Election A- Standing Committee Lay
184 James Corn - will serve 3-year term 183 Duane Hollier - will serve 2-year term 104 Clergy NoJosephine Lane
Lay No
Clergy Yes
97 Henderson Stuart
Lay Yes
165 83 0 Election B - Standing Committee Clergy
0 247 96 1 1 V. Rev. Carla McCook - will serve 3-year term
2 222 107 0 0 Rev. Michelle Robertshaw - will serve 3-year term
182 147 108 0 0 Rev. James Teets - will serve unexpired term
0 0
#11B Election by Ballot C,D,F
Election C - Diocesan Council - Clergy
by acclamation Rev. Edward F.P. Gibbons will serve 2-year term by acclamation
Election D - Disciplinary Board - Lay
Glenna Hileman - will serve 3-year term
Tally of Ballots: October 17, 2020
Agenda Item # or Election
Election by Yes/No Vote
#5 Approval of Agenda and Rules of Order
#5A Begin Process for a Bishop Coadjutor
#6 Parish Status Approval
#7 Mission Status Approval Ballot 1
#11A Elections by Ballot - A & B
Election A- Standing Committee Lay
184 James Corn - will serve 3-year term 183 Duane Hollier - will serve 2-year term 104 Josephine Lane 97 Henderson Stuart
Election F - University of the South Trustee
by acclamation Jeffrey L. Patenaude - will serve 3-year term
#11C Election by Ballot - E
Election F - Disciplinary Board - Clergy
by acclamation Rev. Barry Kubler - will serve 3-year term by acclamation Rev. Kevin Warner - will serve 3-year term
Clergy No
Lay No
Clergy Yes
Lay Yes
Election by Yes/No Vote
304 #13 Confirmation of Deanery Election to Council
Election B - Standing Committee Clergy
247 V. Rev. Carla McCook - will serve 3-year term 222 Rev. Michelle Robertshaw - will serve 3-year term 147 Rev. James Teets - will serve unexpired term
#11B Election by Ballot C,D,F
Election C - Diocesan Council - Clergy
by acclamation Rev. Edward F.P. Gibbons will serve 2-year term by acclamation
Election D - Disciplinary Board - Lay
Glenna Hileman - will serve 3-year term
Clergy No
Lay No
Clergy Yes
Lay Yes
Election by Yes/No Vote
#13 Confirmation of Deanery Election to Council
#14 Bishop’s Appt to Comm. on Ministry
#17 Affirm Budget approved by Diocesan Council
1 8
4 15
103 95
193 179
5 23
#19A Resolution 2020-1 (2nd reading)
#19B Resolution 2020-2 (2nd reading)